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About this mod

Be With Healer will help to produce that healers are on each faction, enemies and player. You are able to choose companion who put healing spell on you like a cleric from your favorite followers. We all now are with healers.

Permissions and credits
  • Portuguese
Easy installation for SPID users

By installing the SPID INI file, enemy healers will appear without operating the MCM.
Give it a try!

Be With Healer will help to produce that healers are on each faction, enemies and player.
You are able to choose companion who has not special behavior in battle from your favorite followers as a healer. The healer will put healing spell on you and the person whom you selected not only your companions.
Also you can set that any enemy might become the enemy side healer.

The purpose of this mod is to make the wonderous journey with favorite follower who will assist player from time to time using healing and light magic like the cleric class. The feature is from part of my faction mod. I thought that I want more assistant for adventure, and healers for basic enemies. so I had duplicate a part of healer function as new mod.
Enjoy an adventure of the land of skyrim with your favorite companions.

  • Healer will try to cast healing spell to player, your follower and selected npcs.
  • Healer will try to cast courage to player. (Dialogue and MCM configuration).
  • Healer will try to cast courage to your follower or selected npcs who is under the influence of fear spell. (MCM configuration)
  • Healer will try to cast protection spells (Oakflesh, Ironflesh, Stoneflesh, Ebonyflesh) to player, your follower and selected npcs. (MCM configuration).
  • Healer will try to cast magelight continually to player, if player ask (Dialogue configuration)
  • Healer not cast magelight continually at specific location that is castle, inn, guild, playerhouse. (Location that has keywords LocTypeInn, LocTypeGuild, LocTypePlayerhouse, LocTypeHouse)
  • Healer will try to remove paralysis against player, your follower and selected npcs. (MCM configuration)
  • Healer will try to cast hold planar(paralysis atronach) spell to hostile atronach. (MCM configuration)
  • Healer will try to cast fear spell to humanoid type enemy around player in the limited situation. (MCM configuration)
  • Player can call healer who is missing to player's place. (MCM configuration)
  • Player can call heal target who is missing to player's place. (MCM configuration)
  • Player can choose priority of healing target. Player or your companion(selected npc) group. (MCM configuration)
  • Player can select healing target using spell. It means that target is not necessarily your companions. It is suitable, such as the mission to escort someone. If you choose at a minimum selection, players will be also included. (Use modify spell)
  • If you can manage spellcasting voice file, put them to prepared folder and enable MCM item:"Chant voice type". The folder location is data - sound - fx - mx2bwh - chant - type01 or type 02 or type03 or type04 or type05.
  • (version 1.3) Healer will try to cast healing spell to non hostile npcs(not follower, not playertammate). (MCM configuration)
  • (version 1.3) Illusionist will cast mainly illusion spells(Calm, Fear, Fury) to enemies.
  • (version 1.3) Illusionist will cast healother spell (MCM option: "Allow healing work"). Not cast grandhealing spell. Healing target is automatically selected. Target selection is not available. Also the illusionist will try to cast healing spell to non hostile npcs. (MCM configuration)
  • (version 1.3) Defender will prefer attack enemies that has attacking healer or illusionist or player(selection by dialogue). The enemy attacked might change target to the defender. Defender will assist the healer, but the role is NOT TANK.
  • (version 1.3) One of enemies might become the enemy side healer with a low probability. This is temporaly function. (MCM configuration)
  • (version 1.4) Healer will try to cast elemental resistration spells (Resist fire, Resist frost, Resist shock, Resist magic) to player, your follower and selected npcs. (MCM configuration)
  • (version 1.4) Player can apply medicine potion to your teammate and non hostile people by activating. In role play of a pure warrior build, player can go near the damaged healer and recover with medicine, not magic. (MCM configuration)

I highly recommend that using your favourite mod manager like MO2, Wrye Bash.

To request roles to followers from conversations, enable MCM item [Enable healer system] on Version page. Talk to your follower who you want to request healing work. Adjustment is available with dialogue and MCM.
If you only use enemy healer function, not necessary to enable [Enable healer system].

SPID file is option. The sample file MX2BeWithHealer_DISTR.ini is in installer. This sample file will attach healer function spell for SPID to npc who has specified CombatStyle like csDraugrMagic, csFalmerMagic, csForswornMagic, csHumanMagic, csSoldierMagic, csVampireMagic, csWarlock, csHagraven.

Enter MCM menu and enable item:Uninstall. Close MCM menu and wait few seconds. Save and quit game.  Deactive MX2BeWithHealer.esp.
If you are using enemy side healer function, it is better to go to an interior cell where only be player before uninstall.

