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About this mod

Fight for dominance over Skyrim in a dynamical war. Skyrim´s Destiny places a multitude of spawners on the skyrim world map which can be captured by up to ten different factions.

Permissions and credits
This mod is designed to add action through creating battles all over Skyrim. It is not lore-friendly but rather immersion breaking. If you are looking for an immersive way to enhance your civil war experience there are plenty great mods out there like e.g. Immersive Patrols or Open Civil War which I can highly recommend. This mod is huge and has some problems so check the "Bugs and Problems" section!



Mod Design

  • Features
  • Concept
  • Auto Battles
  • Resources and Equipment
  • Map Room

  • Player Army
  • Campaign
  • Invasion
  • Custom Battles
  • Statistics
  • Diplomacy
  • Debugging
Further Information
  • Installation and Removing
  • Bugs and Problems
  • Mod Conflicts
  • Customization
  • Recomanded Mods

  • Campaign covering whole Skyrim
  • 10 customizable Factions
  • Autonomous fighting without Player interference
  • Player commanding Forces
  • Resource system
  • Alliances
  • Custom Battles
  • Map room
  • Over 300 Battle Points
  • Fully customizable via MCM

Skyrim´s Destiny (SD) places spawn points distributed over the whole map of Skyrim which can be captured by up to ten different factions. While the player travels through Skyrim SD searches for the closest battle point. Once found the nearest enemy battle point is identified and if one of the targets is in the loaded area the fighting begins. Both factions will try to kill the enemy defensive leader. The Faction which manages to do this gains controll over the other marker.

At the end of every battle phase all factions which did not fight yet will attack a random outpost. This attack is only computed and cannot be fought manually. The simulation is very simple. The faction with the bigger army will win but loose men and resources according to the enemies party size. Please note that during the calculation of the auto battles no manual fights including custom ones can start.

The amount of resources poured out each battle phase is set in the campaignsmenu. The number is distributed on all factions according to their territory. It will add to the men count and an additional half will be gained as resources. Experience is currently gained at a fix rate and by killing enemy soldiers. Every soldier has the chance to spawn with one of four outfits and one of four experince levels. The higher the faction resources and experince the higher the chance to spawn good equipment and high level. Note that both are unrelated, so you can get a recruit with the best equipment and vice versa. The available levels are: Recruit, Soldier, Veteran and Hero. The outfits are: Poor, Medium, Rich and Kings Guard.

The player has a new power which will transport you into the SD map room. If you activate the map there you flags will be spawned for all marker locations and indicate who holds them. The map does not update automatically!

The Player may join a faction via the MCM. Every battle phase a customizable percentage of the faction resources are redirected. Using these the player is able to purchase an own army. The rank and gear of the units are selectable and two new magic powers allow to give "Follow" and "Hold" commands. Be aware though as your factions income will decrease! Therefore the destiny of Skyrim will rest heavier on your shoulders.


In the campaign tab you can set the hold owner for the campaign start. You can change the battle phase duration which alters how often battles do occur (only once per phase and faction). The reinforcement amount is the amount of resources distributed to the factions each phase, higher means more resources for everyone. The difficulty gives factions the player is not part of a (dis-) advatage as their respurce gain is multiplied with the ratio. Waves and unit min and max determine how many waves can be spawned per battle and how many units each wave will consist of. It is choosen randomly inside the given range.

Under locations you can choose which locations should be part of the upcoming campaign. It changes the amount of battle flags/points in the game as only those which are in selected locations will be activated. This cannot be undone once the campaign started! So e.g. if cities are selected battle markers in city locations like whiterun stables will be activated. A higher number results in a much longer campaign and longer set up time.

If a banner point is loaded guards a spawned at a number set in the MCM. If a marker is inside of several locations the guard count is added together. E.g. if a location is a farm and in the city surroundings and you have selected 3 and 8 guards 11 will be spawned. Guards can be disabled completely but only before starting a new campaign! Note: The campaign is meant to be launched only once in a game. If you want to add new factions or claim banners you can use the invasion and debug options. If you need to reset entire holds you can use the clean function under debugging.

Invasion allows a faction without territory to gain foothold in Skyrim. The battle point  closest to the selected entry point will be directly claimed by the invading faction. Additionally the displayed resources are granted to the newcomers. If the selected faction already is in Skyrim only the resources will be added.

If no other conflict is ongoing custom battles allow the player to start their own at any position. You need to place both custom banners with the new spells (sometimes you have to cast them multiple times to work) and choose in the MCM the factions which should fight. Their allies will also spawn but at a lower rate. Once set up start the battle via spell. These fights do not alter teritorry but they do use resources including men strength. Therefore factions with low men strength will not spawn! Does not work during auto battle calculation.

The statistics tab shows the various resources including teritorry each faction holds.

Factions can be rounded up in alliances via the MCM. They will fight together and even spawn at friendly banners even though the actual owner will impose the most troops. Additionally the relation towards good and evil vanilla factions is configureable. Pay attention as factions hostile to good/civil people will attack also citiziens!

The debugging options allow you to claim the nearest banner to the player and stop any
ongoing battles which will also despawn all involved soldiers. Here you
can additionaly clean/reset and delete the mod.

Install with the mod manager of your choice or manually. For deleting use the deletion function under the debugging tab in the MCM. Wait for the function to finish. Afterwards it is best to travel a few cells without fast travelling! This will despawn guards which are deleted automatically on unload but are not tracked by the mod and therefore not deleted by the function.

The mod is huge and therefore has some problems and bugs which are hard to fix. Some of them even come by design.
  • Floating Banners/NPCs:         Banners are placed automatically/NPC count per cell may be too much
  • Pathfinding:        Difficult due to mopuntains or rivers between battle points
  • Factions not attacking:    Set one faction to be in an alliance to fix
  • Lack of Testing:  Mod was not tested much so possible undetected bugs
  • Long loading Times:  It takes up to 5 min to load after starting a new campaign
  • No City Battles:   It only covers Skyrim exteriors and is unrelated to the civil war quest
  • No Balancing:      Something like balancing does not exist in SD
  • Not lore-friendly/Unimmersive
  • Very script-heavy
Although the mod is everything than perfect it was quite hard for me to even get it to that point. I need a break from modding for the time being and therefore the mod is provided as it is without any opportunity for demands on fixes or implementations. I tested it a bit and it kind of worked for me but please do not use it on your 500+ hour savegame.

There should be no greater conflicts as the mod does not change any cells except for one wilderness cell beyond the playable area as storage. But adding new locations or mods that change vanilla cells could move or delete the initial map markers which SD points too. These could lead to errors at single battle points.

You can easily modify the factions equipment and stats in the creation kit by replacing the original values. Therefore you can turn the battle for Skyrim into your own fantasy!

Skyrims Destiny will work with all armor and weapon retextures. Entirely new armor sets can be added in the creation kit (CK) to a faction outfit. New places can easily be added as battle points in the CK. You just need to drag and drop a marker which is located in the desired place into the "SD_List_MapMarkersAllBackup" list. Additionaly you have to make sure that a location the marker is in is selected under the "Locations" in the MCM campaign menu.
