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About this mod

A harvesting simulator inspired by Hunterborn - expands the resources you get from slaying all manner of creatures; flay their skin, harvest their ingredients, exsanguinate their blood, extract their venom and butcher their meat to increase your survival and crafting options.

Permissions and credits
  • Italian
BEFORE CONTINUING: This mod's focus is to expand the resources you get from dead creatures in the game, thus it increases the item variety significantly - many of those items have no purpose whatsoever other than being decorative clutter. Such will change in the future as patches are created to give those items a purpose that falls out of the scope of this mod.

Hunterborn has always been in every playthrough of mine, a top pick for survival focused games, but it's so long it's been given proper maintenance, and my endeavors to "fix" it have been frustrated among the layers and layers of outdated code, dependencies, etc. When playing with Hunterborn I was always fantazising with the idea of fixing loose ends; integrating creatures left behind from the DLCs and Creation Club's; expanding the skill development system; integrating my favorite monster and items mods, etc. It's been my dream to be able to fully experience one of the most important aspects of Hunterborn's (to get expanded resources from felled creatures) and enhance it, but also mantaining the mod in a clean, modular regimen to be able to choose how in depth you want your survival experience to be as the mod developes.

Please remember, all of my work is open source, do feel free to open, tinker, and peek inside my scripts. I fully commented them and wrote them as clean as I could for you in case you want to tweak stuff at your leisure or to learn about scripting. Take the liberty to seek me for the most guidance I can provide with my limited papyrus knowledge in a private message

REQUISITES - NOTE: This was created on the latest version of Skyrim SE and SKSE.
-You will need the latest versions of SKSE.
-You will need SkyUI for MCM support.
-You will need 
Powerofthree's Papyrus Extender

(This is not a SKSE Plugin, it most probably will work with skyrim 1.5.97, just make sure to install the correct version of SKSE, Po3 Papyrus Extender and SkyUI.)

What does this mod do?
Although Hunterborn is a heavy inspiration, heed, this is not Hunterborn and it doesn't aim to become a remake of it or meant to replace it - Hunterborn is too elaborated and creative for a novice modder such as your server.

This mod adds a couple dozens of unique and custom alchemy ingredients, meats, pelts, poisons and miscelaneous items and combines them with vanilla enemy drops that you can harvest from felled creatures. I did my best to make their origin make sense for a touch of immersion.

Whenever you activate a dead creature, you get the option to Field Dress it to prepare the carcass, then you can proceed to Flay it for its pelt/skin, Butcher it for its meat, Exsanguinate it for its blood, Extract its venom if applicable or Harvest it for its alchemical ingredients.

In contrast, whenever you activate a dead mechanical creature such as the Dwemer Sphere, you get the option to Dismantle it for it's parts and items, and Drain Oil to salvage the dwemer oil within.

Also, you can activate some ash piles (specialy that of ghosts) to get Extract Essence Option and try to get items such as Ectoplasm, Wisp Wrappings and Glow Dust.

The way the menus are made is almost 100% reminiscent of Hunterborn's, with a, maybe, more specific verbiage, so if you used Hunterborn before you should
be able to get accustomed to this one immediately.

Level up system.
There's character development system to add a spice and variability to the harvesting simulator. You start at level 1 in Field Dress, Flay, Harvest, Butcher, Exsanguinate and Extract Venom.

Every time you perform an action, such action gains experience points; when the player has enough experience points in a determined skill, it levels up (up to level 10). The better you are at certain skill, the most resourceful will be your final yield and you get to discover different alchemy ingredients, special meat items or better quality pelts.

Mechanics description.
When you click a supported creature, a menu will pop-up, where you can "Field Dress" the creature to start processing it, and "Salvage" it to open its normal inventory.

The player may perform a "Critical Action" or a "Critical Failure" so to say, based in action skill level and rng.

Actions will take in-game time based on the creature weight, (hard coded by myself in an array, for each creature), the level of the player character in a determined action, and whether the carcass was properly Field Dressed (Crititical Action or Critical Failure when Field Dressing).

Field Dressing.
After Field Dressing a creature, you can go ahead and Flay, Butcher, Exsanguinate, Harvest, Extract Venom, Salvage, Process or Discard.

A high Field Dress skill highens the chance to perform a "Clean Field Dress", which makes you immune to Critical Failures in further actions, also reduces the in-game time it takes for the character to finish an action.

In the other hand, novice Field Dressers my perform a "Bad Field Dress", which adds further penalties when trying to perform another action on the carcass, such as increasing the in-game time per action and halving the final yield.

"Flaying" yields you pelts, skins, chitin and shells from the creatures of diverse qualities based on your Flaying level.

Furred creatures yield pelts of Punctured, Rough, normal (vanilla), Outstanding and Perfect qualities. A Perfect pelt can be tanned into 2 Outstanding pelts; 1 Outstanding pelt can be tanned into 2 normal pelts. So Perfect pelts yield the most leather.