Healer response
To expect more response, you are able to modify.
  • MCM item:"Combat update time" value change to lower.
  • Enable MCM item:"Always CombatUdateTime".
Because there are a number of skyrim environment by players, the default setting is not high.
When mod environment is heavy load and value of "Combat Update Time" is minimum, remember that there is a possibility that healer is no longer work right.

If healing target is player only and if you think that is not necessary to cast to enemy, healer action can change to ai package. Enable MCM item:"Allow package driven". Although it is not constant monitoring with script, healer can cast healing, courage, magelight, protection, cure paralysis to player.

Target selection
There are 3 method of target selection of the healer. "Use target list" or "Auto finding" or "Vanilla follower only".
To change this method, need to re-request as healer with dialogue.
  • Use target list - Default setting. Need to add npcs that you want to recovery. Even if player is not listed, the player is included. This was default setting as version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.
  • Auto finding - NPC that have the following flag will selected. Follower or PlayerTeammate.
  • Vanilla follower - Vanilla follower system only.

How to modify healing target list (for "Use target list" method)
Selected healing target system require that the following MCM item state is enable. MCM Item:"Alternate heal target" list.
When player equip modify spell - "Be With Healer modify spell (MX2)", healer will grow orange and healing target grow purple effect.

To add specific npc to healing target list
  • Talk to healer and select "Check your recovery target."
  • equip select spell - "Be With Healer modify spell (MX2)"
  • cast the spell to healer.
  • select "Set neart targets"
  • equip select spell - "Be With Healer modify spell (MX2)"
  • cast the spell to npc that you want to add to healing target list.
  • select "Add"

To remove specific npc from healing target list
  • equip select spell - "Be With Healer modify spell (MX2)"
  • cast the spell to npc that you want to remove from healing target list.
  • select "Remove"

To clear healing target list
  • Talk to healer and select "Special recovery target is not exist now."
  • equip select spell - "Be With Healer modify spell (MX2)"
  • cast the spell to healer or npc.
  • select "Clear list"

Enemy side healer
This feature provides the possibility for enemies such as bandits, forsworn, necromancers, warlocks, and vampires to have healers. Works primarily in combat and will stop function when the cell is unloaded.
There are several types.
  • The Healer of Enemy (Distribution)
  • The Healer of Enemy (Location)
  • Wilderness Encounters
  • Examples (Instant Creation)

The Healer of Enemy (Distribution)
This feature add the healer ability temporary to enemy that already exist. It is recommended that use any enemy increase mod. The distribution of this feature is not distributed using cloak spell, but at the appropriate time by the quest. It is possible to disable this function at any time. Also can applies to non-humanoid races, but cast movements can sometimes be awkward if they belong to a creature (with the keyword ActorTypeCreature) such as Draugr, Falmer, Hagraven, Spriggan (such time, automatically fixes).
The Healer of Enemy (distribution) limit to up to 10 healers exist at the same time. This limit is considering overall performance. If using SPID for distribution instead of The Healer of Enemy (Distribution) and might occuring many healers, it might lead performance hit.
***For SE player***
If Spell Perk Item Distributor (SPID) is installed, you can use SPID to distribute "Healer" function as spell without using The Healer of Enemy (distribution). This spell is for SPID. See ini file Be With Healer_DISTR.ini. In that case, the built-in function The Healer of Enemy (Distribution) does not limit the number of healers that exist at the same time. Be aware of the performance degradation caused by too many healers.

The Healer of Enemy (Location)
Don't you think that dungeon bosses should at least have a healer? Not all places, but you might see healers standing by bosses in a lair of bandit, forsworn, falmer, vampire, warlock, etc.
It is possible to disable this function at any time.

Wilderness Encounters
Added some Wilderness Encounters quests with healers based on vanilla Skyrim. Whether or not you can encounter these quests depends on the mod configuration of player.
The original vanilla quest for the new quest with the added healer is:
  • WE20, WE22, WE33
  • WEDLVigilOfStendarr02, WEDLVigilOfStendarr04
  • WEJS04, WEJS20
  • RERoad03, RERoad04, RERoad05
When the player is in an interior cell like inns, shops and player home, It is possible to disable this function at any time.
If you are interested in the healer function that comes with WE Quest on the Be With Healer, see the script MX2BWHEnemyLocDunHealerAliasScript that comes with alias Captor4 in Quest MX2BWHWERoad03.
Attach this script to an alias of the enemy you want to be a healer, it will be a healer that heals allies of the same faction if the attached target belongs to a standard enemy faction like BanditFaction, DragugrFaction, VampireFaction, etc. Be sure to add the Keyword MX2BeWithHealerJobHealer, the Spell MX2BWHAbilityVisualHealerEnemy and the Faction MX2BWHJobHealerFaction to alias. Also don't forget to set property of script like example. (Needless to say, the script works under the Be With Healer.)

