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AndrealphusVIII BuddhaSante

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About this mod

This mod is an attempt at making one-handed crossbows behave more like actual crossbows.

Permissions and credits

This mod is currently unsupported for the foreseeable future, until I find a proper fix. Use at your own risk. Check the stickied comment for more information.

I've seen several one-hand crossbow (aka "hand-crossbows") mods, but unfortunately none of them actually used ammo, or behaved in a way to how crossbows would.

This mod is my attempt to make them a bit closer to actual hand-crossbows. While it has several features, using powerofthree's Papyrus Extender, unfortunately, there are still certain limitations that are hardcoded and hard (no pun intended) to work around.

Thanks to BuddhaSante for allowing me to use his hand-crossbow meshes from this mod of his. He mentioned that he is planning of making similar hand-crossbow meshes for the CC content, in the future.

This mod support the Vanilla bolts (Steel, Dwarven, and their explosive variants) as well as a patch for bolts added by the CC Rare Curios Creation and additionally the ones covered in Rare Curios - Bolts Expanded.

The hand-crossbows can be bought at Sorine Jurard, after the quests for the corresponding enhanced crossbow have been completed. Those are the same requirements to craft them at the Dawnguard forge. However, you can change the crafting requirements using console commands. (see "Customization") In the last case, you'll only need the Steel Smithing perk to craft the Steel one and the Dwarven Smithing perk for the dwarven one.

The hand-crossbows are technically still considered "staves" with their restrictions, but through the power of powerofthree's Papyrus Extender, they have several features.

Once you equip a hand-crossbow, you'll get a lesser power added, called "Manage Hand-Crossbows" which can be used to enchant or poison hand-crossbows.

If you have the Creation Club Elite Crossbows and Expanded Crossbow Pack creations, I highly recommend using the patch I made for those, which adds 10 new hand-crossbows, based on the ones in those creations.

From version 3.0 onwards, NPCs can use the hand-crossbows. This works fairly well, but there are some caveats. (mentioned in restrictions)


  • The hand-crossbows fires equipped bolts (Vanilla bolts + a patch for CC bolts, any bolts added by mods will need a patch).
  • Sneak attacks should work, as well as the Deadly Aim perk in sneak for increased damage.
  • Tempered damage works, but isn't displayed on the actual weapon.
  • The formula for archery damage is rather complex, but it seems to work. (It works with most Vanilla archery perks.)
  • NPCs that get hit by bolts have a chance of having them in their inventory.
  • You can upgrade the hand-crossbows on the grinding wheel and their damage dealt will be correct, but the damage displayed in the inventory will not be updated to reflect that.
  • You can pick up bolts that you fired, but their name tag will not be displayed, when hovering over them. You can only loot fired bolts if you have a hand crossbow equipped. (to avoid papyrus spam) Upon saving/reloading the game any fired bolts in the world will be gone.
  • You can enchant the hand-crossbows, but it is somewhat more limited. You can manually craft them by using the "Manage Hand-Crossbows" lesser power -> "Add Enchantment" option (by default you need to be looking at an Arcane Enchanter, see customization). The amount of enchantments is limited to the vanilla ones + some hybrid combinations using the Extra Effect perk. (see below) To add an enchantment, you'll need the corresponding filled soul gem + an appropriate level in enchanting (can be customized, see below).
  • You can poison the hand-crossbows, but you'll need to do so through the "Manage Hand-Crossbows" lesser power -> "Add poison" option. You CANNOT poison them the normal way, as it is hardcoded to block poisoning staves.
  • NPCs can use hand-crossbows, with ammo functionality intact. They should be able to switch ammo when they run out of one type. Enchantments and skill modifiers should apply. As of v4.0, if a hand-crossbow used by an NPC is poisoned, the poison should now be applied as well.
  • When an NPC runs out of ammo and they're using a 1H crossbow or 1H pistol, they will drop it. When said NPC is in the CurrentFollowerFaction or a custom follower faction (addable through console command) the weapon will go to the player's inventory instead.
  • When an NPC is using the wrong ammo for a 1H crossbow, 1H pistol, 2H crossbow or 2H gun, they will drop the ammo. When said NPC is in the CurrentFollowerFaction or a custom follower faction (addable through console command) the ammo will go to the player's inventory instead.