Punctured and Roughed pelts may only yield leather stripes upon tanned.

Insects and crustacean chitin works the same, but instead of leather stripes, low quality chitin yield "Chitin Scraps", which can be merged together to create a full Chitin Plate, Frostbite Chitin, Chaurus Chitin, Mudcrab Shell, etc.

Other beings such as Seeker, Spriggan, Chicken, Slaughterfish etc yield non pelt items such as Slaughterfish Scales, linen wrap, paper roll, firewood, charcoal, etc, based on whatever they're made of or whatever they're related, to the best of my criteria.

A Perfect Flay gives you greater quality pelts that you would not normally get on your current level.

A failed Flay yields ruined pelts that have little to no use.

"Butcher" yields you raw meats and, depending on the creature, hearts, with standard health, stamina and magicka restoration.

Horkers, Horses, Mammoths and Trolls yield edible hearts at high Butcher level, which have decent restorative effects.

A "Masterful Butchering" gives you more meats.

A failed butcher gives you no more than mere raw meat scraps which are almost useless.


"Harvesting" yields you, based on the creature, a collection of different alchemy ingredients. The kind of ingredient depends on your harvesting level, take this example on harvesting a wolf at Harvesting level:

Level 1 = 1 to 4 Wolf Claws.
Level 3 = 1 to 4 Wolf Fangs (plus level 1 yields).
Level 5 = 1 to 2 Eye of Wolf (plus level 3 yields).
Level 7 = 1 Wolf Heart (plus level 5 yields).
Level 9 = 1 Wolf Spleen (plus level 7 yields).
Level 10 = Everything from above at full quantity.

This is the scheme I used for every creature. Each two levels unlocks a new ingredient, and the level 9 ingredient has greater effect magnitude on its effects.

You can only get "realistic" yields (you'll never get 2 hearts from a wolf), but that is configurable in the MCM.

A "Meticulously Harvested" yields you more ingredients and may give you ingredients you would not normally get on your current harvesting level.

A failed harvesting gives you nothing.

"Exsanguinate" yields vials of creature blood. These serve not much purpouse right now, but a Vampire can consume them as small alternatives of low level health, magicka and stamina potions.

A "Bountiful Exsanguination" gives you more vials of blood.

A failed Exsanguination gives you a single blood vial unit.
Extract Venom.
"Extract Venom" you can milk venom from certain creatures. The creatures that carry milkable venom currently are:

Ash Hopper - Ash Hopper Venom.
Frostbite Spider - Frostbite Venom
Lurker - Lurker Venom.
Netch/Netch Calf - Netch Venom.
Skeever - Skeever Saliva.
Chaurus - Chaurus Venom.
Chaurus Hunter - Chaurus Hunter Venom.
Spriggan - Spriggan Venom.

The extracted quantity depends on your Venom Extraction level.

A "Flawless Venom Extraction" gives you more vials of venom.

A failed Venom Extraction gives you a single venom unit, and splashes poison on yourself, hurting you with the respective poison's effects.

"Dismantle" is a standalone variation of the Harvest skill, but it is exclusive to Dwarven Automatons. You can use this to get mechanical parts and soul gems from the felled dwarven automatons.

Drain Oil.
"Drain Oil" is an extra action (not a trainable skill) that is exclusive to Dwarven Automatons. You can drain them from their available Dwarven Oil. You get an amount based on the creature itself and old school RNG.

Extract Essence.
"Extract Essence" is an extra action (not a trainable skill) that is exclusive to some "Ash Pile" activators. You can extract them from their Ectoplasm, Glow Dust, Wisp Wrappings and Ice Wraith Essence.

"Processing" as you may remember, is a quality of life option that, in a single action, queues the rest of the actions and performs them automatically. "Critical Actions" and "Critical Failures" still apply independently on each skill.

"Discard" option erases the corpse and removes it.

WARNING: Make sure there's no quest item within the corpse before discarding it, such as the Glenmoril Witch Head quest items where you kill Hagravens for their heads to help Kodlak with his curse.

Tool Usage
You can decide whether creatures need a specific tool in your inventory before being able to perform a Prodigious Bounty action based on the creature group or creature itself.

-Most creatures tagged as Animal or Monster need a Hunting Knife.
-Men, mer and beast need a Hunting Knife.
-Dremora need a Hunting Knife.
-Most Undead creatures need Dissection Instruments.
-Vampires need Dissection Instruments.
-Dwemer automatons need Toolkit.
-Some Ash Pile activators need an Essence Extractor.

You can decide whether you want human race carcasses to be harvested like game. You also can decide if you can only do so after finishing "The Taste of Death" daedric mission where you get the ability to become a cannibal, or just be able to do it right away.

