About this mod

A DLC sized slice of life race mod including a new worldspace and more. In short this introduces not only the Masmer as a new player race but also a brand new medium sized world space, long running & relaxed quest line, multiple fully voiced NPCs and followers, several highly detailed player homes, mounts, pets, and so much more!

Permissions and credits

"You are not the first to ponder this. Perhaps it is but one of numerous realms, each with it's own equally small community of Masmer" ~ Eileirae

Masmers started almost 2 years ago as a personal project to create a special home base for my long time story character to mark the 10 year anniversary and create a visual representation of the main area used in the accompanying light novel series (which is now the next project I need to actually try and finish...). Needless to say it has grown a lot since that initial concept and taken a whole extra year to complete! Due partially to the decision to expand it into a fully evolved worldspace and questline just to see if I could actually do it...

The mod focuses heavily on providing a change of pace to accompany a full playthrough, and subsequently on replay value also. It is meant to be a pleasant and relaxing escape from the normal world of relentless dungeon crawling and monster slaying. The worldspace & quests have been designed to fit this theme and so for everything that you will find in the mod, one thing you will not find are dungeons filled with monsters!

  • Masmer player race - Non-Canon (but lore friendly) female only, all high poly and uniquely textured

  • Calastai - Fairly small new worldspace filled with dynamic and evolving details throughout

  • Questline - Lighthearted with varying routes, outcomes and unique rewards. Paced out to accompany a long playthrough

  • Museum - Will dynamically display new exhibits based on your quest progress (includes scope for mod support)

  • Follower NPC's - 14 of them, all fully voiced* (*just with XVA-Synth, sorry!)

  • Player Homes - Four available through in-game choice system. All highly detailed and interactive

  • Unique mounts, pets and summons

  • Complete Shadow Magic school

  • 4 new crafting schools & accompanying workstations (2 animated)

  • Main file is ESM flagged, load order is irrelevant as no vanilla records are edited. All patch files are ESL flagged.

"We may appear immortal to the mortal plane, but no. When we spend time there, we are subject to the winds of time just as any other mortal" ~ Torae

Masmer are an embodiment of the idyllic fantasy world Elves, adapted to the Elder Scrolls universe. In lore terms; they have been written to fit in with a long and mystical existence dating back as far as the ES timeline itself. It should go without saying that they are not canon, but (IMO) can be considered lore friendly. There is a great deal to discover through interaction and exploration so I will not dwell on the details here, save for the fact that they are a petite female only (Though yes, technically you can make a male one since chargen defaults to that, but it is not supported) Mer race who are meant to be slightly overpowered next to everyone else (but not game-breakingly so!) and that they are wielders of shadow magic - which the player can learn over time through purchase of the tomes from Valaer.

The race has been completely built using high poly heads both for the player character and NPC's. Chargen presets of all 14 Masmer characters are available for Racemenu (vanilla menu presets are built in as well, but since the base game presets don't utilize any external assets it is impossible for me to embed the proper presets directly into the main menus. I have obtained acceptable results by selecting a menu preset first and then applying one of the Racemenu scuplt presets over the top of it). The race *should* function correctly with vampirism now, but I will not feign surprise if anyone reports bugs with this as we have had mixed results through testing. It has also been tested with UNP, CBBE and vanilla bodies as well as both with and without XPMSE, 

"You are familiar, I take it, with the varying planes of Oblivion? Well, I guess I think of Calastai as being like the Aedric equivalent of one of those!" ~ Caelan

The mystical realm which is home to the Masmer - Calastai - is a medium sized island world located between the mortal and aetherial planes. Again, I won't detract from the joy of exploration for anyone by droning on about every detail of it here. What I will say is that it is entirely built from scratch and highly detailed. The central town area - Tyl'm Madran - includes open world buildings (shop and tavern, the museum had to be moved to it's own cell for performance) and dynamic changing details like carts being moved, shop items that disappear off the shelf when purchased, dining tables that fill/empty with use etc.

It has been built with aesthetics taking priority, as has everything in the mod, but optimization has been done throughout to keep it as performance friendly as possible. This is why there is an optional 4K texture pack, as everything else had to be reduced significantly in order to keep the mod a reasonable size! All areas of the mod carry a unique soundtrack to complement the theme of the mod, and NPC's have (somewhat) intelligent packages which will change and evolve over time as you progress through the story here.

"Torae thinks she's getting close to a major discovery in her excavation of the Coreli ruins" ~ Baelai

The questline is at the heart of the mod's 'slice of life' philosophy. There is nothing strenuous about it, and the whole thing is typically very light hearted - dare I say even fun - to serve more as an interlude between big adventures on the mortal plane. That said, it is all still meant to add value as much as flavour, so the rewards are often setup to this end by unlocking areas with trainer modules or access to doomstones or providing useful items like weapons that scale with your level.

