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About this mod

Randomizes items and equipment in the world and on NPCs, as well as NPC aggression towards each other and you. Very customizable.

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Looking for a Door Randomizer? Try Skyrim World Randomizer by ddmlink!

ToxiRandomizer randomizes items, equipment, spells, and aggression of NPCs and changes loot out in the world.

Video Overview:

Anniversary Edition:

Special Edition ( and below):

Skyrim VR:

I found the VR installation to be a bit tricky, so here's how to get it working:
  • Download and install the required VR mods using the links above.
  • The link to SkyUI VR is a third party VR port of SkyUI. Regular SkyUI will not work in VR.
  • When downloading powerofthree's Tweaks and Papyrus Extender, make sure you are getting the latest SE version that matches the VR version. For example, if the latest Papyrus Extender SE is listed as Version 5.1.1, grab the Papyrus Extender VR 5.1.1 (or,, etc.)
  • Make sure Papyrus Extender VR overwrites/comes after Papyrus Extender SE.
  • Make sure powerofthree's Tweaks VR overwrites/comes after powerofthree's Tweaks SE.
  • Delete po3_PapyrusExtender.dll from /Data/SKSE/Plugins/

While the following is not required, I like to use Alternate Start - Live Another Life, which I also found to be quite tough to get working in VR, so as an added bonus here's how to install that:

VR-Only Issues:

Please view the [Known Issues] section for more information on issues and workarounds for the VR version of the game.
Also I don't know what will happen, but I highly advise against trying to enable the randomizer in the VR main menu/tutorial.

Quick Start:
  • Start a new game (an existing character may work too, see [Known Issues] below if not)
  • Wait until after your character is created
  • Save
  • Open ToxiRandomizer MCM Menu
  • Adjust options to your liking in the submenus not labeled Main
  • Save Again
  • Check the Enable Randomizer checkbox under the Main MCM submenu
  • Enjoy?

Options Explained:
By default, the seed is set to your character's name, but can be set freely (unless you are in VR, see [Known Issues] below). The seed will determine how things randomize; however, unlike other games/randomizers with a seed mechanic, having the same seed as someone else does not guarantee the randomization will be exactly the same. There are a lot of factors that can drastically change the randomization, such as what mods you have installed, what version they are, and their load order. Beyond that the base game already has some randomness as to what items you will find, which will then get randomized further by this mod.

Item/Spell Randomization:
The majority of what the randomizer does is change items and equipment in the game to other items and equipment. The Actors, Containers, and World Objects MCM submenus will allow you to fine-tune what types of items randomize, as well as influence what they randomize to. You can also completely disable randomization per-category if you desire.

While most of the settings should be fairly self-explanatory, offsets may not be as clear at first glance. Without any offsets enabled, all instances of an item should always randomize the same. You might have a seed where all Iron Daggers randomize into Wabbajacks, no matter where you find them or who yields them. But with offsets, it shifts that randomization based off the options you select. If you offset all items by an NPC's name, then only NPC's who share a name will have the same outfits (such as "Bandit" or "Whiterun Guard"). But if you choose to offset by an NPC's unique ID, then everyone will have a unique set of gear. Each category of randomization has different offset options, experiment with different settings to see what suits your playthrough best!

Faction randomization does not randomize all factions in the game, as that generally just breaks the game in not very fun ways. Instead, this mod adds three factions to the game: Rock, Paper, and Scissors. These factions hate each other in a triangular faction. Rock hates Scissors, Scissors hates Paper, Paper hates Rock. You can control what percentage of NPCs get added to these factions. At 100%, all NPCs will be distributed evenly between the three, and chaos will ensue nearly everywhere. For an added challenge, you may add the player to one of these factions, for the chance of being attacked on sight by random NPCs. Note: Actor randomization needs to be enabled for Faction randomization to work. If you want the Factions to be randomized but not the items, you can disable item randomization in the Actors MCM submenu.

The Experimental menu will allow you to enable options that may not function as well as the rest of the randomizer. As of writing, the current experimental options work fine but slow down the randomizer considerably (which due to how Skyrim works, may slow down other mod scripts as well).

There are two ways to disable the randomizer. One is temporary, and the other is semi-permanent.

The semi-permanent method:
To effectively "uninstall" the randomizer, clearing up space in your save file, just uncheck the Enable Randomizer checkbox under the Main submenu in MCM. After a dozen seconds or so, the data associated with the randomizer should clear and new saves will be a smaller filesize. NOTE: This does not revert the game to a pre-randomizer state. Many things that were randomized will stay the way they are, and re-enabling the randomizer will choose new random items based off of those already-random items, instead of what you'd expect from the current seed.