Eating raw or cooked human meat has a chance to inflict one of the 11 Prion Diseases based on the race, that you can cure with Cure Disease Potions.

"Argonian Prion Disease" with Damage 30 Health, Damage 25% Sneak and Restoration and Damage 50% Disease Resistance.
"Bretonian Prion Disease" with Damage 30 Magicka, Damage 25% Conjuration and Alteration and Damage 25% Magic Resistance.
"Dunmeri Prion Disease" with Damage 15 Magicka and Stamina, Damage 25% Destruction and Pickpocket and Damage 25% Fire Resistance.
"Falmer Prion Disease" with Reduce 50% Health Regeneration, Damage 25% One-Handed and Alchemy and Damage 25% Shock Resistance.
"Altmeri Prion Disease" with Reduce 50% Magicka Regeneration, Damage 25% Illusion and Enchanting and Damage 25% Magic Resistance.
"Imperial Prion Disease" with Reduce 15 Health and Stamina, Damage 25% Speech and Restoration and Damage 50% Stamina Regeneration.
"Khajiit Prion Disease" with Reduce 30 Stamina, Damage 25% Sneak and Lockpicking and Damage 15% moving Speed.
"Nordic Prion Disease" with Reduce 30 Health, Damage 25% Two-handed and Light Armor and Damage 25% Frost Resistance.
"Orcish Prion Disease" with Reduce 15 Health and Stamina, Damage 25% Heavy Armor and Smithing and Damage 50% Health Regeneration.
"Redguard Prion Disease" with Reduce 30 Stamina, Damage 25% One-Handed and Block, Damage 50% Stamina Regeneration and Damage 50% Poison Resistance.
"Bosmeri Prion Disease" with Reduce 30 Stamina, Damage 25% Archery and Alchemy and Damage 25% Poison and Disease Resistance.

Eating "Raw Vampire Meat" or "Cooked Vampire Meat" may inflict Sanguiare Vampiris with each piece you consume.

Cannibalism has been integrated with Prodigious Bounty pick selection window. When you have the Namira's Ring equipped and you don't already have Namira's bless, "Cannibalize" option will appear besides "Field Dress" option. Cannibalizing a carcass makes the carcass to be "field dressed" and dramatically lowers the final item yield on further actions.

Werewolf "Feed" skill makes the carcass to be "Field dressed" and dramatically lowers the final item yield on further actions.

Eaten creatures, either by cannibalism or Werewolf Feed, forfeit any "single unit" item - in other words, an "eaten" human carcass will never drop a Heart.

Currently Supported Creatures:
This is a list of currently supported creatures. Note the variants of a creature are listed because they are treated as unique by this mod, you will get different items from a Cave Bear than from a Snow Bear, and different items from a Frost Troll than a Cave Troll.

Base Game:
Bear Cave.
Bear Snow.
Dwarven Spider.
Dwarven Sphere.
Dwarven Centurion
Elk Female.
Elk Male.
Flame Atronach.
Frost Atronach.
Fox Ice (snow fox).
Frostbite Spiders.
Mudcrab small, medium and big.
Sabrecat Snow.
Storm Atronach.
Troll Cave.
Troll Frost.
Wolf Black.
Wolf Ice.
Dremora. (And it's variants)
Dark Elves
High Elves
Wood Elves
Vampires (Argonian, Bretons, Dark Elves, High Elves, Imperials, Khajiits, Nords, Orcs, Redguards, Wood Elves)
Ice Wraith
Dragon Priest

Chaurus Hunter.
Deer Vale.
Giant Frost.
Sabrecat Vale.
Death Hound

Ash Hopper.
Dwarven Ballista.
Netch Calf.
Mounted Riekling.
Spriggan Burnt.
Albino Spider (Albino) (For now, elemental albino spiders won't be supported)
Ash Spawn

What about dragons?
These are supported now and are distinguised in five types:

-Fire Dragon
-Frost Dragon.
-Skeletal Dragon.
-Reverend Dragon.
-Serpentine Dragon.

You can perform standard Prodigious Bounty actions on these dragons. Each have their unique alchemy ingredients and edibles (except skeletal dragon, it just yields dragon bones and bone meal upon harvesting).

Missing Creatures
-Human species having the "ElderRace" (elder npcs like Hilde). Needs more thoughts before implementation.
-Magic Anomaly (Still debating if I should include these)
-Wisp (Needs more thought for implementation)
-Vampire Lord (There's almost no Vampire Lords around to be worth creating exclusive ingredients for this, may implement with some mod that adds vampire generic vampire lord spawns on the game)
- ... Children D: ???????????????
- ??? (Please let me know if I'm missing some creature in base game, Dawnguard and Dragonborn.

Custom Meshes.
I just learned to use Blender and learned to use all this inextricable baloney of NifSkope, OutfitStudio etc, my aim is to create custom meshes for the unique ingredients.

