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Includes some patches for creation club content, as well as one for Qwib's lanterns.

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This is just a quick collection of some patches for Creation Club content to work in line with Heim. Additionally, I've made a patch for Qwib's Simple Wearable Lanterns. 

For Creation Club Alternate Armors:
You might be wondering why I bothered when there's already a patch up by the excellent author MehrunesDagon47 (link). Well, my version is a bit more complicated/annoying for you to get your hands on that sweet Creation gear. They still include book requirements but have been tweaked further.
Essentially, all recipes have been made more in line with Heim's vanilla gear changes (lots of leather, start skinning). Some of the more distinct changes include:

Daedric Plate/Mail now needs to be made at the Skyforge.
Fur Stalhrim needs a fur cuirass (any of the four variants will do). It also needs some ebony.
Silver armor now requires the Witchhunter book (as opposed to the Advanced Armors book in the other patch).
Dragon Plate armor now also needs goat hide.
Orcish Plate armor now also needs a cave bear pelt.

In addition, there are now breakdown recipes for all the materials that Heim also adds breakdown recipes for (Dwarven, Ebony, Elven, Iron, Leather, Orcish, & Steel).

Use this patch if you want something more in line with Heim's vanilla recipes. Use the other patch if you want something that only adds the book requirements.

Finally, I also have an Adamant patch (changes Nordic and Stalhrim smithing perk requirements). 

For the Creation Club Backpacks:
You now need the book "Backpack Crafting" in your inventory to make any backpack. It can be found for sale at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, Gray Pine Goods in Falkreath, and the Solitude Fletcher. Additionally, you must now craft them at a tanning rack.

For the Fearsome Fists gauntlets:
You now need to have the same requirements that Heim requires for the default gauntlets. I have not really messed with these recipes, rather I've just added them the same materials required as their non-spiked counterparts. These are for the unenchanted variants, they also have breakdown recipes should you find them in your travels and want some scraps.

For Creation Club's Fishing:
You now need "The Art of the Catch," a book available at the Pawned Prawn in Riften. Keep in mind you will still need to have completed Unfathomable Depths for the dwarven fishing rod (though I may change this if people hate this idea).

For the Ghosts of the Tribunal Indoril armor and Redoran Watcher Helmet:
You now need the book "The Dunmer Styles" (read the main Heim page to find out how to obtain it). The restrictions are only on the Indoril armor set and the Redoran Watcher Helmet as those are the ones you can craft immediately once you have the creation installed with the elven smithing perk.

For the Creation Club's Pets of Skyrim:
You now need "Light Armor Crafting" and like the backpacks, they are now made at a tanning rack.

For the Creation Club's Arcane Archer:
It comes in two flavors, both require the Witchhunter book for most of the recipes, and the Dragon book for the bone arrows. One is for vanilla, the other is for AndrealphusVIII's version. Do NOT use both! (I recommend Andrealphus' one but it's up to you.)

For Beyond Skyrim Bruma:
There was a patch floating around but I can't seem to find it...anyway, this patch adds the book requirements where it's logical, allows you to break down copper rings into copper scraps (as well as other armors and weapons into their respective material scraps), slightly adjusts crafting recipes to be more in line with Heim's vanilla recipes, and adds the quest condition of having been to Bruma as a prerequisite. This makes it completely compatible with Tamrielic Distribution's Bruma module! Load my patch after that mod if you use it. 

I've also added the relevant Heim books to the Blacksmith and General Trader in Bruma in case you are using an alternate start mod that puts you in Bruma. I don't know of any mod that changes their merchant chests, but if there is one, it's up to you whichever mod you want to win priority. This patch does not add any new books, so I'd recommend letting the other mod win in that case.

This mod is not compatible with Beyond Skyrim Bruma Location Styled Crafting and I don't plan on making a patch, as that seems more of a quality-of-life feature. If you want to make a patch using that mod and my patch please feel free, no need to make my patch a requiremement!

