About this mod

Adds a fully functioning Berserker Armor (inspired from Berserk) to Skyrim with some immersive features, along with a craftable Dragon Slayer (Guts' iconic weapon) and a challenging boss fight.

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This mod is an overhaul of the SK's Berserker Armor by Bagserk. I changed the way the transformation works to be more in line with the original armor in Berserk (ie. you transform into the 'wolf' form directly instead of into the 'skull' form first), and overhauled the effects you get from the transformation to be as accurate as possible with the original armor in the manga (ie. more immersive effects compared with the original mod). I also tried to make the armor feel as immersive as possible in Skyrim by relating the armor with several parts of the game (eg. attributes, effects, skills, quests, etc), as if it's the part of Skyrim itself.

If you have no idea on what Berserk is and what Berserker Armor is, you need to read the spoilers below. The spoiler about Berserk is optional, but the spoiler about Berserker Armor is highly recommended to read. Some features in this mod are very specific to the armor in the manga, so you need to at least have a basic understanding on what the armor is and how it works in order to play this mod immersively.

(If you already know about them, feel free to skip to the next part; or you may read the spoilers below just for the nostalgia).

What is Berserk?

Berserk is a manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. The story sets in a medieval Europe-inspired dark fantasy world. The story centers on the characters of Guts, a lone mercenary, and Griffith, the leader of a mercenary band called the "Band of the Hawk". Themes of isolation, camaraderie, and the question of whether humanity is fundamentally good or evil pervade the story, as it explores both the best and worst of human nature. Both the manga and anime are noted for their use of graphic violence and sexual content.

The main character (Guts) is a very badass swordsman, even among other badass swordmen characters from other medieval-based or fantasy stories. He is a battle-hardened tall, muscular, tough guy. He mostly wields big swords, especially his main weapon "Dragon Slayer" which weighs approximately about 400 pounds. It's a bit difficult to completely describe his badass-ness (you have to read the story by yourself to be able to completely grasp it). To put it short, he did a lot of amazing feats in combat by relying only on his brute strength, fast instinct, and excellent combat skills, without any magic or supernatural powers at all. He was once offered a magically enchanted weapon by a magician as preparation to face a massive demon raid, but he refused and instead decided to stick with his trusted Dragon Slayer. He is ruthless to his enemies, and seemingly very cold to people (although it does make sense why he acted like that; the story explains it). He doesn't rely on "plot armor" (like many other MCs from other stories) to keep his life from being taken. He's simply a normal human (not a supernaturally or divinely gifted) with an above-average physical feat and an excellent expertise in combat.

The main enemies in Berserk are the so-called God Hands (the most powerful of demonkind with godly powers) and their underlings called the 'Apostles' whom were hunted by Guts.

Apostles themselves are very powerful and overwhelming already (let alone the God Hands), and Guts was often overwhelmed by their strengths and powers in fights. At some point in the story, Guts was beaten up so badly by a powerful Apostle, almost dying without being able to retaliate at all. He was then introduced to Berserker Armor which he quickly decided to wear in the fight. He was then instantly able to retaliate and even overwhelmed the Apostle, which was the exact contrast with his condition before using the armor. But it turns out that there is a cost he had to pay in order to utilize the power of the armor. He almost lost his sanity and lost some parts of his senses. It was indeed the nature of the armor. But he decided to keep using it, because it gave him hope to continue his revenge and bring his own justice to his enemies.

This manga/series is not afraid of showing a lot of explicit adult/mature contents (especially gores and some sexual contents), almost like Goblin Slayer (if you know about it, you should know about its "controversial" sexual content). So of course, it's not for everyone, especially not for those who have a faint heart. But let me tell you a brief of my experience with it (Warning: contains spoiler of the story).

I'm actually not a person who usually enjoys such "controversial" contents (except graphical gores, as long as it's not a real picture), especially the sexual ones. But surprisingly, I found Berserk rather enjoyable and immersive, because by following the story from the beginning, you will realize just how dark and cruel the world of Berserk is, and it's actually quite normal and reasonable for such violences and sexual contents to happen there. That's simply just the nature of its world. It's simply immersive. And despite it being an action-oriented manga (there are a lot of fights and wars there), it's also quite touching in some parts, making it a bit resembles Shoujo manga genre (I remember that the author also pointed it out about Berserk being a Shoujo manga despite having a lot of actions).

The touching feelings are not about some romance just like what you will find in many Shoujo mangas, but more into the feelings that Guts had been building since the beginning of the story: from when he was born without parents (his mother was hanged in a tree along with other unfortunate people and his father was nowhere to be found, while the newly born Guts were being dropped right below his mother's hanged corpse), then was adopted by a leader of a band of mercenary (but in the end forced to kill him due to Guts was sold to his colleague to satisfy his "sexual" desire), then wandering about and almost killed by a wolf pack, then became a mercenary and being "forced" to join another band of mercenary (which in the end would give him his worst "nightmare" ever), then became an extremely skilled and strong swordsman feared and respected by many people, then being betrayed by his (used to be) comrade and forced to watch his "girlfriend"... and etc (it's better if you read the manga or watch the anime directly lol, I don't want to give too many spoilers). In short, it was touching, albeit rather sad and sorrowful. But don't worry there are also some good feelings, including a bit of love, especially when Guts finally regained his "humanity" back after meeting his new companions. That was a bright and (probably) a turning point in his life after being sunk into a dark life since the beginning of his life. It was simply a masterpiece.

Sadly, the author has passed away and the story will no longer receive a significant update. Hopefully the related official parties will still continue the story as much as they can.

If you want to learn more about Berserk, you can read its Wikipedia and its Fandom Wiki. You can also read the manga directly or watch the anime. There are at least 2 versions of the anime. One was made in 1997 and another was made in 2016. If you ask me, I prefer to watch the 1997 one because it feels more natural, while the 2016 series used CGI and cut several scenes from the original story so it's a bit unnatural for me. But you should be able to enjoy the story from both of them, though I'll always recommend you to read the manga first because it's the "full version" of the story and you won't miss anything by reading the manga.


What is Berserker Armor?

Berserker Armor is a suit of highly durable body armor forged by dwarves (in Berserk). Wearers of the armor are aptly named Berserkers, due to the superhuman strength and inhuman ferocity they are bestowed. At an unknown point in time, the armor was forged by a dwarf blacksmith who imbued it with an ominous od that aligns with its wearer, who is driven by violent emotions and forgets about pain and fear.

The primary function of the armor, by way of its od, is to suppress the physiological and subconscious systems of the human body which would normally prevent a person from exerting enough force to injure themselves. The result is a significant augmentation of the wearer's physicality, increasing strength and speed to previously unimaginable levels. The armor does this by eliminating the distress caused by pain; the wearer can still feel pain as a sensation, but the mind does not interpret the pain as being a problem, allowing for it to simply be ignored. It also invokes a tremendous bloodlust in the wearer, amplifying negative emotions like hate, fear, and anger that enable the wearer to fight harder. The armor also temporarily repairs debilitating injuries in the heat of battle. For instance, a broken arm will be pieced together by the armor injecting thin spines from itself into the broken bones, returning them to their proper places and restoring the limb's functionality. In addition, the activated armor can enhance the wearer's night vision. It can also repair itself if damaged.

The armor's power comes with significant drawbacks, the most important of which is associated with the od that gives the armor its power. If the wearer does not actively check their negative emotions, the od can consume the wearer's psyche, turning them into a feral, bloodthirsty monster that can no longer differentiate between friend and foe. If this state is entered repeatedly, the wearer's senses will begin to deteriorate until they are lost completely. It can also cause chronic mental deterioration, providing a hotbed for its wearer's inner darkness to fester. In Guts' case, the only currently reliable way to keep him stable while using the armor to its full effect is to reinforce his mind and spirit with a powerful magical presence.

The armor's ability to suppress pain allows the wearer to harm themselves through overexertion. In the same vein, the armor's reinforcement of broken bones or other debilitating injuries can lead to death through blood loss.

Upon inducing a berserker rage, the armor's helm takes on a distinct appearance. In Guts' case, the helmet and bevor are shaped like the Beast of Darkness; able to function as a mouth capable of biting enemies. When the armor is active, the helm's eye sockets glow red and Guts' face is completely obstructed; if in control of himself, however, the swordsman's face is partially visible and the helm's eye sockets stop emitting their red glow, instead showing his real eye.

