An important notice and our future plans for collections

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TL;DR: It is our core belief that making modding easier is a noble goal, so more people can enjoy our joint hobby. We are convinced that our collections system, a project we have spent almost 2 years and many work-hours on, is the way to achieve this goal. For the benefit of this system we have to implement a change to how mod file deletions work. The change was announced to mod authors recently, and basically means that mod files are no longer deleted, but rather archived - which will make them inaccessible unless directly requested e.g. via the API. We understand that not everyone in the mod author community shares our convictions and our vision, and that is why we are granting a 1 month grace period in which mod authors can request to have all their files deleted for good by contacting [email protected]

20 July Update: Based on feedback we've received from mod authors who would like to have some but not all of their mod files deleted, we're now offering partial deletion requests based on this form, subject to the 5 August deadline.

If you would like to hear the whole story behind why this change is necessary and what our plans for the future are, keep on reading.

The long, but thorough tell-all

This is a long one, so brew up some coffee, put on some chill-out music, and strap yourselves in your seats before reading - you have been warned!

A while ago, as announced in 2019, our team started work on a project with the goal of making it easier and far less time-consuming for the average person to set up a thoroughly and well-modded game. Internally, we’ve been referring to this project as “collections” and as you are reading this we are edging closer towards external testing with a small number of people. 

As you all may know, depending on the games you are modding, it can at times be quite difficult to set up a large mod load order, find the right mods that work well together, look for patches, resolve conflicts, establish the right load order, test for any issues, and so on. Many of us have gone through this “baptism of fire” as we have grown up with modding being a hobby for the more tech-savvy. However, we understand and know from decades of experience as well as user feedback, that it is this - at times grueling - process that deters many people from even trying to mod their games. This means that many people miss out on enriching their experience with fantastic mods, they don’t get to enjoy being part of our community, and they don’t get to become part of what we all love. 

It is our conviction and vision that modding should be as easy as possible, so more people can enjoy this hobby that has brought us all together and that laid the foundation for the very existence of our site and community 20 years ago.

What are collections and how does it all work?

The project our team is working on has the goal of making modding easier so the average user can spend less time worrying about mod conflicts, and more time playing a modded game.
How it would work is, using Vortex, someone could build a mod list/mod setup locally on their machine, then export a meta file with all the information about the mods/files/conflict resolution etc. and upload that file to the site. We refer to this list on the site and in Vortex as a "collection". Another user can now add this meta file/this collection from the site to Vortex and Vortex will then fetch all the download links for the mods, download them, and install them in the same way the original user (the “curator” of that mod list) has them installed on their PC - complete with conflict resolution data and all.
The outcome is the replication of a whole mod setup without much hassle and without entire packs of mods zipped up into an archive being redistributed. This way, we can guarantee that the mod authors of these mods still get the downloads and they also still get the donation points from those downloads. 
Great care is also being taken that the mods in a collection are previewed while they're downloaded. Users are still shown the images and summaries of the mods they're downloading and they can also view the original mod page if they so choose.

While we allow for some files to be bundled with a collection (this is intended for tool-generated output files like e.g. LOD generated by DynDOLOD for Skyrim), a collection does not “contain” any mods, instead it acts more like a reference list for Vortex to know which file from a mod page it needs to download, what installer options to choose, how to resolve mod conflicts, and how to arrange your load order.

Are collections a “Premium feature”?

Much like speeding up the download process on our site in general, Premium membership is going to speed up the process of downloading a mod collection. This is because Premium members, through their purchase of membership, are actively contributing to the upkeep of our site be it server costs, 18 employees, a content delivery network (CDN) spanning across the globe, giving back to mod authors via the Donation Points system, insurance, an office in the heart of Exeter, and so on. Therefore, we can and want to offer them the best possible service including added convenience when using the new collections feature, which we believe will help make modding much easier.

That being said, we do not want to and we will not lock this feature off and make it “Premium only”. On the contrary: collections will be available to everyone, including free users. However, truth be told, it will be more convenient for Premium users, and less convenient for free users. Premium users will be able to essentially queue the download and installation of an entire collection of mods - an experience we could describe as “as close to a one-click installation as possible”. Free users on the other hand will also have full access to collections, but they will need to click and open the download page for every mod in a collection they want to download manually. That way, free users are not simply bypassing the mod author’s page along with our entire revenue stream, as we’re still able to serve them ads via the file download page. The free user experience is therefore going to be a bit like downloading mods in a traditional mod list, with the added convenience of being directed to the exact file, as well as still getting all the automatic conflict resolution benefits through Vortex. The download and installation process can be paused/resumed at pretty much any time, so while less convenient than the “Premium journey”, free users will end up with the same exact result as Premium users - the same collection of mods with the same conflict resolution data as the collection curator intended.

To back this up with a concrete example from testing: using our collections system, just the other day I downloaded and installed an entire collection for Valheim consisting of 50 mods in just under 11 minutes when testing as a free user; as a Premium user the same collection took me 3 minutes to set up.

When the system is ready to go public, both types of membership, Premium and free, will have access to creating/managing/downloading collections, so every user on our site will be able to benefit from this new feature, be it to overhaul their whole game in one swoop, to conveniently share a modest list of their favourite mods with their friends, or to back up their own, personal mod list (without actually reuploading any mods).

Addressing speculation about collections

This system at this moment is still very much in development and we’re looking at giving it to a first set of trusted users for further testing soon. This means two things: on one hand, we’re not yet ready to show and tell everything about it to everyone as it may very well change in some aspects, and on the other hand, not everything about it is set in stone yet - that is why we are actively looking for feedback from testers in the first place.

Let me say it loud and clear: at this point, and before this news post, no one outside of Nexus Mods had even seen or heard anything about how our collections system actually works or what it looks like, let alone does anyone (and this includes us as well of course) know how exactly everything is going to pan out once collections are released to all of you. Naturally, however, with collections being anticipated as a “big thing” in the modding world, a lot of people have been speculating - but please don’t lose track of the fact that at this point much of what you have been reading, assuming, hypothesising is just that - speculation. 

So far, our stance has been not to talk about our plans for collections publicly at all until the system was ready - the idea behind this approach being that the system should speak for itself. We understand that this stance has been dissatisfying to some, especially to those who speculate that collections will have a negative impact on the community and who thought that our silence meant that we are not seeing or hearing their concerns.

The truth is we are very well aware of the concerns some mod authors have voiced on our forums or when answering our mod author focused survey we ran a while ago (you can find some of the data collected from that survey in anonymised form here). 

One concern we’ve heard from mod authors is the worry over collection curators receiving donations or donation points, and thus taking away from donations for mod authors. To address this I can say that we understand where you’re coming from and, realising the delicate nature of this issue, our plans for the initial public release of collections are not to integrate collections with the Donation Points/mod rewards system. That means that while the mod authors of the mods in a collection are going to receive donation points for every unique download generated through the collection, the collection curators are not going to receive any donation points per download. For the sake of transparency, however, and to be perfectly honest with you: we believe that, much like we do not interfere with mod authors receiving donations for their contributions and work (unless our guidelines are violated), we should not interfere with users donating their money to collection curators. If you have seen some of the more involved mod lists out there - mod lists that sometimes include over 500 mods - you might be able to see that curating those can be a lot of work. Knowing how to put the mods together, what patches to install, which installer options to choose, how to resolve file conflicts, how to arrange custom rules for the plugin order, writing up instructions for the users etc. is not exactly an easy task when a big mod list is concerned. We think that mod list/collection curators are and will be adding to the community, so we do not believe we should be stopping people from donating to them, if they happen to like what they do. 

