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About this mod

Allows custom animations for characters wearing heels, long dresses, or with special feet, using Open Animation Replacer system.

Permissions and credits

This is a Open Animation Replacer version of Walk With Elegance mod, for people that prefer to use this new system instead of DAR. 

If you are new, the purpose of this mod is to add specific animations to characters when they are wearing special clothing like heels, long dresses... or using special body parts like hooves, wings...
It works similar to DAR version, but I've included all options in a single file, you can remove undesired submod folders if you wish.

Anyway, if you prefer DAR versión, you can download Here.


Example of a character from a beast race with claws:

Custom animations for claws-based characters

And other character using high heels:

Custom animations for high heels

Character with hooves:

Custom animations for characters with hooves

Hovering animations for wings:
Note: waterwalking and jump bonus effects aren't related to animations, but to enchantments attached to wings item.

Custom animations for wings

Character with dwemer body parts

Custom animations for Cyborg body


First, if you are using DAR version, move your animations files to new directory if you want to recycle them, and remove DAR old folders to avoid issues.

Install as usual but note that some mod managers delete empty folders (usually female or male folders), if you have issues, try a manual installation, or add these folders later.
Add sexy animations to empty folders for each condition in Data\Meshes\actors\character\animations\OpenAnimationReplacer\WalkWithElegance (each folder has a explanatory name, and you can find a male and female folder inside to add gender specific animations)
Now, characters wearing required item or matching conditions will use these animations instead of default ones.

Note that you can use ingame OAR interface to make changes, if you need to add other conditions or modify priority for compatibility with other mods. See instructions in OAR page.

Important: Don't install original animation replacer mods because they will replace vanilla animations, so, they will be played all the time, simple download these
mods manually and extract animation files, then, add to required folders.

Most conditions use specific keywords from Armor Framework to identify heels or other items, so it needs this mod to work
You can try some example mods listed in "Armor Clothes and Weapon Framework" page or modify your own mods adding these keywords.

Note: as alternative you can try a mod like Keyword Item Distributor to dynamically add these keywords to items in game, or even use the rings to cheat conditions.

Adding animations

Recommendation: so much custom animations can cause issues in game, so, try to optimize it, for example if you use same duplicated animation files in several folders, try to merge these conditions in a single folder, or, if you use animations with conditions that affect all characters, use them as replacer instead, remember that replaced animations don't affect animations counter.

In Walk with elegance directory you can find 3 submod folders for each animations group: main, female and male folders (except for Heels, because a man wearing heels will probably walk like a woman, or maybe like a duck... in this case you can create your own folder and add duck animations). This is to solve issues with shared animations, avoid duplicated files, etc... Anyway, you can open OAR interface in game and check listed animations for each group, if anyone is missing, you probably placed it in wrong folder. You can follow these rules:

-Amimations that can be divided by gender: for example, walk or run animations, place them in main folder, inside each sex subfolder.

-Animations shared by both genders: place unisex animations in main folder, out of gender specific folders, so they will be played by male and female characters.

-Animations that can't be divided by gender, but you want to ve used by a single sex: place them in female or male exclusive folders (config file includes a gender condition).

Anyway, you can create new submod folders if you need, for example, you have added running animations to Heels folder but they don't looks fine in combat, so you want to use separate animations, you can add a weapon not drawn condition to config file, and create a new folder to place alternative animations, and a duplicate of config file but with weapon drawn contition in this case.

Patching your mods

You have to add required keywords from Armor Clothes and Weapon Framework to your items:

-Heels: Add "ClothingHeels" keyword to high heels if they are clothes, or "ArmorHeels" if they are armor parts.

-Long dress: Add "ClothingHandicapFemaleLegLow" keyword to items when female shape is a long dress, robe... and also add "ClothingHandicapMaleLegLow" if it has a long shape for male, for example monk robes.

-Heavy armor: uses vanilla armor heavy keyword. Why not a ligh armor condition? Well, I used Conditional Armor Type Animations mod in the past, but actually it's a waste or animation slots for me, characters will use long dress animations when wearing a dress, default animations when using an armor, so, I only need a specific condition for heavy stuff.

-Claws: Add "ClothingFeetClaws" keyword to feet or shoes if they are clothes items, or "ArmorFeetClaws" if they are armor parts. I've also added race conditions for Khajiits, so they will play these animations even if keyword is missing. You can remove race conditions if you don't want them for khajiits.

-Hooves: Same as claws, but use "ClothingFeetHooves" and "ArmorFeetHooves" instead.

-Fins: Use "ClothingFeetFins" and "ArmorFeetFins". Add to feet or items realted to water races or swimming. I also added race conditions for argonians, remove them if you wish.

-Cyborg: In this case use "ClothingFeetCyborg" and "ArmorFeetCyborg"

-Fly: Add ClothingHandicapFemaleFly and ClothingHandicapMaleFly to items like wings, flying devices, amulets or other items you want to force fly or levitate animations.

If you need more info about these keywords, read Armor Clothes and Weapon Framework guide.

Note: some options can include conditions for other mod, for example, cyborg settings validates if characters is using cyborg body from BOSSE, don't worry, you can ignore them or remove if you wish.

Recommended animations

This section is for animations recommendations. Since I've no time to search and test all animations mods, I will add players recommendations for each addon or situation, so if you have tried good animations, share them in the main post, it can help other people.

IMPORTANT: don't install original animation mods, this will replace vanilla ones or add different conditions, simply download these mods manually, extract animation files and add them to empty folders added by Walk with elegance.


Walking: Victoria's High Heel Walk, Catwalk animation, FNIS Sexy Move SE, Gunslicer/GwynGrim animations are sexy too
Running: Most walking mods also include running animations, but you can mix them for better results.
Sprint: I like Sky Sprint SE, or maybe Her Animations SE
Jump: Maybe Pretty Jump
Idle and sitting: Pretty Female Idles SSE, Sexy Sit Animations
Other: Feminine Pickup Animation SE


Note that most vanilla women use long dresses or robes, so, they will use animations stored in this slot (if you use the vanilla patch of course). You have 2 options, put in this folder all animations you want for default women, and add these you want for characters using armors or outfits like miner clothes, as vanilla replacer, or use shared animations for all as replacer, and add to long dress slot only these that needs to be different when wearing a dress, for example, jumping, sitting, swimming...

Riding: YY Anim Replacer - Princess Horse Riding, SideSaddle Combat Animations


I think there aren't specific hooves animation mods actually, but it's recommended to use specific animations for some situations: since hooves can change character height, you can use animations done for high heels, for example for sitting, sneak... I also use kick animations for unarmed combat.


Walk/run: there are a few mods that includes catwoman like animations for walking an running, but I like animations included in Her Animations SE, because they have open hands, I think it's nice for claws-based races. And for unarmed combat, you can try Feral - Claw Unarmed Attacks for Beast Races.
Sprint: Feline Movement Animations for Khajits
Sneak: Crawl on all Fours


I only use it to add specific swimming animations to argonians (Gunslicer ones), but if you use a 100% water race as mermaids, etc, you will need a full move set of animations.


Walking and running: Maybe this: Nier Automata 2B Moving Animation, and related combat mods if you wish.


Walking/Running: Elegant Flying Animations, Dragon Priest Animation for Playable Races, LEVitation animations


Thanks to Felisky384 for creating original Dynamic Animation Replacer and Ershin for Open Animation Replacer.