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About this mod

Fixes some pet peeves of mine with the VRIK mod. Currently including gesture system improvements, changes to ragdolling during knockback/death and a near-clip-distance bug fix.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin

Near Clip Distance
(Fix flickering mountains or clipping hands)
(The NearDistance setting in the VRIK MCM has been fixed as of VRIK 0.8.2 and you can now set a good value in there instead)

To counteract a VRIK bug that forces your "fNearDistance" INI setting to on every game launch, this tweak will allow you to configure an override value that will be applied every time you load a save (or when you change it in the MCM). Your override setting here is per-character (not game-wide). Note that VRIK has this "near distance" option too in its MCM but that setting is subject to the VRIK bug and will NOT persist when restarting your game.

What does this setting do? Well, setting it high will reduce Z-fighting (often seen as flickering snow on mountains) but will also cause graphical clipping issues with anything coming very near your face (like your hands or shoulders). Recommend less than 10 if you dont want clipping or more than 12 if you want less flicker.

Default value for this is set to 13 which the community considers the best balance between flicker and clipping. Depending on your environment mods, you may be able to have it lower while still not having flickering issues, which is better (less clipping). Feel free to experiment!

Gesture System
(Minimize the need for the MCM menu during normal play and fix some bugs)

What is the VRIK gesture system?
It allows you to instantly cast or equip spells, powers and shouts by swiping your hand in various directions while holding a dedicated gesture button. It can do a lot of other things as well, but that's its most used aspect and is what i'm focusing on here with my tweaks.

Fixes added:
(These Fixes have been integrated into the VRIK main file as of VRIK 0.8.2 and no longer require these Tweaks. Optional changes below still require this mod)

  • Cast and Equip gestures will no longer work for spells you havent learned yet (since they carry over between saves, this was an easy way to cheat).
  • Cast and Equip gestures can no longer fire while you're in a menu. If you have a button you often use in menus as your gesture button, this led to a whole lot of accidental spell activations that would all fire off at once when you closed the menu and resumed time. Note however that if you close the menu with your gesture button, you can still trigger gestures with that (as the gesture will finish in unpaused state). Other gesture types like "emulate keypress" still work in menus.

Optional changes added (can be disabled in the MCM):

  • Allows quicker and easier access to assigning and changing Spell, Power and Shout gestures without opening the MCM. The new method uses a Power that can be activated with whatever you find most comfortable, be it a hotkey, Spell Wheel, voice or even a VRIK gesture itself. Once active, you can equip things and then perform gestures to assign those things to those gestures. Use the power again to deactivate and return gestures to normal operation. Details are explained in game (via popups) or in the above video. You can assign all 3 types as auto-cast. Spells can alternatively be assigned as "Equip" to allow you to aim them more accurately before firing. Shouts can be assigned as equip as well to have more accurate control over the amount of Words used. Powers can only be auto-cast as there is no reason to equip it in advance.
  • The new assignment system is completely interchangeable with the normal VRIK MCM. So you can choose to assign stuff with this new system, then change those assignments with the MCM or vice versa. You can also enter the MCM "Gesture Overview" to see all current assignments.
  • When starting a new save and activating the assignment Power for the first time, you'll be presented with an option to reset your entire gesture layout. This can be nice when starting a new game if you dont want to carry gestures over from an old one (VRIK gestures are saved game-wide, not on a save-by-save basis).
  • Spell casting via gestures will now have an accompanying sound effect to substitute for the missing normal cast sound, similar to how MageVR does it. This is the same sound for all spells though. I have picked something generic.

Important technical detail on the new gesture assignment system:

  • This only works when replacing a previous equip, cast or empty-cast assignment. Empty-cast means that the gesture is set to the "Cast" type but it's currently set to casting "None". This is different from Unassigned. If a gesture is entirely unassigned, this tweak mod is unable to detect that gesture being used and therefore cannot assign it to anything. To smooth out this process, it will ask you (on first launch) if you want to convert all your Unassigned gestures to empty-cast-types (which is the same thing, just detectable, so highly recommended). 
  • While using this new system, you can also "clear" any gesture to convert it back to empty-cast. If you use the Reset option from point 3 above, that will convert ALL your gestures back to empty-casts.
  • If you have a gesture currently assigned to something special like keypress emulation, cycles or "quick spells" you will still have to enter the MCM if you want to reassign those.

Ragdoll/Death Alternative
(Less motion sickness and more immersion)

What is player ragdolling?
When pushed back by powerful attacks or shouts or when you die, your VRIK body will turn into a string puppet hanging from your wrists. The puppet will then (in cases where you didnt die) try to animate itself back up to standing position, which looks terrible when the hands have to stay synced with your controllers. Also, while this whole thing is going on, you are unable to move, attack or cast anything. Even more problematic however is that it is very unclear when this state has fully finished and given control back to the player. So it leads to the game feeling unresponsive and broken. Knowing when control is lost/regained has been a problem since Skyrim VR launched and is something I aim to fix here as well.

Optional changes added (can be disabled in the MCM):

  • When ragdolled, you will become "unconscious". A new state introduced that washes the color out of your surroundings, blacks you out for a moment, plays a new kind of "underwater heartbeat" sound with a visual effect to go along with it and most importantly, makes your body and weapons invisible (again with a visual effect so it doesnt just go *pop*). The intent being to let you very clearly know that you are no longer in control and that you have to wait for things to return to normal as well as hiding all the buggyness going on with your body. When the ragdolling ends, your body will return with accompanying sounds and visual effects to make it extremely clear that you can now move, attack and cast again.
  • The blackout when pushed back or dying can be set to instantly snap to fullscreen black to remove any motion sickness that would otherwise be induced by such chaotic and extreme movement.
  • While "unconscious" you can still be attacked and die. So this tweak has zero impact on balance, it is purely audio-visual. If you do die, your "heartbeats" will stop to make this clear. Fall damage from the pushback can also kill you.
  • Death and knockback are separate settings. You can have blackout in none, both or just one of them. Death also has the option of redout where the screen turns red then fades to black to differentiate it further from the knockback FX. This setting is new for 1.7 and not seen in the video demo.
  • The video shows the default settings of blacking out for only a second or two. In the MCM you may however make the blackout last for the full duration of the knockdown, if it feels more immersive or practical to you. For death, the blackout will always last until the game reloads (if enabled).


Just add it to your LO anywhere below VRIK. Can be installed on saves where VRIK is already running.


prog for the incredible amount of hours put into creating and refining VRIK to the masterpiece it is today.