Reference: Berserker Armor Wiki

Video explanation:


  • A highly durable grim-looking armor
  • Enhancements to the wearer's strength, speed, endurance, and abilities via a transformation
  • Unique, challenging, and game-changing drawbacks incurred as the result of utilizing the armor
  • RPG elements: the armor is affected by your race, stats, skills, and your actions in the game
  • A challenging boss fight
  • Craftable armor set and two unique weapons with unique non-enchantment effects
  • Lightweight scripts, negligible performance impact

Berserker Armor in this mod works very similar with the one in the manga. Upon wearing it, a lesser power to unleash the armor will be added (ie. Berserker Armor: Unleash). Cast it to make the armor transform. Or alternatively, if you're wearing the armor in combat and you take damage until your Health is reduced to a specific percentage or lower (configurable via the Health Threshold of Automatic Transformation in the MCM menu, under Others tab), the transformation will automatically be triggered. Upon transforming, you will get Berserker Armor: Suppress lesser power. You can use this lesser power to trigger a chance to revert form (ie. finishing the transformation before the duration ends), which the success rate is dependent on the level of control you have over the armor (more about this will be explained further down below under Lose Control section).

The transformation has a duration which scales with your Health and Stamina. The higher either one or both of them, the longer the duration will be. Hence a stronger character (with higher Health and/or Stamina) will be able to utilize the armor longer than a weaker character.

The armor parts you will obtain in the beginning are the Cuirass, Boots, and Gauntlets. To be able to transform, you must equip both the Cuirass and the Boots.


After transforming, the activated version of the armor will be equipped to your character in a complete set: Cuirass, Boots, Gauntlets, and Helmet. Each part of the armor set enhances a specific aspect of your character:

Cuirass (Enhance Endurance): Your Armor Rating is increased based on the relevant skill of the armor. You gain 20% resistance to Magic, Poison, and Disease. Your Health, Magicka, and Stamina regenerate 100% faster. The armor temporarily repairs debilitating injuries and heals you whenever you take damage.

Boots (Enhance Speed): You attack faster based on the relevant skill of the weapon. You move faster and jump higher based on your race and Light Armor skill. You can sprint on water.

Gauntlets (Enhance Strength): You deal more weapon damage based on your race and the relevant skill of the weapon. You deal more unarmed damage based on your race and Heavy Armor*/Light Armor**/Hand to Hand*** skill. You resist more stagger and knockdown based on your race and Heavy Armor skill. Your carry weight is increased and you can't be disarmed.

* If you are using vanilla perks or perk overhaul mods which don't separate unarmed perks from Heavy Armor perk tree.
** If you are using Vokrii, Ordinator, or Vokriinator which moves unarmed perks to Light Armor perk tree.
*** If you are using Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon which moves unarmed perks to Lockpicking (which is renamed to Hand to Hand) perk tree.

Helmet (Enhance Abilities): Your spells and shouts are more effective based on your race. You can perform Explosive Jump. You obtain unlockable Weapon Arts based on your Stamina and One-Handed or Two-Handed skill. You have 10% chance to reflect blows or avoid damage when reaching 75 in Heavy Armor or Light Armor respectively.

Details on each of these enhancements are explained in the spoiler below:

Enhance Endurance
It consists of several attributes:

Armor Rating
Your Armor Rating will be increased based on the relevant skill of the armor. It means that if you are using the Heavy Armor version, your Armor Rating will be increased based on your Heavy Armor skill. The same with the Light Armor version of the armor. Details on how to switch between the Heavy Armor version and the Light Armor version are explained further down below under Obtaining the Armor section.

The exact increase of your Armor Rating is 0.5% per level of Heavy Armor or Light Armor respectively, up to 50% increase at 100 skill level or higher.

Basic Resistances (Magic, Poison, Disease)
The armor provides basic resistance against magic, poisons, and diseases by 20% each. The amount is not too much because it's supposed to simulate the enhancements of your basic resistance of your body against hostile effects.

You can combine it with your inherent racial resistances (if any) or additional resistances from perks and enchantments (as long as you put the enchantments in any armor slots other than Head, Chest, Gloves, and Boots, because they are already occupied by the complete set of the armor).

Health, Magicka, and Stamina Regeneration
Your Health, Magicka, and Stamina will regenerate 100% faster. There is also a hidden additional regeneration for your Magicka and Stamina by 5% of your total Magicka and Stamina per second (which isn't being shown in your Active Effects panel to reduce cluttering).

The armor temporarily repairs your body from injuries. This particular effect will only be useful when you are using Wounds or Wildcat mod which introduces injuries to the game.*

There is also a hidden additional regeneration for your Health by 15% of your total Health per second (which isn't being shown in your Active Effects panel to reduce cluttering). So, unless you get hit with a killing blow, you will still be able to survive any grave injuries even without using potions.

* These two are the currently supported injury mods. I can consider to support any other injury mods if there is enough demand for it.

Enhance Speed
It consists of several attributes:

Attack Speed
Your attack speed will be increased based on the relevant skill of the weapon. It means that if you are using a One-Handed weapon, your attack speed will be increased based on your One-Handed skill. The same goes to Two-Handed weapons with Two-Handed skill, ranged weapons with Archery skill, and unarmed weapon with Heavy Armor*/Light Armor**/Hand to Hand*** skill.

The exact increase of your attack speed is 10% per 10 level of each respective skill of the weapon, up to 100% increase at 100 skill level or higher. In case if you think the attack speed boost is too OP, you can disable it in the MCM menu (Attack Speed Boost option, under Others tab).

* If you are using vanilla perks or perk overhaul mods which don't separate unarmed perks from Heavy Armor perk tree, your unarmed attack speed will scale with Heavy Armor skill.
** If you are using Vokrii, Ordinator, or Vokriinator which moves unarmed perks to Light Armor perk tree, your unarmed attack speed will scale with Light Armor skill.
*** If you are using Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon which moves unarmed perks to Lockpicking (which is renamed to Hand to Hand) perk tree, your unarmed attack speed will scale with Hand to Hand skill.

Movement Speed
Your movement speed will be increased based on your race and your Light Armor skill. Each race provides a specific amount of boost to movement speed, so they will be unique from each other in terms of movement speed. The amount of boost for each race are largely based on the Speed attribute for each race from the previous Elder Scrolls games. The details are as follows:

  • 5% movement speed boost: Orc race
  • 10% movement speed boost: Altmer (High Elf) race, Breton race, Imperial race, Custom race (if you use any)
  • 15% movement speed boost: Nord race, Redguard race
  • 20% movement speed boost: Argonian race
  • 25% movement speed boost: Bosmer (Wood Elf) race, Dunmer (Dark Elf) race, Khajiit race

If you are a vampire or a werewolf, you will get additional increase in movement speed by 10% which is added on top of the existing race-based movement speed boosts mentioned above.

As for your Light Armor skill, the exact increase of your movement speed is 5% per 10 level of Light Armor skill, up to 50% increase at 100 skill level or higher.

The race-based movement speed boost and the skill-based movement speed boost stack to each other, providing a further increase in movement speed which is unique to your race and Light Armor skill. In case if you think the total movement speed boost is too OP, you can disable the skill-based movement speed boost in the MCM menu (Movement Speed Boost option, under Others tab), allowing you to only gain the race-based movement speed boost.

Jump Height
The increase of your jump height follows the same rules with the movement speed boost above, just with different values. The details are as follows:

  • 12.5% jump height boost: Breton race, Imperial race, Orc race
  • 25% jump height boost: Altmer (High Elf) race, Dunmer (Dark Elf) race, Nord race, Redguard race, Custom race (if you use any)
  • 37.5% jump height boost: Argonian race
  • 50% jump height boost: Bosmer (Wood Elf) race, Khajiit race

As for your Light Armor skill, the exact increase of your jump height is 10% per 10 level of Light Armor skill, up to 100% increase at 100 skill level or higher.

The race-based jump height boost and the skill-based jump height boost stack to each other, providing a further increase in jumping height which is unique to your race and Light Armor skill.

You can sprint on the surface of water. You cannot sprint on the water if you're already in the water (eg. if you are swimming or drowning). If you sprint on the water then stop in the middle or switch to running or walking, you will fall into the water and swim like usual.

Enhance Strength
It consists of several attributes:

Weapon and Unarmed Damage
Your weapon and unarmed damage will be increased based on your race and the relevant skill of the weapon. Each race provides a specific amount of increase to weapon and unarmed damage, so they will be unique from each other in terms of the damage. The amount of increase for each race are largely based on the Strength attribute for each race from the previous Elder Scrolls games. The details are as follows:

  • 10% weapon and unarmed damage boost: Altmer (High Elf) race, Bosmer (Wood Elf) race
  • 15% weapon and unarmed damage boost: Breton race, Khajiit race
  • 20% weapon and unarmed damage boost: Argonian race, Dunmer (Dark Elf) race, Imperial race, Custom race (if you use any)
  • 25% weapon and unarmed damage boost: Orc race, Redguard race
  • 30% weapon and unarmed damage boost: Nord race

If you are a Bosmer and you are using a bow, you will get 30% increase in weapon and unarmed damage instead of 10% increase for Bosmer race mentioned above. In addition, if you are a vampire or a werewolf, you will get additional increase in weapon and unarmed damage by 20% which is added on top of the existing race-based weapon and unarmed damage boosts mentioned above.