For Beyond Skyrim Bruma - Adamantium Addon:
You can now break down that Adamantium armor into adamantium scraps which you can then use to make more ingots. The armors now require more ingots (if you have the mod's Wyrmstooth module installed this will help!). You also need the Heim book for advanced armors to craft it.

For Qwib's Simple Wearable Lanterns:
You now need the book "Lighting the Way" (available for purchase from blacksmiths in Windhelm, Riften, Dawnstar, and Whiterun's Warmaidens). 

For Chesko's Campfire:
You now need the book "Into the Wild" (available for purchase from Whiterun's The Drunken Huntsman and Solitude's Fletcher. There is also another way to obtain these from the camp (northeast of Wayward Pass) of the author himself, who tragically, passed away (from old age and not from succumbing to the elements). Should you find him, you'll get a little extra for your trouble (though not much, and if you don't like walking sticks then I'm afraid you've climbed all that way for nothing but a nice view). Because this adds a dead NPC and a small camp to the worldspace, there is always the possibility it has a conflict. I've tested it with over 1000 plugins installed and there were no conflicts, but if there is one with a mod, please let me know! 

I have not touched the create item menu objects that come with Campfire. This is because 1. You and I would both need another patch for the one extra object that comes with Frostfall and I'd like to keep this patch without needing Frostfall. 2. The main reason I love Heim is that it declutters the smithing menus. Create item doesn't have that many items in game and I almost always forget to use it anyway so I don't think it's a big deal. There are also quite a few items that seem obvious and wouldn't require a book (like ripping clothes to make linen, or getting wood to fashion a walking stick).

For aMidianBorn Variants Lite:
All items made with recipes consistent with their vanilla counterparts and even better, breakdown recipes for everything have been added! I also threw in the Skyforge Arrows to be in line with Steel Arrows and to need the Bows Book.

For More Craftable Equipment (requires SPID): This is a big one...but essentially...
Ancient Falmer Armor: Now requires Heim's Elven (for Elven and Glass) smithing book.

Blades: All MCE recipes disabled in favor of Heim's.

Bonehawk Jewelry: Now require my vampire book (see Vampire section for further details).

Bonemold/Chitin: Carried over both mods' conditions so you will now need to visit Solstheim and have the Heim book.

Circlets: Now require Heim's Jewelry book.

Companions: All MCE recipes disabled in favor of Heim's.

Dark Brotherhood Armors/Clothing: Disabled recipes from Heim in favor of MCE's but added Heim's book as a requirement.
Also added the Heim book to Babette's merchant container (she'll sell it) as well as Arnbjorn's inventory (via SPID) should you decide to wipe them out. There's also a 15% chance the DB assassin encounter will be carrying the book.

Dawnguard Armor/Weapons: Disabled MCE's recipes in favor of Heim's.

Dunmer Clothing/Robes: Requires Heim's Dunmer Smithing Book.

Dragonbone Crown Replica: Now requires Heim's Dragon Book.

Dragon Cult Set: Requires Heim's Nordic Smithing book (see the Greybeard section as to why I settled on that).

Executioner Set: Outfit requires my clothing book (see Miscellaneous Clothing section) for further details, the axe now requires Heim's Iron Smithing book.

Falmer: Disabled MCE's Falmer and Heavy Falmer recipes in favor of Heim's. Changed MCE's Hardened Falmer recipes to be in line with Heim's changes (meaning you'll need the Dwemer book to craft them and have Dwarven Smithing perk because they are similar armor types) as well as added breakdown recipes. 
-I'm not really a fan of Heim's condition to the Falmer armor of needing the Dwemer crafting book so I also made a Tweak/Addon which requires the Vanilla book, "The Falmer: A Study." It's up to you if you want to add that as well.

Forsworn Armors/Weapons: Disabled MCE's recipes in favor of Heim's.

Fur Armor: Now require Heim's Light Armor book.

Giant Armors: Now require Heim's Light Armor book.

Greybeard Robes: Now require Nordic Smithing book (hey it was that or the dragon one and we all know that's a way's down the road right?).