Examples (Instant Creation)
Examples of actors with a healer script attached. Create a temporary healer at player location. Select healer type and close MCM. This temporary NPC is not suitable for companion, as it will disappear when the player moves from place to place, and no action can be commanded of them. Simple enjoy!
There may not be enough testing for when the target you are trying to turn into an enemy healer belongs to a faction that is not a basic faction (Bandit, Forsworn, Falmer, Vampire, Warlock), such as DarkBrotherhoodFaction.
Ever wanted to place a healer next to an enemy boss on your map or mod-dungeon? You can place them anywhere you like with the Creation Kit. See MX2BWHEnemyHealerABFactionList (FormList) for a list of healers by faction. Considering overall performance, I recommend up to 1 (or 2) healer per dungeon, assuming you also have a healer on your side.

To give medicine
This option allows you to give a recovery potion to your teammate and non hostile people by activating.
It is available when target health is low or in combat condition.
In role play of a pure warrior build, you can go near the damaged healer and recover with medicine, not magic.
For use with EFF, this option works only on Dialogue menu mode.

  • Spellcasting will be interrupted when healer is attacked. Casting interruption checks is made based on the healer's restoration skill. Even if the skill is 100 or more, it can fail. This feature can be disabled on the MCM.
  • Even if healer does not have healother spell and courage spell, healer can cast these spells.
  • Healer who amount of magicka is 0 can't cast a healing spell. Enable mcm item:"Additional magicka".
  • To receive the recovery magic, targets including player must be within a distance set by MCM.
  • Even if player is not listed when player check a target list, the player is included.
  • When player is sneaking during 5 second, magelight that healer put on will disappear.
  • When healing target dies, target will be removed from target list. If healer cast healing spell to dead npc repeatedly, try to use modify spell. Select "remove" or "remove dead from list".
  • The behavior of the healer is based also on his(her) own combat style.
  • (Option) Player can ask healer role to your follower. Also it is possible to ask healer role to some people who is not hostile by MCM configuration. For example, Adrianne and Balgruuf. Heimskr cannot become your healer. He has strong will. When MCM item:Force follow is enable, It it possible that any quest that healer belongs to may not continue properly.
  • (Option) Healer's AI value and Combat Style can be changed on MCM. By modified these values, it changes the behavior of the healer in combat. Do not melee attack or prefer melee attack and frequently shield bash or etc. It need to enable MCM item:Extended Info. Also please refer to AI Data Tab (Creation Kit) and Combat Style (Creation Kit).
  • "Close Range Dueling Circle Mult" and "Close Range Fall back Mult" belongs at "Dueling" on Combat Style Tab "Close Range". Also "Close Range Flank Distance" and "Close Range Flank Stalk Time" belongs at "Flanking" on Combat Style Tab "Close Range". Dueling or Flanking, either one is available and it is determined by npc own combat style data. It cannot change from mcm. It can check by Creation kit and TES5Edit. If you want to use "Flanking", but current combat style is "Dueling", you should change it on Creation Kit or TES5Elit, or find other follower who has "Flanking" in combat style.
  • Remember that when player ask healer role to npc, AI values and some combat style values is memorized. when healer role is finished, memorized values will be recovered.
  • When healing target is player only, it is possible to change healing method. Player can chosse ai package driven or constant monitoring with OnUpdate function. MCM item:"Allow package driven" mean change healing function by the number of targets. The default setting is enabled.
  • If mcm item:"Learned spell only" has been enabled, healer can cast spell that has learned spells only except healother and courage and cure paralysis and hold planar. (Check target: GrandHealing, Oakflesh, Ironflesh, Stoneflesh, Ebonyflesh)
  • When healing target is player only and MCM item:"Allow package driven" is enabled, healer would not cast fear spell.
  • Defender is NOT TANK. Defender will not provoke enemies actively. If aggresive provoke is needed, it is better to use other mods. And it is not recommended that assign this function to teammate who has already similar function by other mod.

For the followers that has their own behavior, there is a possibility that it does not work as expected.
Ordinarily I am not using follower management mod. I used EFF, AFT and NFF for compatibility testing and it seems to be working fine.

Credits and thanks