The temporary method:
If you want to pause the randomizer, either to ensure a certain item or character doesn't randomizer, or to prevent a bug from occuring, you just need to disable the relative option in the MCM submenus. For example, if you don't want NPCs to randomize, uncheck Enable Actor Randomization. This will keep all the data required to randomize correctly intact, but just prevent that part of the randomizer from doing anything until you re-enable it.

ToxiRandomizer should be compatible with most if not all mods. There is no use of leveled lists, items are replaced at runtime, so as long as no other mods act the same they should work together.

The randomizer will automatically add modded items and spells to the random item pool, even if they are not added to leveled lists. However, I do recommend versions of content mods that add items to leveled lists, as the more unique items there are in the base game, the more opportunity for unique random items to occur.

Can't get through intro with randomizer enabled
Skyrim's cart-ride intro is held together by duct tape and glue. Enabling the randomizer, even with all options disabled, will break the intro incredibly.

Wait until you've created your character to enable the randomizer.

Random CTD
While seemingly rare, and likely dependent on what mods you have installed, sometimes the game doesn't like certain items being in certain inventories.

Follow the instructions above to temporarily disable the randomizer, until you pass the point that the game was crashing.
Changing the seed of the randomizer instead may be preferable if the crashing happens often.

Going to jail gives you extra items
The evidence chests in jails act as a quest chest, which the randomizer just adds items to, instead of replacing the items in it, meaning when you exit the jail you will end up with twice as many items. There is a check in place meant to prevent this, but for some reason it does not work.

Bookshelves complain when entering player home
Sometimes when you enter a player home that has a customizable bookshelf, you get a message on your screen that says something along the lines of "Only books can be placed on this shelf." This is due to the randomizer trying to randomize the bookshelf.

The issue can be alleviated by avoiding use of these bookshelves. Pick up any books on the shelf and drop them from your inventory. Placing them manually on the shelf without the use of the bookshelf inventory should be fine.

A potential fix is in the works and may be available in a future version of the randomizer.

Shops take forever to randomize/close randomly
This is an unfortunate side effect of Papyrus being slow, Skyrim pausing most code execution while in a menu, shops not refreshing stock until you open them, and shop menus not updating automatically. It's a sad mess caused by Bethesda. The usual behavior you will see is a shop closing immediately upon entering it, then closing after a while of having it open a second time. After this the shop shouldn't close on you until they've restocked.

The auto-closing shop functionality can be disabled under the "Main" MCM menu. This will mean you are more likely to have an un-randomized shop until you buy something.

I have not yet tested this, but using the Skyrim Souls mod may speed up shop randomization due to the menu being unpaused.

Picked up items don't show in inventory, but increase carry weight
Skyrim has a concept of items that are "non-playable", which are items that can't be seen or interacted with in an inventory by the player. There usually should be no method of obtaining these items, but rarely the randomizer can spawn them in the world, which can be picked up by the player. Once picked up, because they do not show up in the inventory, they cannot be dropped and may add "invisible" carry weight to the player.

The best workaround at the moment is to avoid these items altogether. If you pick one up and realize it's non-playable, reload a previous save, take note of what the item is, and don't pick it up in the future. It may be best in this case to change the randomizer seed as well.

I have not been able to test this due to the rarity of one of these items showing up, but you may be able to get this out of your inventory by purposefully going to jail, breaking out of jail (don't serve time), and stealing your items back from the evidence chest. In theory this will put the invisible item in the evidence chest, but you won't be able to take it out.

MCM frozen/not working (especially in VR)
This is an issue that seems to have some bizarre connection to loading into the game with the default character, then trying to navigate to one of the MCM submenus. Most of MCM stops responding until a game restart. This normally wouldn't be a problem, as the only way to trigger that is by using a COC command from the main menu, but it would appear that the VR version's main menu loads in with the default character in a similar way.

  • Close Skyrim
  • Reopen Skyrim
  • Load a previously-unmodded save (a save you made without any mods enabled)
  • Ensure you can open the "Main" ToxiRandomizer MCM submenu (don't enable the randomizer)
  • Exit to Main menu
  • Create a new character

That new character should be able to use the MCM menu. If you have an existing save you want to use the randomizer on but MCM freezes on that character, I'm not sure there's anything that can be done. Skyrim is cursed.

Can't see Seed in VR
Something about SkyUI VR makes that one particular option invisible and uninteractable. The randomizer will still work, the seed will be set to the name of your character.

Mrowr Purr, whose excellent tutorials made getting started with Skyrim modding significantly less painful than it would have been otherwise.
gottyduke, whose scripted template allowed me to get my SKSE plugin working for initial testing.
Color-Glass Studios, whose CommonLibSSE NG Sample Plugin helped me get an SKSE plugin that works for VR as well as AE/SE.