As for the relevant skill of the weapon, it means that if you are using a One-Handed weapon, your weapon damage will be increased based on your One-Handed skill. The same goes to Two-Handed weapons with Two-Handed skill, ranged weapons with Archery skill, and unarmed weapon with Heavy Armor*/Light Armor**/Hand to Hand*** skill.

The exact increase of your weapon and unarmed damage is 0.5% per level of One-Handed, Two-Handed, Archery, or Heavy Armor*/Light Armor**/Hand to Hand*** respectively, up to 50% increase at 100 skill level or higher.

The race-based weapon and unarmed damage boost and the skill-based weapon and unarmed damage boost stack to each other, providing a further increase in physical damage which is unique to your race and the respective skill of the weapon.

* If you are using vanilla perks or perk overhaul mods which don't separate unarmed perks from Heavy Armor perk tree, your unarmed damage will scale with Heavy Armor skill.
** If you are using Vokrii, Ordinator, or Vokriinator which moves unarmed perks to Light Armor perk tree, your unarmed damage will scale with Light Armor skill.
*** If you are using Hand to Hand - An Adamant Addon which moves unarmed perks to Lockpicking (which is renamed to Hand to Hand) perk tree, your unarmed damage will scale with Hand to Hand skill.

Stagger Resistance
Your Stagger Resistance will be increased based on your race and and your Heavy Armor skill. Each race provides a specific amount of increase to Stagger Resistance, so they will be unique from each other in terms of Stagger Resistance. The amount of increase for each race are largely based on the Strength attribute for each race from the previous Elder Scrolls games. The details are as follows:

  • 5% Stagger Resistance boost: Altmer (High Elf) race, Bosmer (Wood Elf) race
  • 10% Stagger Resistance boost: Breton race, Khajiit race
  • 15% Stagger Resistance boost: Argonian race, Dunmer (Dark Elf) race, Imperial race, Custom race (if you use any)
  • 20% Stagger Resistance boost: Orc race, Redguard race
  • 25% Stagger Resistance boost: Nord race

As for your Heavy Armor skill, the exact increase of your Stagger Resistance is 5% per 10 level of Heavy Armor skill, up to 50% increase at 100 skill level or higher.

The race-based Stagger Resistance boost and the skill-based Stagger Resistance boost stack to each other, providing a further increase in Stagger Resistance which is unique to your race and Heavy Armor skill.

Knockdown Resistance
The increase of your Knockdown Resistance follows the same rules with the Stagger Resistance boost above, with the exact same values. The way the Knockdown Resistance work is by reducing the chance for your character to be knocked down from any knockdown attacks (both from vanilla game or mods which introduces new knockdown attacks, providing you have the relevant patch for them) by blocking the attacks.

For example, some of Werewolf's power attacks cause knockdown to its target. When you are transformed, if you block during the attacks, you will have a chance to resist it. The chance is calculated from the sum of the race-based Knockdown Resistance and the skill-based Knockdown Resistance for your character.

Similar scenario also work for knockdown attacks from mods, such as SkyTEST's Mammoth's attacks. If you have the relevant patch, when you are transformed, if you block the Mammoth's attacks you will have a chance to not be knocked down by it.

Carry Weight
Your carry weight will be increased by 25%. So, for example, if your carry weight is 100, then it will be increased to 125 after transforming.

The percentage multiplier is customizable in Berserk_CWScaleMult global variable (FormID: XX00FC74, with XX as your load order number for this mod). By default, it is set to 0.25 (which is 25%). You can change the number to any percentage you desire by editing it using TES5Edit, or using console command in the game by typing: set Berserk_CWScaleMult x.xx  (with x.xx represents your desired percentage; for example, set to 0.5 for 50%, or 1.0 for 100%).

Disarm Immunity
You cannot be disarmed while in transformation. This covers all vanilla game's disarm effects and any disarm effects from mods which have been patched (providing you have installed the relevant patch for them).

Enhance Abilities
It consists of several attributes:

Spell and Shout Effectiveness
Your spells and shouts will be more effective based on your race. By "more effective", it means that both the magnitude and the duration of the spell/shout will be increased. Each race provides a specific amount of increase to spell and shout effectiveness, so they will be unique from each other in terms of the effectiveness. The amount of increase for each race are largely based on the Intelligence and Willpower attributes for each race from the previous Elder Scrolls games, with my personal tweaks based on the Lore for each race. The details are as follows:

  • 5% spell and shout effectiveness boost: Nord race, Redguard race
  • 10% spell and shout effectiveness boost: Orc race
  • 15% spell and shout effectiveness boost: Argonian race, Bosmer (Wood Elf) race, Imperial race, Khajiit race, Custom race (if you use any)
  • 20% spell and shout effectiveness boost: Dunmer (Dark Elf) race
  • 25% spell and shout effectiveness boost: Breton race
  • 30% spell and shout effectiveness boost: Altmer (High Elf) race

Defense Technique
You will obtain a defense technique based on the relevant skill of the armor when you have reached 75 or more in the skill. It means that if you are using the Heavy Armor version, you will obtain Reflect Blows when you have 75 or more Heavy Armor skill. The same with the Light Armor version of the armor, in which you will obtain Avoid Damage instead. Details on how to switch between the Heavy Armor version and the Light Armor version are explained further down below under Obtaining the Armor section.

The Reflect Blows (in this mod) isn't the same with vanilla game's Reflect Blows. This mod's Reflect Blows works by reflecting incoming melee damage back to the attacker, with 10% chance to deal additional damage equal to between 1% and 5% of your Armor Rating (chosen at random). There is also an additional 50% chance to double the damage, or cause damage equal to 10% of the attacker's maximum Health if their maximum Health is greater than your Armor Rating. This allows the damage caused by the Reflect Blows to scale with your Armor Rating, effectively keeping it relevant in the higher levels (as your Armor Rating increases).

As for the Avoid Damage, it works similar with vanilla game's Deft Movement perk, with addition that it also works against incoming spell damage. It is simply a better and more effective alternative than vanilla game's Deft Movement perk.

Both of them have 10% chance to be triggered.

Explosive Jump
You will obtain Explosive Jump which can be performed by pressing and holding Sneak button, or alternatively Sprint button if enabled in the MCM menu (Sprinter option, under Explosive Jump tab). After holding the specific button for 1 second or more (depends on the settings put in the Hold Delay, Ramp-Up Delay I to Ramp-Ip Delay IV, and Effect Duration options in the MCM menu), your character will be able to jump a lot higher and further, with the amount of jump height and length bonus based on the Stage 1 to Stage 5 options in the MCM menu. It will consume Stamina (and/or Magicka too if configured) with the amount based on Stamina Cost and Magicka Cost options in the MCM menu. You can also set a visual effect to play when holding the button (configured under Visual Effect option).

It may sound complicated, but I'm sure you will easily understand on how it works after checking the options in the MCM menu under Explosive Jump tab and trying it yourself in the game. Note that you will not find Explosive Jump under Active Effects panel because I set it to hidden to reduce cluttering, but it is indeed active while you are in transformation.

Weapon Arts
You will obtain Weapon Arts based on your Stamina and One-Handed or Two-Handed skill. The rules are as follows:

  • If your Stamina is is 200 or higher, and your One-Handed or Two-Handed skill is 50 or higher, Berserk Style will be added.
  • If your Stamina is is 300 or higher, and your One-Handed or Two-Handed skill is 75 or higher, Berserk Style and Whirlwind Slam will be added.
  • If your Stamina is is 400 or higher, and your One-Handed or Two-Handed skill is 100 or higher, Berserk StyleWhirlwind Slam, and Mortal Chain Cut will be added.
  • If your Stamina is is 500 or higher, and your One-Handed or Two-Handed skill is 100 or higher, Berserk Style, Whirlwind Slam, Mortal Chain Cut, and Tempest Strike will be added.

Berserk Style: A style to enhance power attacks, making them capable to slash multiple enemies and decapitate them if their Health is low. (Toggleable)

Whirlwind Slam: A powerful weapon slam exerting a whirlwind which blows targets ahead. The whirlwind's strength scales with your Stamina and One-Handed or Two-Handed skill (the higher one).

Mortal Chain Cut: A chain of cuts to a single target in lightning speed. The damage dealt scales with your One-Handed or Two-Handed skill (the higher one).

Tempest Strike: A wide-area barrage of attacks which is capable to hit multiple targets. The damage dealt scales with your One-Handed or Two-Handed skill (the higher one).

To perform these Weapon Arts, you must equip a melee weapon and not riding a mount.

Other Enhancements
There are several other attributes which are also enhanced, but not being shown in the Active Effects panel to avoid cluttering:

Skill Fortification
All of your skills are increased by 10 points each.

Skill Learning Speed
You can learn all skills 10% faster.

Armor Unburdening
Your armor weighs nothing and doesn’t slow you down.


There are several drawbacks incurred as the result of utilizing the armor:
  • As long as you are wearing the armor, there's a chance that you will lose control.
  • Whenever you are finished from a transformation (or reverting form from it), you will suffer the aftermath effects.
  • If you manually transform again when the aftermath effects are still active, you will be introduced to the dangerous transformation instead of the normal transformation.

