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About this mod

Kill them bandits !

Permissions and credits
The Zephyr Militia have long been at war with their neighboring factions. They are a seedy bunch, known to backstab those whom they dislike in the very least. Having dealings with the Nightshade assassins, encounters with Dwemer researchers and a general fondness for all things leather - the variation in styling of their attire is quite noticeable. Some have joined and quit the Dawnguard, while others are on the move back to Hammerfell for a regroup to plot their next riot. The Assault division of the Zephyr Militia tend to favor variation during combat. Moving from the backlines to the front,
they weave through battles and attack with precision. They must be swiftand keep their armor at minimum for mobility. Sacrifices in protection
must be made for the sake of said mobility. Agile warriors will surely welcome the look and layout of the Assault division's armor.

Categorized as light "Dwarven Armor" - the weights are semi-realistic, monetary values are appropriate and the protective ratings are loosely based on a
dwarven/leather hybrid scale. None of these armor pieces are either craftable nor temperable. This is 100% intentional and will not change. The Assault armor can be purchased exclusively from Zale, a West Wind merchant who can be found inside Reachwind Eyrie. This dwemer tower is located southeast of Markarth and northeast of Dushnikh Yal. Zale is available 24/7, very wealthy and will buy most of your items. He is armed with an Assault of the Essence, which is categorized as a "Glass" weapon and has a base damage rating roughly the same as a Daedric sword.

Assault Armor:

_Atronach Left / Atronach Right / Atronach Duo
_Boots Oiled / Boots Pale
_Cloth Arm Wrap Left / Cloth Arm Wrap Right
_Dust Straps
_Pauldron / Pauldron Lesser
_Pants Dark / Pants Pale
_Pride Green Left / Pride Green Right / Pride Red Left / Pride Red Right
_Scarf Dirty / Scarf Dirty Alternate / Scarf Red / Scarf Red Alternate
_Torso Militia / Torso Paisley/ Torso Quilt

Assault Weapons:

_Assault of the Essence

_If you need instructions on how to install an armor mod, then you shouldn't be here :D

_German Translation by TKone
_Tempering Patch by Rendalli
_BBP patches by MrTroubleMaker for both UNP and UNPB of the Torso parts are all found in the optional downloads

_Each piece of armor is 'parted', meaning you can decide which to equip and not equip. I've done this since my first UNP mashup and will continue to do so for the next two in the West Wind series. If you are unsure of how this works, I suggest you ask a friend or family member.
_If you'd like to adjust the armor ratings and light/heavy class, you can try the newly uploaded Armor Converter by Compucidalusa.
_WARNING: It is not, nor has it ever been, my intention to create 'nude' mods. That being said, if and when you only equip a torso piece of this set -
your character or follower(s) will have no mesh covering the lower regions of the body. Please understand this is a limitation of me not being able to implement some sort of auto-equip underwear that ties into the torso piece.

The esp is free game for anyone who wishes to alter the contents. Stats, recipes, locations, etc... have fun with it. Just be sure to post a link
to this page and give credit where credit is due. HOWEVER - none of the textures or meshes are allowed for re-upload. This is mainly because of
borrowed assets. You MUST contact both myself and the respective original authors from which some of this work came if you plan on making
some sort of variation for this mod.

_Dimon - for the UNP meshes included with this mod. Dimonized UNP
_Calyps - for the Nightshade mesh and UNPB used as a basis for the Assault Torso. Nightshade Armor
_MrTroubleMaker - for converting the Torso parts to UNP-BBP and UNPB-BBP. MrTroubleMaker's Page
_Anano - for the Maxwell mesh used as a basis for the Assault Dust Straps. Maxwell Armor
_Nightasy - for the Nightingale mesh used as a basis for the Assault Pride and for being my sensei for 3dsMax. What To Wear
_Fraper - for the Triss pants and other bits of mesh/texture usage as a basis for the Assault Pants and underside of the Alternate Assault Scarfs. Triss Armor
_Exeter - for the Triss boots UNP fix used as a basis for the Assault Boots. Triss Armor UNP
_Kurese - for the Argent shin mesh used as a basis for the Assault Boots. Argent Armor
_Psyke23 - for the Triss textures used as a basis for my own mangling. Oh how I destroyed the quality. Lessons learned. Triss Armor Retextured
_Volvaga0 - for his texture compressing magic. Without his aid, we'd be stuck with 100's of MBs of texture data to slug down our PCs. Volvaga0's Page
_NewYorkCityBicycleClub - for the encouragement and support through this making of, and for aiding me with naming the West Wind Merchant. NYCBC's Page
_Symphoni - for suggestions, support and encouragement during the making of. Symphoni's Page
_Nanabeats - for giving me permission to use her Nightshade textures, even though they didn't make the cut. Nanabeat's Nightshade Retexture

*The original Triss armor concept, mesh and textures are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt and used here with permission. The Witcher is a
trademark of CD Projekt. All rights reserved.

Other Works:
_West Wind Combat Series - Misfit Mage
_UNP Mashup Compilation
_Bandanas and Blindfolds Revised with volvaga0
_Temptress Race with Psychos1s
_UNP - Hmm What To Wear with Nightasy

Recommended Mods:
_Dwemer Goggles and Scouter by volvaga0
_Airstream Levitation Spell by Phoenixn aka Observe
_Dwarven Mechanical Equipment by raden5 aka Nez
_Sneak Tools by Borgut1337
_Moonpath to Elsweyr by muppetpuppet
_The Hanging Gardens by acidzebra

(I've also been granted permissions for everybody else's assets that brokefoot used for the original mod. I can provide proof of such perms if needed)