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About this mod

Replace all NPCs (including NPCs from mods) with "KS Hairdos" hair, except Khajiit, Argonian, and children who refer to vanilla hair.

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Translated with (free version)

Replace all NPCs (including NPCs from mods) with "KS Hairdos" hair, except Khajiit, Argonian, and children who refer to vanilla hair.
The replacement target can be selected from three options: "Full", "Female only", or "Male only".

This mod replacement applies to all mods that add NPCs with vanilla hair.
It also affects NPCs with Facegen whose hair names are disguised as vanilla hair.
Therefore, any changes made by mods that replace NPCs with vanilla hair without editing ESP (such as Botox for skyrim) will be disabled.
Mods that replace NPCs with vanilla hair are also basically incompatible and may cause NPCs to appear incorrectly.
The solution is described in the "How to Fix" section below, so please refer to it if you encounter the problem.

Since we have not directly modified the individual NPCs, there is basically no conflict with mods that edit the NPC's record.
It will only conflict with mods that alter vanilla [Head Parts/Hair] records in the list at the bottom of the page.
If a replacement mod, such as Selana, modifies the [Head Parts/Hair] record in the list at the bottom of the page
If you have a replacement mod such as Selana that modifies the [Head Parts/Hair] records in the list at the bottom of the page, you should set the load order of this mod above the conflicting replacement mod and load it first.

If the "Face Discoloration Fix" is not installed, the face will turn black.

This is a version of "Buggy NPC Replacer - High Poly Head" that replaces only NPCs with vanilla hair to improve compatibility.
It only replaces the hair with that of "KS Hairdos" and does not convert the hair into a high poly head.
If you want to use this mod together with the "KS Hairdos" mod, please install it with only Khajiit and Argonian as the target of the high poly head conversion.

Required Mods
Face Discoloration Fix
KS Hairdo's SSE 1.9

Recommended Mods
Expressive Facegen Morphs SE
Xenius Character Enhancement Complete
*The only files used by this mod are the textures in textures/actors/character/character assets/tintmasks.


Using the loading error in FaceGen (meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/xxx.esx/00xxxxxx.nif),
the NPCs that refer to [Head Parts] in Vanilla in the list at the bottom of the page are " High Poly Head", "High Poly Vanilla Hair" and "KS Hairdo's" to replace them.
Makeup will also no longer use FaceTints for individual NPCs (textures/actors/character/facegendata/facetint/xxx.esx/,
and textures in textures/actors/character/character assets/tintmasks will be used.

Since the head is generated based on the data in [Head Parts], [Face Morph], and [Tint Layers] in esp(esm,esl),
it will not be the same as the face created by mods such as "Racemenu" and "Enhanced Character Edit".
If there is a mod that does not expect FaceGen loading errors (e.g., there is a problem with the [Head Parts] of the NPC targeted by this mod),a CTD may occur or hair may not be displayed correctly.
You can use the fixes listed below to remove the problematic NPCs from the replacement for this mod.

How to Fix
I will describe two ways to fix NPCs that display incorrectly when this mod is turned on.

The first is to overwrite the NPC in question with a replacement mod that does not use vanilla hair.
In the case of "The Ordinary Women", for example, Saadia and Silda the Unseen have vanilla hair, so they are not compatible,
but if you overwrite them with a replacement mod (such as "Pandorable's NPCs"), the problem is solved.

The second method is to remove the offending NPCs from the mod's replacement list.
Below is a sample mod image to illustrate. Ingjard has been replaced.

The hair looks like "KS Hairdos" hair, but the name of the hair in FaceGen is disguised and the vanilla "HairFemaleNord06" record is used.
Therefore, it is not compatible with this mod as it has become a replacement target for this mod.

Use "SSEEdit" to modify the NPC. Please follow the instructions below.

Start SSEEDIT with the load order with this mod on top and the mod with the NPC you want to modify on the bottom.

Right click on the esp(esm,esl) where the NPC you want to modify is located. Select "Add Masters".

Check "Buggy NPC Replacer - KS Hairdos" and click OK.

Select the NPC you wish to modify.