To give you another example of a concern we’re aware of: some authors are worried that collections will lead to more users complaining to them when they’re running into issues caused by the interaction with other mods in a collection that user downloaded. This is just another example of a valid concern and one that plays a role when we are designing the system, drafting our terms of service for collections, or when we are planning our future moderation approach. Identifying these possible issues and then taking active measures to prevent/alleviate them is always part of our development process. This is why we’ve invited mod authors to partake in our first external testing cycle, why we did a survey asking mod authors for their input, and why Mike (that’s Pickysaurus) and I spend our days testing, questioning and viewing the system from the mod author perspective to make sure your concerns are heard and addressed as much as possible.

That being said, this is a project that is still in development and we’re likely not going to get everything right immediately. However, let me assure you that we are aware of the concerns that have been raised so far, we’re actively working on catering for them and we will be working with testers to help us iron out as many niggles as possible before it is released to the public. 

Where we want to go from here

At this moment we have already committed close to two years of development time, blood, sweat and tears to creating this collections system. As a team we went through many, many meetings and had long, heartfelt discussions about the ins and outs to make sure we get this right for mod authors, users, and collection curators alike. We would not have done that if we were not strongly convinced that collections will be the key to achieving our goal of making modding easier for everyone. Over almost two decades now, we have come to learn that this is a strongly desired feature by many, many people in the gaming world. We know from first-hand experience that this is a feature people have been asking for, not just to completely overhaul their games in a more convenient fashion, but to be able to share cool mod setups with their friends, or the mod list that they’re using on their particular gaming server. 

Much like the way that we are listening to the concerns of those worried voices in the mod author community, we are paying equal attention to ensuring that our collection system will be simple to use and convenient - as close as possible to the vision of “modding made easy” many people have been sharing with us for so long.

If we can pull this off - and this is our core conviction - everyone will win:

  • Existing mod users stand to gain added convenience. They will be able to explore entirely different mod setups much, much more easily. 
  • New mod users will appear and start modding their games, now that modding is more accessible.
  • Mod authors will benefit from a larger audience and accumulate more downloads and donation points (mod rewards). 
  • Growth of the entire “modding ecosystem” meaning more mod users, more mod authors, and more mods.

The last two points bring us to something Robin (aka Dark0ne, the site owner) has been aiming for ever since our Donation Points system went live: mod authors being able to make a living from sharing their creations on Nexus Mods.

Just in case you were not aware: in 2018 we established a system that allows mod authors to earn “donation points” based on the number of downloads they accumulate with their mods. These points can then be redeemed in our DP store either against a PayPal payout, to buy game keys, or to donate to charity.

The money to fund this pool comes from two sources: users who contribute to the Mod Author Donation Fund on Patreon which accounts for a small percentage of the total funds (4.1%), and us - Nexus Mods (95.9%). To this day, we have contributed over $750,000 to this fund. You can view all relevant stats and breakdowns on the dedicated Donation Points page.

This Donation Points system and our ongoing contribution to it is evidence of our commitment to giving back to the mod authors who make all of this possible in the first place. None of us would be here if it wasn’t for mod authors creating amazing mods and choosing to share them on our site. Not only are we fully aware of that, with the implementation of a tool suite for mod uploads/management, the DP system, and the way we moderate the site enforcing our rules, we have always taken a very author-centric approach to honour this fact.

We have heard the speculations and worries of those who believe the collections system will only serve to disadvantage mod authors, but we believe that, if done right, not only will we be able to alleviate many concerns, but moreover mod authors will massively gain from it with some even being able to finally earn a living through mod rewards.

Of course it is too early to tell or make promises, but as Robin (Dark0ne) has previously pointed out and stated publicly in his last year in review post: the dream behind the DP system has always been that at one point we could feed a seven figure sum into it per year. That’s at least a “1” with six zeros, in other words at least 1 million US dollars - for mod authors, every year.

It is without a doubt an extremely ambitious goal, but we believe that together we can achieve it, and this is the way to do just that: make modding easier for everyone and grow the modding community as a whole, with the engine of change being a powerful, feature rich, easy-to-use collections system.

A change to file deletions and an important notice in light of collections

If you have come this far in reading this massive wall of text then you will hopefully recall two key points I am trying to convey: our goal is to make modding easier for everyone, and we believe a powerful collection system is the way to achieve this goal. It is important to understand those two points because it now leads us to a technical change we have to roll out in anticipation of collections.

To ensure that the collections system can function properly and be as solid a feature as it can be, we have to address the problem that mod/file deletions pose - in general for the site, and for collections in particular.

This year, we’re celebrating our 20 year anniversary and suffice to say that two decades ago no one could have imagined that at one point we’d be the world's largest modding community with over 27 million members and our database growing, on average, by 2TB of new mods/files every month with roughly one thousand new files being uploaded every day. While this is a fantastic development, it is also posing a massive challenge on the technical side of things. Back in the days we did not have a full team of developers as we do now and as a result, the site’s legacy code and framework are unfortunately not set up in a way that makes it easy to absorb this sort of tremendous growth we have seen. Some technical decisions that were made years or even a decade ago, are now causing us problems down the line and are affecting our service and your user experience. Back then we only had the best of intentions, but we did not have the foresight to anticipate what the implementation of a given feature for mod authors or mod users would mean for a future when Nexus Mods had suddenly grown to be twice, three times, or ten times its size.

The result of this is a lot of technical debt that is at times slowing down progress and the implementation of new features for all of you, because - if we want to keep growing but also just to ensure the site is working as intended - we have to address this debt first. In the recent past and at this moment we have been and we are working on just that. We have hired an entire team of developers (in fact we’re looking for another to join our team) and implemented a myriad of backend changes to bring the site’s foundation up to speed. While the backend optimisations we have implemented are significant, unfortunately for most of you, me, and the not so technical minded, they are mostly of the “boring” variety - things that make a huge difference behind the scenes, but that are practically invisible to the average user - due to their backend nature. Nonetheless for this tell-all post, I wanted to give an overview of just some of the backend work that we have done in the last years, with the goal of laying a solid foundation for future development:

  • We have totally redeveloped login and registration for the website, removing the integration with the forum and creating a modern authentication system that can support the addition of new features.
  • The notification system has been rebuilt from the ground up to support many different types of notifications. The old notification system was a huge strain on our primary database and this new one is built with scalability in mind.
  • We have totally rebuilt the upload system and the way we store and serve files. The upload system now deals with around 1,000 files per day that are uploaded in chunks and have to be rebuilt, virus scanned, content previewed, and uploaded to multiple different content delivery networks.
  • We have implemented a new ‘layer’ of search that the website uses to attempt to return results more quickly without hitting our primary database. Before, whenever site traffic peaked, the website used to be much slower, but with this new system the average page load times are now 3x quicker.