Lose Control
Lose Control is a condition when you are losing control over your body. Upon wearing the armor, your mind will be in an intense combat with your inner dark side. If you lose, your inner beast will take the full control over your body, driven only by its instinct to kill everything and anything unlucky enough to be in range. When your inner beast detects a target, neither walls nor doors can protect them.

Lose Control, in my opinion, is the most interesting feature in this mod. It is a truly unique feature which allows you to fully immerse yourself as a wearer of Berserker Armor. It makes Berserker Armor truly shine at its most and sets it apart from other armor mods. I really hope you will enjoy this feature as much as I did :)

Lose Control will be triggered in either one of the following occasions:

  • Whenever you are equipping the armor (either at the first time or after it was unequipped).
  • Whenever you are transforming (either by using the Berserker Armor: Unleash lesser power or via the Automatic Transformation feature).
  • Whenever you are in combat and you take damage until your Health is reduced to a specific percentage or lower (configurable via the Health Threshold of Lose Control in the MCM menu, under Lose Control tab).
  • Whenever you are in combat and the Negative Emotions Percentage is reaching or surpassing 100% (shown in Negative Emotions section, under Lose Control tab in the MCM menu).

For the occasion 1 to 3, Lose Control will only be triggered once, which is when it happens. As for the occasion 4, Lose Control will continuously be triggered periodically (as long as the condition remains) based on a random number between Lose Control Min Cooldown Time and Lose Control Max Cooldown Time (configurable in the MCM menu, under Lose Control tab).

After Lose Control is triggered, your character will be confronted by their negative emotions in their mind. If they can resist and overcome it, Lose Control will be aborted. But if they fail to resist, their negative emotions will manifest into an inner beast who will take control over their body, resulting in a complete Lose Control. After that, your character will start to indiscriminately attack anyone (be it allies/followers, neutral NPCs, or hostile NPCs) in their line of sight until the end of the transformation. If you don't want your character to attack your allies/followers, you can disable Frenzy Mode option under Lose Control tab in the MCM menu, but it will only work when Lose Control hasn't been triggered.

Lose Control also affects the success rate of reverting form using Berserker Armor: Suppress lesser power. The chance to revert form is the opposite of the chance to Lose Control. So, if you have a high chance to Lose Control, it means that you have a low chance to revert form, and vice versa.

Because Lose Control is fundamentally a drawback, you will eventually want to avoid experiencing it. The best way to do so is by achieving the Full Control over the armor. There are several advantages when you have achieved Full Control:

  • You will no longer experience Lose Control, or you can choose to reduce the chance to Lose Control instead by disabling Enable Full Control option and optionally setting Lose Control Chance Reduction as you desired (in the MCM menu, under Lose Control tab).
  • If you choose the latter option above, whenever you Lose Control you can manually abort it by pressing Sneak key.
  • You will always succeed in reverting form using Berserker Armor: Suppress lesser power.
  • The duration of the Aftermath Effects will be reduced by 25%.
  • You will gain Berserker Armor: Night Vision and Berserker Armor: Detect Presence lesser powers upon transforming.

To achieve Full Control, you need to fulfill the requirements which consist of two parts: the main requirement and the secondary requirement. These requirements are supposed to be secrets and not to be informed publicly, to encourage thinking and exploration. They are parts of vanilla game (including DLCs), so you should naturally fulfill them as you progress in the game. When you have fulfilled one of the requirements, a message box will show up to notify you.

If you have finished either the main requirement or the secondary requirements (either one of them), you will achieve the Partial Control, which grants you the following advantages:
  • Reduces the chance to Lose Control by 25%.
  • Reduces the severity of the Aftermath Effects by (roughly) half.

There are still many other customizable options for this Lose Control feature which you can explore and configure under Lose Control tab in the MCM menu.

Additional details about Lose Control mechanism are explained in the spoiler below:

After Lose Control is triggered, there will be some checks to be done:
  • Whether there is an important quest which is being tracked in your Quest Menu. This check is to avoid breaking the important quest as a result of your character losing control and assaulting the NPCs involved in the quest. You can check and edit the list of important quests in UnsafeQuestList form list (FormID: XX00FC41, with XX as your load order number for this mod) using TES5Edit.
  • Whether you are in a brawling quest (ie. a quest which asks you to defeat an NPC in a fist fight). The same reason with above.

If the above checks are passed, the chance to Lose Control will then be calculated. The calculation begins from the base chance to Lose Control which is taken from the Negative Emotions Percentage, which is calculated by comparing your character's accumulated negative emotions (shown as Negative Emotions Score in the MCM menu) with the Negative Emotions Threshold (which is configurable under Negative Emotions section in the MCM menu). After that, several other factors which also affect the chance to Lose Control are included in the calculation to ultimately conclude the true chance to Lose Control.

About Negative Emotions
Your character's negative emotions are accumulated from many deeds (ie. actions and choices) you have done in the game. These deeds can be grouped into two categories: positive deeds and negative deeds. Positive deeds reduce your character's negative emotions, while negative deeds increase it instead. They represent the "good side" and the "bad side" of your character. If you do more positive deeds, your character will tend to be a good person, which in turn makes them more capable to resist their negative emotions. On the contrary, if you do more negative deeds, your character will tend to be a bad person, which in turn makes them more likely to succumb to their negative emotions.

List of positive deeds:

  • Learn Words of Power
  • Unlock Words of Power
  • Collect Dragon Souls
  • Learn Shouts
  • Master Shouts
  • Kill Undead
  • Kill Daedra
  • Do College of Winterhold Quests
  • Do Dawnguard Quests as Dawnguard
  • Do Side Quests for People
  • Do Charity
  • Do Favors
  • Persuade Someone

List of negative deeds:

  • Transform to Werebeast
  • Feed as Vampire
  • Feed as Cannibal
  • Do Thieves Guild Quests
  • Do Dark Brotherhood Quests
  • Do Daedric Quests
  • Do Dawnguard Quests as Vampire
  • Do Misdeeds
  • Kill People
  • Kill Animals
  • Slaughter Bunnies
  • Accumulate Bounties
  • Pickpocket Items
  • Get Jailed
  • Escape from Jail
  • Steal Items
  • Assault Someone
  • Murder Someone
  • Steal Horses
  • Trespass to a Locked Place
  • Bribe Someone
  • Intimidate Someone

In the MCM menu under Lose Control tab, you will find that each of these deeds has a configurable value. When Lose Control is triggered, these values will be accumulated to be included in the calculation. You can configure these values to suit your playstyles or your role-playing needs.

Other Lose Control Factors
There are several other factors which also affect the chance to Lose Control:

  • Being a vampire: reduces the base chance by 20% due to their affinity to Illusion (mind manipulation) magic.
  • Being a werewolf: increases the base chance by 35% due to their wild/beasty nature.
  • Having Wabbajack in your inventory: increases the base chance by 50% due to its chaotic nature.
  • Having a follower or more: reduces the base chance based on the amount of followers you currently have (up to 30% reduction).
  • Achieved the Partial Control: reduces the base chance by 25%.

Full Control Requirements
I tried to make the Full Control requirements as logical as possible, so you simply need to think about the nature of the armor and how to logically avoid being influenced by it, then try to relate it to the game. I have provided the following 'episodic' spoilers if you want to (either partially or fully) spill yourself:
Spoiler for the main requirement:
When in Lose Control, your character will attack anyone indiscriminately, as if they are a madman. The main requirement is a quest which is related with or has the same theme with that.
What quest which makes you face some kind of madness?
The name of the quest is (highlight it to see): The Mind of Madness

Spoiler for the secondary requirement:
The secondary requirement can be fulfilled if you do either one of these:

1. Be an expert in an expertise (or skill) which naturally should be able to help you in controlling the armor.
The expertise (or skill) is something related with minds.
The expertise (or skill is): Illusion

2. Look for a way to be able to hold or control other's will in your hands.
The ability to hold or control other's wills... You will be able to force people to bow down to you, as if you are their lord, master, or something like that... and they will follow your lead.
The ability is: Bend Will, which you will obtain after finishing The Gardener of Men quest.

3. Do two quests related with some kind of bad memories. Something that left a bad taste in your mouth after remembering it.
Bad memories. You got it after being tricked by a weird stranger, and another one... is when a certain person scares people in their sleep...
These two quests are: A Night To Remember and Waking Nightmare

Additional Features
There are two additional features related with Lose Control mechanism:
  • There is a lesser power Berserker Armor: Lose Control which you can get by ticking Get Lose Control Spell option in the MCM menu (under Lose Control tab). You can use this lesser power to manually trigger Lose Control anytime without the need to follow the conditions to trigger Lose Control (but you will still have to pass the important quest check, so make sure you have untracked any important quests you have in your Quest Menu first before using this lesser power).
  • If the Negative Emotions Percentage is reaching or surpassing 100%, when you are in a transformation you will get the Raging Insanity effect which grants you a chance to avoid death upon being hit with a killing blow (as a courtesy of the Too Angry Too Die meme

Aftermath Effects
Aftermath Effects are negative effects incurred as the result of utilizing the armor. They reflect your poor condition after being pushed to the limit and the deterioration of your body. They will be inflicted after finishing any transformations (including Lose Control). They have a duration which scales with your Health and Stamina (similar with the transformation duration), but your Magicka and/or Illusion skill will reduce it.

