How to unlock Juna as a roommate
(Sorry for the messy layout - Nexus and spoilers don't really go well together.)

There are a few different ways of unlocking the roommate functionality (note that this will simply unlock the possibility and allow you to see Juna's new events and storyline - you don't actually have to ask or even want her to move in with you!), of which the most straightforward is the following:

- Reach 10 hearts with Juna and watch either of her 10 heart events.

1. First event: 

Wait at least two in-game weeks, then visit the forest between 9am and noon on any day but Friday, in any season when it's sunny, to trigger the first event. If you install the latest update on an existing save where you've already watched the 10 heart event, you can visit the town whenever to set the appropriate flag and then follow the instructions above.

2. Second event: 
Juna will spend the following month couchsurfing. After the first week, you can trigger the second event by visiting the following places between 6am and 10am when it's sunny: Town (Fridays and Saturdays), Mountain (Tuesdays and Sundays) or Railroad (Wednesdays and Thursdays).

- When prompted,
suggest that Juna move in with someone who has a little more space.

3. Third event: 
Wait two weeks, then whenever you're ready, visit Juna's cave on any day in any season between 8am and 10am to trigger the next event. Warning! This event is very long and will end the day after it's finished. No need to worry though; if you made a mistake and don't want to do the event on that particular day, you can just say you're not ready when prompted and go about your business. As long as Event Repeater is installed, you can do this as many times as you want.
- At the end of the event, you get to choose whether to end the day in a platonic or non-platonic fashion. This is just for this event and won't have any effect on the rest of your relationship with Juna. If you ask her to move in with you, there's a config option to have a non-platonic relationship with Juna, but the default will be false regardless of what you choose for this event.

- Once you've viewed the third event, you can start searching for Juna's roommate proposal item. For help with this, see below:

- Talk to 
Leah at the Saloon (you might have to sleep at least one night after the third event for the dialogue to trigger). NB! If you're married to Leah, the dialogue triggers in the forest instead.

- Talk to 
Robin inside her house (after sleeping at least one night following your talk with Leah)

- Talk to
Demetrius inside his house (after sleeping at least one night following your talk with Robin)

- Talk to 
the Dwarf inside the mines (after sleeping at least one night following your talk with Demetrius)

- Return to 
the mines via the mountains the following day - or at least within the next two weeks, if you want to hear the Dwarf talk more about the item - to find the roommate proposal item added to the Dwarf's shop inventory.

And that's it! You can now use the item to ask Juna to move in with you, assuming you meet the other requirements (10 hearts, house upgraded at least once).

Q. But what if I pick the "wrong" option when prompted in the second event?
A. Not to worry! As long as you have Custom Gift Dialogue installed, all you have to do is talk to Robin and do what she suggests. Once you've given the suggested item to Juna, she'll give you an invite to the third event mentioned above. Note that giving this item to Juna does not actually count as you asking her to move in, it's just there to trigger the special gift response using CGD.

Q. But what if I miss the second event altogether?
A. If Juna moves back home before you have time to trigger the second event, you can visit the town at any point to trigger an invisible event that sets the required flag. Then you'll be in the same spot as you'd be had you picked the "wrong" option in the second event - i.e., see previous question! You still won't be able to see the second event unless you do another play-through, however.

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