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About this mod

This modifies Sacrosanct making it less OP, with some QoL tweaks, and some features from Sacrilege. It also fixes several bugs in Sacrosanct. It also overhauls Sacrosanct's Dragon at Midnight perk to make it something more interesting for a vampire. ESL available now.

Permissions and credits
Racial Abilities

  • Altmer - Wine and Revelry: Feeding increases Magicka and Magicka regeneration by 30 points for 5 minutes (30 minutes if the victim is sleeping).
  • Khajiit - Misfortune: Removed. Now the ability is called Aura of Despair. You have a 12-feet aura of weakness, which makes enemies deal 10% less physical damage and lose 10% Magic Resist and 75 armor.
  • Orc - Lavish Brutality: Feeding increases Stamina and Stamina regeneration by 30 points for 5 minutes (30 minutes if the victim is sleeping).

Spells and Powers

  • Vampire's Seduction: it can be used at will now, but it can only be upgraded up to level 25, starting at level 10, and only works if the target is either not in combat or not detecting you. Additionally, you can drain seduced targets no matter what stage you are in, and is no longer boosted by Illusion skill.
  • Nightwalk: now it never staggers you after teleporting, making it less inconvenient.
  • Vampire's Command: The "die" command was removed, as it was too cheesy to be able to kill anyone like that.
  • New power: Children of the Night: commands for 10 minutes, once per day, nearby wolves to come to your aid, empowering them (double attack damage and 150 health) at the same time. Other wolves will be friendly to you.

Rank Rewards

  • Blood Knight: added additional restrictions to avoid spamming combat feeding and draining. Now it enables you to Feed on staggered targets that are tired (75% missing Stamina of Magicka). You can Drain targets that are bleeding out no matter what stage of vampirism you are in.
  • Cauldron of Fire: identical but the attack damage was toned down to "just" 50% extra damage.
  • Dance with the Beast: identical but the attack damage while in Wassail was toned down to "just" 50% extra damage.
  • Night of the Wolf: Nerfed the ability to Sneak Drain, as it was a guaranteed kill otherwise. Now you can only Drain targets up to level 30 OR that have at least 50% of their Health missing.
  • Wicked Wind: exactly the same but the Magicka cost is slightly higher to make it less spammable, but its range was increased roughly by 5 feet, making it more useful.

Blue Blood Rewards

  • Eyes of the Moon: As part of the nerf to Vampire's Seduction, this reward makes the power affect targets up to 10 levels higher.
  • Daywalker: I don't like eliminating completely one of the biggest drawbacks of Vampirism, so now it only makes you immune to sunlight if you are Sated.


Every hemomancy was nerfed and their spell cost adjusted, but they absorb 25% of the magic damage they do, with one exception. Bear in mind that they absorb 25% more if you have the Starving Artist perk. Details below.

  • Blood Seed: deals 4 magic damage and absorbs 1 points of Health for 10 seconds. Also absorbs 1 point of Stamina for 10 seconds if you have the Sovereign of Shadows perk.
  • Blood Brand: target takes 3 magic damage and you absorb 1 point of Health for 10 seconds. After that time, detonates for 70 damage + 15 Health absorption. If you have Sovereign of Shadows perk, you also absorb 1 points of Stamina per second and the explosion absorbs 15 points of Stamina as well.
  • Blood Garden: inflicts on all targets 7 magic damage and absorbs 1.75 Health for 10 seconds. Absorbs 1.75 Stamina per second as well if you have the Sovereign of Shadows perk.
  • Blood Scourge: target takes 15 magic damage and absorb 3.75 Health for 15 seconds. On death, spreads to all nearby targets. It absorbs 3.75 Stamina too if you have the Sovereign of Shadows perk.
  • Blood Ankh: corpses explode for 120 magic damage. Additionally the perk Starving Artist adds 30 points of damage. If you have the Fountain of Youth perk, you consume the blood from the exploding corpses when you're within the explosion radius, healing 200 points of Health.
  • Profaned Sun: Flaming star that follows the target for 20 seconds, dealing 15 magic and fire damage to living targets near it and absorbing 3.75 Health. When the timer runs out, it explodes, causing a 30-feet explosion that paralyzes targets for 10 seconds if you have the Sovereign of Shadows perk.
  • Borrowed Time: Deals 5 magic damage and absorbs 1.25 Health for 25 seconds, bypassing Magic Resistance. During this time, if you have the Sovereign of Shadows perk, it also reduces target MR by 25% and armor by 200 points. When time runs out, deals damage equal to all Health lost by the target during this time as well as recovering your Health by 25% of the damage dealt to the target.

Vampire Lord Abilities

  • Royal Bloodline: Now their armor increases up to 350, matching werewolves.
  • Melee Attack: Attacks in melee form stagger most targets. Additionally, Vampire Lords absorb 15 Health per target struck with claws, increasing to 25 Health at level 30. All melee effects are 25% more powerful when power attacking.
  • Power Bite: it restores 200 Health by default.

