Inside of the assets folder is where you will put your player folder;

  • there are now multiple player 1 folder options
    • Player 1 - the default portrait options
    • Player 1 - Empty   - has all of the folders but no png files
    • Player 1 - More Emotions    - has the "More Player Emotions" png file examples
    • Player 1 - No Emotions- has no emotion examples, if you just want to start of nice and easy!
    • Player 1 - No Indoor     - has no indoor options for the different seasons
    • Player 1 - No Weather  - has no weather options only "sun" options
  • I highly recommend making a duplicate player 1 folder and just replacing the files in that
  • name this folder after your farmer, not your farm, your farmer
  • Inside the Player 1 folder there will be your default png files please keep these or replace them with whatever you want but keep the names the same!!
  • these need to be here in order for your portraits to change!!!
    • portrait.png
    • portrait_angry.png
    • portrait_happy.png
    • portrait_sad.png
    • portrait_blush.png
    • (see images if you are confused)
  • if you used the folder Player 1 - More Emotions you will also see these
    • portrait_scared.png
    • portrait_surprised.png
    • portrait_disgust.png
    • portrait_awkward.png
    • these will also need to be in your folder if you wish to use "More Player Emotions"
  • these can literally be anything including the png files that come in the folder they just need to be in there
  • you can have as many of these folders that you want for all of your different saves
    • Salty
    • Dubs
    • Matt
    • backgound.png
    • setup
  • please use the player 1 folders as examples on what portraits you need
  • inside of each of the folders replace the portrait_emotion.png with your own portraits
  • be sure to name them with what is already in the folders
  • SUN is the default portrait so if you don't want to use any of the other weathers just place portraits in the SUN folders
  • delete any png files you are not using besides the portrait.pngs that are just inside of the character folder
  • if you are using one of the files that has indoor options the png should look like this portrait_emotion_indoor.png and they will be next to the regular portrait options
    More Player emotions guideline
5 = scared
6 = surprised
7 = disgust
8 = awkward

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