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  1. giamel
    • premium
    • 561 kudos
    I think reading follower efficinado Nerdgamerdave's post on followers may be helpful to a lot of you.

    15 March 2022, 7:07AM
    Works just fine alongside NFF and my game is crazy follower based: 2,000+ followers and I house and travel with 5 or more at a time.

    I also use Multiple Marriages and all manner of follower altering mods.  For specific reference, I have every single unique follower ever made EXCEPT for Recorder (not a fan of her).  

    Generalized Advice follows, which applies to unique followers and not just those used alongside Sleep For Me Now:

    The big problem is with any follower (Like Serana) that have different follower packages.  It's important to note that NFF only has ONE custom follower that it is fully compatible with: Sofia. 

    No other custom follower is safe to import into AFT or NFF without risking glitches and scripting problems.

    Serana is specifically mentioned as only partially compatible, so it is not advised you DO NOT import her into NFF or AFT, as it WILL produce glitches at some point or another.

    Serana works best taking up an ordinary follower slot.  This is especially true when doing her quest line as aspects of it will break if she is being influenced by any follower framework (AFT or NFF).  Scripts get stuck or fail to launch.  It's just how she is designed and no fix has been found in years.

    This REALLY applies to any follower like Inigo, Vilja, Hoth, Caesie, Seductress Faye, Recorder, etc. and others with even more detailed and complicated AI packages and scripting.  In general you should never directly affect them with mods like Flower Girls seduction system (avoid the 'begin seduction' dialogue", outfit changing mods, or altering combat roles via NFF/AFT.  Even assigning them a home via My Home Is Your Home can mess with their brain.  Stick with the vanilla scripts for such behavior.

    When in doubt, give the NPC a NFF Ignore Token, so NFF completely ignores them and only assigns them to the base game
    follower slot.

    Neither AFT or NFF are "bugged" in this sense.  Some followers are just not suited for it

    Auto Sleep For Me now, GoToBed, Sleep In Lingerie, Bathing In Skyrim, etc. all work 100% fine in my experience with Serana, Inigo, Vilja, etc. (you should see Serana and Inigo spooning in the same bed, it's cute :) ).  But I also give then a NFF Ignore Token first thing, so their scripts are left un-touched and their AI packages are not affected by any long standing or permanent changes.

    TL/DR Version:

    Don't import the follower into AFT/NFF, They 100% work alongside mods like Auto Sleep For Me Now without issue
  2. lorddoomtucan
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Yeah i have lydia with me and sleeping in an INN but she just stands there talking about sleep. also any follower i have does this exact same thing at INNs and homes i own. any way to fix this?
    1. giamel
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      I've added the following line to the description page because of you :)
      Because you do not own Inn beds this also may interest you.
    2. lorddoomtucan
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      i will give that mod a try and see what happens. 
    3. KitKatKseniya
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Thank you so much, was having the same problem and this fixed it
  3. HurrBurr3
    • BANNED
    • 2 kudos
    do we use this or sleep tight?
  4. AstarteLucius
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Honestly don't know how this one works. I'm using NFF and I DLed Go to bed way way back, and this one only recently. Should I DL them closer together? IDK. I'm having the same problem as the others where NPCs are just confused where to sleep even though there are empty beds around (even after doing the clearownership thing) Sometimes I'll go to bed, they'll say their dialogue and just stand, or lie down and stand again. Another thing is when you have multiple followers, some will sleep and some will walk around. Besides, I don't wanna constantly open up console commands just for the clear ownership thing. Any fix to this??
  5. AcesOverEights
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ok I got it working haha.

    In case you couldn't get this to work no matter what, you probably did something simple thinking that the dialogue version was it's own mod, like I did.
    I installed both and everything else I added works. I've never had this working properly before so I'm glad.

    Also I'm using NFF, custom followers, etc.
  6. gta1211
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Gonna leave this here. If you want inns to work (Or any bed anywhere really), and aren't bothered by opening your console, just select each bed you want your followers to use in your room and type 'clearownership' (Which, surprisingly enough, nobody talks about. I discovered it with 'help owner 0').

    'setownership' to PlayerAllyFaction will not work, setting it without argument will not work either (I guess it sets it to PlayerAllyFaction or the player ID by default), and setting it to CurrentFollowerFaction will work but will also block you from using the beds (So you won't be able to share your double bed. It will allow you to define which other beds will be used by your followers though, so it may be fine if you want to sleep alone and only use Auto Sleep, as you will already be in your bed when your followers will start seeking theirs).

    A bit of warning though: I suspect that by clearing ownership, any NPC will be able to sleep in the beds, even if it's in your rented room. To work around that, you can clear ownership right before sleeping and 'setownership' back right after waking up, which will assign it to you (Note that locking the door with 'lock' will not prevent NPC to teleport to the beds if they want to get to it).