More details on the effects are explained in the spoiler below:

Damage Attributes
  • Drains 50% of your Health.
  • Reduces Health, Stamina, and Magicka Regeneration by 100%.

Debilitated: You're totally worn out. For <duration> seconds, you will take damage whenever you move.
  • This effect simulates your totally worn out body which is very weak and fragile that even a single movement will be painful.
  • Riding a mount is excluded. You can ride a mount (and move anywhere) without taking damage.

Deteriorated Body: Prolonged use of the armor deteriorates your body. For <duration> seconds, food and potions are 40% less effective, your Carry Weight is reduced by X, you move 25% slower, your vision is periodically blurred, and you are randomly staggered and tripped when moving.
  • This effect only happens after finishing the Dangerous Transformation or Lose Control.
  • The vision blur is applied periodically (every several seconds), not at all times, until the end of the duration.
  • The decrease in food and potion effectiveness (40%) can be reduced by finishing A Night To Remember quest or by reaching 50 or higher in Illusion skill.
  • The amount of X (reduced Carry Weight) is calculated based on the duration of the Aftermath Effects. The longer the duration, the higher the X.

Critical: You are in a critical condition. (damages your Health by X)
  • This effect only happens after finishing the Dangerous Transformation or Lose Control while the Negative Emotions Percentage is reaching or surpassing 100%.
  • The amount of X is calculated based on the duration of the Aftermath Effects. The longer the duration, the higher the X.
  • This effect can kill you if your Health is lower than the X.

Mitigating the Aftermath Effects
The duration of the Aftermath Effects decreases as your Magicka and/or Illusion skill increase. When you have achieved Full Control, the duration will further be reduced by 25%. You can also reduce the overall severity of Aftermath Effects (roughly by half) by achieving Partial Control.

Magicka represents one's mind and concentration capability, while Illusion skill represents one's capability to control minds. They are great adversaries of the perilous nature of the armor.

Dangerous Transformation
When still under the influence of the Aftermath Effects, your body is too weak and isn't capable to properly hold the power of the armor. Forcing to transform in this state will endanger your body, causing damage on top of healing it.

This transformation is the same with normal transformation, except that it's dangerous. Under this transformation, on top of reparation (ie. restoring your Health whenever you take damage), the armor also causing damage whenever you are moving or getting hit with a critical strike. This is to simulate the armor's invasive reparation which can lead to death through blood loss if the armor is being used excessively.

This feature also serves as a means of "soft" cooldown before being able to transform again. Unlike any usual cooldown, this one doesn't completely prevent you from transforming before a specific duration has passed. Instead, you are still allowed to transform but there's a consequence for it.

Obtaining the Armor

The armor parts you will obtain in the beginning are the Cuirass, the Boots, and the Gauntlets (No Helmet). Only after transforming will you get the complete armor set (and they will be equipped automatically). They are Heavy Armor by default. To get the Light Armor version, bring the armor to any Smithing Forge to convert it to Light Armor. Convert again in any Smithing Forge to get the Heavy Armor back.

DO NOT try to use console command AddItem or use any AddItem mods to get the other parts of the armor!! It will BREAK the armor's mechanisms!! You have been warned!

There are two ways to obtain the armor:
  • Immersive Way: go to the place where the armor is located at, and defeat the boss who is guarding it.
  • Instant Way: get the armor instantly using Get the Armor option in the MCM menu (under Others tab).

Immersive Way

You need to go to where the armor and the boss are located at. It can be accessed by either:
  • Entering a portal which can be opened by reading a note located inside a cave in Skyrim.
  • Using Berserker Armor: Enter Boss Place lesser power which you can get by ticking Get Enter Boss Place Spell option in the MCM menu (under Others tab).

Once you enter the place, you will find that the armor is placed behind some iron bars and is guarded by a boss. To open the iron bars, you need to defeat the boss.

The location of the note to open the portal is inside an end of a cave which you will visit during a Companions quest. It is placed on top of an enchanting table. The name of the cave is Glenmoril Coven. So if you want to role-play to get the armor in a natural way, just do the Companions questline. Or you can also go there directly (without doing Companions questline).

About the boss, I don't want to spoiler him, but I'll let you know that he's quite tough. And by 'tough', I REALLY meant it. He's REALLY tough! So prepare to get beaten up if you're not truly well-prepared. Note that you cannot go out from the boss place until you defeat him. So try not to enter the place if you feel not ready to fight him yet. Always save your game before entering the place, so that you can reload the save if you end up realizing that you're not capable to beat him yet.

If you feel like you have tried your best but still can't defeat the boss, you can use either the Modded or the Vanilla boss difficulty option (in the MCM menu, under Others tab) which will make him easier to fight.

After successfully defeating the boss, you will get a bonus ability: Zodd Killer, which grants you the following effects based on your chosen boss difficulty option:
Hardcore and Modded
  • Buy items 15% cheaper.
  • Intimidation attempts are 3x as likely to succeed.
  • Attacks have 20% chance of a critical strike that deals two times critical damage.
  • Upon entering combat, 15% chance to instill fear to nearby weaker enemies, causing them to flee for 30 seconds.
  • Upon entering combat, 20% chance to inspire nearby allies, preventing them from fleeing and increasing their proficiency in combat (Health/Stamina/Magicka +100 points and Melee/Destruction damage +20%) for 30 seconds.

  • Buy items 10% cheaper.
  • Intimidation attempts are 2x as likely to succeed.
  • Attacks have 15% chance of a critical strike that deals two times critical damage.
  • Upon entering combat, 10% chance to instill fear to nearby weaker enemies, causing them to flee for 30 seconds.
  • Upon entering combat, 15% chance to inspire nearby allies, preventing them from fleeing and increasing their proficiency in combat (Health/Stamina/Magicka +100 points and Melee/Destruction damage +20%) for 30 seconds.

In addition, if you defeated the boss in Hardcore difficulty option, you will get additional (hidden) effects:
  • 10% chance for time to slow down when being attacked at 10% Health or less.
  • 10% chance for incoming melee attacks to miss when moving.

This bonus ability will not be given to those who obtain the armor via the Instant Way.

Instant Way

If you want to instantly obtain the armor, use Get the Armor option in the MCM menu (under Others tab).

This option is especially provided for those who have played the mod multiple times and hence it may become boring for them to fight the boss again in a new playthrough. It is also useful to those who want to directly test the armor to check the features.

Additionally, it is also to help those who otherwise will recklessly use AddItem mods or console command to get the armor parts, even if I have put a clear warning to not use them at all. Please just use this option to avoid breaking the armor's mechanisms as a result of using these AddItem things.

Note that by using this option, you can no longer obtain the armor via the Immersive Way. In other words, you cannot get the bonus ability which is obtained after defeating the boss. And this option is not free; you have to choose to spend either: 20,000 Gold, 6 Dragon Souls, or 3 Perk Points in exchange for the armor. I made it like this, to make it somewhat balanced but still more convenient than fighting the boss.

Craftable Armor Replica and Unique Weapons

You can craft the replica of the armor set in any Smithing Forge. The replica doesn't have the features which the actual armor has. It also has slightly lower stats to make it balanced in vanilla game: the Heavy Armor version is between Ebony and Daedric, while the Light Armor version is between Glass and Dragonscale. More information about the armor replica in the spoiler below:

The replica is provided for those who like the armor model and want to wear it without having the dozens of feature from the original armor. So if you only want the armor set without caring about any of these features, just craft the replica in any Smithing Forge.

To craft the Heavy Armor version, you need to have Ebony Smithing perk. It benefits from Ebony Smithing perk for the tempering.
As for the Light Armor version, you need to have Glass Smithing perk. It benefits from Glass Smithing perk for the tempering.

Both of them require Ebony Ingots as their main material.

You can also craft two unique weapons: Zodd's Blade and Dragon Slayer.

Zodd's Blade will be craftable if you have a copy of the same weapon in your inventory (which you can loot from Zodd's body after defeating him). You can craft it in any Smithing Forge, requiring Orcish Smithing perk or Advanced Armors perk.

As for the Dragon Slayer, you can craft it in any Smithing Forge, requiring 75 Smithing skill and either Orcish Smithing perk or Advanced Armors perk. If you have Honed Metal installed, you can ask Eorlund Gray-Mane to craft it for you, but you need to provide the required materials.

