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About this mod

Adds buildables Degasi Planter, Mushroom Terrarium, and Science Bench for decorating.

Permissions and credits
Adds new buildable decorations:

Degasi Planter (Square & Round Versions)

A large overgrown planter inspired by Bart Torgal's planter from Degasi Base 1-a. Produces Lantern Fruit. Fits in domed rooms, Observatories, and the main deck of the Cyclops.

Mushroom Terrarium (Small & Large Version)

A tubular terrarium filled with mushrooms. Produces mushrooms and (optionally) deposits them in the base's bioreactors once the terrarium's storage is full. The small version touches the ceiling of standard rooms and the large version touches the ceiling of domed rooms. The large version also produces mushrooms at twice the rate of the small one.

Science Bench (2 versions)

Decorative benches with
scientific equipment.

Lab Shelving

Decorative shelf stocked with supplies.

Mod Settings

  • Recipe complexity can be set to Simple, Standard, or Complex. As an example, the recipe for the Degasi Planters varies as follows
    • Simple: 4 Titanium like regular Indoor Growbed [requirements for planter only]
    • Standard: 4 Titanium and 1 Lantern Fruit [requirements for planter plus main plant]
    • Complex: 4 Titanium, 1 Lantern Fruit, 2 Fern Palm Seeds, 1 Grub Basket Seed, 1 Jaffa Cup Spore, 1 Pink Cap Spore, 1 Speckled Rattler Spore, and 1 Voxel Shrub Seed [requirements for planter plus all plants]
  • Newly produced Degasi Planters can either begin fruited (20 fruit) or unfruited (0 fruit)
  • Lantern Fruit regeneration time can be configured. Default is 50 s (same as stock Lantern Tree)
  • Mushroom Terrariums can be set to deposit mushrooms into Bioreactors once their storage is full (or not)
  • Mushroom Terrarium Production speed can be configured. At a speed of 1.0, one Small Mushroom Terrarium produces just enough mushrooms to keep a Bioreactor running at capacity. The default speed is 0.25 (4 Small Mushroom Terrariums required to keep a Bioreactor running at capacity).

  • Why is my Cyclops moving by itself after placing a buildable inside it? This happens if the buildable has a collider which interferes with the Cyclops. The colliders on the Degasi Planters have been tweaked to try and minimize this issue, but it may still occur - the solution is to remove the buildable.
  • Why can't I pick all of the fruit from the Degasi Planter? The top few fruits do not have colliders to try and avoid the Cyclops motion issue discussed above. They are generally out of reach anyway, but they can't be picked even if you jump.
  • Why isn't my Mushroom Terrarium feeding my Bioreactors? Check that you have enabled the mod setting under Options/Mods/Composite Buildables
  • Why are these buildables so expensive? You may have set the recipes to "Complex" - check your mod settings under Options/Mods/Composite Buildables
  • Install BepInEx
  • Unzip the folder "CompositeBuildables" from the archive to the BepInEx\plugins\ folder
  • (Optional) Load the game and adjust settings under Options/Mods/Composite Buildables