    Clearing ownership on every bed you see will also mess the way NPC sleep (As clearing a bed will allow anyone to use it, even if it's nonsense for him to use). And as, if I'm not mistaken, beds can be owned by NPC ID or by faction, and you can't show current ownership with vanilla commands, you will have a hard time guessing which bed was owned by who to set it back (Though maybe the mod More Informative Console could help with that by displaying ownership, but I can't confirm if it can as I don't use it myself).
    1. Trentckx
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Never even heard of that console command anywhere lol. Great tip. But yeah as you mentioned honestly this would probably be more problematic than useful unless you have an isolated house somewhere and only a couple or so followers in said house. MHIYH is probs the easier option for followers with standard AI packages. Custom packaged AI (Serana(w/wo SDA), Inigo, Vilja etc.), good luck lol.
    2. invinoveritas99
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      It seems that this mod might solve this issue?
      Followers use inn beds (No ESP) at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
      I have not tested it yet though. Conflicts with any room cost scripts apparently
  7. hero357159
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This just doesn't work for me at all. The followers audibly acknowledge that PC is going to bed and they walk up to the bed stand there, and then give up and go do something else. If I make the PC get up without actually sleeping the follower then goes and sleeps in the bed when PC gets out of it. I have Double Beds for Spooning, Double Bed Spooning DAR, Simple Single Double Bedrolls for All, Inn Spooning follower submissive, and GoToBed. I've tried every possible load order of those mods. None of it makes any difference. I've tried dropping bedrolls from the Single Double Bedroll mod which is supposed to work with this. I've tried Inn beds, unowned beds in homes, I've tried marking random beds as unowned. I've tried bedrolls at campsites in the wild. I've tried manually spawning almost every bed in the base game. I've tried giving followers the NFF Token. I've tried using non-NFF followers, I've tried NFF with stock Skyrim followers and NFF with third party followers. I've tried adding this to my current playthrough, and I've tried on a new game. I've tried the Auto Sleep No Dialogue version. I've tried resetting the Auto Sleep quest.

    I really want this to work, but it just doesn't.
    1. Broo70
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Did you try opening console, pointing at the bed and doing "clearownership" ?

      I am only trying Auto Sleep For Me Now again in this playthrough, but with Sleep For Me Now that seemed to fix some issues. Except for Casia, no matter what i tried she never actually went to bed. Not sure what it is, might be an issue with her faction.

      EDIT: Just scrolled a little further down here and gta1211 suggested the same thing.. just try it :)
    2. giamel
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      There are followers such as Cassia that have been coded not to be controlled by other mods. You can try something like the option "You may sleep here now" which will force her into the sleep faction but not override the original modders scripts. However she will be queued to be looking for the closest bed when she is able to. Now dismiss her. At this point she should be released from the modders scripts and returned to be controlled by the Skyrim AI. She should immediately look for someplace to lay down.
  8. Rjvie
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Works as expected using GoToBed of course, and the old mod double beds are for 2 ppl. Eff is no issues either. lol followers take turns on short rests! Simply great mod, thank you.
    Edit: Using GOG 1179 
  9. Laerithryn
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    Has anyone succeeded in integrating a custom follower and custom voice set (non-vanilla) with this mod? 

    I've not been able to get a response from the mod author who I sent a pm to back in January, I'm not even sure if they are still around.
    1. giamel
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      Yes, I have!
      A lot of my DMs were not delivered to me and some old ones were just up and deleted too. I also had some roll in the other day that were about 3 months old. What is your question?
    2. Laerithryn
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Awesome, great to hear from you. First off, I love your mod. I've been building a new follower mod with a custom voice type and I'm going nuts trying to figure out how to integrate my custom voice files into your mod as in a patch for my new follower. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
    3. giamel
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      \sound\voice\sleepformenow.esp\{followerVoice}\autosleepqst_56voicestopic_0000081a_1.(fuz or wav)
    4. Laerithryn
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      I'll give it a shot... many thanks!
    5. giamel
      • premium
      • 561 kudos
      open up the bsa and Look at Yumi's voice her custom files are in the folder of FemaleYoungEager-Japanese that is the voice I created for her. Your follower voice would be an addition folder in the same directory as she is. with the same files names only the files would be created with your followers voice.
    6. Laerithryn
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Much appreciated. I'm using the Auto Sleep For Me Now version, and in its BSA, I couldn't locate Yumi under any of the female voice sets. But it's irrelevant now as I've figured it out and got it working on my end.  The only difficult part 'after your help' was figuring out how to get the voice file names for the few shared topics your mod refers to. The ones like - "Whatever you say!", "Of course", and "All right, then." then after that, they had to be placed in a subfolder named (the same as my follower's voice type) and placed in the Skyrim.esm folder as a subfolder. That's when it came together for me. Again, thank you very much for help, and for making such an awesome immersion mod. Cheers!
  10. BartlettBob
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I have used this mod in every playthrough since it came out and, generally, it functions smoothly with no problems. However, in my current playthrough I'm getting some odd behavior. My follower is plain vanilla Uthgerd, no customizations. When we are at an inn with a double bed or in Lakeview and my PC goes to bed, after a brief interval Uthgerd makes a comment and climbs into bed next to my PC. If, however, we are in Breezehome, she make one of the her just-before-going-to-bed comments and continues to stand in the doorway. Doesn't move an inch. She is far enough away (more than a dead Nord distance) so that shouldn't be an issue.
    I haven't built any other Hearthfire houses and don't own any of the vanilla houses other than Breezehome so I can't test if the problem is limited to Breezehome; and I haven't used any other inns other than Dean Man's Drink, so I am guessing that the problem won't show up in any of the other inns with double beds.
  11. Lifeless999
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    EFF is the better follower framework.
    1. Trentckx
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Tried both, overall I liked NFF more since its more up-to-date and had better MCM options. I missed EFF's group summon spell though, that was cool. Nothing wrong with EFF either, just NFF wins out a little more, for me.