Guard Armors: Now require Heim's Advanced Armors book. No breakdown recipes (what the hell are you doing murdering guards for anyway??? In all seriousness if someone asks for it, I can do it, I was just getting tired of staring at the white xEdit screen).

Imperial Armors/Weapons: MCE recipes disabled in favor of Heim's.

Mage Robes/Gloves: Now require my book "Weaving Wizardry." This book is available for purchase from Urag, (via SPID) can be looted off a certain madman up north, and has a chance of being dropped by certain stronger enemy mages.

Miscellaneous Clothing: Requires my book "Glorious Garments" available for purchase in Solitude (if you can't figure out where, you need to pay more attention in this game), and at the general merchants in Whiterun and Windhelm. As a failsafe I've also added it (via SPID) to the poor Redguard woman in between Robber's Gorge and Dragon Bridge.

Necromancer Robes: Requires my Wizard Book.

Penitus Oculatus Armor: MCE recipes disabled in favor of Heim's.

Psijic Robes: Requires my Wizard Book.

Redguard Clothing/Weapons: Now require Heim's Iliac Crafting book. This wasn't actually included in Heim, so I've added it to the Redguard general merchant in Solitude, the Breton merchant in Whiterun, and even (via SPID) gave dear ol' Thomas a copy in BFB just in case.

Skaal Set: Requires Heim's Nordic Smithing book.

Shiv: Requires Heim's Iron Smithing book.

Silver Weapons: Disabled MCE's recipes in favor of Heim's.

Thieves Guild Armors: Disabled recipes from Heim in favor of MCE's but added Heim's book as a requirement.
Also added the Heim book to Tonilia's merchant container (she will sell it) and added it to her actual inventory as well as the Thief encouter's inventories (15% chance) via SPID as a failsafe in case your levelled list record is overwritten.
Also included breakdown recipes for the new armors.

Tsun Armor: Now requires Heim's Steel Smithing book.

Vaermina Robes: Requires my Wizarding Book.

Vampire Armors/Clothes: Now require my book "Secrets of the Vampire Craft" available for purchase from Hestla. Should you have that record overwritten/not want to join the Volkihar's the book is also available in a vampire lair near Dragon Bridge...(should this conflict with any mod please let me know, I'm not aware of any mod that changes that cave but if you know of one I might have a look).

That should be (hopefully) everything. If there's an inconsistency, error, or any issue, please let me know. It was a lot of work for me (I'm still a novice at this stuff, I just recently found out you can copy things over in xEdit!!! My fingers already hurt less! Given that I did a lot of work in a relatively short time, I'm sure I overlooked something!

Important! If you use the Campfire and CC Backpacks Patch together they will have a minor conflict in their containers, as both add their respective books to the Fletcher and Huntsman's merchant chests. This can easily be resolved with a bashed patch/ smashed patch or by manually moving the records over in SSEEdit for yourself. If you don't want to bother, both mods have at least one other way of obtaining the book so this should be no big deal. If it bothers enough people, I'd be happy to make a merged patch.

All files are esl-flagged/espfe-ified. I am unsure if they are save-game safe, but best practice is to test it out for yourself and see. No support will be provided for uninstallation mid-game. 

I plan to add more as I go on making my modlist and constructible objects pop up in my smithing menu.  For now though, these are all the ones I have. I don't plan on making compatibility patches for mods I don't use, but it is relatively simple for anyone who knows a little about SSEEdit and the Creation Kit to make their own.

If you want to use my four books ("Backpack Crafting," "The Art of the Catch," "Into the Wild," and "Lighting the Way") for something else, all I ask is you credit me, though honestly all I did was copy a regular non-covered book from the game and gave it a little flavor text (quite literally anyone can do this if they can manage opening up the creation kit). If there's anyone willing to make a custom cover for these books I would gladly include it in future updates (along with giving credit to the author as well!).

As for any other permissions for assets that are not mine, please see the respective mod authors' pages concerning permissions.