Click [Head Parts/Hair] to open the pull-down menu.
Select [Same hair name "Same hair name + Buggy"] from the pull-down menu.

*If there is no [Head Parts/Hair] in [Head Parts (sorted)], the same editing should be done there since [Head Parts/Hair] is specified in Race.

Press the Close window button and exit SSEEdit without unchecking the "Save changed files:" dialog.

Start Skyrim and check the NPCs.

This completes the correction.
In this case, we corrected the problem without creating a patch file, but there is no problem if you create a patch file and correct the problem.

原文(Original text)

バニラヘアーを参照するカジート・アルゴニアン・子供以外の全てのNPC(MOD産NPCも含む)の髪を"KS Hairdos"の髪にリプレイスします。

そのため、ESPの編集をせずにバニラヘアーのNPCをリプレイスするMOD(Botox for skyrimなど)による変更は全て無効化されます。

ページ下部のリストのバニラの[Head Parts/Hair]のレコードを改変するMODとのみ競合します。
セラーナなどのリプレイスMODがページ下部のリストの[Head Parts/Hair]のレコードを改変している場合は、

"Face Discoloration Fix"がインストールされていないと顔が黒くなります。

"Buggy NPC Replacer - High Poly Head"のリプレイス対象をバニラヘアーのNPC限定にして、互換性を高めたバージョンです。
髪を"KS Hairdos"のものに置き換えるだけで、ハイポリヘッド化はしません。

Face Discoloration Fix
KS Hairdos SSE 1.9

Expressive Facegen Morphs SE
Xenius Character Enhancement Complete
*このMODで使用するファイルはtextures/actors/character/character assets/tintmasks内のテクスチャのみです。

ページ下部のリストのバニラの[Head Parts/Hair]のレコードを参照するNPCを"KS Hairdos"の髪でリプレイスします。
textures/actors/character/character assets/tintmasks内のテクスチャが使われるようになります。

esp(esm,esl)内の[Head Parts]、[Face Morph]、[Tint Layers]などのデータを元に頭部が生成されるため、
"Racemenu"、"Enhanced Character Edit"などのMODで作成した顔と同じにはなりません。
FaceGenの読み込みエラーを想定していないMODがある(このMODの対象になるNPCの[Head Parts]などに問題がある)場合、


例えば"The Ordinary Women"の場合、サーディアと不可視のシルダがバニラヘアーのため互換性がありませんが、
この2名をリプレイス対象としているMOD("Pandorable's NPCs"など)で上書きすれば問題は解決します。


見た目は"KS Hairdos"の髪ですが、FaceGenの髪の名前を偽装し、バニラの"HairFemaleNord06"のレコードをそのまま使っています。



修正したいNPCがいるesp(esm,esl)を右クリック。"Add Masters...."を選択。

"Buggy NPC Replacer - KS Hairdos"にチェックを入れて、OKをクリック。


[Head Parts/Hair]をクリックし、プルダウンメニューを開く。
プルダウンメニューの中から[Same hair name "Same hair name + Buggy"]となっているものを選択。

*[Head Parts (sorted)]に[Head Parts/Hair]がない場合は、Raceの方で[Head Parts/Hair]を指定しているのでそちらで同じ編集を行う。

ウインドウを閉じるボタンを押し、"Save changed files:"ダイアログのチェックを外さずにSSEEditを終了。



Modified Head Parts List
[Head Parts/Hair]
HairMaleNord(01-20), HairFemaleNord(01-21)
HairMaleImperial1, HairFemaleImperial1
HairFemaleRedguard(1-8), HairFemaleRedguard(01-04)
HairMaleElder(1-6), HairFemaleElder(01-04)
HairMaleElf(01-09), HairFemaleElf(01-10)
HairMaleDarkElf(01-09), HairFemaleDarkElf(01-08)
HairMaleOrc(01-27), HairFemaleOrc(01-17)
MaleDremoraHair01, MaleDremoraHair02, HairMaleDremora01, HairFemaleDremora(01-02)
HairMaleSnowElf(01-03, 06)
DLC1HairFemaleSerana, DLC1HairFemaleSranaHuman, DLC1HairFemaleValerica