Due to the nature of this mod (using staves as one-handed ranged weapons) and engine limitations, there are the following restrictions:

  • Stamina cost while having the hand-crossbow drawn, doesn't work for NPCs.
  • NPC's aims are sometimes a bit off, even at relatively close range.
  • When NPCs run out of ammo, they might still attempt to use the hand-crossbows and won't equip another weapon if you don't get close to them. If they have a melee weapon, they might attempt to use that, but the results were mixed.
  • You cannot zoom in, while using the hand-crossbows. (Hardcoded feature when using bows/crossbows.) -> I adressed this in my other mod, Zoom In Without Bows, which adds a button for zooming in and out and is recommended if you wish to see this feature.

List of enchantments:

Base Vanilla enchantments:

  • Fire Damage
  • Frost Damage
  • Shock Damage
  • Magicka Damage
  • Stamina Damage
  • Paralysis
  • Soul Trap
  • Turn Undead
  • Absorb Health
  • Absorb Magicka
  • Absorb Stamina
  • Banish
  • Fear
  • Chaos Damage: Fire Damage + Frost Damage + Shock Damage
  • Fiery Soul Trap: Fire Damage + Soul Trap

Hybrid enchantments using the "Extra Effect" perk:

  • Frosty Soul Trap: Frost Damage + Soul Trap
  • Shocking Soul Trap: Shock Damage + Soul Trap
  • Consuming Soul Trap: Absorb Health + Soul Trap
  • Harrowing Soul Trap: Absorb Magicka + Soul Trap
  • Reaping Soul Trap: Absorb Stamina + Soul Trap
  • Drain Mentality: Absorb Health + Absorb Magicka
  • Drain Vitality: Absorb Health + Absorb Stamina
  • Drain Spirit: Absorb Magicka + Absorb Stamina
  • Fiery Consumption: Fire Damage + Absorb Health
  • Frosty Harvest: Frost Damage + Absorb Stamina
  • Shocking Harrow: Shock Damage + Absorb Magicka
  • Holy Fire: Fire Damage + Turn Undead
  • Banish Evil: Turn Undead + Banish

Distribution Among NPCs

In the optional section of the downloads, I included a file that distributes hand-crossbows among NPCs. However, it heavily edits leveled lists and NPCs, so it's very prone to compatibility issues.

The following NPCs are covered:


  • Silver Hand
  • Dawnguard
  • Pirates/Sailor (Blood-Horkers, Blackblood Marauders, Solstheim Reavers, ship captains and sailors)
  • Penitus Oculatus agents
  • Thalmor
  • Bandits (to a lesser extend)

SkyUI Icon and Type Edit

This is another optional file that changes the icon and itemtype of the hand-crossbows from staff to hand-crossbow respectively.

; =====================================================================================================================
; =====================================================================================================================

props.weaponIcon.propertiesToSet = <'iconLabel'>
props.weaponIcon.filter = <'formType': Form.TYPE_WEAPON>
props.weaponIcon.keywords.WeapTypeCrossbow1H = <'iconLabel': 'weapon_crossbow', 'subTypeDisplay': 'Hand-Crossbow'>
itemIcons = <potionColor, armorColor, clothingIcon, weaponIcon, otherIcon, edibleTag>

Unfortunately, this will conflict with any other edits to this file, by other mods. If your config file already has stuff under properties, you will only need the top three lines:

props.weaponIcon.propertiesToSet = <'iconLabel'>
props.weaponIcon.filter = <'formType': Form.TYPE_WEAPON>
props.weaponIcon.keywords.WeapTypeCrossbow1H = <'iconLabel': 'weapon_crossbow', 'subTypeDisplay': 'Hand-Crossbow'>

In which case, make sure these three lines are above this line:

itemIcons = <potionColor, armorColor, clothingIcon, weaponIcon, otherIcon, edibleTag>


As of v4.0, we included some better animations using DAR as an optional file. These animations are from AfriCanuckinOz's Flintlock Pistols for Adventurers (travelling in hostile environments).


