Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

This mod adds an armor mashup that I originally created for Serana. After seeing a lot of interested in it, I decided to share with everyone =)

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Hello! Welcome to my very first mod! =D

A huge thanks to kef34 who drew this beautiful artwork ! <3

Hey everyone , i made some big changes in this new update , after a long while thinking about it i decided to remove the dungeon and all the items / npc that was added in it , since the dungeon was not related to the armor of this mod . But fear not If like me you like my dungeon and the items that it included i have a good news ! I improved the dungeon and some of the items/npc and created a new armor mashup to go with the dungeon ! You can found the dungeon and all the old items / new one , in my new mod 
Soul Hunter Armor Mashup . So now the mod only have one version , also i didn't only remove content from this mod i added new hood with hair to go with my armor ! These new hood can be crafted at a forge with all the other items . The hoods have three different hairstyle version ( Runaway,Desirae,Soundwave) . Red version and cloth version are also available in the ALT textures plugins . Also i had to recompact the mod to make it an ESL again , some FormID have been changed So i do not recommend to update mid save. And That's all i hope you will enjoy the new update and my new mashup ! =D


The mod adds many new items. The main cuirass, 2 sets of boots, gloves, cloak, tasset, 7 equippable books with their own enchantments, and a matching set of 4 swords. Also included are SMP versions of the cloak and tasset and 'city' and 'home' versions of the cuirass and ''city' gloves. The latter are meant to complement Serana Dialogue Addon's outfit switching system. 

The main armor mod supports 3BA , CBBE and BHUNP and comes with the 3 body presets for each body.


You can craft the armor and its pieces at any forge. You can swap from the cuirass and gloves for the 'home' and 'city' versions at the forge if the original items are in your inventory. Or use the console command 'help Twilight 4' to find the formID and then add them with 'player.additem xx' A list of formIDs is included in the articles.


The mod includes 5 optional files.

The first (Alt Textures and Cloth Addon) adds new red/vampire themed weapon and armor pieces using alternate textures made by TheNytech and from the vanilla game. For mage players, the addon also includes additional cloth versions of all armor pieces crafted at the tanning rack. We strongly encourage you to install this optional addon.

For players with Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered, 2 compatibility patches are available. They add hand tuned CCOR style crafting and breakdown recipes and all items have been updated with Weapon Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes keywords. The cloth versions found in the alt texture and cloth addon are now WAF protective clothing and have values consistent with that of other mage robes.

Players who want the alternate textures as a REPLACEMENT for the original black cuirass, gloves, and sword textures, can use TheNytech’s red retextures separately. Vanilla textures for the cloak, tasset, and belt are also available to download.


Use the mod manager of your choice or extract all the files in your game folder. Remember to build your preset of choice in Bodyslide, all Twilight Princess items can be found in the Twilight Princess group.


Can you release the character preset used in the screenshots?

It's not a character preset, it's the Serana Re-Imagined mod with a KS Hairdos physics wig called runaway. Links to both can be found in the recommended files.

What are the 'home' and 'city' versions?

The 'city' cuirass removes the pauldron and the 'city' gloves removes the gauntlet. The 'home' cuirass removes the pauldron and leather jacket. They are designed to complement SDA's adventuring, city, and home outfits. All three versions have the same stats, so you're not trading protection for immersion. You can swap to them if the original version is in your inventory and you're at any smithing forge. If you use the texture and cloth addon, the cloth versions can be swapped at the tanning rack.

Can you stop me from losing tempering when I swap to the 'city' and 'home' versions?

No. Unfortunately that's a limitation with how the swapping system works. You do however still get crafting experience* for doing the swap so it is somewhat balanced out. *Not if you use the CCOR patch.

What do the different book 'editions' mean?

Each numbered edition corresponds to a different slot. The default 45th Edition book uses slot 45, the 48th Edition corresponds to slot 48 ect. Editions can be freely swapped at no cost as long as you have at least one book in inventory. Users with the recommended alternate texture and cloth addon the option of using the tanning rack in addition to the forge for all book related functions.

Why does the Wakizashi, Katana, Tanto, and Nodachi require firewood, slaughterfish scales, and spriggaan sap to craft?