For now, we have a custom mesh (between original and edited) for:

  • Mudcrab Shell.
  • Ash Hopper Brain
  • Compound Eye of Ash Hopper.
  • Ash Hopper Maxilla.
  • Ash Hopper Stinger.
  • Dissection Instruments

Eventually I'll finish the exhaustive list of pelts and ingredients.

-I didn't manipulate original loot tables for creatures, if you have a mod that alters leveled lists of death creatures, this mod should not conflict with them.

-Hunterborn will clash with this, it's not recommended, pick one or the other.

-You may have a hard time with custom activation menus such as extracting blood for septimus signus (the Prodigious Bounty menu will collide with the blood extraction menu of the quest) but after closing one, the other should pop up. So this applies to every mod that alters the normal activation behavior on still corpses.

-This is compatible out of the box with Creation Club's Survival Mode, the meats and bloods already have pertinent hunger effects.

These are the mods I've personally patched to make them play nice with Prodigious Bounty, patches are provided in this mod page.

Alchemy Requires Bottles Redux - Drawing blood, venom and oil from carcasses now require empty bottles (Suggested by Dydd90. Thank you)
Shovel Bury Bodies - "Discard" option becomes replaced with "Bury" for a touch of immersiveness (Suggested by Dydd90. Thank  you)

MCM Support.
You can tweak some basic options in the MCM such as setting custom keyboard shortcuts for every action. Visualize your skill level and experience to next level, reset your level progress and toggle whether if you want the actions to take in-game time or not.

Other considerations.
-Please check the change log to revisit (hopefully) every addition that this first version includes.

-You will notice that activating a non-supported creature will take 1 second longer to open its inventory. That's the slowness of papyrus, sorry, I did my best to code it as inteligently as I could to procure fast interpretation, but it's just too slow in nature. It takes a while because the mod is trying to recognize the creature and deliver proper materials.

-By default, the actions are not allowed while in combat, this means you won't be able to loot unsupported creatures like bandits in mid battle until you killed them all, which was intentional for my playstyle (I tend to loot while fighting which I personally hate, looting after battle finishes is a nice touch to my taste), but you can toggle it back to "allow actions during combat" so you can loot at your lease. Just be careful activating supported creatures and getting yourself stuck in Field Dressing animation and getting wrecked by your enemies while being a sitting duck.

-I tried to remove the creatures original inventory upon activation so you would not get extra redundant items, but I noticed it broke enemies that are meant to have a quest item in their inventory, it would then remove the quest item into oblivion and break related quests and that's just out of the question. I'll find a solution. For now, that part of immersivemeness depends on you, just don't grab that extra wolf pelt when picking Salvaging.

-For some reason there are some unique corpses that just refuse to become recognized by the mod, so expect some animal corpses being unable to be processed. It's specially true on "default corpses" such as dead horses in assaulted caravans. Sometimes Hares that are killed by Wolves are treated in such way that the mod becomes blind to it and ignores it. If I discover the issue, I will mend it.

For developers:
Note that, if you peek through the contents of this mod in Creation kit, use the _SH_ convention to find my records, it was the initials of the former name "Skyhunt". I changed the mod name, but the convention remains the same.

Use the custom cell called "___" to find my test room in the render window. 

Open the console and type "coc ___" (three underscores) to go to my test room.

These is a list of some of the original records and scripts I've got no choice but to manipulate to make things work:
  • Changed "Human Heart" name to "Nord Heart".
  • Changed "Rabbit" name to "Hare".
  • Duplicated magnitude and/or duration in Human Heart (now "Nord Heart") alchemical effects.
  • Changed "Human Flesh" name to "Callous Nord Skin Tissue".
  • Changed "Daedra Heart" alchemical effects - doubled magitude and/or duration to this ingredient's Restore Health, Damage Stamina, Damage Magicka and Fear effects.
  • Made changes on DLC1SoulCairnCreatureFX script.
  • Made changes on DLC2HMDaedraDeathScript script.
  • Made changes on icewraithparticlesscript script.
  • Made changes on PRKF_PlayerWerewolfFeed_0002BA1D script.

Future plans.
To do list:
  • Add support for Spirit creatures.
  • Add support for men and mer (Forbidden Prey style - a Hunterborn addon).
  • Release a basic craft addon to put to use several of unused items. (You may see a bit of it developed in this mod, but it's commented out in the scripts)
  • Integrate to Apothecary as an addon.
  • Integrate some of the most popular creature mods as addons.
  • Integrate Dragon Variants mod as addon.
  • Deliver custom models every now and then for custom ingredients.

And that's it, please use the bug section to let me know if anything is broken and the comment section for whatever else you wish to tell me, I'll do my best to aknowledge every comment.

-Yours always, Gasil.