Skyrim Special Edition

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a set of save game data of my skyrim run

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OLDRIM SAVES these saves up to civil war are from oldrim

a set of save game data of my skyrim run
semi-legit i did use some bat files to level up my skills and get all perks unlocked and get items i got locked out of from quest chose and to skip real grindy quests but other then that nothing no cheats tgm tch tmm1

this run im doin in the following order with no dlcs enabled

Name: Miles Quill (my human oc name)
Race: Imperial
build: Spellsword (but can be whatever ya want)
standing stone: the steed
level 81 (on 3rd save up)

Explore all i can and do all quests not guild related or main quest (done) 
Choices made:
Sided with Hadvar to escape helgen
got mask of clavicus vile
Saved Saadia
brought the sapling to whiterun
kept frost
sided with faendal in riverwood
kept the skull of corruption
got Mehrunes' Razor
sided with Madanach for armor of the old gods
not marryed
sided with Sinding and got Hircine's Ring
killed the thalmor at northwatch keep alone (not really had kharjo) and saved Thorald
got the Ring of Namira in The Taste of Death
Sacrifice Eola from The Taste of Death in Boethiah's Calling

few bugs i have so far\
Alik'r hang out at the entrace of whiterun
gildergreen tree still shows its dead counterpart over the sappling
sanguine hangs out outside where his portal would spawn

Main quest
Choices made:
Blades Reformed with following members Kharjo Golldir and Borgakh the Steel Heart with the ability Dragon Infusion acquired and Delphine was avoided after Season Unending to not start the quest Paarthurnax
Season Unending choses was told the high elf she can say (regreat that chose tbh XD) and the reach was given to the stormcloaks while the rift was given to the imperials
repaired the white phial to restore health
got ebony blade no one was killed with it went right into storage door was open by pickpocketing
got both the mask and staff from skuldafn by killing the priest as he grabs the staff then looting him and booking it into the portal before it closed
got both the ox head and both legs from the hall of valor (along with any sweetrolls)
collected the remaining treasure maps just need the one from the collage still all treasure chests for them remain unfounded

Cured Farkas and Vilkas
got the 3 totems
cleared a fort i missed Fort Fellhammer
Miles remains in puppy mode (aka not cured) and the 2 remaining witches heads are stored away
starting to fail the quest DONT KILL NAZEEM my willpower is getting low though i have punched Braith a few times

Thieves Guild
did all special jobs
got all shelf items (i did cheat alittle here by setting the quest stage to the number before the item unlock then did a mission to get the items on the shelfs but thats it the Jeweled Pitcher bugged out but after a quick serch i found out this is a bug that happened to others so i spawned in the pitcher and tryed to place it on the shelf sorry just didnt have the patience to do 125 runs back and forth XD but i did make sure nothing broke using the commands
mercer died via arrow to the knee no really my kill shot was to his knee
stole the second box of firebrand wine and store it at home
killed noone thoughout the story missions other then bandits falmer and summerset shadows i used Invisibility spell to sneak by the rest
used a command to get the skeleton key after returning it witch can be droped whenever normal lockpick are stored in the house

College of Winterhold
did all non repeatable sidequests
all skill ritual quests done
2 staff of magnus (for some reason the boss dropped 2)
got all dragon priest masks 
helped send Arniel to the void and got keening
got the last treasure map but didnt go loot it


Dark Brotherhood
Got Frost Back idk what happen to him in the collage run
Didnt kill amaund motierre or Maro or Cicero
did all contracts
got the crown of barenziah
all bonus collected
a giant craved rock killed vittoria vici wasnt my fualt i was just leaning on it takin in the sites
shadowmere is now mane horse frost is chilling at the whiterun stables

dlcs in order

hearthfire - Requires Hearthfire from this point on
Built all homes and furnished up to a certain points i didnt build any wings or hire any stewards so any quests or addons that require a marryed dragonborn or a steward is not done 

becuase i killed that housecarl in the dark brotherhood the jarl hated me i was forced to cheat abit to make him like me and get the plot of land and housecarl but the other 2 lands worked out fine

