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About this mod

A darker fantasy ENB preset for Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons, Lux, Lux Via and Lux Orbis. Providing quality gameplay visuals for, landscape screenshots, and NPCs.

Permissions and credits
Please note I forgot to enable Nighteye fix in the enbeffect.fx so enable that in the menu folks should you require it. I will update the ENB soon with that correction taken care of OK.


This ENB mash-up has been developed on the back of two primary authors firemanaf and SirArindel Part one Picturesque file and the weather mod Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons.
My sincere thanks to those authors, and other ENB authors who gave permission to use aspects of their work. A full list can be found under credits.

Title & Objective:
Setting Sons is a play on words and the game's theme. A reflection of the decay of the Nord's way of life at the hands of empire; the Elves and the Bretons. Setting Sons is a darker fantasy preset, it is well-lit generally throughout the day but not overly bright and you will come across darker areas at times when in the shadow of the mountain. Low light is preferred for this preset and ENB theme, with the sunrises and sunsets taking centre stage. This ENB has been created for the coming TPOSC mod pack, it is designed to reflect the Skyrim world as I want it to for the TPOSC series and future questing adventures. 

The TPOSC mod pack will be out around the end of February 2023.
I hope you enjoy the mod follow the advice below if you are new to ENBs and good gaming folks!

Lux, Lux Via, Lux Orbis, Splashes Of Storms, Rudy's fix for Splashes Of Storms and ENB & Ethereal Clouds - Special Edition.

If you have set your Nvidia GPU 'Output Dynamic Range' to Full to may need to reset your card to default if the ENB is running too dark. I tested this setting and it was noticeably darker with ODR on. If so adjust the ENB series settings to your liking if you want to keep ODR on. 
Download and install the ENB Particle Patch
Turn off the depth of field in Skyrim game settings.


  • Install the required files for this ENB. Lux Series etc.
  • Install the required updated Picturesque files via Vortex under the download section or manually download from under the download section and install the textures and esp in your Skyrim Data folder.
  • Install the Setting Sons ENB files from under download. Open, copy and extract them to your Skyrim game folder.
  • Download the latest version of ENB Binary HERE
  • Copy d3d11.dll and decompiler_46e.dll into your Skyrim game folder. Then install the ENB Helper mod.


EnableTerrainParallax=true is enabled by default as the coming TPOSC Mod Pack runs Skyrim Terrain Parallax by Pfuscher you will need to adjust your enbseries setting accordingly to your set-up.

For an introduction to using and editing this ENB preset please read Fireman's guide for this ENB; it is the go-to guide as the Setting Sons ENB is built on the back of Fireman's Skyrim ReEngaged ENB for Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons with Fireman's permission.
However, please be aware the two ENBs are not the same so do not mix and match or change up the content of this ENB file with SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB, and please note some aspects will have changed but the core usage and diversity of the ENB are still available for the best part.
The exception to mix and matching is your choice of depth of field; SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB depth of field files can be changed to suit the individual's personal taste.
I will be adding my own set of instructions soon via a video on 'how to' with this ENB. I had planned to have all aspects done before publishing the ENB but I ran out of time, and I promised people the mod would be released today.

DO NOT USE Picta Series - Improved Sky Meshes as this mod neutralizes the Picturesque sunsets and sunrises.

I highly recommend running Majestic Mountains, (EVLaS / EVLaS Skyrim Underside ) and running Dyndolod 3 if you know how to generate terrain underside so light does not penetrate through the mountains and terrain. Finally, for effects the outstanding XD Embers and Power Of Three Moons and Stars - ENB Lights For Effect Shaders I could go on with recommendations but the coming TPOSC mod pack will deal with this.

This is my first ENB mash-up and it is just that. A learning curve for the future, and I have played around with some big values in the preset. There are a couple of visual issues to work out. The main one is the Skyline horizon which has always been an issue for ENB users, which is noticeable in areas like High Hrothgar. 
There are other small issues I need to balance out as well, however, this is a good starting point and the preset will evolve over time as my skills and knowledge grows. 

For anyone who chooses to give this ENB a go and has any issues come and see me on my Discord. Below is a dedicated Discord link for this preset.
Feel free to talk about the ENB and any related issues.
I welcome intelligent, thoughtful people. Experienced in ENBs even better!

Effects - The Unusual:  
As with all my art, I try to create some uniqueness in my work if possible. In this case, I fell upon some effects which I do not think I have seen in other presets. I might be wrong here as I have not played them all. One of the more noticeable effects is the fire effects, when in battle or with larger fire pits when the player is directly facing the enemy/pit and gets hit by fire or looking into the flames, the surrounding area of sight is nearly 0% for a few seconds. The intensity when in battle is fantastic, that momentary inability to assess health or attack. It pumps me up! ;)

These effects may not be so pronounced with just this ENB preset, as I have not checked; however, when the TPOSC mod pack comes out with HD embers and other mods you will see the full effect of which I speak if you use the mod pack and its settings with this ENB preset.
For now, depending on your setup, you may see some unfamiliar effects. If so and you are unsure ask about this and I will confirm one way or another.
If you followed any of my YT streams of the mod pack and Setting Sons ENB testing and development you will already be aware of this point.

All rights are reserved for their respective authors regarding codes/settings/textures/and ownership. I extend a big thank-you to fireman, SirArindel, LonelyKitsune, ENB author Boris Vorontsov, and any other author or contributor I may have missed. If I have made any errors regarding credits or usage please inform me and I will amend any errors A.S.A.P. After all this work there is no intent to piss off any other author - contributor and so on!