How to patch esm mod a for IconSortingTags

Unless the new mod you want to use completely changes the internal default keyword/data logic for the game, or add totally new references (with no inheritances at all), the header processor should be able to automatically add icons to almost everything. 

How to use it:

-Get the lastest version of xTranslator here: (You will need the version 1.4.18+)
-Get the header rules file (in the misc download tab of iconSortingTags). It's also provided in the fomod version, and put directly where xtranslator can automatically find it.
-Set the starfield\data, in the xtranslator's options (this should be done automatically if you play on steam)
-Open the headerProcessor Wizard (menu wizard)
-Follow the point 1 to 6.

here is an animated gif with the process:

-The processor does not translate your mods to another language, it only adds icon to items automatically. 
-The patch only modifiy the name of relevant items. It's does not change any gameplay functionnality.
-The wizard works with the steam version of the game. It's not tested with other versions.
-If the esm is localized, the wizard will save strings files in your game\data\strings folder
-If the esm is delocalized, the wizard will save the esm files in your game\data\ (and make a backup of the original file). It will also add a tag in the tes4 header so you will not repatch it accidently again.

the process must be done again after each game or mod patch.

If you want to "unpatch" your mods:
-If it's a localized mod (with strings), just delete the string in the game\strings\ folder
-If it's a delocalized mod (patched esm), delete the patched esm and rename the esm backup in the data folder or (probably qucker) reinstall the default files with your mod manager.

HowTo edit your own custom rules:

-Get the font.ttf (in download-misc section) and install it in windows
-Open xTranslator with the starfield workspace, set the source /dest language as the same (for example: en-en)
-Load the esm you want (the esm must be *without* already applied rules, otherwise you will have double icons), so keep some backup
-Use menu->tool-> the "load all master"  (or click on the "load all master" button)
-Open menu->tool->HeaderProcessor
-Bottom left of the processor window, load the font. Now you can toggle icon in the main tree view,  with ctrl-F9
-Load the headerrules.txt in the headerProcessor (files ->load customrules)
-Edit the rules ( a quick  tutorial can be found here, it's outdated, and in bad english, but the logic still stands)
-Run the processor to apply the rules on the loaded esm, check the results, make adjustment in the rules , repeat until you are done
-When you are done finalyze the esm
-Dont forget to save your rules  (files ->save customrules)

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