dragonborn (explore and sidequests) (Requires Dragonborn and Hearthfire from this point onwards)
explored most of solstheim expert areas that only unlocked after certain parts of the main questline
most dungeons cleared (like i said main quest is locking me out)
found most of the east empire necklesses
did NOT start the mead hall quest leaving that for the player might pick a side in my lengendary save
kept Ralis Sedarys alive took his pickaxe thougth XD
intimidated that orc into half the money then pickpocketed it back from him
did not place karstaag's skull on the throne yet might do it later though left it out incase players want to fight him
most black books found and done (the 2 from the main quest are left)
didnt do the dungeon for the black bow of fate as im missing a few of those gems still

dragonborn (questline)
did all the remaining quests i knew about hope i didnt miss anything
the east empire amulets quest is still active idk if its bugged or im missing one or 2 i checked everywhere and used a guide so idk
got the black bow of fate relocated the cults bodies in whiterun so npcs would stop goin to veiw them and get stuck XD
control cubes collected and stored
resisting the urge to kill Nazeem reaching critical failure all nazeem fans must evacuate immediately (only hope is the incompleteable quest for the compainons where nazeem gets kidnapped)

dawnguard (sidequests - do all sidequests i can before starting the dawnguard main questline)
couldnt do much on this save i got the aetherial crown but i did use add item afterwards to get the other 2 aetherial items for player chose but the crown is the one i picked in the quest
tryed to explore the forgotten vale couldnt get though the wayshine
raided redwater den

dawnguard side chose (a save at the point where ya be a vampire or dawnguard)
played up to the point where harken is about to show off vampire form

dawnguard (vampire side and sidequests minus the one where ya need to be marryed)
killed off Dawnguard
found 2 of the vampire parts for some reasion i was unable to get the quest again idk if im just unlucky or its bugged
all pargons and books from the vale found
all spells and collectables from the soul carin found
learned sun fire from dawnguard by casting clam before killing off the fort

dawnguard (dawnguard side and all sidequests minus the one where ya can cure serana - will be my main save forward)
cheated to get vampire side amulets and rings to use if ya want
skills on werewolf and vampire maxed out
got all dawnguard rune gear
all crossbow unlocks
serana uncured (cure her if ya want)

posable last checkout
explored the towns of skyrim did a few sidequests i came across that i missed
killed Karstaag
somehow missed becoming thane of markarth
did a few sidequests in towns
got my face remaded by the face butcher XD (minor change mouth type and removed scars)

civil war save
Sided with the Imperials
did a glitch to keep the crown
bought the home in windhelm alot of bugs to get around but was worth it
became thane of windhelp
helped malborn
learned the last word of power


Anniversary save
will complete EVERY creation club content thats out at the time will require the anniversary edtion of skyrim from this point on
did all quests and got most of the loot missing a few spells and random drop items all
all creation content minus a few selected list of items are put in the dresser in the housecarls room
didnt do bittercup as it contains a chose so i left it so u can pic what path to take
(this is the last save unmodded im doin im moving onto legacy of the dragon born witch will mark the save as modded)

Relics of hyrule
Most relics fround and stored
triforce found and reforged and wishes were maded (wished for the brutal death of Nazeem and Braith to be shipped off to honorhall sadly non came true)
wishes were the resurrection of Epona and the Hilda set (most useable in my optinion)
some relics glitched in the arcived and wont register
did use some cheats in the arcive mostly get the place filled some relics are still out in skyrim but went after most of them
all 9 fariys are found and moved the camp from the ae to outside the skyrims fariy fountain
master sword became the deep corrupted master sword and using ganon's armor
all relics of hyrule are under lydias bed
got madness and amber armor and weapons stored in the creation club storage
(save was cleaned up and scripts removed for legacy of the dragonborn v6 release so legacy is no longer required)


to change race and/or name use showracemen or and i recommend this one Crimes against Nature as it uses a script to change ur race and it will keep all stats skills spells abilities and such i use it to change characters races and names from time to time

all items are located in breezehome i have them sorted in a way im used to if ya dont like it well...
i kept all npcs alive unless a quest demanded them to die or a dungeon required their deaths to clear

to install extract the zip file and cut and paste the file in your skyrim save location
C:\Users\(User)\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves