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About this mod

I focused on uniqueness for Unila. She's not some supermodel, so don't be surprised if she's a bit 'rugged' and/or doesn't align with your stereotypical attractive female.

Permissions and credits
Unila Redoran is a female Dark Elf preset that is an attempt at both lore accuracy Dunmer anatomy and trying to find a balance between incredibly elven and; "Uhh...that does not look like an elf, ma'am".
So if you're disappointed or dislike her appearance, that's all good with me! It's all subjective. But just keep in mind she wasn't made to be drop-dead gorgeous and flawless. I tried to do something different since those are the only presets I ever see. She has the average, vanilla body shape so nothing sexual.

She was inspired from the original Dunmer of Morrowind and not Skyrim or Oblivion's hideous excuses for elves. 
I have two files up:

Main File: A more attractive Unila that has some non-elven features with a more human-look. (Less Elven)
If you're looking for a more attractive Dunmer that's more pretty than lore accurate, you'll probably want this one.

In the Option Files: Will be her straight outta' Morrowind with only heavy elven features. (Lore Friendly)
If you're looking for lore accuracy and a unique preset that just screams "Dunmeri" (depends on your perspective, but she's quite rugged)

Her Lore: 
Unila was born into House Redoran; her parents were both members, but got shamed for their magic use and ended up being killed by an Archmaster when they tried literal necromancy.
Nervous that she would be next, she says nothing and becomes paranoid and avoids magic at all cost. Yet her curiosity gets her one day and she figures out how to cast a flame spell.
Horrified after she was caught, she thought she was exiled from House Redoran. Truth is? After being told to not burn people alive specifically during fights by a councilman, she took it completely wrong. She assumed they were kicking her out on the spot and then left. Granted, her laughing/joking also kinda pissed off the quite humorless House Redoran so maybe that was a contributing factor. But she's wrong. They're looking for her- they have no idea where she ran off to.

Unila is still your typical Redoran at heart: a full-blown ruthless warrior in battle to rival even the most brutal of soldiers and has absolutely no remorse if someone is killed unfairly. She specializes in one-handed weapons, light armor, and block. Don't believe me? Try making a joke during battle with her and see how that goes for you.

It is entirely in her head that she isn't allowed back to House Redoran for her virtually non-existent magic use. All she even knows for spells are flames and healing.
                           She's horrible with magic and usually just ends up burning herself. But she constantly uses it to threaten people and never actually casts it.

Guess it would have been better to stay in Morrowind with all these dragons around...but after finding out she's the Dragonborn, she is dead convinced Azura, Mephala, and Boethiah all cursed her. Due to this strange superstition revolving around her so-called 'curse', she is dead convinced the only way out is to kill Alduin with her bare hands. When in actuality she could just go to House Redoran and ask for help from her family. Who in actuality miss her and would be elated to see she's even alive.

You can feel free to change everything of course, this is simply the headlore I have for my current playthrough.