You can use the following console commands to customize the following aspects of this mod:


set OneHandXbow_SkillXPMult to X

X is the multiplier for XP, based on your damage. (default is 0.2) For instance, if you deal 10 damage and the global is set to 0.5, you'll get 5 XP for that attack.
The skill which you get XP for, is in mostt case Archery, instead when dealing sneak damage, in which case it's Sneak.

set OneHandXbow_StaminaCostEnabled to 0-1
This enables (1), or disables (0) the stamina drain when holding down a hand-crossbow. (default is 0.)

set OneHandXbow_StaminaCostAmount to X
If OneHandXbow_StaminaCostEnabled is set to 1, X determines the amount of stamina being drained per second, while holding down the hand-crossbow. (default is 15.)

set OneHandXbow_SneakMod to X
X is the Sneak damage multiplier for sneak attacks WITHOUT the Deadly Aim perk. (default is 2.)

set OneHandXbow_SneakModPlusPerk to X
X is the Sneak damage multiplier for sneak attacks WITH the Deadly Aim perk. (default is 3.)

set OneHandXbow_DawnguardReqEnabled to X
If X is set to 0, you can craft the hand-crossbows on any forge. If set to 1 you can only craft them at the Dawnguard forge and need to have unlocked the corresponding enhanced crossbow. See this quest:

set OneHandXbow_SilverUndeadDamageBonus to X
X is the bonus damage dealt to undead when using silver hand-crossbows and bolts. Note: the bonuses from bolts and hand-crossbows stack. So if this value is set to 15, when you both have silver bolts and hand-crossbow(s) equipped, it will be 30 extra damage to undead per attack. (default value is 20.)

set OneHandXbow_EnchantingTableReq to X
If X is set to 1, you need to be facing an arcane enchanter when using the Add Enchantment option in the Manage Hand-Crossbows lesser. Using any other value you don't need to be facing one. Default value is 1.

set OneHandXbow_EnchantReq01_Global to X
X is the level requirement in enchanting to create tier 1 enchanted hand-crossbows. (default value is 10.)

set OneHandXbow_EnchantReq02_Global to X
X is the level requirement in enchanting to create tier 2 enchanted hand-crossbows. (default value is 20.)

set OneHandXbow_EnchantReq03_Global to X
X is the level requirement in enchanting to create tier 3 enchanted hand-crossbows. (default value is 30.)

set OneHandXbow_EnchantReq04_Global to X
X is the level requirement in enchanting to create tier 4 enchanted hand-crossbows. (default value is 40.)

set OneHandXbow_EnchantReq05_Global to X
X is the level requirement in enchanting to create tier 5 enchanted hand-crossbows. (default value is 50.)

set OneHandXbow_EnchantReq06_Global to X
X is the level requirement in enchanting to create tier 6 enchanted hand-crossbows. (default value is 60.)

set OneHandXbow_GlobalDamageMult to X
X is the global damage multiplier for all hand-crossbow damage, excluding poison and enchantments. This also affects XP gained. (default value is 1.)

OneHandXbow_LeftHoldDown/OneHandXbow_RightHoldDown -> Do NOT touch these, they are needed for scripts to work correctly. Changing their values might break the mod.

set OneHandXbow_NPCSDropInvalidWeaponsGlobal to X
If X is 0, NPCs won't get invalid weapons or ammo removed. If X is 1, NPCs will either drop invalid weapons and/or ammo, or have them added to the players inventory.

Adding an NPC to the exclusion faction

Use the following console command first:
help "OHCF_CustomFollowerFaction"
This will give you the formID of the exlcusion faction in your loadorder. (should end with 8C7, but the other digits are dependant on your load order.)

Then, select the NPC and use the following console command:
addtofaction <FormID> 1

For instance, "addtofaction FE0018C7 1". This will have the NPC transport their invalid ammo and weapons to the player instead of dropping them. Requires OneHandXbow_NPCSDropInvalidWeaponsGlobal to be set at 1.


If you use the optional DAR animations file, you'll also need DAR.


Any mods that add bolts, will have their bolts not work, without a patch. Currently there are patches for Creation Club bolts (Rare Curios) and Rare Curios Bolts Expanded.

There are also patches that add crossbow variants for Creation Club Crossbows.

No Enchantment Restriction SKSE Remake is confirmed to be incompatible.

Gun mods addon

From v3.2 onwards, I decided to make some integration for gun mods.
Currently, there is a patch for Lore Friendly Guns of Skyrim. (requires both the HandgunsOfSkyrim.esp and the PistolMod.esp, as well as all assets included.)