As we are now the biggest modding site on the planet, it’s no surprise that all the data surrounding mods and files acts as the absolute centrepoint for everything on the site. How good our service is and how solid our future foundation for building upon can possibly be all depends on having all of our ducks in a row - and in our case that means millions of “ducks” (= files). Unfortunately, due to decisions made in the past, this is not always the case and we’re now all paying the price for that. When files are deleted for good, the result is at best a loss of information, at worst it can be the cause for confusion on a database level. Deleted files can reappear when uploaded with a different name, or disappear entirely without a trace of metainformation. If you look at this issue knowing that we are receiving 1,000 new files every day, 2 TB worth of files every month, then you might be able to see that what sounds like a niche problem for deleted files, can easily scale to become a significant problem that is eroding the integrity of our database. What this means for you reading this is that because this database is very tricky to work with, developers working on improvements for the site as well as community tool-creators will have a much more difficult time trying to make sense of it and as a result take much longer, or be completely unable to improve the site/their tools for the benefit of users.

For our collections system this means that no matter how much care and effort has been put into curating a collection of dozens or hundreds of mods, as soon as one or several files in that collection are deleted by a mod author - for whatever reason - the collection is essentially and immediately “dead in the water” until the curator can replace or remove the particular file. Of course, if that mod file was an integral building block for the collection, then fixing it will become a much more difficult task, potentially impossible. As a result every user who has since downloaded this collection may run into issues when trying to update it, or - if they hadn’t downloaded the collection fully yet - when setting it up in the first place. As some, but not all, collections may consist of hundreds of well-curated mods, the likelihood of a random mod file deletion affecting it increases, and the potential for collection users being left with the broken pieces is significant. It is therefore crucial to understand that the current “Wild West” situation of file deletions and missing data has serious implications for the immediate future of collections, a feature that we are convinced will be pivotal for achieving our goal of making modding more accessible.

That being said, please note that the general technical reasons for why file deletions are a concern is not merely a figleaf to hide the fact that this is mostly a problem for collections. Let me stress that even without collections in the picture, file deletions and disappearing data constitute a problem and create a development environment that cannot serve as a strong foundation for the future of our platform. 

File archiving

Recognising these problems, we made the difficult decision to change how file deletions work. Instead of permanently removing a file, mod authors can now choose to archive it which will move it into a file archive and make it impossible to download directly unless specifically requested e.g. via the API. What this means is that when an author archives a file, for most intents and purposes, it is now gone and removed from the files tab, but it can still be downloaded via a collection and the metadata (information) about the file is still in the database. This change therefore addresses both technical problems laid out above, while leaving mod authors with the ability to remove files from view into a “file archive” that serves as a point of reference.

We recently announced this change as it went live on our development Discord server - a place for community tool-creators serving as direct line of communication to our webteam - to give a heads up just in case the change was breaking API related functionality for their tools. We then announced and explained the reasoning behind this change in our mod author forums - a semi-private subforum only accessible to mod authors (you can now read that announcement here). In the wake of these announcements, we have received feedback and suggestions from mod authors and tool-creators alike. In the announcement thread, several mod authors have voiced concerns that I’d like to address:

First of all, several mod authors explained they’re worried about regular users being able to see the “file archive” with all the archived files, as it is viewable via a button at the bottom of the files tab. Their worry was that users might view those files and then ask for them to be made available, or otherwise request support for files the author has essentially discarded. 

We listened to this feedback and as a result of that implemented the option for authors to hide the file archive from regular users. While there is a bit of a tradeoff here as some information will be lost for the user if a mod author decides to hide the file archive, we understand why this was something mod authors requested and we were happy to reach this compromise.

Some mod authors brought up the necessity of deleting files that are plain broken and thus useless to the end-user. We do think there is merit to the argument that completely broken files should be deleted, and, at the present moment, we’re open to considering deletion requests based on this on a case by case basis. Down the line, however, we are planning to completely revamp mod and file data management into a much more powerful system that will offer authors better integration with other mods/files. In such a system as we envision it, there will be tools to deal with files that are utterly broken. Our goal ultimately is not to prevent deletions of files that are broken, it is to prevent arbitrary deletions eroding the integrity of the database on one hand, and undermining the collections system on the other. When we’re ready to move closer towards this system, we’ll be more than happy to reach out for feedback from mod authors to make sure they get the toolsuite that would be most useful to them. That being said, let us be clear about the fact that we’re not going to bring back support for random file deletions, due to the problems they cause.

Another concern that was voiced is that this change marks a loss of control for mod authors, as they are no longer able to fully delete their files. Let me start by saying that for most users and in most cases, a file that is archived is no longer easily accessible as the request needs to be specific and the requesting user will need both the mod id as well as the file id - meta information that is not easily obtained by the averagely tech-minded user. Secondly, let me be very clear that we (that is admins and moderators) are still permanently deleting any and all files that are violating our rules, for example in cases where someone has been using assets from another author without their express permission. Once deleted by an admin or moderator, a file will no longer be served, and thus no longer be available in any form. That being said, for those mod authors who want to maintain a level of control where they can hard delete any file, at any point in time, for any reason - yes, this is a change you are not going to like, and we’ve heard you loud and clear.

The mod author in me can empathise with this position, and, truth be told, back in the days when I was actively making mods I was firmly in the camp of “maintaining control” as well. We do believe that we have very good reasons for why this change is necessary though: We as a team have had many discussions about this particular change, and it was not lost on us that a contingent of mod authors is not going to like it. Bringing our approach to file deletions/archiving more in line with what is standard for comparable services, however, as we are strongly convinced, is absolutely crucial in achieving our goals of both removing more and more of the technical debt by sorting out database level issues, as well as making modding easier through a robust, feature-rich, collections system.

Unfortunately, unlike with the compromise we were able to reach with several mod authors in regards to the option to hide the file archive, there is just no way to square these two positions. We believe that this is a necessary change in order to make modding more accessible, grow our community, and get into a position where we can fuel the Donation Points system/mod rewards with enough funds to enable mod authors to earn a living salary through modding. If you do not share our conviction, don’t want to participate, don’t care about collections or any of this then that is fine - no hard feelings - you are entitled to your own opinion and we will not censor discourse on that, if it’s respectful and taking place in the proper channels. However, then we really need to be honest with ourselves and accept the fact that you and us are simply not on the same page.

This brings us to another hot topic surrounding collections: the question of opting out of the collections system. Ever since the news broke that we are working on a collections system, a small contingent of mod authors (and we know this from the data we collected) have expressed concerns and asked for the option to opt their mods out of the system. In other words, they’d like to have the ability to prevent collection curators from putting their mods into their lists. There are two layers to this request: 

First of all, we believe that much like you couldn’t reasonably ask for someone not to put your mod in a traditional mod list they curated for, let’s say, the best possible modded wizard playthrough for Skyrim, the same request does not make sense for collections either: Collections are, as explained above, essentially mere reference lists for Vortex to know what files to download for you. When you host your mods on Nexus Mods you are making them accessible to users regardless of what way they choose to download them. As much as we do not think anyone but the user should control whether they download a file with Google Chrome or Firefox, we do not believe mod authors should control whether their files are being downloaded manually, with a download or mod manager, or through our collections system. Secondly, for similar reasons as file deletions, if we did provide an opt out option then any mod author opting any mod/file out for any reason could essentially torpedo the whole system, undermining collections from the very beginning. Because of these two reasons, this is simply not an option that we can reasonably provide.

