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About this mod

Removes friendly fire from the Dragonborn's hostile magic. Your allies are unaffected by your spells & abilities, and NPCs who get hit by them don't become hostile towards you.

Permissions and credits

NOFF | No Offensive Friendly Fire

For those who want to use Storm Call in peace, without the fear of incinerating their allies

by hesmick

No additional requirements - to install, simply copy the Data folder into Skyrim's main folder, or use a mod organizer.

NOFF makes your followers, Thralls, and Atronachs immune to your hostile magic. It works with all vanilla player-usable spells and abilities, even those from the DLCs.

With this mod you didn't have to think about accidentally killing your allies with AOE magic - spells like Chain Lightning or Unrelenting Force can turn your allies against you if used carelessly, but with NOFF that doesn't happen as your allies are immune to such effects.

Allies are unaffected by your magic

Your magic is also non-hostile, so you aren't penalized for hitting NPCs with it. Using Storm Call in a city won't give you a bounty or land you in jail.

NPCs hit by your magic won't become hostile

NOFF works with all vanilla shouts, powers, magic, and staffs that the player can use.

Spells cast by your staffs also work with NOFF (they will still trigger hostility on NPCs as of v1.3.5, more info in changelog)


NOFF will work with other mod-based spells for the following mods:
Judgement Spell Pack
- Download Patch

When using a patch, make sure its placed AFTER NOFF and the other mod in your load order.

Q: What about weapons?
A: Attacks with weapons will still damage your allies - NOFF is only made for spells.

Q: Why did a spell I use make my ally (follower/pet) hostile towards me?
A: This mod only turns off hostility for spells that are supposed to be player-usable. Most spells added by the PSB command will trigger hostility.

Q: Why did a spell I use make my ally (neutral NPC) hostile towards me?
A: Make sure you're using a player-usable spell (see below).
    I've also found that some NPCs will become hostile towards you even when using nonhostile magic depending on their relationship.

Q: How do I know if a spell will damage my allies?
A: For each spell with multiple versions, I specified "player" in its description for the one with hostility turned off.
    If you haven't used the PSB command you should by default have the correct spell versions.

Q: Why did I leave spells that trigger hostility?
A: NOFF prevents spell hostility by unchecking a box in each player-usably spell marked "Hostile".
    When this box is unchecked for NPC spells, it prevents them from using it in combat.
    So I made two versions of most spells, one for the player and one for NPCs. Using the NPC version can still make allies hostile.

Q: What about mod-added spells?
A: If other mods introduce new spells into your game, NOFF is only compatible with it if it uses Skyrim's vanilla magic effect for the new spell, or if there's a NOFF patch for the mod.

Q: Can enemies damage their allies?
A: This mod works only for spells cast by the player, spells cast by NPCs will still damage their respective allies.

Note: NOFF doesn't change Skyrim's default resistance rules. If something is resisting a spell that doesn't make sense for this mod, it might just be one of Skyrim's default rules (for example, a Storm Atronach resisting lightning magic or a living creature resisting Bane of Undead).

     If you'd like to add NOFF functionality to your own mod that adds new spells to the game, or are having trouble with any mod alongside NOFF, this information will help you.
        - How can I make sure that my spells are usable by NPCs? The spell must be marked "Hostile" if they're intended to be used in combat on enemies. NPCs will not use spells without the hostile flag on their enemies in combat! Because of this, NOFF works by adding 2 versions of spells & their magic effects: 1 is intended for NPCs to use (with hostility checked off, these spells are prefixed with  "NOFF" in their Editor ID), and the other (the original spell/effect) will have their hostility marker disabled (these are to be used by the player).
        - How to create NOFF compatibility patches? As such, creating a NOFF patch involves creating a "patch file" that has NOFF and the other mod as a master file, and then creating an additional version of each combat spell in the other mod (prefix these copies with "NOFF" so you remember each version later). Now, take off the hostility flag in these spells' original versions (the original, non-"NOFF" spell should only be used by the player since taking off the hostility marker will prevent NPCs from using it in combat). Finally make sure to change all NPCs that were using this spell to use the NOFF variant instead.

Known Bugs/Issues
If you have a bug report, please be as specific as possible

- If you're attacking an enemy Atronach with a spell while it hasn't detected you, it won't damage it. The Atronach needs to be aggro towards you for the spell to hit. 
- Some spells from the PSB command still affect allies.
- 'Drain Life' spell and 'Drain Vitality' shout still trigger hostility

More Questions:

Q: How exactly does it work?

All the player's allies gain resistance to the player's spells & abilities.
When an ally is hit with one of your magic effects, you'll get the {character} resisted {spellname} message.
All NPCs, regardless of their affiliation with you, won't become hostile when hit by your magic.

Q: Who's immune to my spells?
The mod differentiates allies from enemies by only letting spells hit if they pass the following test:

(!P or H or !S) and (!P or H or !A)

P = Spell was cast by player
H = Target is hostile towards player
S = Target is a summoned/resurrected entity
A = Target is the player's ally/follower

to summarize:
- NPCs always hit (!P = spell was cast by NPC)
- Spells cast towards hostile characters always hit (H = spell was cast on hostile character)
- Allies & summoned entities won't get hit (unless one of the other rules is triggered)