Katanas traditionally use lacquered wood scabbards and ray skin handles wrapped in silk. Spriggaan sap is the closest vanilla ingredient to the sap necessary for making lacquer, the firewood is used for the scabbard, and slaughterfish scales with some leather straps are the closest stand in ray skin and silk.

What does sageo and tsuka-ito mean and what does it have to do with the Wakizashi, Katana, Tanto, and Nodachi?

Sageo refers to the cord wrapped around the scabbard, tsuka-ito is the fabric wrapped around the handle. Users of the alt texture addon can freely choose and swap any color combination of sageo and tsuka-ito. As long as those color options are red and black.

I think these mod added weapons are overpowered, underpowered, or don't have stats that are logically consistent with each other.

Weapon stats are a semi placeholder. We would appreciate specific feedback about weapon values.

What CCOR patch do I use?

If you use just the main mod and don't use the Alt Textures and Cloth Addon, use the Twilight Princess Armor - CCOR Patch.esp. If you intend to use the Alt Textures and Cloth Addon, use JUST the Twilight Princess Armor - Alt Textures and Cloth Addon - CCOR Patch.esp as it patches both the main mod and the addon. That said, if you happen to use both at the same time, you'll just get redundant breakdown recipes and a slight name change on some of the armor pieces.

What if I don't want SMP versions of the cloak and tasset?

The new physics enabled cloak and tasset are set to be brand new items that won't replace the original non-physics versions. So if your system isn't up to running dozens of HDT objects you needn't worry. These  SMP 'Billowing' versions will use the same swapping system as the cuirass and can freely be switched back and forth between physics and non-physics versions. Users of the addon will find that they also have the full range of alternate textures and cloth versions as the original items.

The new SMP versions of the cloak and tasset clipping and twitching all over the place what's wrong?

The person who added cloth physics is very new to the process and still learning best practices for getting collisions to work nicely. Consider the current physics to be heavily WIP. Said person would appreciate it if people would complain about it less and actually made an effort to improve it.

The physics stopped working or bugged out on a cell change, What should I do?

Re-equipping the armor should reset the physics if they bug out or stop working. For some setups and saves, physics may stop on game load but will start up again when re-equipping. This also works retroactively and will more than likely continue to work without issue throughout the entirety of your game session. If anyone is aware of why this affects some setups more than others and has a more long-term solution please share in the comments. That said, we have observed that these issues tend to be more prevalent when users use the older HDT-SMP. We suggest you switch to FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP

Can you convert this to whatever obscure body mod I use?

Possibly. With the right conversion reference it's fairly easy to do a crude conversion between different body types. But we have very high quality standards when it comes to our Bodyslide files and will likely have to spend a significant amount of time hand tuning with the inflate and deflate tool. Also note that our current Bodyslide files have some advanced features and the mod is in active development with new items and refinements on the way. So every body conversion we add increases the complexity and difficulty of future development. That said, a BHUNP version is planned after we are satisfied with the cloth physics. Also note that the majority of users who requested a 3BA version never actually ended up downloading the 3BA version of the mod. We don't expect it to be all that different with BHUNP.

What are those check boxes in Bodyslide for?

Those are Zaps. It's a cool little feature that lets you selectively add or remove parts from the armor. So you can further customize how each piece looks. For those of you who know your way around Outfit Studio you can find a few extra that are normally hidden.

What does the 'if AutoCheck reset red TXSTs' mean?

If you're just using the main mod you don't have to worry about this checkbox. Skyrim SE uses a system called Texture Sets (TXST) for retexturing things without requiring a brand new model. They are the less flexible and more annoying predecessor to Fallout 4's material swap system. They stop working correctly if certain things are changed in the .nif file. The new red versions of the armor found in the addon use TXSTs. So if you use any Zaps to customize your armor, you will also have to readjust the list number using xEdit. The checkbox is a somewhat crude reminder system so you don't forget to do any xEdit adjustments. You can find further instructions on how to do this in the articles.

Do the screenshots in the FOMOD installer correspond to any of the install options?

Mostly no. They are roughly related to each option, but for many of the options we just went with whatever screenshot was the most interesting.

What if I notice a bug or clipping or anything like that?

Tell us about it! Try to give as much information as possible so the problem can be replicated and hopefully fixed.

Can I port this to Xbox?