Lastly, let me address the voices in the modding/mod author community who are opposed to the whole concept of collections, who believe it is a terrible idea that will only have negative effects. Above all, I sincerely hope that I could reach at least some of you by explaining all of the above and maybe, even if we still don’t see eye to eye on everything, you can now better understand where we’re coming from. For those of you, however, who are still staunchly and vehemently against all of this and/or believe that they “learned modding the hard way, and so can they!”: we’ve heard you, believe me, we did. We tried our best (and this essay is evidence of that) to provide our reasoning, to collect feedback, and to work with your concerns in mind when going through the internal development process. However, we’ve now reached an impasse and we have to accept that there might be a gap between us that cannot be bridged. We simply do not believe that modding should remain inaccessible to the less tech-savvy, just because that is how it has always been. We are actively trying to work towards making it easier for people to mod their games and to become part of our community. Let me say that it is ok to have completely different opinions, but when your views are simply antithetical to our goals and convictions then we’re at a point where we simply cannot continue our journey together, as there is no compromise to be reached.

What we can do, however - and we’re doing this in the spirit of honouring your conviction that you should maintain control over your content being hosted or deleted - is to give you the choice.

This is why with this news post and with an accompanying email being sent out to all mod authors on our site (which should go out in the next few days), we’re letting you know that over the next 30 days you can now request all of your files currently hosted on Nexus Mods to be deleted by sending an email to [email protected]. Once you have formalised the request, we will delete all of your files the same way we would have before implementing the file archiving change - no questions asked. The deleted files will no longer be served by us in any way, shape, or form, including via the API/collections.

Here’s an overview of the deletion requesting process:

  • Until 5 August 2021 (10:00 AM BST), you may request all of your files to be deleted permanently from our services. Requests received until that date will be processed even after the deadline has expired.
  • In order to streamline the process you may only request to have all of your files deleted (all or nothing). If you'd like some, but not all of your files deleted please fill out and send in this form, which will act as your one-off deletion request.
  • We will only be processing deletion requests based on the form for partial deletion requests linked above as well as this template sent to [email protected].
  • We can only honour deletion requests sent from the email attached to your account.
  • To fully process the deletion: after receiving your email, we will send you a personal message on our site/forums to confirm the deletion and you will need to respond to it before the deadline expires.
  • The announced changes to file deletions i.e. the introduction of file archiving remain active.
  • Should you not request a full deletion of your files until the designated deadline, you accept that going forward your files will only be deleted at the discretion of staff.
  • You accept that new files uploaded to our services after the designated deadline will only be deleted at the discretion of staff.
  • The option to archive your files at any time is not affected by this.
  • The status of your Nexus Mods account will not be affected either way i.e. your account is not going to be deleted or suspended whether you request a deletion of your files or not, unless you specifically request it.

We understand that some of you will not like this, but I sincerely hope we’ve managed to explain why we’re convinced that this is the way to move forward from here on. It might not be what we all wanted, but we think this way is fair, as you get to make your choice.

In any event, should you choose to have your files deleted or not, there aren’t any hard feelings from our side. If anything, this was a tough choice for us to make, but one that we believe is ultimately in our joint best interest as a community. 

If you are still reading this...

I think after 20 years of the site’s existence this post is a strong contender for the longest news post in Nexus Mods history! If you have actually read all of this, you honestly deserve a medal!

In all seriousness though: when I joined Nexus Mods as a user in 2005, I never could have anticipated the levels of growth this community would experience - but here we are at well over 27 million members, hosting more than 300,000 mods for almost 1,337 games. It is absolutely mindblowing and I can only assure you that we, the Nexus Mods team in our offices in Exeter (or working from home thanks to the pandemic), are spending our days working hard on ensuring that this journey is far from over. We believe making modding easier is the way to go, and we are buzzing with excitement knowing that it will hopefully not be too much longer before we can share what we’ve been working on for so long with all of you.

So, from everyone at Nexus Mods, thank you for reading, thank you for (hopefully) understanding, and thank you for your continued support over the years, nay, the last two decades.

- The Nexus Mods Team


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  1. BigBizkit
    • Community Manager
    • 396 kudos
    Thank you to all of you who have shared their perspective in a civil and reasonable manner, whether you agree with our reasoning, accept it, or completely disagree.
    Unfortunately, the discussion seems to have devolved, and while we do not want to censor the discourse, we cannot allow for wild accusations, speculations, or threats to be made in the comment section. Understanding that this announcement may be upsetting to some of you, we were quite lenient with our handling of the comment section, but we're unable to sit by idly when our rules are being violated, which is why effective from now, we're going to hand out cooling-off bans/warnings.
    That being said, I'd like to address some points that have been raised:
    • Collections are reference lists for our mod manager Vortex to process and obtain/serve the download links to mods in a more convenient manner. Imagine a document with various links to magic related mods for a curated "Best spellcasting mods for Skyrim" list, or similar. Collections are essentially an evolved form of such a mod list, a list that Vortex can read and interpret for you, fetching the download links and starting the download process for you.
    • Collections being sold: Please note that our Donation Guidelines forbid mods from being sold/monetised on our platform directly or indirectly and the same will be enforced in regards to collections. Moreover, our collections system won't even allow for collections to be shared any other way than through the website, making direct selling of collections impossible. Lastly, let me reiterate from the news post that collections are not going to be integrated with the Donation Points system.
    • Archived files can still be downloaded by users via collections, by free users and Premium users alike. Outside of that, both the mod id and file id is required, which is non-trivial for the average user to obtain.
    • Mod authors who have since requested their files to be deleted via the process described in the news post will have received a notification about some of their files being "archived". This is because the first step of the deletion process is the archiving of files (which spawns the notification), however, when a mod page is completely deleted by staff the files become inaccessible for good. You can verify this through the API.
    • Contrary to what some people have claimed, we are listening to feedback - we have been and always will be. Much of the feedback we have been and are receiving is actively informing our design process for new features/improvements on the site. To this day we're continuing to listen as we're forming a feedback/tester group for an early closed testing release of the collections system. 

    The change towards file archiving, as laid out in the news post, is, as we believe, crucial to making the collections feature the best it can be. And that, we're convinced, is going to be pivotal in reaching our goals of making modding easier for everyone.
    We do intend to much improve the management of mods/files which will eventually look more like a package management system and provide tools to yank/replace files that are bad for the ecosystem. The reasoning behind the change is not to prevent broken files from being deleted, but to provide a strong foundation for future development.
    As file archiving is a crucial step on this road, we cannot and will not move away from it, but understanding that not all of you will be on board with this, we're granting the one month grace period to have all your files removed.
  2. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,977 kudos
    These comments have gone round in circles for the past few days now. Locking it down.
  3. ashtonlp101
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    Have to say I'm pretty disappointed that there was no room for negotiation in this process - instead, we're given "here's the door if you wanna go." So I guess I'm kinda forced to go along with the Nexus decision to take control of my files and opt into modpacks (which I'm not necessarily against modpacks in general, just the way they're being implemented). I really can't voice how disrespected I and many other authors feel towards the lack of empathy in this situation, I've been here for many years, and to think we can't be granted some common courtesy of negotiation between the site admins and content creators make this feel like an unfair relationship. 
    1. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Have to say I'm pretty disappointed that there was no room for negotiation in this process - instead, we're given "here's the door if you wanna go." ?
      Sadly, you forget the key point. they have for 2 YEARS been Planning and making this system. they have had MANY mod authors help them by testing it and giving their feedback. And quite frankly, I can feel a sense of exasperation from their announcement. They allude to a faction of Mod authors that seem to be adamantly stuck on their point of view, focusing on key words like "Mod packs" "Money" "no permanent deletion" and "nexus is trying to cOmMit PiRaCy". 

      and if they would only calm down, and actually READ THE ENTIRE POST then they would understand that the collections that NExus is proposing and trying to implement WILL NOT BE MOD PACKS. IT will be an AUTOMATED version of the Modding guides already out there, like STEP and  Pheonix Flavour. The reason for "NO permanent Deletions" is so Mod authors can't just delete the old file on purpose just so they can break a Collection. Now, I will admit that this does also mean that if mod creators want to see a nice clean page, they are no longer able to permanently delete mod files. However, why can't this be worked out? why can't the Mod authors use the energy they spend getting upset to FIND A WAY TO SOLVE THIS DILEMNA. 