Vampire Lord Spells and powers

  • Raze: deals 30 (level 5) to 70 (level 50) magic damage and absorbs 15 (level 5) to 35 (level 50) Health absorbing also 15 (level 5) to 35 (level 50) Health per every target affected by the blood arc. Additionally, the spell cost is significantly higher, to make it less easy to cast infinitely and to promote more stance changes.
  • Lord's Servant: reanimate a level 30 (at level 5) to any level (at level 50) corpse for 60 seconds. Spell cost increased moderately.
Vampire Lord Perks

The difficulty to gain perks was restored to vanilla, to delay your ascension to power. Each new perk requires 2 more Blood Points, and additionally only powerful animals and creatures as well as people will give Blood Points, so you can't farm by killing foxes and deer. Changed perks:

  • Power is Power: All attributes (Health, Magicka, Stamina) are increased by 50 points as Vampire Lord. Choose an attribute to further increase by 50 points.
  • Astral Poison: Attacks in melee form deliver an unnatural toxin, dealing 25 points of poison damage and absorbing 37.5 points of Magicka over 5 seconds. Power attacks increase the toxin's potency by 25%.
  • Dragon at Midnight: Renamed to Sovereign of Shadows. This perk unlocks extra capabilities for other powers and boosts all your damage. See the article or changelog for specifics. It also gives you a royal cape :-)
  • Night Cloak: Renamed to Nosferatu. Your powerful presence strengthens your summoned or reanimated minions and you have a constant flock of bats that feed on enemies and absorbing 5 points of Health from enemies for you.
  • Mist Form: Identical but Magicka cost is a bit higher.
  • Auspex: identical but it works in Vampire Lord form too.
  • The Reaping: Duration increased to 15 seconds to make it usable. Additionally, you become immune to stagger and deal 20 extra points of melee damage. And by the way, it's not advertised by Sacrosanct, but you get Blood Points from melee kills while using this. Spell cost slightly higher.
  • Tremble: Because this power is essentially useless, it was changed to a power called Kinetic Nova, which does what you would expect: it pushes enemies away from your character to give you breathing room. Some targets can resist it and will only be staggered. Spell cost slightly higher. It causes an electric pulse dealing 20 points of Health damage, and 100 of magicka damage, if you have Sovereign of Shadows perk.
  • White Wolf: Identical except it increases Vampire Seduction's power by 5 levels, and not 15.
  • Embrace the Beast: Toned down the bonuses:  Flaywind lasts 50% longer and Vampiric Drain deals 25% more damage and has 15% chance per second to cast a Flaywind on humanoid targets for 5 points of magic damage for 10 seconds.
  • Fountain of Youth: Killing a person with a Power Bite restores 3 times more Health, as well as Stamina and Magicka.
  • Lion Among Sheep: It behaves like Shapechanger in Sacrilege. Melee attacks weaken targets to Raze and Blood Storm by 25%, and those spells weaken targets to melee attacks by 25% as well.
  • Slasher: Power attacks in melee form deal 30% more damage and hit all targets in front of you. Additionally, melee health drain and astral poison is 40% more potent when power attacking.
  • Unearthly Will: simplified as a 25% spell cost reduction for all vampire spells and powers.
  • Curtain Call: you can no longer kill indiscriminately with this spell. The target must be level 60 at most OR have at least half their health missing. That means for example, you cannot kill vanilla Vampire Nightmasters, since they are level 65, unless your hurt them first. The spell cost was reduced to 1250 so it's somewhat more usable.
  • Lord of Destruction - Raze and Blood Storm deal 0.3% more damage per level of Destruction.
  • Blood Storm - All of its effects are 10% more powerful than Raze's. Additionally, the explosion size is bigger to make it more usable, since in the original the radius is frankly underwhelming, which is why the switch to Blood Storm is not that appealing to me, but I nerfed the frankly ludicrous rate of fire by 50%, making it powerful, but not ridiculous, hopefully. It is nonetheless faster than trying to cast Raze over and over.
  • Exsanguinate: Identical but Vampiric Drain damage bonus is 30%.
  • Starving Artist: Identical but it triggers for any valid target of other Hemomancy spells, that is, it no longer drains health from just people, making it far more useful. Additionally, it makes Raze and Blood Storm absorb 50% of its Health Absorption in Stamina.
  • Lamae's Pyre: toned down damage to 60, inflicting 600 in total.
  • Conjure Gargoyle: identical but the spell cost is increased moderately.
  • Maelstrom: identical but the MR debuff lasts 4 seconds, up from 3, to make it more usable.

Misc Changes

  • Vampire Feeding and Draining restore your stats by less preposterous amounts. It follows the formula 50 + TargetLevel * 5. For example, you would get 50 + 100 from a level 20 NPC that you feed on or drain.
  • Descriptions were tweaked for clarity.
  • Added Neloth as a possible target of Blue Blood.

Bug fixes

  • Eyes of the Predator now detect actors flagged as ActorTypeCreature.
  • Borrowed Time now triggers its secondary effect correctly.
  • Fixed wrong spell area for Tremble (now called Kinetic Nova).
  • Removed a seemingly irrelevant weakness to bows if you are blood starved.


  • Possibly add invisibility on user when nightwalk is cast.
  • Examine some possible issues with feeding.
Feel free to offer feedback and suggestions.
That's it for now. Enjoy.

TL;DR: this is Sacrosanct but less OP, tweaked for convenience, with a few Sacrilege features, and a couple of minor additions or changes from the original.

All the credits for Sacrosanct go to EnaiSiaion for his amazing mod. Go endorse the original mod.