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About this mod

Animated Inebriation is a drunk animations and role-play effects mod. It adds drunk animations to the player and NPCs alongside effects such as vomiting, stumbling, and blurred vision. Many new effects and features have been added such as hangovers, spells, NPC reactions and dialogue, quest, drinking contest, race tolerance, addiction, and more.

Permissions and credits
If you like my content and wish to support my work, please consider buying me a coffee.


Even when I uploaded the first iteration of this mod back in 2021, I knew that I wanted this mod to be more.  I wanted to put something together that had the bells and whistles I wanted to see implemented in this sort of mod.  Unfortunately for me, at the time my knowledge of Papyrus, animating, and the Creation Kit in general was rudimentary(Still!).  However,  over the last few years, my knowledge of these tools has grown.  That knowledge, coupled with the thoughts and ideas many of you have discussed with me in the comment section along with a few ideas of my own,  spurred on a desire to create the mod I wanted to upload in the first place.  What follows is the results of that pursuit, and I hope that this mod is for you also a mod you wanted to see uploaded in the first place.  



One of the common dislikes about the vanilla drunk animations by some was that they were too exaggerated and in some instances a little wonky.  AI now by default has new animations that are somewhat more conservative(only slightly...) in their movements.  The new animations in my opinion are a bit more realistic and fluid.  However,  many of you like the older animations just fine(myself included) and will prefer to have those instead. This is why animations both new and old are now selectable via toggle in the new MCM. "But, what if I like both?", you say? No problem! In addition to being able to select either new or old animations individually, there is now a mixed option that will play each version randomly at the same time.  NPCs also have a toggle for this option in the MCM.  All animations are conditioned to respond to most needs and drunk mods, and are now properly annotated for footstep sounds on terrain. 
Please note: Animations in this mod do not currently cover combat and sitting(furniture) animations. While I may at some point include these, there is already a mod that covers these quite well.  Drunk or Drugged Animations by samuelga24 has implemented these perfectly. I have created a "patch template" in the optional files section that you can use to patch over AI to use his animations. Simply download the file and follow the ReadMe instructions.  Please note: there is a little legwork to be done here. You will have to transfer his hkx files to my template, but this is a relatively easy process. 
Also, if you prefer samuelga24's drunk animations, you can easily use the template to overwrite my animations.  If you have trouble with this, please DO NOT bother samuelga24 about it! Comment in the post section or DM me. I'm happy to help. 

One final thing regarding animations. There is now an optional file selectable in the new fomod installer called "Distribution.ini". This requires SPID to function and is somewhat experimental.  It distributes the "drunk" effect randomly to NPCs in the exterior world spaces.  It is currently at a default of 7 percent,(can be adjusted in the config ini) and only starts after 3:00 pm game time.  It's something I'm tinkering with and is completely optional. If you use it, you may find certain NPCs getting drunk suddenly out of context.  If you give it a go I'd love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments section. 

Update: The fomod now has two different Dist_ini's to choose from. One is the original mentioned above, and the other which is now the default file now has a few NPC's filtered out, such as Guards, Priest, Children etc. It also includes a new slow down effect distributed along side the drunk effect by spid that slows down the NPC's movement and cuts down on some of the ice-skating that have plagued the animations in the past. 


The stumble effect now has two percentage sliders in the MCM.  One controls the chance of stumbling while standing or walking, and the other adjusts the chance of stumbling while running or sprinting. Both range from 0 to 100 percent. Set to zero to disable the effect. 

Drink Requirements

Drink requirements are now adjustable.  The first slider lets you adjust how many drinks it takes to get drunk(1 to 5),
and the second slider lets you adjust the number of seconds the player remains inebriated(60secs to 600secs).

Involuntary Vomit Toggle

When the player is already drunk and takes additional drinks, there is a one in three chance that the player will vomit involuntarily. This effect can now be toggled off. Note: The vomit ability in the powers menu will still be usable. 

Blur Effect Toggle

The blur effect that is applied to the player by default can now be toggled off. 

Race Tolerance

There is now an option to toggle "Drink Tolerance" by race. If activated each race will have a particular amount of drinks they need to consume to get drunk. These values can now be selected via sliders in MCM per race(Race tolerance must be toggled!) Click the spoiler to see the Default requirements for each race. 

