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About this mod

Shy ENB preset with ReShade as bandage.

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Visually, MousyENB and ReShade tries to respect Obsidian Weathers and Seasons for the most part:
Skyrim is pale and cold while sun provides light and warmth occasionally.

Preset is made for gaming (FPS in mind) and not so much for screenarchery.
Still, ReShade can be used for adding effects to heart’s desire.

Random Skyrim footage showcasing early version of preset:


+ ENB runs decently and still enables effects that enhance graphics the most *IMO* 
+ Obsidian filters and seasons work out-of-box
+ mod like Predator vision works out-of-box
? ENB weather support is included for all Obsidian/vanilla weathers and always under construction ;)
- preset uses limited number of ENB functions/effects

Install (updated 4.2.2023)

This preset is combination of ENB and ReShade so you need both for intended result.

Versions 0.9 - 0.915

You don’t have to install ReShade if overall brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness work just fine with only ENB preset and Obsidian filters. That been said, it may look very bleak without this ReShade preset.

You're probably already familiar with installing ENB and ReShade but here are few specific details for this preset especially:

- preset utilizes only ENB binaries in ENBseries package (.dll files) so make sure to have only those in your Skyrim SE folder before adding this preset at least v0.473 for preset v0.910 and forward )
- make sure to remove any old enbseries and enbcache folders plus possible .fx & .fx.ini files in your Skyrim SE game folder

- for ReShade presets - mousy_*.ini files - addition to standard effects, following packages are required:
  • SweetFX by
  • Color effects by prod80
  • AstrayFX by BlueSkyDefender

Version 0.950 and newer

1. ENB
- remove any previous ENB preset files, including possible enbseries and enbcache folders from your Skyrim game folder
- download TES Skyrim SE ENBSeries from and copy only d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll to your Skyrim game folder
- extract this preset to same game folder (creates enbseries folder)
- Dynavision users : disable ENB DoF from ENB UI (shift+enter)

This preset includes limited support for whole ENBSeries package and enables only configured effects.

2. ReShade
- download ReShade from and install to your Skyrim game folder.
  For automatic packages installation select mousy_natural_%version_number%.ini 
- select the same preset from ReShade UI

Preset currently activates 4 effects, two of them utilize depth buffer
  - ReShade DisplayDepth.fx is used to visulize these settings, more info in UI and forums
  - preset works fine without correct buffer settings but part of sharpening and light exposure wouldn't be in intended values
  - Tonemap.fx (added on v. 0.959) is used mostly for gamma control and defog property to control blue tint mostly notable on exteriors

ReShade preset is optional but highly recommended as ENB preset has limited features enabled.

3. EVLaS configuration
  - EVLaS.cfg as optional download with MM support
  - sets FadeTimePoint values manually
  - seperates MoonPhaseMultipliers to Volumetric and Direct with different values

These mods are highly recommended as they were used while creating this preset
(overwrite order as indicated):

- LUX and LUX Orbis > Embers XD > ENB Light
  different light and fire mods need ENB preset tweaking, obviously
  LUX is a big improvement over ELE and RL for me personally
  while LUX Orbis is very much down to preference and should be fine to exclude for this preset

- 8K Night Skies > Haze Sky and Water > Realistic Water 2

Haze adds textures that replace most of Obsidian default effect, sky and water textures
  but this preset should work fine without Haze if you prefer
  (for preset v. 0.905 and forward, Haze is even more recommended because changed sky lighting)

- s
ky mesh mod (like Picta Series - Improved Sky Mesh)
  Any mod that works, will do. Without one, horizon will most likely be "burning" during sunrise and sunset on most weathers ;)

Tech stuff, please read! (updated 4.2.2023)

Versions 0.9 - 0.915

Only certain ENB effects and functions can be enabled with this preset.
Obvious ones that won't work properly are those that require .fx libraries. 
(enbadaptation,enbbloom,enbdepthoffield,enbeffect,enbeffectpostpass,enbeffectprepass,enblens,enbsunsprite and enbunderwater
are excluded and any existing should be removed from Skyrim SE game folder and enbseries folder)

These can’t be added without rework to maintain the intended visuals. 
Well, you can add all of these, enable original post prosessing and see, what happens with other effects. 
I've not currently seen reason to do it for this preset but help yourself :)

Enabled ENB effects in this preset per enbseries.ini
(states as of version 0.910) :





Versions 0.9 - 0.904
For DoF, personally I use Dynavision (static mode, usually on 0.9 while Skyrim DoF is enabled but all the way left in game settings) which blurs the image all around, at least for me... ReShade lumasharpen compensates this nicely.

Bloom and adaption I leave as-is on Skyrim but I have experimented with mods like this to disable them.
In some cases I see the benefit disabling Skyrim native bloom does benefit for removing object glow/halo but with no ENB adaptation, it's better to leave on.

FXAA is my choise of anti-aliasing and enabled in my Skyrim settings.

ReShade DPX does the heavy lifting for overall brightness (DPX stregth), contrast and saturation in this preset.
These are the settings I'd recommend to adjust first if you find any of them lacking.
And as mentioned before, Obsidian filters can be used and also to lower sunlight power.