They have unique non-enchantment effects, so you can still enchant them with any weapon enchantments. More details about these weapons in the spoiler below:

Zodd's Blade
  • Weight: 48
  • Base Damage: 33
  • Speed: 0.5
  • Reach: 1.5
  • Stagger: 1.45
  • Critical Damage: 16

Crafting materials:
  • 4 Iron Ingots
  • 6 Orichalcum Ingots
  • 2 Leather Strips

Unique effects (non-enchantments):
  • Has 20% chance to stagger the target on each hit (double chance if power attacks)
  • Blocks 20% more damage

Dragon Slayer
  • Weight: 58 (Base) / 60 (Supernatural)
  • Base Damage: 40
  • Speed: 0.5
  • Reach: 1.6
  • Stagger: 1.45
  • Critical Damage: 20

Crafting materials (Base Dragon Slayer):
  • 4 Quicksilver Ingots
  • 10 Steel Ingots
  • 2 Leather Strips
  • 1 Linen Wraps

Unique effects (non-enchantments) for (Base) Dragon Slayer:
  • Has 20% chance to stagger the target on each hit (double chance if power attacks)
  • Blocks 20% more damage

A Supernatural version of the Dragon Slayer is also available to craft. Infused with some rare magical properties, this version of Dragon Slayer is especially effective against supernatural targets (Undead, Werebeasts, Ghosts, Daedra). You can only craft it in the Atronach Forge or Skyforge.

Crafting materials (Supernatural Dragon Slayer):
  • 1 (Base) Dragon Slayer
  • 1 Daedra Heart
  • 1 Ectoplasm
  • 1 Hagraven Claw
  • 2 Silver Ingots
  • 1 Filled Black Soul Gem

If you choose to craft it at Skyforge, you will need additional crafting requirements: Daedric Smithing perk, Arcane Smithing perk, and 100 Smithing skill. If you have Honed Metal installed, you can ask Eorlund Gray-Mane to craft it for you, but you need to provide the required materials.

Unique effects (non-enchantments) for Supernatural Dragon Slayer:
  • Has 20% chance to stagger the target on each hit (double chance if power attacks)
  • Blocks 20% more damage
  • Ignores Armor Rating and Magic Resistance against supernatural targets
  • Has 10% increased critical hit chance against supernatural targets
  • Blocks up to 50 points of incoming spell damage (based on Block skill)

In order for these unique effects to properly work, you may need to use Scrambled Bugs with "PerkEntryPoints" option enabled, especially if you also have other mods which utilize "Apply Combat Hit Spell" perk entry point.

Customizable Armor and Weapon Models

This mod requires BERSERK mod by Sankese for the armor model. This model is the depiction of the original armor model in the manga. I know that there are many cool armor models out there which are also suitable for Berserker Armor. Hence I have provided two miscellaneous files Berserker Armor - Armor Model Example and Berserker Armor - Weapon Model Example as example plugins to change the default armor model into Daedric Armor model and the Dragon Slayer model into Daedric Greatsword model. You can use these plugins as a reference to edit the default armor and Dragon Slayer models into your preferred armor and weapon models from any armor and weapon mods out there.

There are several armor model patches available, which you can check under Requirements tab of this mod page. You can check them first just in case if your preferred armor model has already been patched. But you have to make sure that they are already updated to the latest version of this mod to avoid causing issues in your game (they haven't been updated to the latest version of this mod as of 16/11/2023).


General Compatibility Notes

This mod edits the following records:
1. Dialogue Topics:
  • FavorSimpleDrunksBranchTopic (000B0269)
  • WIRemoveItem05Yes (00035B4E)
2. FormID Lists:
  • AtrFrgAtronachForgeRecipeList (000CDE01)
  • AtrFrgAtronachForgeResultList (000CDE02)
3. Magic Effects:
  • DragonVoiceDisarmEffect (00016CF3)
  • VoiceDisarmEffect01 (0008BB26)
  • VoiceDisarmEffect02 (000CD088)
  • VoiceDisarmEffect03 (000CD089)
  • werewolfKnockbackEffect (0010CAAA)
4. Spells:
  • DragonVoiceUnrelentingForce (00016D45)
  • VoiceUnrelentingForce3 (00013F3A)
  • PerkRiposte (0009CD4C)
  • PerkBashDisarm (0009CD4D)
  • FavorJobsBeggarsAbility (000EEF58)
  • DLC2crAshSpawnCyclone03RightHand (0401AAAE)
  • DLC2VoiceCyclone01 (040200BC)
  • DLC2VoiceCyclone02 (040200BE)
  • DLC2VoiceCyclone03 (040200C1)
5. Perks:
  • AlchemySkillBoost (000A725C)
  • DA11Cannibalism (000EE5C3)
6. Quests:
> Companions' radiant quests:
  • CR01 (0001CEEE)
  • CR02 (00025185)
  • CR04 (00025231)
  • CR05 (0002522F)
  • CR06 (000C18E1)
  • CR07 (00025250)
  • CR08 (00025251)
> Dark Brotherhood's radiant quests:
  • DBEviction (0006F9A5)
  • DBrecurring (0001EA5A)
> Thieves Guild's rejoining quest:
  • TGBan (000B03A2)
> Favor quests:
  • Favor001 (000403B0)
  • Favor013 (000CA209)
  • Favor017 (000CA210)
  • Favor018 (0003F46A)
  • Favor104 (0006FD35)
  • Favor110 (000CA439)
  • Favor204 (0007105B)
  • Favor205 (0006FE37)
> Favor job quests:
  • FavorJobsChopWood (000BF20F)
  • FavorJobsGatherWheat (000A8007)
  • FavorJobsMineOre (000A800A)
> World Interactions quests:
  • WE24 (00062119)
  • WE25 (00062131)
  • WEDL01b (000BFB61)
  • WEDL03 (000B8143)
  • WEDL12 (000BD753)
  • WERoad01 (001034DF)
  • WERoad09 (001065FA)
  • WIChangeLocation04 (0006F211)
  • WIThief01 (00023EEB)

Any mods editing the same records will conflict and need to be patched. Don't worry though, they may seem many but actually they are not. Most of these records aren't touched by other mods. The remaining ones which are also edited by some popular mods have been resolved by the provided patches (as you can find in Available Patches section).
To check for conflicts, simply open all of your plugins (esm/esp/esl) using TES5Edit then check all records edited by Berserker Armor.esp. The conflicting mods will be shown with red colors there.

Another potential conflict is death alternative mods, in which when you are in Lose Control and you turn on the Wake Up in Cave option (in the MCM menu, under Lose Control tab), glitch may happen. Generally, if you got a glitch with it, just turn off your death alternative mod (most death alternative mods have MCM menu or option to turn on and off the feature) and just use the one available in this mod (ie. either Wake Up in Cave or You Die option) when you are in Lose Control. Or just don't use the Wake Up in Cave option and use You Die option instead. But this is just based on my experience. Yours might be different from me, so just test it first but don't forget to save the game before testing it.

I also found that some features from this mod which make the player to play some idles (for example: Berserker Armor: Whirlwind Slam lesser power) may cause a glitch if being used along with some animation-related mod(s). This is so far just a guessed conclusion based on my observations (concluded from my own and other people's testing), because I'm currently having no exact clue on what's the culprit. Anyway, if you get a glitch when using such features, try to take a look at what animation mods you're using. FYI, I have tried this mod along with Nemesis, Ultimate Combat/TK Dodge, Animated Armoury, Dual Wield Parrying, XPMSE, Nemesis PCEA, Dynamic Animation Replacer, to name a few, and I got no glitch. But a BETA tester of this mod found that he got a glitch when using CGO (Combat Gameplay Overhaul) so he decided not to use it. Your experience may vary, so it's best for you to test it first in your game before deciding to remove similar mods from your load order.

Another thing which is also worth noting is that you better NOT use Vampire Lord or Beast Form (ie. vanilla game's Werewolf transformation) powers when you're in a transformation from the armor. Vampire Lord and Beast Form unequip all of your equipments, so it may cause issue if they unequip the armor set which is supposed to not be unequipped (due to the armor's transformation), resulting in a possibly messed up situation. The armor's transformation is supposed to be a power-up which is great enough for your character, so -for a balance and a technical reason- it is better not to use any other transformations when you have relied on the armor.

Available Patches
Currently patches are available for the following mods:

>> Adamant
This patch solves a conflicting spell record.

>> ADXP I MCO Berserker Guts Animation
This patch makes all animations and skills from that mod applicable to the armor in my mod when in transformation. It also removes any buffs from that mod (to only use my mod's enhancements). This patch still needs to be tested.

>> Berserk Races
This patch makes the new races added by the mod to be treated by the same with vanilla races in terms of the armor's enhancements.

>> Better Vampires
This patch solves the conflicting record of cannibalism perk.

>> Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (CACO)
This patch solves a conflicting quest record.

>> Flower Girls
This patch solves the conflicting records for some quests.

>> Growl
This patch makes Growl's knowback and disarm/stun effects resistable by Knockdown Resistance and Disarm Immunity.