Yes you may (as long you contact us first and agree to a few requirements), but we would be incredibly surprised if you can. In other words, porting this Xbox is a much more complicated task than one may realize. First you have to contact us and get permission. Which is pretty easy, unlike Serana we don't bite. Sadly this will be the easiest part of the porting process. Second, you need to secure permissions from the mod authors who created the amazing assets we used to create Twilight Princess. Many of whom have explicitly said that they do not consent to Xbox ports. We require that you send proof of porting permission to us from each author before you can proceed. These mod authors are wonderful people who have been very helpful to the continued development of the mod, so it's critical to us that their wishes are met. Then you will need to remove or find alternatives to many of the features that aren't supported on Xbox or assets you couldn't get permission for. Which isn't the hardest thing in the world but it will require a better than average knowledge level about modding. Next there is the file size limit, you're only allowed about 4.5 GB of mods total on consoles. So you'll likely have to strip out even more features, assets and use downscale textures for it to be practical sized on Xbox. And if that wasn't difficult enough, don't expect direct support from us. We aren't console players and don't know the nuances of porting things over to the platform. We will be happy to answer questions but the amount of support that we can give is limited because we simply don't know what's involved and we have other development focuses. Please understand that we've gotten dozens of porting requests from people who don't understand the work involved. If you're still not discouraged you can reach out to us through the Nexus messaging system.

May I translate this?

Yes! We really appreciate community translations. They do important work in making mods accessible to everybody. A sincere thank you to all of you. With the major caveat that we probably don't read or write your language, if you have any difficulties putting together your translation we will do our best to help.

What's the downscaled version and how is it different from the main mod?

This is a special version of the mod put together by the generous Wartom94. They downscaled the texture quality to 2K from wherever it was previously. And kindly sent us everything to release. This drops the file size and makes things more performance friendly on lower specs systems. For ease of downloading, everything is included. You do not need to download the main mod. So if you want the lower quality textures download the downscaled version only. The meshes have not been affected in any way. Nor have any of the ESPs, so you can continue to use any translations or dependent mods. Be sure to swing by and give Wartom94 kudos and check out their other downscaled mods and translations.


I want to thank all the original mods authors for giving me the authorization to use their assets and textures or have their mod on open permission!

Thanks to jmenaru for the shoulder pad and the armguard from their mod Crimson Twilight Armor - CBBE SSE.
Thanks to Alecu for the top of the main armor from his mod UNP Ranger Armor With UUNP UNBP 7Base Support.
Thanks to Undeadgoblin for the retexture of the ranger armor from their mod UNP Ranger Armor Retextures.
Thanks to fxckthisworld for the pant and the gloves from their mod Grandmaster Wolven Armor - CBBE SE.
Thanks to DeserterX for the necklace and the book from their mod DX Necromancer Robes - UNP and the skull medallion from DX Witcher Armor.
Thanks to newermind43 for the boots from their mod Katarina Armor.
Thanks to なすの for the bones and XML from their mod Vampire Royal Armor SMP.
Thanks to zzjay for the cubemap from zzjay's wardrobe - SE Official UNP used in the alt texture addon.
thanks to Kalilies For the hairs used from his mod KS Hairdos SSE.


Thanks to TheNytech for the red versions of the armor and sword, the book's alternative textures and for the help when I was working on that mod.
Thanks to froztee who took some awesome screenshots for my mod.
Thanks to Wartom94 for making 2K downscaled textures for 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1.
Thanks to Billyro for the weapons from Akaviri Katana - Blades Sword Replacer. We are big fans of their work.
Thanks to Graywolf364 for reorganizing and converting the plugin into an ESL marked ESP, creating the 3BA conversions, adding SMP cloth physics, making the optional files, writing the FAQ, putting together the change log, creating the FOMOD and touching up the grammar in the mod description.
Thanks to JechtShotMK2020 who edited the ESP to create the light version of my mod .


Demon Slayer Armor Mashup at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus 

Soul Hunter Armor Mashup at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus  


Serana Dialogue Add-On at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus, my favorite mod of all time! =D

Serana Re-Imagined SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus
 and Seranaholic 1.5 Re-Imagined  , My two favorite serana replacer! (In my opinion)

KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus
the mod I used to change the hair of my serana. (I use the runaway wig) ^_^