Hopefully more patches for gun mods will follow at some point.

Mechanically, one-handed guns function similar to one-handed crossbows, but they need their own ammo equipped.

Helping out

If you're a mod author, with knowledge of Papyrus and would like to help me overcome the restrictions listed above, please PM me. I would love to be able to have as few restrictions as possible, but I've currently hit a wall trying to work around them.


Q: Can't you just ask <insert Discord channel> for help?
A: I asked in almost all the Discords involved in Skyrim modding. I either got no response, sarcastic remarks or claims that it's "too niche". As such, I can conclude that people are either unable or unwilling to provide any real help.

Q: I know someone you can ask: the ones that are working on the Vampire the Masquerade mod. They have great gunplay animations. Have you asked them?
A: While I admit the animations look very cool and impressive (kudos to the one that made them), these are still reskinned staves, but with fancy animations. They're not considered to be real one-handed ranged weapons by the game. You can notice this by looking at the UI. They still use enchantment charges and no actual ammo.

Q: So what if they're staves? The animations look awesome. Why does that matter?
A: Because staves are hardcoded so they:
  • cannot be enchanted on the arcane enchanter.
  • cannot be tempered (the damage value stays at 0 in the UI.)
  • cannot be poisoned.
  • cannot use different ammo types.
  • don't have the correct values for calculating damage (see below).
  • cannot have their fired ammo be picked up.
These things will not be taken into account when firing from a staff:
  • Sneak damage and whether or not the target has detected the one using the weapon.
  • Whether or not the weapon is silvered.
  • Any poisons applied to the weapon. (and managing the poison charges)
  • Any enchantments applied to the weapon and whether or not they should apply (and managing the charges).
  • Crit change and crit damage. (needs a crit sound and message applied too)
  • The targets armor rating.
  • Heavy/light armor perks on the target.
  • Any armor enchantments or potions affecting the targets armor rating.
  • Whether or not the target is blocking.
  • Potential block perks on the target.
  • Flesh spells (Oak, Stone, Iron, Ebony, etc) on the target.
Now, for a total conversion mod like Vampire the Masquerade that doesn't matter too much, since they don't have the same mechanics. However, for my mod, it does, since I want them to be actually ranged 1H weapons and work with existing mechanics.

A: Yes.

Q: Can you remove the leveled list edits, or make them seperate again? They bug out the NPCs AI.
A: I'm not making them seperate again, as that would require additional patches for gun patches. About the NPCs AI, I'll try to get an alternative solution, although it can be easily avoided by properly doing conflict resolution. In v4.2, I decreased the amount in the leveled lists. In addition, I've added an optional failsafe method, so NPCs drop invalid weapons and/or ammo, to avoid any AI issues.

Q: Does installing/updating/uninstalling on an existing save work?
A: As far as I know, it should. However, it's good practice to keep a backup save prior to doing this, just in case.

Q: Is this compatible with <insert mod>?
A: I don't know by heart. You might need to check yourself.

Q: Will you make a patch for <insert mod>?
A: Only if it's a mod I use myself or plan on using, I have enough time and I actually like the idea. Otherwise, feel free to do it yourself. (see permissions)

Q: I have a suggestion to improve the mod. Can you do it?
A: Maybe, if I have time and I like the idea, I'll consider it.

Q: Will you port this to <insert platform>?
A: No, I myself only support the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If someone else wants to port it, feel free. (see permission) If you decide to port it, you yourself take full responsibility to offer support to said port. I will not provide no support for any ports by third parties.

Q: I use a ported version of this mod on <insert platform> and I have a problem. Can you help?
A: I don't provide any support for third party ports on other platforms than the Steam and GOG English SE and AE versions of Skyrim. If you have issues, you should adress the person that ported it.

Q: Does this work on Skyrim 1.6+, aka "Anniversary Edition"?
A: Yes, it should.

Q: Why don't your mods use MCMs and instead use this janky console command system to set globals?
A: I am not a fan of MCMs. You can set the globals by making a patch in xEdit. I have no plans of changing this. If you want to add an MCM, feel free. (see permissions)

Q: Why don't you use FOMODs?
A: That would require reuploading the entire mod, in question, even if I only make a small change. My internet is limited and reuploading the files each time will take a huge chunk of my monthly volume.
