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Alternabase aka Punkin

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About this mod

A playable race which gets more attack damage the more damage they take. Alpha version.

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Patch Notes:

New magic spell added: Masfel Gambit -- Convert 50% of current hp to armor, and half as much to magic resist, for 20 seconds.
New Enchantment: Masfel Lifesteal -- Heal for more hp based on missing hp. Note: The text description in game is broken. Unsure if I can fix this.
Small adjustments and fixes.

At this point, the mod is 'feature complete' in terms of mechanics. All that's left to do is the visuals!

Known bugs: If you are playing a mod with a custom brawl event that doesn't use the Modern Brawl Bug fix, this mod will cause the enemy to fight you for real.



Patch notes:

New Magic Spells Added:
  • Sacrifice -- Drain 8 points of health from yourself to heal a friendly target for the same amount.
  • Pain Drain -- Drain 2 to 8 points of health from targets based on your missing HP.
  • Spiteful Flames -- A gout of flames which deals 4 to 14 damage per second based on your missing HP.
  • Crippling Frostbite -- Spray ice dealing 8 damage per second and slowing the target based on your missing HP.
  • Obliterate -- Hurl a bolt of thunder, dealing sharply increasingly more damage based on missing hp, starting at 30 damage and reaching 300 damage at critical hp.

New passive trait which provides a temporary damage bonus when struck in combat. Lasts for 5 seconds and resets this duration with each hit.

Spell tomes are purchasable from merchants which sell spell tomes.

Thoughts and future ideas

Hey all, thanks for checking out my mod! I've finally gotten some time to sort out some more ideas and it's coming along better. Still for the time being there are no new visuals, but I've finally got some spells implemented for this playstyle. Technically any character can use these spells, but if you do a spellsword build or something similar, you can get benefits from the physical aspect as well.

My next goals are to add a couple more spells maybe (I have some ideas), but other than that there are some specific traits and abilities I'd like to add that require some sort of quest or something to complete. I also have in mind a few legendary weapons with unique effects that would synergize with this playstyle more than existing enchantments, but I'm not totally certain how viable some of these ideas are just yet. I will need to do some experimentation and studying but I'm hopeful I can flesh out the design a little more and add some fun ways to build your character.

As always, thanks for playing my mod, be sure to grab Race Compatibility for SSE, and leave me a message if you run into any issues. This is still an alpha so expect some growing pains as I improve my modding skills.

Old description from 0.1

Masfel is a custom race which has a racial ability which penalizes their attack damage at max hp, but greatly increases their damage at low hp. In addition, they have the Pain Conversion ability, reflecting physical damage taken back at their attackers (you still take full damage).

This mod uses Race Compatibility for SSE in order to support Dawnguard stuff. Please download that mod, and let it overwrite this mods files.

When I think of playable races in Skyrim, I see them as a core component of a playstyle. This fulfills a niche playstyle I first experienced in Dofus/Wakfu, that of the Sacrier, berserkers who gained damage the more damage they took. To complete this playstyle, I plan to make 'conjured blood weapon' spells, which cost life to summon but have innate lifesteal. The idea is to charge headlong into battle, and use lifesteal on your vastly increased low health damage, in order to survive and brawl your way to victory. (You may recall health absorb enchantments only restore a flat amount of health, so they're not suited for this mechanic as much.)

I tried to make the scaling pretty strong. It begins at 50% of your damage, and scales up to 2x damage under 15% hp. Note that you will only see this specific damage scaling while in combat. Once you leave combat, it's reset to normal, then reapplied once you enter combat next time. This keeps it from spiraling out of control :D

If you find that you are too squishy, try investing into health and heavy armor. If you are too tanky, you might want to change the difficulty, or perhaps use certain combat mods. I'm using the MCO/Distar combat overhaul with Valhalla. It's really fun. Not necessary to use these mods, though.

Naturally you might find this playstyle doesn't really work for stealth characters. Sorry. This is a really self indulgent project going for a really specific playstyle. I just thought there might be someone else out there who likes it too so I'm uploading it. In the future, I plan to add scaling bonuses to magic damage and effects as well, particularly for bound weapons. But for now, it's an out of the box playstyle for a warrior/berserker kind of character.

I also plan to make custom visuals for it eventually, even if that's only an armor set. For now, though, it just copies Nord models (custom body meshes should work fine.)

Lastly, I tested this with a downgrade patched version of Skyrim SE 1.5.97. I do not know if it will work for AE, however I don't see any specific reason why it shouldn't. If you run into any issues, regardless of patch, please let me know and I'll look into updating the mod in a timely manner.

Thanks for listening to my rambling. More to come!

PS: The 'Masochism' ability only shows in your active effects while in combat. I'll see if I can figure out how to add a placeholder that shows it's details in the future. Wasn't able to suss that out just yet.