      Personally, I would like to see two categories for archived mods. one for old but working versions, and the other for old but broken versions. Have the one for broken files be submitted for deletion approval where they check If Permanently deleting an upload will break anything. 
    2. TreyM
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      And quite frankly, I can feel a sense of exasperation from their announcement. They allude to a faction of Mod authors that seem to be adamantly stuck on their point of view, focusing on key words like "Mod packs" "Money" "no permanent deletion" and "nexus is trying to cOmMit PiRaCy". 

      Wait... are you trying to make Nexusmods the "victim" in all of this?
    3. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      i have read it fully, several times, and your conclusions are 100% wrong and about as misleading and misinformed as the essay up top.
      but hey, you do you, right?
    4. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      This is simply my observation of people's posts on this thread. Many a post is angrily talking about mod author rights and how nexus is trying to take them away subtly. But in each one, I find that they have not read the post at all and get set off because of a phrase or specific idea. and from Nexus's post, they have evidently tried talking to the mod creators. they have tried to come to compromises and on many an issue, they have. but for the collections to work they need to prevent permanent deletion. buried in the 50+ pages of comments there are many a great ideas. Like making the collection download only the most 'stable' version for example. 
    5. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos

      ?i have read it fully, several times, and your conclusions are 100% wrong and about as misleading and misinformed as the essay up top.
      but hey, you do you, right?f
      Really? very well. i shall pull some quotes from the post. 
    6. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      ?First of all, several mod authors explained they’re worried about regular users being able to see the “file archive” with all the archived files, as it is viewable via a button at the bottom of the files tab. Their worry was that users might view those files and then ask for them to be made available, or otherwise request support for files the author has essentially discarded. 
      Now. i have archived files, and i checked that little button. and let me tell you. in big bold words, they tell you this:
      ?The files in this section are for reference only and are no longer supported by the mod author. Please ensure you are using the latest version before asking for support with this mod.
      and here they state:
      How it would work is, using Vortex, someone could build a mod list/mod setup locally on their machine, then export a meta file with all the information about the mods/files/conflict resolution etc. and upload that file to the site. We refer to this list on the site and in Vortex as a "collection". Another user can now add this meta file/this collection from the site to Vortex and Vortex will then fetch all the download links for the mods, download them, and install them in the same way the original user (the “curator” of that mod list) has them installed on their PC - complete with conflict resolution data and all.
      The outcome is the replication of a whole mod setup without much hassle and without entire packs of mods zipped up into an archive being redistributed. This way, we can guarantee that the mod authors of these mods still get the downloads and they also still get the donation points from those downloads. 
      Great care is also being taken that the mods in a collection are previewed while they're downloaded. Users are still shown the images and summaries of the mods they're downloading and they can also view the original mod page if they so choose.

      While we allow for some files to be bundled with a collection (this is intended for tool-generated output files like e.g. LOD generated by DynDOLOD for Skyrim), a collection does not “contain” any mods, instead it acts more like a reference list for Vortex to know which file from a mod page it needs to download, what installer options to choose, how to resolve mod conflicts, and how to arrange your load order.
      Take note that they say NO ARCHIVES and that it is a Mod list/ Mod setup. a META FILE. using this file the user ( if not premium) will be shown a preview of the mod's description page. i take this to mean one that can be scrolled through. they will then go through the meta file and if they follow the INSTRUCTIONS they will eventually have installed the collection just like how the one who made it installed them. 

      and then here they state:
      The free user experience is therefore going to be a bit like downloading mods in a traditional mod list, with the added convenience of being directed to the exact file, as well as still getting all the automatic conflict resolution benefits through Vortex. The download and installation process can be paused/resumed at pretty much any time, so while less convenient than the “Premium journey”, free users will end up with the same exact result as Premium users - the same collection of mods with the same conflict resolution data as the collection curator intended.
      so. Free users, and I presume there to be a lot of them, are going to basically have a TOOL that DIRECTS them THROUGH the modding process. 

      Need I go on?
  4. LeStefEnV11
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    démerdez vous si vous ne baragouinez pas beaucoup ou très bien l'anglais ^^

    Je n'ai absolument rien compris au mail reçu qui m'aiguille ici, ça parle de quoi?...
  5. UWShocks
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    I'm of the mindset that, if you share a file on a PUBLIC forum, then that file becomes open to the public (please refer to: Cathedral vs Parlor modding theory).  Sure, you can still set your permissions of how your mod can be used, but once your mod is out in the wild, you can't stop people from using it (/glares at the Unofficial Patches team).

    Those who DO delete their mods on the Nexus, imo are pompous Aholes.  I mod as a hobby, I create mods for myself, but happily share in the hopes others may find it useful. Thus, I have no reason to delete my mods as it's not a source of income, I can easily ignore user 'suggestions', and I often tell others to tweak my mods to their liking (thus, leave me alone).

    So this change isn't a big deal to me. But for those it is a big deal, you have 1 month to delete your mods. Good day to you /plays Pomp and Circumstance music .... 
    1. PrimeSonic
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      So naive.

      Imagine a game update breaks one of your mods.
      You find the time to update your mod. You can no longer delete the old/outdated version and the collection continues to ship that old outdated version.
      Now players will be pestering you for the next year or more over a bug that you fixed long ago.
    2. Zaflis
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Now players will be pestering you for the next year or more over a bug that you fixed long ago.
      You really care about "issue" like that? No reason to, it literally counts for nothing. You have control over what content is on your mod page, information that you give to people. Especially if you actually have an updated working mainfile of the same mod already in.
    3. UWShocks
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Imagine a game update breaks one of your mods.
      You find the time to update your mod. You can no longer delete the old/outdated version and the collection continues to ship that old outdated version.

      So the updated version of my mod would be on the existing mod page ? The only naive persons would be the ones downloading the old mod, that includes anyone using outdated 'Mod Collections'

      Now players will be pestering you for the next year or more over a bug that you fixed long ago.

      Ignore them; it's very simple. Or instead place a STICKY POST WARNING, or DESCRIPTION WARNING, or DOWNLOAD WARNING, or FILE WARNING, or CHANGE LOG WARNING. Don't be naive.  It's like your purposefully grasping at straws for excuses ....
    4. torguemada
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Nothing you but in te description will help, because 99.9% of mod users dont read a single word in those description pages.
    5. Zaflis
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Nothing you but in te description will help, because 99.9% of mod users dont read a single word in those description pages.
      This is not true at all, and if they ignore that then you can ignore them as well. And that is not the only place you can write into, can also make sticky posts in comment section that always appear on top. So when they come to complain, they are sure to see that. Seriously, learn to ignore things you need to ignore.

