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About this mod

This tool gives you the complete control over the stat-points for Player and NPCs.
The stat points can be adjusted at any time to your preferences.
- You have also the option to play with fixed healthpoints if you wish
- Includes an optional Armor and Weapon "Add-On" to make the combat feel exactly how you wish.

Permissions and credits

Here is a tool to balance the combat between the Player and the NPCs to your preference.

Get rid of damage sponges or too weak enemies. Now it is in your hand how the combat feels.

This Mod adjusts for NPCs (with the help of SPID) and the Player the statpoints based on their settings.

The Mod includes a MCM (for more Details look at the images). Here can, for the Player and the NPCs, the Base Stat Points (Statpoints a Level 1 Charakter have) for Health, Stamina and Magicka be set. Also the additional Statpoints per level can be changed here.
The distribution of the statpoints occurs on the distribution of the default statpoints of the NPC.

In the NPC Health menu can be changed how the healthpoints of the NPC should be rescaled.
With the Stat-Point-Multiplier the Stat-Points can be manipulated and be different for every NPC.

Fixed-Health Mode

The optional "Fixed-Health Mode" can be switched "on" and "off" any time.
In this Mode the Player have a specific amount of fix healthpoints. (This healthpoints occur to the set Player's Base Health Points). The NPCs healthpoints are set in this mode by default also to fixed healthpoints (it's always possible to change this in the NPC-Health menu if you wish)
By leveling up, only stamina or magicka can be increased. The healthpoints will always stay the same. In addition to this you can enable additional healthpoints per level.

For example: (NPC with fixed healthpoints)
Bandit Outlaw: Level 5

Health: 109 points
Stamina: 86 points
Magicka: 25 points

Bandit Health: 100 points -> (> 0) NPC has fixed healthpoints
healthpoints per level: 2
NPC Base Statpoints: 100 (total 200: Stamina 100, Magicka 100)
Statpoints per Level: 10

New Stats:
Health: 108 points -> Bandit Health (100) + 4 Level Ups * 2 HP per lvl
Stamina: 186 points
Magicka: 54 points
-> Stamina + Magicka = 240 points (100 points Stamina Base + 100 points Magicka Base +
     4 Level Ups * 10 SP per lvl)

If the player's veins have vampire or werewolf blood flowing through them, then the fixed health points are set to the appropriate value of either werewolf or vampire health.

Fixed-Health Mode off
(Vanilla Mode)

By default the "Fixed-Health Mode" is deactivated, so the Player can also spend statpoints on Health by leveling up - like in Vanilla (The additional healthpoints per level are disabled in this case).
Here the statpoint settings of the NPCs are set by default so, that they get rescaled according to their default values (this can always be changed in the NPC Health menu)

For example: (NPC rescale according to it's default stats)
Bandit Outlaw: Level 5

Health: 109 points
Stamina: 86 points
Magicka: 25 points

Bandit Health: -5  -> (-5) NPC is rescaled according it's default stat distribution
healthpoints per level: 2 -> have no effect in this case
NPC Base Statpoints: 100 (total 300: Health 100, Stamina 100, Magicka 100)
Statpoints per Level: 10

New Stats:
Health: 168 points
Stamina: 133 points
Magicka: 39 points
-> Health + Stamina + Magicka = 340 points (100 points Health Base + 100 points Stamina Base +
     100 points Magicka Base + 4 Level Ups * 10 SP)


The NPC stats depends mainly on the set "Base Stats" and the specific Stat-Multiplier-Value. The value of the NPCs health control how the NPC is rescaled: (can be set in the "NPC health" menu)
Are the set healthpoints > 0, this are the fixed healthpoints for the respective NPC. (The Healthpoints are not multiplied)
Are the set healthpoints = 0, the NPC gets rescaled to the "Default Option" values.
Are the set healthpoints = -5, the NPC gets rescaled according to the NPC's default values multipl. with the Stat-Multipl.
Are the set healthpoints > -10, the NPC keeps it's default values multiplied with the Stat-Multiplier.

In the "Default Options"-menu, the values for NPCs they are not in one of the specific "NPC Health-menu faction" can be set. It is also possible to add more or remove "Default-Options" as needed (up to 24).

With this optional "Default Options" the default healthpoints of the NPC are checked and compared to the min and max criteria to decide if the NPC get scaled to the set healthpoints (Are the NPCs default healthpoints between the min and max critria then the criteria is met). Setting the health for the respective "Default Option" to 0 will disable it. The other value settings have the same effect like in the "NPC-Health" - menu.
With the Default-Options it is also possible to catch a specific NPC, you just have to know it's default health value and set the Min. and Max. Criteria to this value. It's recommendet to use for catching specific NPCs the first Default-Options and for general NPC rescaling the Default-Options behind them. -> because the Options get checked one after the other - so otherwise the specific NPC could also met the criteria for a general NPC rescaling and the later coming check for this NPC is ignored.

"Fixed healthpoints" always include the healthpoints per level.

Switching from one mode to the other will not reset the NPC Health menu settings in the previous mode. So it is possible to have for every mode specific settings

Is the Mod disabled the NPCs will be rescale back to their default statpoints.