It is entirely unobtrusive and can even be ignored completely if so desired (Past the first one which is simply to choose your home!). After this point, you will periodically receive new mail at your home which will open up the next quest. Since replay value is also important to this mod, many of the quests are variable with branching routes and different completion methods & rewards. Some may involving learning new skills to unlock features of the mod, helping your fellow Masmer by studying ruins, even putting on a stage show! See the walkthrough article for full details.

Starting the quest:
After first creating your character (regardless of if you use vanilla start, alternate start etc.), you will hear nothing more from this mod. Until you (should) die. Upon reaching a death event for the first time - be it in combat or faceplanting off a mountain top - you will instead find yourself not dying, but actually teleported to Calastai where Aelaelia will greet you and commence the questline by explaining how you have this special ability which draws you back to the realm when your life is in mortal danger. For players not wanting to use this mechanic, or simply preferring other death alternatives like DAYMOYL, there is a patch included in the Fomod which removes this and simply gives you the teleport spell to begin with.

"This is the Teraes. We use it to acknowledge the impact our sisters have on the mortal plane, when they choose to become an integral part of it." ~ Aelaelia

At the centre of Tyl'm Madran is the Teraes (museum). Those familiar with LotD will recognize the principle of quest completion displays, which is what you get here. All vanilla main, guild & DLC questlines are accounted for and - at the time of publishing - a select number of mods. The upper level of the museum is unused at present with view to patching more mod displays over time (see article for details). The museum also includes a personal armoury area which you can fill up mannequins & weapon displays in as you see fit.

Mods currently patched for museum displays:

  • A Witcher's Adventure*
  • Akavir*
  • Beyond Reach
  • Bloodworm*
  • BS Bruma
  • Clockwork*
  • Darkend*
  • Falskaar
  • Forgotten City*
  • Glenmoril*
  • Gray Cowl of Nocturnal*
  • Haem Project Goblands*
  • Helgen Reborn*
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn
  • Midwood Isle
  • Moon and Star*
  • Moonpath to Elsweyr*
  • Project AHO*
  • Relics of Hyrule*
  • Republic of Maslea
  • Summerset Isles*
  • Undeath*
  • Unslaad*
  • Vigilant*
  • Wheels of Lull*
  • Wyrmstooth

*Newly added support with the optional download, not included in the main file.

"It would be my honour to fight at your side and protect you when you are on Nirn." ~ Celai

The entire cast of 14 NPC's are recruitable as followers (upon completion of their associated quest). All fully voiced through xVASynth (because the one thing harder than getting a natural sounding voice from that generator is sourcing actual VA's apparently...) with over 1000 lines of custom dialogue. There are further options to obtain special combat summons of each character.

Actor | Class
Aelaelia | Warrior 2H
Aestae Vali | Barbarian
Baelai | Ranger
Bojai | Healer Mage
Caelan | Destruction Mage
Celai | Spellsword
Eilai | Warrior 1H
Eileirae | Warrior 2H
Jhaezai | Assassin
Tai JhaSyli | Monk
Teireir | Conjurer
Torae | Nightblade
Valaer | Support Mage
Volai | Rogue

Player Homes
"I discovered a nice area where I think I would like to have a home. Here, let me show you on your map" ~ The Little One

In the theme of replay value, the mod includes 4 highly detailed, interactive and customizable player homes which you can select IC through the first quest. All share the same core features, loosely detailed below:

  • To begin, all homes are basically empty shells. They are decorated / unlocked through investment (5k intervals up to 50k, then 10k intervals up to 100k gold at present). The treasury recognizes additional ‘treasure’ items i.e. gems, jewelry etc. If using the LotD patch, the treasury links back to that from the safehouse instead.
  • New arts & crafts workstations can be used to make decoration items (upon completion of the associated quest). These include paint mixing, easel, spinning wheel (animated) and pottery wheel (animated).
  • Homes utilize dynamic storage displays. All special containers - like those used for weapons and armour - visually fill up / empty depending if they hold any content. This does not vary depending on what content they hold, but is predetermined by the intended use.
  • Homes have some special named containers for ‘Tools’, ‘kitchen cupboard’, ‘maps’ and ‘drinks cabinet’, which will display additional items around the home subject to what is placed in them.
  • Homes can be further customized (mostly in bedroom areas) by crafting a special linen set. When placed, this can be used to change bedding and soft furnishings in the area to your colour of choice. See images tab for examples.
  • Once sufficiently invested in, Valaer will move her shipping cart there so you can fill it up and sell your unwanted loot to her whenever you want.
  • All homes have special boosted crafting areas for alchemy/enchanting, and blacksmithing. The magical crafting area will - when sufficiently invested in - have an option to activate the laboratory experiments to gain a boost to crafting while in the area. Similarly, the blacksmith forges (which are all fully unlocked to all vanilla and dlc crafting keywords) have a small puzzle element which can unlock the same feature for those areas. 
  • Homes all have special ‘player’ mannequins, which can be activated and interacted with through their pedestals (they can also be reskinned in game back to default).
  • At higher levels of investment, you gain the ability to invite friends over for dinner. Who you can invite will depend who you have earned sufficient favour with from the quests. Successfully hosting a dinner party will grant you a special perk.
  • Homes include many interactive features such as bathing, interactive objects, and lots of safe storage. One thing to be aware of is that on some static furniture items (i.e. most desks) where you see multiple drawers/cupboards; these are all setup as individual containers, not just one big box for the whole furniture item. Such containers are all safe storage, but do not link to any displays. Only uniquely named storage displays items.