Breton = 7 drinks
Wood Elf = 9 drinks
RedGuard = 8 drinks
Nord = 6 drinks
Orc = 5 drinks
Argonian = 10 drinks
Khajiit = 2 drinks
High Elf = 9 drinks
Dark Elf = 3 drinks
Imperial = 4 drinks.
Drink requirements can be adjusted per race to be between 1 and 10 drinks total.

Drunk Spells

  • Drunk Spells(active by default in the MCM) can now be purchased from a traveling salesman named, "Fuld the Inebriated", who sells these spells and other items.  Fuld can be found either in any of the Inns or Taverns within the major holds or in transit on his way to these locations throughout Skyrim.  List of Spells and Effects:

   Queasy: Makes the target feel sick and forces them to vomit.
   Inebriate: Magically makes the target drunk.
   Drunkard's Boon: Makes the player ethereal when they stumble while drunk—last 24 hours.
   Summon Dremora Boxer: Summons a Dremora Boxer for the player.
   Finding Fuld: Summons the Ghost of Fuld whom you can follow to find Fuld himself.

Spell Failure

  • Drunk Spell failure can be toggled on and off in the MCM. When active, the player will have a percentage chance of the spell failing, and the effects will be applied to the player instead. At this time the spells covered are mostly elemental spells such as fire, frost, and shock spells and any spells that contain similar keywords. Healing spells are affected as well, and will instantly drain your magicka upon failure. Paralysis spells will paralyze the player for a time. Some shouts are also included so be wary! Conjured summons can also fail, resulting in the conjured entity turning on the player and becoming hostile. 
  • The Drunk Spell Failure Chance slider in the MCM allows you to adjust the percent chance that a spell will fail when cast while drunk. 
    A limited number and type of spells and shouts are affected by spell failure. This may change with future updates. See "Future Plans" below. 


After the player has sobered up, you may find that you have a "hangover". Your Magicka, stamina, and health regeneration will be temporarily halted(several in-game hours), and an image space effect will be applied to the player's vision, making your surroundings appear very bright and saturated. This is a purposeful effect designed to simulate the feeling of vision being too bright and overwhelming. Once this occurs you can either wait till the hangover goes away on its own, or you can consume a "Sobriety Concoction".  A sobriety concoction can be purchased at inns and shops or can be created at any cooking pot if you have the correct ingredients. Both hangovers and the image space effect can be toggled on and off individually in the MCM menu. 


Animated Inebriation now has an optional addiction feature. The addiction mechanic operates around a day-to-day inebriation schedule. Getting drunk frequently(within 24 hours) will increase your dependency on alcohol. For example, if you get drunk on Morndus, and then get inebriated again on Tirdas, your dependency on alcohol will grow. This will be indicated with a notification "Your dependency on alcohol grows...". Spacing out your drinking more than 24 game hours will prevent this dependency. Over time, if you become drunk often enough and frequently enough, you will become an alcoholic. 


Once you become an alcoholic, you will be in a state where if you are drunk you will receive buffs, and if you're sober you will sustain debuffs, based on your level of alcoholism.  Hangovers are suspended, and if you continue to drink consistently from this point, you will move through seven levels of alcoholism. The seven levels of alcoholism are as follows:

  •  Level one Stamina is affected.  While sober both a reduction in stamina pool and a slowing of the stamina regen rate. While drunk,  stamina increases, and regenerates more quickly.         
  •  Level two Magicka is now affected. Similar to stamina, while sober, Magicka is now reduced in both overall magicka and regen rate.  While drunk, the magic pool is increased, and the regen rate is quicker.      
  •  Level three Health is now affected. Again, if sober,  a deficit in overall health and health regeneration is now in effect.  If drunk,   these values are buffed. 
  •  While sober, your physicality and coordination will begin to be affected during combat. You may now find yourself randomly losing your grip on your sword or weapons, as you find them leaving your hands and falling to the ground.       While drunk, you will find you have a drunken strength, that allows you to deal devastating blows in combat. 
  •  You become 50 percent more vulnerable to Magicka attacks of all kinds. While drunk, you become more resistant to those attacks.
  •  At this level, things start to get very serious, if you are drunk, your thinned and alcohol-infused blood will resist disease.   However, if sober, in addition to the other debuff from the previous levels, your immune system begins to fail, and you find yourself sporadically acquiring different illnesses and diseases.
  •  The final and most serious of the stages, you find your vision blurs randomly during combat. There are no buffs on this level. And then, there is...