>> Immersive World Encounters (IWE)
This patch solves some conflicting world events/interactions (quest) records.

>> Left Hand Rings Modified SE (LHRM)
This patch solves the conflicting Cannibalism perk.

>> Manbeast
This patch makes Manbeast's knockback effect resistable by Knockdown Resistance.

>> Moonlight Tales Special Edition
Similar with Growl patch, but for Moonlight Tales SE.

>> Oblivion
This patch solves the conflicting form list records.

>> Quest Conflict Fixes
This patch solves a conflicting quest record.

>> Reliquary of Myth (RoM)
This patch solves the conflicting record on cannibalism perk. Obviously this is not compatible with Better Vampires patch due to both editing the same record. So just let the one you want to keep overwrites the one you don't want to keep. I'll consider to make a new patch later which covers all changes from both RoM patch(es) and Better Vampires patch.

>> Skyrim Unbound Reborn
This patch solves a conflicting quest record.

This patch makes some animal knockdown effects added by SkyTEST are resistable by Knockdown Resistance.

>> SkyTEST Redux
Same with SkyTEST SE, but for SkyTEST Redux.

>> Thunderchild
This patch solves the conflicting spells and magic effects related with disarm and knockdown (eg. Unrelenting Force, Disarm shout).

This patch solves conflicting quest records.

>> Wintersun
This patch solves conflicting Gift of Charity's magic effect and spell records.

>> Your Choices Matter SSE
This patch solves conflicting quest records.

>> Zim's Immersive Artifacts (ZIA)
This patch makes ZIA's new cannibalism perk to affect 'Feed as Cannibal' negative deed.

Supported Mods
Supported mods are mods in which one or more of their features are integrated, utilized, or connected with one or more of the features of my mod, usually without requiring a patch. Currently my mod supports the following mods:

1. Wounds by IronDusk33

Wounds introduces new types of injury to the game, such as CutsConcussionsBruises, and Broken Bones.

When being used together with my mod, if you get injured with any of these types of injury during transformation, your injury will soon be healed as the result of the armor's Self-Repair feature. But in exchange, the Aftermath Effects you suffer after reverting back will be more severe and last longer. The heavier the injury type you suffer during transformation, the longer the Aftermath Effects will last (to simulate the armor being only 'temporarily' repairs the wearer's injuries, and it doesn't actually 'repair' the wearer, but it just repairs itself).

2. Wildcat by EnaiSiaion

Wildcat adds several kinds of injury to the game, such as Arm injuryLeg injuryHead injury, etc.

When being used together with my mod, if you get injured with any of these types of injury during transformation, your injury will soon be healed as the result of the armor's Self-Repair feature. But in exchange, the Aftermath Effects you suffer after reverting back will be more severe and last longer. The more injuries you suffer during transformation, the longer the Aftermath Effects will last.

3. Vokrii and Ordinator by EnaiSiaion

Vokrii and Ordinator moves unarmed perks from Heavy Armor perk tree to Light Armor perk tree. When you have either one of them installed, the unarmed damage and the unarmed attack speed enhancements are automatically set to scale with Light Armor skill.

4. Vokriinator by corpseletter

Same with Vokrii and Ordinator above.

5. Hand to Hand by SimonMagus
Hand to Hand moves unarmed perks from Heavy Armor perk tree to Lockpicking perk tree (which is renamed to Hand to Hand). If you have this mod installed, the unarmed damage and the unarmed attack speed enhancements are automatically set to scale with Hand to Hand skill.

6. Magic Student (WIChangeLocation04) Quest Fix by wSkeever
This mod edits the same script which is also edited by my mod, so I simply included it in my mod. If you have this mod in your load order, simply remove it or let my mod overwrite it.

How to make a compatibility patch?
There are several features which can be made compatible via a patch. I designed the mod to be easily patch-able, although some conflicts do need to be solved via script-patching. But most of the time, it only needs a couple of copy and paste to make a patch, as explained in the spoiler below:

1. Make a custom race be treated the same with vanilla races in terms of the armor's enhancements.

To make it, you just need to treat your custom race as one of the vanilla playable races. Just choose which vanilla race that is suitable for your custom race in terms of strength, speed, and magic.

To make the patch, simply choose any of the following FormID Lists from Berserker Armor.esp, 'copy as override' it into your patch's .esp, then add your custom race's FormID into it. The lists are:
  • Altmer race: AltmerRaceList (xx00FCB0)
  • Argonian race: ArgonianRaceList (xx00FCB3)
  • Bosmer race: BosmerRaceList (xx00FCB6)
  • Breton race: BretonRaceList (xx00FCB9)
  • Dunmer race: DunmerRaceList (xx00FCBC)
  • Imperial race: ImperialRaceList (xx00FCBF)
  • Khajiit race: KhajiitRaceList (xx00FCC1)
  • Nord race: NordRaceList (xx00FCC4)
  • Orc race: OrcRaceList (xx00FCC7)
  • Redguard race: RedguardRaceList (xx00FCC9)

For example: if you want your custom race to be treated as Nord (ie. high strength, middle speed, low magic), 'copy as override' NordRaceList (xx00FCC4) from Berserker Armor.esp into your patch's .esp, then add your custom race's FormID to it. If you need a further example, take a look at the patch for Berserk Races.

2. Make a knockdown effect (from mods) resistable by Knockdown Resistance

The magic effect which governs the Knockdown Resistance is BerserkEnchKnockdownResistDummy (FormID: 01FA080D).To make a knockdown effect (from mods) to be resistable by Knockdown Resistance, simply add the following conditions to the knockdown effect's magic effect (MGEF):
Subject.HasMagicEffect (BerserkEnchKnockdownResistDummy [MGEF:01FA080D]) == 0.000000 OR 
Subject.HasMagicEffect (BerserkEnchKnockdownResistDummy [MGEF:01FA080D]) == 1.000000 AND 
Subject.IsBlocking == 1.000000 AND 
Subject.GetRandomPercent > Berserk_KnockdownResist_Chance [GLOB: xx00FA96]
(ie. if the subject doesn't have the Knockdown Resistance magic effect, or has the magic effect and is blocking and the dice roll is higher than the chance to resist)
In other words, if the subject has the Knockdown Resistance magic effect and is blocking but the dice roll is the same (or lower) with the chance to resist, the knockdown effect will be resisted.

3. Make a disarm effect (from mods) to be affected by Disarm Immunity

Disarm Immunity shares the same magic effect with Knockdown Resistance (ie. BerserkEnchKnockdownResistDummy, FormID: 01FA080D), but they work differently. If Knockdown Resistance works by reducing the chance of a knockdown effect, Disarm Immunity works by completely disabling the disarm effect if you have the shared magic effect.

To make a disarm effect (from mods) to be affected by Disarm Immunity, simply add this condition to the disarm effect's magic effect (MGEF):
Subject.HasMagicEffect (BerserkEnchKnockdownResistDummy [MGEF:01FA080D]) == 0.000000 
(ie. if the subject doesn't have the shared magic effect)
In other words, if the subject has this shared magic effect, the disarm effect will simply not work.


It's recommended to install this mod in a new game. Or you can install it in existing save files, but make back up first so you can always revert back to your back up files before installing this mod.

  • It's recommended to use a mod manager to install the mod, if you're still not using any. I recommend you to use Mod Organizer 2 (MO2).
  • Make sure all of the requirements have been installed.
  • Install and activate the mod in your load order.
  • Put the mod folder/file (in the left panel of your MO2) above other mods which edit Favor quests, Favor Jobs quests, World Interactions quests, Companions quests, Thieves Guild quests, Dark Brotherhood quests, and Dark Brotherhood contracts' dialogues.
  • Put the mod's .esp (in the right panel of your MO2) below mods which edit Atronach Forge's recipes (there are 2 form lists) and The Gift of Charity effect and spell (usually religion mods), but put it above werewolf overhaul mods and shout overhaul mods (their changes are overall more important than mine's).
  • Install the patches if you have one or more of the patched mods installed in your load order. Put the patches below the main file (below the .esp file) and below the patched mods.
  • (recommended) Open all installed plugins in your load order using TES5Edit, check all vanilla records which is edited by Berserker Armor.esp, make sure no other mods are overwriting changes from this mod and the patches (if you have them installed). Also check data files' conflicts in your MO2, make sure nothing is overwriting any files from this mod.
  • (optional) If you find conflicts in TES5Edit which haven't been covered by the available patches, try to patch it yourself (eg. forward changes from both mods) or tweak your load order by prioritizing mods which have more important functionality.