You can expect some 'halo' or 'glow' effect on objects due ENB AO settings and with some Obsidian filters plus Skyrim bloom.
Most of it can be faded with disabling AO self intersecting (disabled by default starting v.0.903) and disabling Skyrim bloom with mods.

Version 0.905 - 0.915
is focused for Obsidian natural filter. Weather preset adjusting is done using 'seasons off' setting (Obsidian default coloring) to ensure that when seasons are enabled, colder and warmer season colors are tolerable.

ENB weather support is also expand in this version, including all Obsidian/vanilla weathers in separate configurations files.
Weather modifications for all of these will be ongoing process and currently in very early stage, mainly just defaulting to earlier versions default and dark (rain, thunderstorm) settings.

ReShade DPX is included in preset, use it to your preference.
Some bloom is added with ReShade as Obsidian natural filter has very little or none.
For sharpness preset enables excellent Prod80 lumasharpen with depth field control.
Version 0.906 adds clarity.fx, giving more highlights and presence overall.
Version 0.909 adds some LUT with ReShade Prod80 LUT pack. This binds all textures nicely without tonemapping everything to smush IMO
Version 0.911 starts the support for EVLaS , preset still needs bit of tweaking.
Version 0.915 is adjusted with current Lux and EmberXD (red/orange option) mods and Soaking Wet mod in mind.

Everything else is as with earlier versions. I just like Dynavision static DoF and slight blur effect to much ;)

Version 0.950 and newer

Preset now enables DoF using Marty McFly's shader and adds ENBSeries default postpass for sharpness/blur control (ENB underwater.fx added on version 0.958). Dynavision users need to disable or adjust DoF and postpass effects from ENB UI or configuration file.

Obsidian seasons still work as before, just make sure ENB setting UseOriginalPostProcessing=true stays enabled.

ReShade depth buffer needs to be adjusted correctly for two of the four enabled effects to work as intended.

ENB [RAINWETSURFACES] have been adjusted per rainy weather to give Soaking Wet mod the main control for wetness specularity to achieve visual balance.

Version 0.953 includes EVLaS configuration as optional file for this preset. FadeTimePoints set to manual values, weather presets still under work to hide sudden light boost. Seperated MoonPhaseMultipliers Volumetric and Direct values for more control.

Preset currently enables only ENB complexgrass properties by default, not other parallax or blending properties.

About performance

FPS is naturally relative to your hardware, load order and game settings. 

Asus GTX 1660S (w. Enhanced Vanilla Trees & Northern Grass)

For me, 1440p resolution with GTX 1660S in borderless window mode, exterior FPS runs around 37-50 while 1080p is almost stable 60 FPS. Interior FPS has sunk from stable 60 with ELE&RL - excluding some particle issues - to 45-60 after moving to LUX but it's worth it :)

Asus RTX 3060 Ti Dual Mini (w. Jedi Trees & Northern Grass)

Using this Asus card (underclocked/-volted 1710MHz@900mV to reduce heat issues) at native 3440x1440 monitor resolution with increased LoD distance, shadow resolution 2048 and fShadowDistance at 20k, average exterior FPS runs just bellow 50. On heavy tree areas it sinks bellow 40.

Ambient occlusion is the most demanding effect in most ENB presets (if enabled) and this is the case with MousyENB too.
Preset tries to cut down the cost as much as possible while still maintaining good-enough look.
Personally, I can't bare to play without AO anymore. Disabling it and possibly using native Skyrim AO would probably get you better performance.

My Skyrim .ini settings are a random mess but I do drop shadows to 1024 (GTX 1660S).
While it doesn't look that 'nice', it does benefit FPS over 2048 or more. 

Bellow is a part of my load order
Obsidian Weathers and Seasons, LUX, LUX Orbis, ENB Light, Embers XD, EVLaS, Volumetric Mists, Noble Skyrim, Blended Roads, RW2, The Jedi Trees, Northern Grass, Majestic Mountains, Wet and Cold, Haze Sky and Water, Tamrielic Textures SE 1 - Landscapes, various Rudy HQ mods, various Project Clarity mods, SMIM, FNIS, Skyrim 3D Rocks, Origins Of Forest, DynDOLOD, eFPS, NGIO


Q: What's the benefit using ENB this way?
A: Just my preference. You decide if it's worth it.
  Starting with v. 0.950, preset is mostly adjustable as 'normal'

Q: I don't want ReShade so..?
A: Depending on your display and settings, it is very possible that you won't need it. Sharpening the image (at least if you don't care for any DoF) is optional. 
If you do find the preset to be dark in overall, you'd need to tweak values in all weather preset files. ReShade DPX or Lightroom would make this much simpler. 

Q: How about other weather and light mods?
A: I’ve been tweaking this preset with just the listed mods. LUX and LUX Orbis will stay in my load order for good, unless something 'better' comes along ;)  For other weather mods, maybe someday but only if I switch one myself, I’m more of a gamer than modder.

Q: Some of these settings look 'funky'...

A: Most likely some are. I tinker settings while gaming and don't usually go thru things methodically so naturally everything is not 'done' in this preset. WIP tag is pointless because as I see it, this preset won't ever be completed anyway ;)
