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About this mod

Adds snow to the shrine after "Boethiah's Calling". ESP-FE

Permissions and credits
I'd never given much thought to the Sacellum of Boethiah after the quest, then I installed a new modded statue and went back to have a look.
No snow? Fires still burning? No janitor in view?
I suppose that the acolytes kept the shrine clean and tended while they were alive, but now...
So I added some snow and doused the fires.
Now it looks properly neglected and abandoned... thanks to our energetic Dragonborn  :)
I also "snowed" some debris and cleaned a bit the navmeshes around.

The changes take place after having completed the "Boethiah's Calling" quest.

Versions and Requirements
  • Boethiah by Mandragorasprouts -- requires the original mod and won't work without it.
  • New Shrine of Boethiah SE by PsBoss -- requires the original mod and won't work without it.
  • Vanilla statue by Todd Howard -- requires nothing. It just works!

User manual
Install while away from the area.

Looks good with Simplicity of Snow, which I use and recommend.
No idea how it would be with vanilla snow or BDS.

And last but not least...