Load Order
You have to make sure your load order is correct before running the game, or else some parts of the mod may not work, or may cause a game-breaking glitch, or may even cause the game to CTD. Here is the correct load order:

  • All base game's & DLCs' esm/esl
  • Unofficial Patches' esp
  • Other mods' esp which have conflicting files or records with this mod (put either here or below Berserker Armor.esp, based on the installation instructions)
  • Berserker Armor.esp
  • Berserker Armor alternate model's esp (if using any)
  • Berserker Armor patches' esp (for the conflicting mods)

Since this mod employs some event-based functions, you can't simply uninstall an old version then install a new version or replace an old version with a new version. You have to make sure the following steps are fulfilled when updating:

  • If your character is currently in any transformation (including Lose Control), you need to wait until they regains the control back or until the transformation ends, then further wait until the Aftermath Effects end.
  • If your character is currently under the effect of Aftermath Effects, then simply wait until it finishes.
  • If you're equipping a unique weapon (ie. Dragon Slayer or Zodd's Blade), unequip it.
  • Unequip the armor set (all parts), then drop the armor set and the unique weapons out of your inventory.
  • Make sure your character is not in combat and in a relatively safe place (where no sudden enemy will pop up), then save the game in a new save (don't overwrite your existing saves). Exit the game and install the new version (replace the old version).

IMPORTANT: Updating to Version 3.0.0
If you ask me about updating to version 3.0.0 (from a prior version), I'll answer: you can't. Or at least, it is not safe and may cause issue in your game. So I will always recommend you to install version 3.0.0 in a new game or a clean save which doesn't have a prior version installed.

But if you insist, you can try to update to version 3.0.0. It may work, but you're on your own. I mean, I can't provide a proper support should you encounter any related issues. Just make sure that you have followed the standard updating procedures (ie. the 5 steps mentioned above), then follow the following additional steps:
  • If you have a Dragon Slayer or Zodd's Blade, remove or delete them (you cannot use them anymore because they receive significant changes in version 3.0.0).
  • Make sure you don't have a messed up movement speed (eg. no overly slow movement speed, which is probably a bug caused by the interaction between the older version of this mod and some certain unknown mods).
  • Clean your save files (which have a prior version installed) using FallrimTools (or any other good save-cleaner tool out there).
  • Install version 3.0.0.

It's generally not recommended to uninstall this mod from an existing save file because of the scripts (although it should not be harmful). You can also reload your backup saves before this mod is installed, but of course you will lose your progress. If you insist to uninstall the mod from your existing saves, you can try to follow these steps:

  • Open the game, make sure your character is not in any transformation (including Lose Control). If they are, wait until your character regains the control back and/or until the transformation ends.
  • Unequip the armor and make sure that the notification "Berserker Armor is not active" has shown. If you're still under the effect of Aftermath Effects, you need to wait until they end. If you're equipping Dragon Slayer or Zodd's Blade, you must unequip it.
  • Save the game.
  • Check your Active Effects panel, make sure not even a single effect or spell from this mod is active there. Then drop the armor set (Cuirass, Boots, and Gauntlets) out of your inventory, including the Dragon Slayer or Zodd's Blade if you have any. Put them away or delete them using console command 'markfordelete'.
  • Open the MCM menu, click the Uninstall Mod option (under Others tab). Continue until the message notifying that the quests and spells have been stopped/removed shows up, then accept it.
  • Save the game again in a new save (don't overwrite your existing saves).
  • Exit the game and disable or remove the mod from your load order.
  • (optional) Make back up of the save file you just saved in the previous step, then use FallrimTools (or any other good save-cleaner tool out there) to clean it from unattached instances (if any).


There are some recommended mods which complement this mod very well and enhance some aspects of this mod:

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
 (USSEP), to fix many bugs and issues in vanilla game. The mod has been developed with it installed. Some fixes have been forwarded to the mod, but the ones which can't be forwarded without making it a requirement are covered via the USSEP patch.

Scrambled Bugs, to avoid the horrendous Ability condition bug which can cause Ability effects to stop re-checking their conditions once they've been applied to an actor for some amounts of time. The main monitor ability of the mod has been applied in a way to avoid this bug from happening, but some other abilities have not (not applicable). Its "PerkEntryPoints" option is also worth to be used because my mod utilizes "Apply Combat Hit Spell" perk entry point which is also used by many popular mods out there.

Equip Enchantment Fix, to fix engine bugs where item enchantments don't apply when equipped or stop working while the item is still equipped. My mod uses several instances of EquipItem papyrus function which is prone to not applying item enchantments to the subject. This mod fixes this issue.

Unarmed Weapon Speed Scaling, to apply unarmed attack speed enhancement to unarmed power attacks. Without this mod, your unarmed power attacks will not be affected by the unarmed attack speed enhancement.

Ordinator, Vokrii, or Adamant, which equips unarmed weapon when you are unarmed, so the unarmed attack speed enhancement can work. Vanilla game doesn't equip unarmed weapon when you're unarmed, so any unarmed attack speed buff won't work.

Better Jumping SE, to have a better jumping momentum and to allow jump while sprinting. This is especially useful for the Explosive Jump feature which has an option to trigger the powered jump using Sprint key (so you can immediately jump after holding the Sprint key).

Cobb EncumbranceProgressive Encumbrance, or any similar mod, because I initially wanted to add a slow effect which is applied to your character when you're equipping the Dragon Slayer or Zodd's Blade to simulate their massive weight, but then I realized there are already mods who has done it better while also have more features, so I dropped the idea and recommend you to use any of these mods instead.
moreHUD Inventory Edition, to have a wide inventory description panel so that you can read the long description of the effects, because the description of several effects in my mod are rather long.

Wider MCM Menu for SkyUI, for the same reason with moreHUD Inventory Edition but for the MCM menu, because some option names and option descriptions in the MCM menu are rather long.

FileAccess Interface for Skyrim SE Scripts (FISSES), to save and load your MCM option settings so that you don't have to manually set all of the options whenever you start a new game.

MCM Recorder, alternative of FISSES, though I've never tested it.

Dynamic Animation Replacer + EVG Conditional Idles, to have immersive headache, injured, and fatigued animations when suffering the Aftermath Effects.

Credits for these people whom without them this mod would not have been possible!


Special Credits

Kentaro Miura, the author of Berserk, one hell of a badass masterpiece manga!!

Bethesda, the creator of Skyrim which we all can mod as we like.

Bagserk, the original creator of SK's Berserker Armor who gave me permission to use and modify his mods.


anglevet, for his fix to the SE's BDOR helmet and armor meshes.

Ecatombe, for his fix to the LE's BDOR helmet and cuirass meshes and his improvement by adding cool gadgets (similar with Black Swordsman Armor's gadgets). It's all thanks to him that most of the LE's BDOR meshes-related issues regarding the armor were solved!

Kaneyo46, for his massive helps in Beta-testing the mod. Without his tests and reports, it would've been too tedious to debug the mod, and it wouldn't have been possible for the mod to be released this early.

ReDragon2013, a very helpful person, who helped me a lot in editing and optimizing the scripts (i also learnt a lot about Papyrus scripting from his helps; this guy is super helpful!)

IsharaMeradin, who gave me some guidances in the writings of some scripts.

Mod Authors

184Gesu, the author of Colorful Magic in which the Mini Agito model is used for one of the boss' swords.

AceComoMontana a.k.a. Kumakare for his Berserk Dragonslayer Sword and clang which its sound is used in the Clang sound option for the Dragon Slayer.

Alex9ndre, the author of Vigor Combat and Injuries, which the NPC combat AI was taken from his mod.

audiogarden21, the author of Reflect Blows Blows, which I took to improve the Reflect Blows effect.

CalvinShark a.k.a. JayMercer, the author of Reshaped Ebony Helmet which is used as the default helmet model.

Daedalus-AI a.k.a. AzarelHrafin, the author of Powers of the Dragoon which Whirlwind Slam were inspired from Tempest Strike from that mod (i learnt from the script and the method).

elysees, the author of BerserkStyle Blade Kustom and Mortal Chain Cut which were included in my mod as a combat abilites obtained from utilizing the armor.

GarrusTheLoneWolf, the author of Crescent Axe which the models are used for the boss' axes.

JJ a.k.a. OmecaOne, for his edits to BerserkStyle Blade Kustom by elysees to make it usable for all melee weapon types.

NPR a.k.a. KURESE, the author of Monster Hunter Series Weapons in which the Agito model is used for one of the boss' swords.

Phate3, the author of Berserk Dragonslayer which is included in the mod with some edits as stated in the description.

powerofthree, the author of powerofthree's Tweaks, which makes the jump height applicable via an actor value.

Sankese, the author of BERSERK, which is used as the model of the armor.

skeletonk, the original creator of Berserker Armor model for Oblivion in which Bagserk converted it to Skyrim.

stonedsquirrel, the author of Pounce n Dash Jump Height and Speed Charger which is used for Explosive Jump feature.

testiger2, the author of Ebony Replacer Revival SSE which is used as the default armor model.

ubuntufreakdragon, the author of Moonlight Tales Essentials Overhauled which gave me permission to use his mod's lose control functionality.

Zenl, the author of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor which its cuirass textures are used for the gadgets on the cuirass part of the armor.