      I'm unsure if you can change the descriptions of uploaded mods, but i wouldn't do that because of a 1 sentence isn't enough to make a good point. Putting there "This version is broken" would be direction giving but one would want to read more about what the issue is.
    6. Crusaya3D
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      File is public but a company cant break your ownership rights by holding the files and redistributing (Piracy) breaking your rights and getting profit (paywalled hidden mods)
    7. maaaaaaaaap
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      The problem is that Nexus (in time, wait and see!) will be offering extra content they themselves did not create for their premium users, which means they will earn money on other peoples' works - which is about as close to the definition of piracy as you can get. 
      I would NOT be so oppposed to this if they provided this free for everyone, also non-Vortex users, but the minute someone pays Nexus for content I made using Bioware's and other mod-makers' assets, they are in fact asking me to break the agreement I have with Bioware that the stuff I make with their tools is for non-commercial use only. And disrespecting those whose works I have used and credited. 
      Nexus should have stayed what is was - a damn good place for sharing new concepts/ideas, art in different forms - and of course, mods. Where the creators themselves decided what happens to their work. 
    8. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 487 kudos
      not only that, i got a mod with music from a artist were i got permission for using it, but Nexus got no permission for that using or selling it. Like the permission i bought for some resources i use. They don't have that perm  for using that but i.
  6. ponderu
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I am not a modder.  I am however offended.  I have used nexus for a very long time and I hope that there will be a site created to replace nexus soon as I can not support your position that your theft is appropriate.  This is a a death toll to the modding community.  What mod maker will wish to provide a mod knowing that it will only be stolen by the very people that were entrusted to provide a safe place to share THEIR work.  Theft of intellectual property is not acceptable.  Nexus Team. you disgust me.
    I hope that their will be a class action suit in your near future for your violation of the artists rights.  You gave the artists 30 days to pull their mods from the site so that you could claim your not the bad guys.  I hope that every mod maker pulls every mod they have ever made.  The artists do not depend on you.  YOU depend on them.  Without them you are nothing.
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 487 kudos

      ?I hope that every mod maker pulls every mod they have ever made

      that is just the thing, deleted is archived is being used anyway. If people delete their things and leave, nexus still can use them without the mod author even know that people still can use them and Nexus make money of it.
    2. TreyM
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      If I update all my files with a blank text file, they can archive that all they want. I won't GAF at that point.
    3. Zynxx
      • premium
      • 239 kudos
      @Xazomn: Supposedly during this month we can email Nexus staff to permanently delete our mods
    4. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      but trey, won't you think of the collection curators and the hours they put into their work?
    5. TreyM
      • premium
      • 452 kudos

      TBF though, I personally don't mind the collection angle. It's the yanking away of my free agency of being able to delete my own content that pisses me off here.

      My course of action has been to simply hide everything in case Nexus reverses this decision, and if they don't before the deletion deadline, I'll just "update" my mods with special text files, then request to delete everything including this account and move TF on with my life.
    6. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      its a sad day because i really think your work is spectacular but i totally get it and support you and every other mod author out there over this new non-delete approach. especially because the reason for it above is complete horse shit.
    7. TreyM
      • premium
      • 452 kudos
      I appreciate that. My content is still hosted on my Discord server, so it's not gone forever.
  7. Thaiauxn
    • supporter
    • 426 kudos
    Adjusted-proposal for the nexus collection system

    #1 -- Let mods opt in/out of the collection system.
    Not every mod works in a collection, because not every mod works with a mod manager. The 4GB LAA Patch for New Vegas doesn't work with Vortex or any other mod manager because it is an executable that must be run from the desktop and write to the game's exe. Fallout: New California is the same way. Letting us flag mods as compatible (or willing) to be added to a collection just saves the Nexus time and prevents collections from breaking. A simple checkbox "[  ] Opt-in to the Collection System," should appear next to all uploaded files.
    #2 -- Mod authors may archive older versions and forward collection links to the desired version.
    Again, not every version should persist. Version 221 of a mod may have severe bugs that cause a quest to break or spawn missing meshes and textures. We probably archived this version for a good reason, so when a mod is part of a collection that targets the download link, the user may forward to a specific updated file. This works for every collection the mod is currently in. So if a collection targets version 221, it is automatically forwarded to version 231. This address forwarding should link to any version in the achieve or current latest version, via a drop-down list in the manage files section.
    #3 -- Mod authors may permanently delete their mods.
    There is absolutely no ethical or legal reason to pursue this change to the TOS. None. It infringes on the EU law which gives people the right to be forgotten and have their private data removed, and it infringes on the rights of modder to control their property, and the safety of users and modders alike who may need to remove a file if it is found to contain private data that should not be released to the public or malware that was unknown at the time. This should not require admin approval or moderator help. This saves Nexus time and money and restore the freedom of mod authors.
    These changes to this system are simple, rational, and solve the vast majority of complaints here. I don't know what the Nexus believes is "the right thing," but it certainly isn't what's posted above using ultimatums and changes to the TOS done in private. Make these changes, and the system becomes rational, ethical, and along with an apology from nexus staff will smooth over the wrinkles as much as possible. Nexus may never restore the trust of authors after this, but this proposal at least shows a willingness to work with the community, instead of forcing changes to TOS that are ethically dubious and simply unfriendly.
    1. trashgarbage666
      • premium
      • 69 kudos
      I'd give this post a thumbs up if I could. Well said.
    2. Jman1992
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Agreed, this is exactly what should be done! *ThumbsUp*
    3. Jtrainz
      • member
      • 20 kudos
    4. xrayy
      • premium
      • 390 kudos
        but this could have been already done. i think this solution is not wanted  for a reason i would like to know.  
    5. merara19
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Here here, sir. Your post is dead on the mark.
    6. nhackett
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      #1 -- Let mods opt in/out of the collection system.
      You already have an opt out. Remove your files in the next 30 days.
    7. Zanderat
      • premium
      • 224 kudos
    8. hicks233
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Really now... being sensible... that isn't the done thing.
    9. jloz94
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      Thank you, this addresses all key concerns.

      These amendments would restore faith in the nexusmods staff and prompt protesting mod uploaders to come back to the community.

      This is so much better.
    10. berkay2578
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
    11. jloz94
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos

      You already have an opt out. Remove your files in the next 30 days.

      This is not proper consent and is disrespectful.

      Mod uploaders are often private/inconsistent/depressive types who will disappear for months at a time.

      We uploaded mods to old T&Cs and are now only allowed to opt-out in 30 days to terms and monetisation systems that will be defined and implemented years later, and have been planned for years in the making.

      This reeks of cynicism. There is no argument for not allowing us to decide later, or at least until the future terms become more clear. We will split this community apart if this course is not corrected.