Recommended & Supported Mods
"Oh my! Hello there Little One" ~ Aelaelia

Mods flagged as recommended are just that, so don't complain if things don't work as expected if you aren't using the recommended mods. They are not listed as requirements since this mod can work perfectly well without them.

Mods flagged as supported are patched for integration of additional features.

  • RECOMMENDED: AnimObject Swapper used to remove the sword from animations at the spinning wheel and pottery wheel.
  • RECOMMENDED: SKSE64 is needed for some of the more complex display features, but not a requirement for the mod to function.
  • RECOMMENDED: Racemenu will allow you to fully capitalize on the character designs and use the optional chargen presets.
  • RECOMMENDED: Dynamic Collision Adjustment is helpful here, since the Masmer are a naturally small race everything is scaled to fit them which includes the interiors. Works fine without as all necessary areas are not affected, but if you like to explore NPC homes you will have problems with the large default player hitbox getting stuck on the ceilings without this!
  • SUPPORTED: CACO patch for the few relevant items included in this mod
  • SUPPORTED: Common Marker Addon as an accompaniment to FWMF
  • SUPPORTED: Female Armour & Accessories Collection was graciously permitted by N7R to be incorporated into the mod, but due to file size it had to be removed and so is here is a support patch instead
  • SUPPORTED: Flat World Map Framework because the lodgen worldmap I ended up with is fuuuuugly!
  • SUPPORTED: Immersive Interactions patch adds support to the many interactive objects throughout this mod
  • SUPPORTED: Leaps of Faith adds 3 new leaps to Calastai and the LoF quest
  • SUPPORTED: Legacy of the Dragonborn patch adds to the museum, but also links player home treasure and outfits, and replaces the crafted paintings from this mod with those from LotD
  • SUPPORTED: Mystic Condenser replaces some of the washbasins in this mod
  • SUPPORTED: Description Framework is supported with the provided patch in optional files

  • All Geared Up Derivative is natively supported, with required files already included.
  • Lodgen has been processed and is included, however Dyndolod is still recommended as with all new worldspaces.
  • Jaxonz Renamer is also encouraged to enable better identification of the tightly packed storage containers (i.e. desk or bookshelf with multiple drawers)

Known Issues
"Just having a little fun is all! And you're going to help" ~ Volai

  • The wheel of the spinning wheel is misaligned and clips through it's base. It appears fine in the nif and even in the CK, but not in game. I do not know enough about animated nif's to correct this.
  • The OnDeath effect does not work with werewolves. I have put conditions in to remedy this, but they do not seem to register.
  • When using FWMF, the child worldspace marker for the player home is out of position.

"You must have many questions, I can try to answer them if it will help put your mind at ease, Little One" ~ Aelaelia

Can I play this with my non-Masmer character?
Short answer: No. The entire concept of the mod is the race themselves and the questline revolves around the player character learning what it is to be Masmer. You have two options: 1 - use console commands to give yourself the teleport spell and play through everything here (just don't expect it all to make sense as everyone will still treat you as a Masmer!) or 2 - use the alternate version found here which provides just the player homes for you to use with any character.

Does this work with AE / VR?
Honestly... I have no idea right now, perhaps someone can enlighten us! If it doesn't work with them, I do not currently know the process for converting and won't be looking into it at least until development and patching is all settled here.

I'm stuck with quest progress / house feature!
As a first instance, please check the walkthrough. If that doesn't answer your question then please post a comment for support

Museum display for X mod?
I do have aspirations to fill the upper level of the museum, but in the mean time others are welcome to create display patches

Something is broken, you are useless!
Impossible, bugs don't exist they're only features! (HA If only right...). Given the size and complexity of this mod, and the two years of development / steep learning curves I've endured in making it, I would be VERY surprised if nothing has slipped the net even after weeks of testing. If you find something broken, please do let me know!

I want a proper quest with dungeons and monsters!
*waves hand* then this is not the mod you are looking for. Move along.

Future plans?
Once the support period for this mod settles, I am going back to actually enjoying my game for a while and working on the light novel series. HOWEVER... there are loose plans currently being looked at for a proper story quest expansion for this. One day. Maybe...

My Other Mods