Dark Mode

 Dark Mode is an additional option available in the MCM only if addiction is activated.  If active, the player must take immediate steps to cure their alcoholism(see below), or risk the possibility of dying from organ failure at any time.  Once the player has entered into organ failure, it's over. The player will collapse to the ground for a few agonizing moments, and then perish from organ failure. 

Curing Alcoholism

As you may have deduced, curing your addiction begins with NOT getting drunk too frequently.  Avoid getting drunk again within 24 hours to prevent the progression of alcoholism.  To reduce your level, you must sleep at least eight hours a day without getting drunk. Your level of addiction will decrease by one level.  Note: your level will only decrease for a single eight-hour period per day. For example, sleeping 16 hours a day, or sleeping for two separate eight-hour periods per day will not reduce your addiction level by two.  Put simply, you can only decrease your addiction level by one per day regardless of the number of hours you have slept.  Your addiction will take time to work through. There is no quick fix. 

Pass Out and Sleep Events

Pass-out and sleep events occur when you overdrink.  If you are already inebriated and you continue to drink, there is a chance that you will trigger a pass-out and sleep event.  When this occurs your vision will go dark and a few different events can take place.

  • You pass out right where you are and wake up hours later on the ground where you stood. 
  • You wake up and find yourself in a tavern or inn.  In this instance, the barkeep will often charge you an inflated fee for your stay.
  • You wake up in jail.  As you are not technically being charged with a crime, the guards will allow you to leave freely when you awake, but will charge you a fee for letting you "sleep it off". 
  • You awake to find yourself in some remote location. You may find yourself waking up in some stranger's bed, on the ground, or in some other peculiar place.  

Black Out Quest 

Black-out quests begin much like pass-out and sleep events.  You pass out and end up in a new location as before. However, it doesn't just end there. You will now find yourself in much more complicated situations than merely waking up in an inn or a jail cell.  One of my favorite quests to play when I first played vanilla Skyrim was "A Night to Remember".  I remember being a bit disappointed that there really weren't more quests like it.  This feature is my attempt to bring more quests of that kind to Skyrim.  Admittedly, this is the feature I'm most excited about.  It not only allows me to do some storytelling but may also provide a framework for others to do some storytelling as well.  More on this later(see "Future Plans" below) At the moment, there is only one blackout quest available.  However, I will be adding more quests in the very near future, and I am eager to flesh out this part of the mod extensively. 

Drinking Contest

While not technically a quest per se,  drinking contests are enabled by default and can be initiated through dialogue with just about any NPC in the game with a few exceptions.  Once you have 100 septims or more in your inventory,  a dialogue option will appear that allows you to challenge someone to a contest.  The NPC may refuse or accept your challenge. If they accept, you both will take a series of drinks together, at the end of which one of you will stumble to the ground and become inebriated. The last one standing is the winner and will win the wager put up.  Also, if you lose and become inebriated, there is a chance that you'll blackout and wake up elsewhere. 

Drunk NPC Settings     

NPCs much like the player, now have a variety of controls in the MCM to adjust to your preference.

  • Firstly, all NPC effects can be toggled on and off with a single click.
  • The frequency of how often NPCs become drunk in inns and taverns can now be adjusted.
  • NPC vomiting can now be toggled on and off in the MCM.
  • Both vomiting and stumble effects now have independent frequency controls. 

NPC Comments & Reactions

NPCs will now comment on the player's drunken state and come in a variety of types.

  • Negative Responses: Responses showing disdain or disapproval of the player's state. Sometimes this can include name-calling or sarcasm.
  • Positive Responses: These are responses where the player's drunken state is viewed as desirable, funny, relatable, or even charming.
  • Race-Based Comments: Comments about the player's drunken state based on the fact that the NPC and player's race are the same or different. Also can be comments that are judgments about a particular race's stereotypes.
  • Helpful Concern or Gifting comments: Comments where the NPC is either concerned about the player being drunk, or gifts the player an item to help them recover from being drunk.
  • Player Fallen Down Comments: Comments given to the player as a result of the NPCs observing the fact that the player has lost balance and fallen down. This can be funny or judgmental.
  • Dragonborn drunk comments: NPCs comment on the fact that the player is not only drunk but also the Dragonborn. Usually, comments are a judgment about the player that is designed to instill shame because the player is drunk while holding such I highly regarded position in the community.

Vomit Reactions

When you vomit, NPCs will now try to run away from the player, and may briefly comment on the occurrence.  Vomit reactions can be toggled on or off.

PLEASE NOTE: All voice lines in Animated Inebriation have been generated from vanilla voice files using XVASYNTH V3


Animated Inebriation comes with a Utilities page in the MCM.  Occasionally, the player character or NPCs will get stuck in an animation state.  In this instance, you can reset the animations on the "Debug" page of the MCM. Usage: For the player simply activate the toggle and leave the menu.  For NPCs, move close to the NPC you want to fix and face them. Then, toggle the NPC reset on the "Debug" page.  

MCM Import/Export

You can now save and load your MCM toggle and slider settings with the Import and Export toggles respectively on the Utilities page. This will record your menu choices and allow you to load them instantly between different saves and profiles. 




Download the main file and open it with your favorite mod manager. 
The installation has now been streamlined with a FOMOD Installer.
Simply choose the relevant options in the installer and enjoy. 
Mod options are included in the optional files for manual installation. 


Like most of you, I have downloaded the new and exciting mod only to be frustrated with the numerous patches, tweaks, and load order adjustments I needed to make to get things running smoothly.  So I knew that when it came time to update this mod, compatibility needed to be a priority.  
  • Animated Inebriation now uses Keyword Item Distributor (KID) to apply effects to the player when they drink an alcoholic beverage. This all but eliminates the need for patches pertaining to drinks in the game, and offers a simple framework to update for drinks added by new mods.  
  •  Animated Inebriation now also uses Open Animation Replacer, and has its animation files arranged in OAR format.  My apologies to my DAR friends but in terms of compatibility and usage, OAR in my opinion is the clear choice.  OARs' vast options for editing conditions with a clean interface, backward compatibility with DAR mods, and open-source plugin make for a much more robust framework.  All due gratitude to Felisky384 for his critical contributions to Skyrim's animations, but it's time to move on. 
  • Animated Inebriation is now Dynamically compatible with most needs and drunk mods.  That is to say,  AI is designed to detect other mods such as iNeed,  LastSeed, Immersive Needs, etc., Or other drinking mods such as Alcohol Effects Redone or SLDrunkRedux.  Animated Inebriation will actively detect these mods and "get out of the way" so to speak, by disabling certain features that would conflict with those mods while keeping other compatible features active.  List of currently supported mods: 
    Alcoholic Drunk Effects Redone, iNeed, Sunhelm Survival, Last Seed, SLDrunkRedux, Immersive Needs, Conner's Survival Mode, Alcoholic Effect, Realistic Needs and Diseases, and Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul(CACO)
       You can see if these mods are active in your load order by viewing the "Active Mods" page in the MCM. 
  • Animated Inebriation now has an extensive MCM Menu (See Photos) Just about all of AI features are toggleable or adjustable in the MCM.  


  • Both the Red and Green vomit options for some reason will not show as much while in a cell that has snow.  Is being looked into. 
  • On occasion when the player is still drunk and you activate the wait menu for a period of time, the player will stumble once after the wait period is over even though the player is now sober. I've tried extensively to re-adjust the scripting to fix the issue.  However, while these re-adjustments have largely reduced this occurrence, it still happens now and then.  Efforts to correct this are ongoing. 
  • The mixed animations option if activated will alternate between animations, however as the animations alternate, the transitions can sometimes be jarring. Is being looked into. 
  • On rare occasions if the player or NPCs vomit and stumble at the same time, it can cause an animation to get stuck.  While those mechanics have been scripted in such a way as to prevent them from overlapping, sometimes if a bit of script lag occurs it can cause this to happen.  If this occurs please use the player and NPC debug options in the MCM to fix it. See the "Debug" topic above. 


As of this writing, I have many more features and improvements I'd like to assimilate into Animated Inebriation. However, with the already growing number of features and added mechanics, I need to be mindful of feature creep.  The currently available version is what I consider a functional base form to work off of.  I wish to take a step back for a bit and address any possible bugs or issues that may arise, and then in the coming months(Hopefully) start to add a bit more content and polish.  What follows is a list of those additions.

  • As mentioned in the animations section, I would like to add sitting and combat with weapons and magic animations.  Also, some dedicated animations for hangovers and perhaps even for the stages leading up to being inebriated. 
  • First-person animations.  I have been tinkering with this for a while, and while I have got a first-person rig setup for this, I have yet to have any tangible success getting first-person animations to do what I want them to.  I will persist though, and hope down the line to bring you some first-person drunk animations.  If any of you are familiar with this process or have any advice I'd love to hear it!
  • An adjustable race tolerance selector in the MCM.  As some of you may feel the lore is not reflected in my choice of tolerance by race,  the ability to adjust these values seems a must.  Updated 08-15-24 MCM now has this feature!!
  • A point-based tolerance system that is integrated with both the race tolerance and addiction features, as well as affecting drinking contests.  
  • Add more drunk-themed spells and shouts.
  • Include more types of spells and shouts that can be affected by the spell failure mechanic. Perhaps from mod-added spells as well.
  • Adding many more "Black Out Quest" to the mod.  In addition to my own contributions, I would very much like to give other modders an invitation to make your own "drunk quest" patched into this mod.  For those of you who are familiar with Papyrus, I encourage you to look over the AI_DrunkEndScript.psc file in the source folder. You'll notice a function called "UniqueQuestStarter() ". You may also notice I've left a lot of empty "placeholders" for new quests there that you can use to initiate your own quest via Animated Inebriations drinking framework. I ask only that you keep your quest relevant to the cause of the situation, and also ensure that themes don't get too dark. Let's keep it light and fun :) So if you have the time and are familiar with mod creation please do give it a go. I'm excited to see what you come up with!!
  • Add more voice lines and responses to NPCs. This I will do as time permits.
  • Drunken bar fight scenes...need I say more? :D

                                                                                       Please Read!!

While this mod may have comedic or funny situations that arise surrounding the use of alcohol by the player character, it is not the intention of either myself or this mod to make fun of or downplay the very real-life effects of alcohol consumption and alcoholism in general. Nor is it intended to make light of any addictive substance or drug and its potential effects, or the many real-life individuals who have been affected by it.

This mod, at its core, is a realism mod. It is meant to simulate the imagined effects of alcohol consumption as it pertains to the lore of Tamriel and its inhabitants. Please know that any real-life similarities between the contents of this mod and any actual person or persons who suffer from alcoholism or similar substance abuse were not intentional or of malicious intent. Additionally, neither myself nor this mod will ever condone or glorify the overconsumption or abuse of alcohol or similarly addictive substances. I appreciate your understanding. Cheers! -Willy

Recommended Mods
While this mod can certainly be played as is, there are several mods that really do add that special something to AI. 

  • Eating Animations and Sounds SE - While not a hard requirement, I honestly can not imagine playing without it. Being able to see the player take a swig of the mead really brings it home. 
  • EVG Conditional Idles - For those of you who use the hangover effect, EVGs "Headache" and "Fatigued" idles play really well with that effect. 
  • Drunk or Drugged Animations - As stated above, the sitting and combat animations from this mod really pair well and are very well done.  Use the optional template in the downloads section. 
  • MFG Fix mod- Must have if you want to see the player and NPC expressions. Especially when vomiting.
  • ENB Image Space Fix -  Fixes imagespace issues with ENBs.  Hangover visuals may not show up properly for some. This mod can help with that. 
  • Improved Camera SE - It doesn't add everything I'd like to see for a drunk first person perspective, but it is a step in the right direction. Seems to work well with the vomit and stumble mechanics.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Ihsaani Harris for testing and early bug fixes. 
Special thanks to diceKounter for doing all the legwork with the NPC and location conditions for the lite versions.
Also, I'd like to thank my son Liam for enduring my relentless request to "Test test test!!!" and for his input
on just about every aspect of this mod.  I love you buddy, you're my everything!!