      The issue isn't even whether mod collections or their donations systems should exist, we are now purely protesting over how it was pushed on us.
    12. nhackett
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      There is absolutely no ethical or legal reason to pursue this change to the TOS

      Author A creates a mod with 2 major bugs. Fixes 1 in an update. Life gets busy no time for further patching. Author B creates a patch for bug 2. Mod and patch get put into a collection. 1000 downloads. Author A comes back and doesn't like Author B's changes. Deletes mod. It's an inconvenience to some. A headache to others. A lot of people don't care. 1 collection is broken. However, it is completely ethical and legal for Nexus to take the stance that 'I have a license granting me the right to distribute anything uploaded to my website to alleviate the headache's of a few people by preventing this situation from happening again. I will archive files that I have a license to, because it is my right to do so.'
    13. JWolf1672
      • premium
      • 36 kudos
      This solution is agreeable to me and a solid compromise
    14. wickman008
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I agree tooq
    15. deleted31005
      • account closed
      • 223 kudos
      Lets say for the sake of argument, someone makes many mods, nexus bans hes account for whatever reason but Nexus keeps hes mods online because mod packs are using those mods.
      Theft pure and simple, packaged in the disguise of "mod packs".
    16. monkeyangie
      • premium
      • 560 kudos
      completely agree with you @Thaiauxn
    17. nhackett
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Lets say for the sake of argument, someone makes many mods, nexus bans hes account for whatever reason but Nexus keeps hes mods online because mod packs are using those mods.
      Theft pure and simple, packaged in the disguise of "mod packs".
      Scummy, but ... stick > dead horse ... license, not theft. Not saying they should, or will, but probably could. I think that's a good question to ask an official response to. I hope someone with authority catches your post.
    18. Kriemen
      • member
      • 125 kudos
      Sounds good.    [insert thumbs up emoji here]

      I am yet to hear a valid and sensible reason why removing / deleting a mod will break the upcoming collections system.
      Is it a technical thing? Is it simply because the mod / ID etc are not there and whatever mechanism that assembles the collection fails at that step? Perhaps more robust error correction may be needed? Perhaps, more skilled programmers are needed to make a better system?

      Is it because of a fear that there will not be enough mods to include in the collection if MAs start removing their work. (Thinking back to the Bethesda incident when SE was released)

      Is it simply to encourage collection curators make collections? 

      Is it just an excuse to gain ownership of all the mods on site? (I seriously hope not)

      Is it something else?

      I do not know and nobody is talking about it. But, I do feel if the "issue" of missing mods breaking collections is addressed and solved, then the delete file function can stay and collections will still work. This can give MAs have the choice and piece of mind that comes from knowing that they manage their work as they see fit.

      Surely, this is better for all than "if you don't like it, you have a couple of weeks to delete everything and go elsewhere"?
      Wouldn't this be better for all parties involved?

      There are people here who want everyone to enjoy Nexus and are trying to understand and share solutions for getting out of this mess.
    19. samadchaz
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      This removal does not apply if you store your data outside of EU....
    20. Jman1992
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Just gonna bump this, as it got buried under 5 pages of mostly irrelevent pseudo-legal talk, personal insults and alot of NaCl. If anything can help this situation, it´s posts like this, not off-topic discussions with a few people who seem to have been trying to shut down any and all critique of the nexus staffs actions by apparently posting non-stop for the last 12 hours.
    21. Zynxx
      • premium
      • 239 kudos
      As a mod author who will delete their mods if things do not change: Agreed with the proposal. Although I'd be just as happy with just allowing us to delete mods. I'm okay with Mod packages.
    22. madwolf2006
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I am a mod user I respect the mod authors that make mods I like but when they decide to delete the mod I am trying to download it can get a bit annoying trying to find a copy but I have been archiving mods.

      IMHO this looks like a good compromise 

      a question to the mod authors that have deleted their mods are you deleting them because of the delete mod archiving or the mod collection system

      the problems
      1, collection having old version of mods
      2, game updates braking mods in the collection 
      3, the collections not being updated 
      4, mod authors not being able to delete their mods off NexusMods
      5, only having 30 days to delete your mods
      6, announcing something too early
      7, nexus mods not being willing to compromise
      8, getting error reports for fixed bugs 

      am I missing any more problems?
    23. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      its nice that you think this is a discussion.
      did you read the essay up top? it's a fait accompli. its already happened. welcome to the new nexusmods. remember you can always leave your work here when you quit.
  8. steve40
    • premium
    • 1,201 kudos
    About the narrative that our "deleted" mods are hidden but can only be accessed using not-well-known technical means such as the API...I found this via a simple Google search...

    So, not even really hidden at all?

    EDIT: just to clarify, this mod of mine hasn't yet gone through the formal 30-day window deletion process (although I have put in my formal request). However, my post shows that files from deleted mod pages can easily be accessed even without using an API.
    1. SkyLover264
      • member
      • 169 kudos
      This just goes to show how poorly thought out this pseudo-delete system is.
    2. Eolhin
      • premium
      • 152 kudos
      And there you have it.  'Archiving' even horribly broken files will not prevent them being downloaded and used even outside 'collections' with this system.  So 'archiving' is no kind of acceptable substitute for the ability to delete our mod files.
    3. Zynxx
      • premium
      • 239 kudos
      oNlY aPi CaN aCcEsS aRcHiVeD mOdS
    4. Hoamaii
      • premium
      • 533 kudos
      Did you just delete all your mods, Steve?... Ouch!

      (and how did you manage to find this "archived" file, btw?)
    5. monkeyangie
      • premium
      • 560 kudos
      wow this is really bad... hopefully there is a serious explanation to why is this happening? i dont want to believe is just lazy implementation, maybe is not finished yet? either way it's a terrible substitute to the "delete" mods option
    6. malic18
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      @steve40 Haha, I was hoping mod ID and file ID weren't referring to these very obvious ones in the URLs. I thought they'd make it a little harder than that. Apparently not. So someone will just make a tool that scrapes the mod ID and file ID of every mod and then deleted mods mean nothing. Maybe they'll limit API keys, but I'm sure someone will find a way to use the Vortex API key.
    7. SkyLover264
      • member
      • 169 kudos
      Responding to malic:

      Similarly, if a tool can be made to search the archive for a hidden file, then who's to say a similar tool can't be made to wipe said file from the archive?
    8. JohnDoeFromTF2
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Nexus lied to our faces.
      I'm glad that I got out a year before this.
    9. Trademark
      • premium
      • 39 kudos
      Security through obscurity. Wonderful....
    10. AureliusOfRome
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Nexus lied, what a surprise.
    11. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Ugh. It is a work in progress. there are bound to be glitches and errors. stop over reacting.
    12. CrashRakashe
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      It seems like they've taken it done now, so a direct link doesn't work. However it hasn't been confirmed if the API can still pull it or not.
    13. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      again, that essay at the top is so full of holes its not even funny.
      you may want to get a community manager who knows more about systems and can back up their verbal dihorrea with actual facts rather than a whole stream of complete nonsense.
      i mean it even tells you what you need to access any mod via the api for god's sake.
    14. CrashRakashe
      • member
      • 10 kudos

      Sadly, the Staff have blinders on. This "baby" is so important to them I don't even think they can listen to us at this point. And I have to ask here, at how much of this is sunk cost? They have spent 3 years on this with no return, now they're pushing it as if it's needed. The don't even seem to be able to conceive that this is a really, really, bad idea.
    15. deleted34304850
      • account closed
      • 57 kudos
      i don't see where the years of research is in any of this. it looks like it was put together on the back of a beer mat in the pub.
  9. malic18
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    Why have these comments devolved into armchair lawyers debating the ToS and legality? No one will go to court over this, let's be real. Every single site with user content has the "we can distribute your content however we want" part in it. It's almost never used and is just there to prevent being sued. Whether it is valid or not in a court of law does not matter because nobody is going to actually take it to a court. This is not a legality thing, it's just a sign of bad faith from Nexus. It's a betrayal of the trust of mod creators to sneak an anti-feature out and then release an announcement that blames mod creators for worrying.
    1. Kalell
      • supporter
      • 26 kudos
      Sadly I think that is likely how this will play out.  It's fairly clear NM has no plans of backtracking on this no matter the consequences.  Our only recourse is going to be emailing them and having our mods removed.  Unfortunately many of us have done much of our work on mods as co-authors and don't have this option.
    2. Mythor
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Mod authors who are unhappy with this change can request to have their mods deleted. There's no question over people having their content distributed "without their permission" because they have the option to have them removed before this happens. It's not actually a question of them not giving permission, they just don't want to lose their status and whatever income they're reaping from it. The mod authors who just like sharing their work are all on board with this.
    3. JohnDoeFromTF2
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Actually steve40 proved that mods that are deleted during this window that Nexus gave us aren't actually deleted.