Armor Add-On

As an Option for better damage balancing, the Mod includes an "Armor Add-On": -> (this is just Optional and can be switched off any time)

This Armor Add-On weakens the incoming damge depending on the targets armor and the weapon that hits the target.
The armor is either heavy or light armor and depends on the worn cuirass. -> for example the vanilla iron armor is a heavy armor and the vanilla leather armor is a light armor. -> should also work with armors from Mods.

The damage for different weapons against the specific armor can be set in the MCM. -> for example a value of 70%
sword damage against heavy armor means that the incoming damage is weakend by 30% when the attacker uses a sword and the target wears a heavy armor cuirass.

As addition a "No Helmet Penalty" can be used to weaken the reduced damage for NPCs they are not wearing a helmet. This value adds the amount of percent from the reduced damage to the taken damage. -> for example the sword damage against heavy armor value is 70% (reduced damage is 30%) and the No Helmet Penalty value is 50% -> the new value
will be 85% (70 + 30*0,5)

The Armor Rating can also be increased or decreased depending on the armor material (if the armor has the respective material-keyword - not every modded armor could work) with the "Armor-Rating Material Multiplieres".

Weapon Add-On

Here the Base-Damage and Speed can be changed for the specific weapon type (sword, mace, bow, ....). As addition the Base Damage can be multiplied with an value depending on the weapon material (if the weapon has the respective material-keyword - not every modded weapon could work) -> e.g. to give ebony-weapons more damage than steel weapons.

It is also possible to let the weapon get damaged by it's use. The abrasion depends on the material of the weapon and the set Abrasion-value. The "Min. Weapon Damage"-value is the lower damaged limit of the weapon. The more the weapon is damaged the weaker it is.
I had to do a little work around to make weapons they are having a lower health than 1, also have a lower damage value.
So you may notice, that the shown base damage of every weapon that's the same as your equipped and damaged weapon also shows the same value like that of your damaged weapon. But this is not the case - only your equipped damaged weapon have the lower damage value (so it's only a visual issue).
Also dual wielding two exact same weapons (e.g. two iron swords) will not work correct

As bonus in this menu, the shield blocking effectiveness can be in- or decreased. The value get's multiplied with the current blocking effectiveness -> e.g. value = 2 -> blocking with a shield is twice as effective.

Also the material multiplier can only be added to bows if you wish so.

The mod should also work
on mod added weapons. Only mod added crossbows will be very likely treated like normal bows and not as crossbows.


Equal Difficulty Damage:

An esl-file, where the difficulty damage multiplier is set equal for player and NPC:
(For this I took inspiration from the Mod Fair Fights by PotatoSallad03)

Difficulty | Damage Dealt | Damage Taken
Novice        | 0.5x | 0.5x
Apprentice | 1.0x | 1.0x
Adept         | 1.5x | 1.5x
Expert        | 2.0x | 2.0x
Master       | 2.5x | 2.5x
Legendary | 3.0x | 3.0x

Level Up Menu - No Health
Removes the Health Option from the Level Up Menu (see images) -> for those who want to play in the "Fixed-Health Mode". (It also works without this feature, it's just for "cosmetic")

An esl-file, where all vanilla arrows and bolts have a damage value of 0.
For those who want the ranged weapon damage to depend only on the bow or crossbow
(Because I couldn't figure out how to change the arrow damage with the MCM..)

An additional MCM to config the magicka costs for Spells and/or the stamina costs for Power Attacks.
Works for the Player and/or the NPCs.
Unfortunately, I only figured out to adjust the stamina costs for Power Attacks.

Miscellaneous files

just in case the player stats get messed up. -> disable the Combat Equalizer -> close all menus -> open the Repair-Kit. Set the player stats as they should be (according to the Vanilla Stats) -> klick on "Repair" -> close all menus -> now the Combat Equalizer can be switched on again and the Repair-Kit can be removed.



Should be highly compatible.
Be careful when you use mods or settings that changes the Players Base-Stats for Health, Magicka or Stamina (default 100) and the amount of statpoints per level (default 10), they can cause problems.
The "Armor Add-On" may conflict with other "Armor-Mods" (simple disable it in the MCM)


Simple download with your mod manager or add the files manuell to your data folder.
Can also be added to an existing game.

Always make a backup-save when adding new mods.

Before updating, I woud recommend to disable the mod, close the whole menu and then save the game


Just disable the mod in the MCM -> close the whole menu -> after a Mesagebox appeared, save the game and remove the mod.
-> Keep in mind, that not all rescaled NPCs may turn back to their default stats, when the mod is removed.


Big Shout-Out to the following Mod-Authors and their Mods which inspired me:

Smileys Combat Realism Overhaul by l3lackfable

Fair Fights by PotatoSallad03

Resistances and Weaknesses by Hackfield -> inspiration for the Armor Add-On

Relevel NPCs by Yiyas

Special Thanks to mrowrpurr for her fantastic scripting tutorials!

Special Thanks to Darkfox127 for his amazing Creation Kit tutorials!
Bethesda for Skyrim and the Creation Kit


I'm always excited to read about your feedback and Opinions.
If something is not clear to you or if you stumble over some issues please let me know in the comments.


Thanks for reading this far!

I would very much like to hear your opinion.
Comments and feedback would mean a lot :)

==> Grab yourself a free game!

If you like, feel free to buy me a coffee
