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About this mod

Adds machines to turn wood to hardwood, fiber to hay, and tree seeds to tapper products.

Permissions and credits
Adds three craftable machines to the game - the Wood Compacter converts 5 wood into 1 hardwood, the Baler turns 10 fiber into 5 hay, and the Extractor turns 5 maple seeds, acorns, or pinecones into 1 maple syrup, oak resin, or pine tar, respectively.

Compactor takes 20 wood, 10 stone, 1 iron bar. Works over 1 hour.
Baler takes 20 wood, 10 stone, 5 iron bar, 1 copper. Works over 2 hours.
Extractor takes 10 iron bar, 5 refined quartz, 2 coal. Works over 1 hour.