      See for yourself:
    4. Crusaya3D
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Sorry mate but mods can't be hold with paywalls (Hidden/archived mods) because it becomes piracy at that point. It's the main problem with it because Bethesda EULA (Skyrim/Fallout 4 CK) says "Non-commercial use"
    5. SkylerModder
      • member
      • 39 kudos
      No one will go to court over this, let's be real.

      Oh you sweet summer child...
    6. Mythor
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      No, Steve40 proved if he deletes his mod, it's still archived at the moment. See if that's still the case when he submits a delete request as laid out in the post.
    7. malic18
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      @Mythor Your view is oversimplifying the situation. I don't think most mod authors I've seen worried about this change and debating quitting Nexus just want attention or "income" (you hardly make pennies here). They do genuinely enjoy making things for people to use and are happy to see it used. They are worried about Nexus flexing that they control distribution of creators content. They worry this change means they are forced to keep broken mods up and get flak for it, and that Nexus will push it further and take more control over modders content like allowing unofficial updates if the authors leave or banning distribution on other sites.

      Assuming modders all just want attention and will rage-delete their mods on a whim is the same as assuming users all feel entitled to free content and hate mod creators for not living to satisfy them. It's the worst case scenario and gets us nowhere in discussion.
    8. JohnDoeFromTF2
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Apologies, I read too quickly.
    9. cpatalic
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      If you agree that its sketchy, the whole first part of your comment doesnt need to exist, just the "It's a betrayal of the trust of mod creators"
    10. AMGDev
      • BANNED
      • 2 kudos
      @malic18 Heres the actual issue:

      The nexus is stealing and selling everyones mods. Read carefully please. If you archive a mod, its hidden from public view, but if you PAY for the API, you can still access the mod through the paid service. That means not only would everyones mods be stolen, but if you hid any, the nexus would be selling them anyways which is DIRECTLY against Bethesda EULA as well as all other major games studios:From the Bethesda construction set EULA:
      "You may not cause or permit the sale or other commercial distribution or commercial exploitation (e.g., by renting, licensing, sublicensing, leasing, disseminating, uploading, downloading, transmitting, whether on a pay-per-play basis or otherwise) of any New Materials without the express prior written consent of an authorized representative of Bethesda Softworks. This includes distributing New Materials as part of any compilation You and/or other Product users may create."
    11. nhackett
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Assuming modders all just want attention and will rage-delete their mods on a whim is the same as assuming users all feel entitled to free content and hate mod creators for not living to satisfy them. It's the worst case scenario and gets us nowhere in discussion.
    12. steve40
      • premium
      • 1,201 kudos
      @JohnDoeFromTF2 That mod of mine hasn't yet gone through the formal 30-day window deletion process. However, my post shows that files from deleted mod pages can easily be accessed even without using an API.
    13. JohnDoeFromTF2
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I now understand that.
      Sometimes I read too fast for my own good. 
      Either way, I would imagine that this opens up a different can of worms for Nexus, considering that they somewhat lied about the whole "a file that is archived is no longer easily accessible" thing.
    14. AureliusOfRome
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      People went to courts over less (like suing god and the devil), in comparison I think suing over author rights are a lot more sane and reasonable than suing God.
    15. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      it is already gone.
    16. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 487 kudos
      there is no need for that people personally go to court. What they try to do is steal Mod authors intellect property. Yes they can choose, but if  the mods are deleted and still archived and mod users still can download them, use them and as mod author of the mod you got nothing to say about it anymore. That is stealing intellect property with some TOS rules that got no stand at all if , sample, European gov got a nose that peoples rights are abused by giving them no real choice, and they steal with TOS rules their mods and still making money of it. I think this is wrong, i think this will not be the end and i think just like Google or facebook , big corps still learns not to mess with human righs
  10. Tyriack
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Tbh all this thread shows me is that there is an entitlement many users and some mod authors have to other people's work. Simply because one publishes their work, it seems like you all feel entitled to it and are happy that Nexus is taking control away from people in order to satiate your appetite for free addon content.

    Sure, it might stop the "tempermental mod author" who "throws a tantrum" and takes down his or her mods, and sure that is inconvienient but in my opinion, this opens the door to much more. To me this is legit opening pandora's box because Nexus is quite firmly putting their foot down and essentially seizing control of other people's work that is put on their website. Letting them do this simply means they will likely try to take more control in the future. When you give up control to somebody or something they are most likely to take more and more control until there is none left. Nobody, and I mean nobody, should be able to tell someone what they can and can not do with their intellectual property and their own creations when it's free and not being paid for. Unless you are directly working for a company and these ideas are stemming from them, it shouldn't be done. In my opinion, if a mod author is going to be scummy and throw a temper tantrum at users and take down his mods, he should be able to. It's his creation. Since when were people EVER entitled to somebody's free work? Is it dumb? Yes. But who are any of us to tell them what to do? And if they do that, f**k 'em. F**k them. Don't download their mods, unless there are legit reasons they are taking it down, f**k 'em.

    And on top of that they are then planning to monetize it in the form of mod packs. And to be honest, saying "wElL aCtUaLy iF yOu ReAd tHe TOS..." isn't a good excuse. Wrong is wrong, in the sense of morality.

    In my opinion, this is pretty much just paid mods. Sure you have the free option to rig a whole heavily modded setup yourself but they're especially catering to the labeled "idiot nexus user" that typically doesn't take the time to read the description and then complains about bugs when it was in the description the whole time. They're catering to the casual person that has 0 clue about modding and just wants to hit the download button and then play. And when you monetize the work of mod authors you kinda ruin the good thing we've had going for years and years. To me, what has made the bethesda modding community so great-- despite some of the petty drama that naturally people get themselves into because dumb people can't help themselves-- was the fact people from all over the world came together to mod and express their love for the franchise and were kind enough to give said mods to the masses. It's truly what has kept the games going. Bethesda, with the creation club, tried monetizing mods and now Nexus is doing it-- in a different way since they can't directly sell Bethesdian assets-- and people are okay with it. s*** is wild. What a sad timeline we live in.
    1. ArkianSoji
      • premium
      • 14 kudos
      Sigh. Did you not read the post at all? 

      They aren't taking control away from the Mod author. You can still delete the mod you upload. 
    2. Tyriack
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      You have that right until August 5th. After that it's archived.
  11. lucifersdarkangel
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