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About this mod

Female PC and NPC sitting animation is randomly changed.

Permissions and credits
Female PC and NPC sitting animation is randomly changed. The PC is randomly selected from three custom (sitting) animations. The NPCs are randomly selected from three custom (sitting) animations and vanilla (sitting) animation. Change the priority in accordance with your OAR environment. This mod applies to female NPCs, even if you are using the male PC(Application to the male PC is skipped).

This MOD was converted to SE from Simple Sit Idle Animation.
(作り直すのがめんどくさいのでSimple Sit Idle Animationのアニメーションを使用してます)
Modern Female Sitting Animations OverhaulのフォーマットがDARではなくOARならパッチを作れます。

Skyrim SE v1.5.97

Known issue:
Ignored "opposite gender" flag(I forgot it, haha).Fixed v1.0.1.

Cresit :
SKSE by SKSE team
Address Library for SKSE Plugins by meh321
CommonLibSSE by Ryan-rsm-McKenzi and powerofthree
Behavior Data Injector by Maxsu and Dropkicker
Open Animation Replacer by Ersh