You need to use filters when:

1)You're modifying a large amount of forms.
2)You want to target forms from multiple plugins which satisfy certain conditions.

To use filters you need to prefix your line with "*".


Line above will modify all projectiles from all loaded plugins, setting the range to all of them to 200.

But what if you only want to affect particular forms? That's where the filters come in.

There are universal filters and filters which are applicable to particular type of form.

Universal filters are:

  • formid_excl - will remove specified formID(s) from the selection.
  • plugin_incl - will remove forms which are NOT in the list of specified plugin(s) - esp or esm
  • plugin_excl - will remove forms which are in specified plugin(s).
  • frml_incl - will remove forms which are NOT in the specified form list(s).
  • frml_excl -  will remove forms which are in specified form list(s).

For instance, let's modify all projectiles that are in MyTestPlugin.esm and MyTestPlugin2.esm


You can add multiple filters for each line. For instance, let's add a condition that all of the forms must be present in our form list.


All filters are separated by "+".

There are also semi-universal filters, such as
  • keyw_incl - will remove forms that don't include all keywords from the filter.
  • keyw_incl_any - will remove forms that  don't include any keyword from the filter.
  • keyw_excl - will remove forms that have all of specified keywords in the filter
  • keyw_excl_any - will remove forms that have any of specified keywords in the filter.

Those will work only on forms that have keywords such as Armor or Ammo, Weapons etc..

This will affect only projectiles that have DisplayObjectTypeMiscSmall  or DisplayObjectTypeAmmoBoxLarge keywords in them.

There are also form-specific filters such as proj_in_ammo  for Projectiles(they are specified in the mod page for each form)


This will only affect projectiles which are currently specified in Ammo45Caliber and Ammo50Caliber.

Since V.106 you can filter by weight and values for forms that support them - Weapon,Ammo,Armor,Mics.

Filters are:
flt_weight  - filters by weight
flt_value -
filters by value

When filtering by value you canuse 4 comparison signs:
= - Value of form is equal to your value.
! -
Value of form is not equal to your value
> -
Value of form is larger than your value
< -
Value of form is lesser than your value.


This will increase value by 2 to all weapons with weight more than 1. Weapons with weight less than 1 will not be affected.

In the third part of the tutorial you will learn how to create your own filters and reuse them in your config file.

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