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About this mod

This CC2 plugin aims to give a use to the extensive flora and fauna found on 4546B, most of which is completely useless in the base game. 163 new crafting recipes are added along side many new items to expand upon the base game and give recipes to certain uncraftable objetcs in a balanced way.

Permissions and credits
"Welcome to New Horizon Industries, how can I help you ?
4...5...4...6...B... oh, I'm so sorry... Did Alterra messed up once again ?
I'm sorry to report that NHI can't dispatch any rescue missions on Alterra's territory. But I'll definitely tell them. I can see on my computer that you subscribed to the survival pack Alterra proposes.
Yes, indeed this pack is normally delivered by NHI. Do you have by any chance access to a light fabrication technology ?
An Alterra fabricator ? Perfect. You then just need to enter the following code into the fabricator terminal in order to unlock all the survival recipes that are suitable for your situation : NHI_8778Gh5.
It works ? Fantastic. So, I'll do my best to tell Alt...
*End of transmission*
- Next orbital relay will be available in 9... 9... 9... 9... 9... hours."

This mod is a CustomCraft2 plugin adding 163 new crafting recipes located in the new "New Horizon Industries" tab of the fabricator. Those crafts aim to give a use to otherwise useless items in the game as well as recipes to some uncraftable items in the base game. It also allows the player to survive in really deep places without the constant need to travel to gather basic ressources.
Please make sure to download all the required mods before running mine.

Updates :
Check out the "Changelogs" tab (below the "Requirements" one) to see what's new in every version of the mod ;)

Detailed mod content :
  • Reduction of the size of some plant seeds because this mod uses a good amount of them;
  • Introduction of 4 new crafting trees in the fabricator : Sustenance, Biochemistry, Genomic and Bioengineering;
  • Introduction of 5 new fuels for the Bioreactor;
  • Introduction of tons of new foods;
  • Adds recipes to some otherwise uncraftable items like the Nutrient Block, the Large Filtered Water and Eggs;
  • Restores some unused items into the game like the creepvine compost and the membrane;
  • Adds 163 new balanced recipes in total with tons of new items. The majority of the crafting recipes are locked by default to create some kind of progression.
# This mod will continue to get developped for as long as I have new ideas and the motivation#

Planned features :

--> I'm open to suggestions !
--> Please report any bug you find =)

Added recipes :

-Packed Food-
2 cured peepers + 1 potato = 1 Nutrient Block   (Unlocked by peeper)
2 peepers + 1 creepvine sample = 1 Peeper paste     (Unlocked by peeper)
2 oculuses + 1 creepvine sample = 1 Oculus paste   (Unlocked by oculus)
2 reginalds + 1 creepvine sample = 1 Reginald paste(Unlocked by reginald)
4 spirulina powder = 1 spirulina nutrient block   (Unlocked by spirulina powder)
3 spirulina powder + 4 green bacteria + 1 membrane = 1 spirulina bread (Unlocked by spirulina powder)
2 membranes + 1 red bush seed = 1 red jelly     (Unlocked by membrane)
2 membranes + 1 marble melon = 1 orange jelly               (Unlocked by melon)  <-- refers to the item ID and not necessarily its name
2 membranes + 1 spirulina powder = 1 green jelly    (Unlocked by spirulina powder)

2 filtered water = 1 large filtered water(Unlocked by filtered water)
3 membranes = 1 filtered water    (Unlocked by membrane)
5 writhing weed seeds = 1 writhing weed filtered water    (Unlocked by knife)
3 bulbo tree pieces = 1 bulbo filtered water(Unlocked by bulbotreepiece)
3 bulb bush chunks = 1 bulb bush filtered water(Unlocked by kooshchunk)
3 marble melons = 1 melon Juice(Unlocked by melon)
1 creepvine sample = 1 creepvine tea  (Unlocked by creepvine)
1 creepvine sample + 1 voxel shrub seed = 1 voxel tea      (Unlocked by pinkflowerseed)


1 alien feces + 1 creepvine piece + 1 lantern fruit = 2 fertilizers         (Unlocked by seatreaderpoop)
1 creepvine seed + 3 ming plant seeds + 1 cave sulfur + 1 creepvine piece + 1 lantern fruit = 3 fertilizers   (Unlocked by creepvineseedcluster)
1 blood oil + 1 potato + 1 cave sulfur + 1 creepvine piece + 1 lantern fruit = 4 fertilizers        (Unlocked by bloodoil)
1 ethylene + 1 creepvine piece + 1 lantern fruit = 6 fertilizers     (Unlocked by ethylene)
1 small marble melon + 1 fertilzer = 3 small melons   (Unlocked by smallmelon)
1 acid mushrooms + 1 fertilizer = 5 acid mushrooms (Unlocked by acidmushroom)
1 deep shroom + 1 fertilizer = 5 deepshrooms     (Unlocked by whitemushroom)

1 membrain tree seed = 1 membrane    (Unlocked by precursorkey_purple)
4 hoopfish = 1 salt deposit      (Unlocked by hoopfish)
3 spinefish = 1 salt deposit      (Unlocked by spinefish)
1 pink cap + 1 Speckled Rattlers + 1 acid mushrooms = 2 gaspods   (Unlocked by gaspod)
3 gaspods = 1 cave sulfur(Unlocked by crashpowder)
1 regress shell seed + 1 spiked horn grass seed = 1 coral tube sample     (Unlocked by coralchunk)
1 rouge cradle seed + 1 spotted dockleaf seed = 1 table coral sample       (Unlocked by jeweleddiskpiece)

1 deep shroom + 3 sea crown seeds + 3 spotted dockleaf seeds + 2 Gabe's feather seeds + 2 ghost weed seeds = 1 Bioethanol (Unlocked by whitemushroom)
3 ethanol + 3 sea crown seeds = 1 Bioethanol   (Unlocked by ethanol)
1 deep shroom + 3 gel sacks + 3 pink caps + 2 jellyshroom spores + 2 membrain tree seeds = 1 Biogas  (Unlocked by whitemushroom)
3 ethylene + 1 gel sack + pink cap = 1 Biogas    (Unlocked by ethylene)
3 creepvine samples + 1 fungal sample = creepvine compost                 (Unlocked by creepvinepiece)
3 creepvine samples + 3 writhing weed seeds + 2 redwort seeds + 2 violet beau seeds = 1 BioAlgae(Unlocked by creepvinepiece)
3 oculuses + 3 spadefish + 2 garryfish + 1 eyeye = 1 FishOil    (Unlocked by oculus)


-Lab Equipment-
1 Sample analizer + 2 glass + 2 quartz + 1 computer chip + 1 battery + 1 magnetite = 1 Genomic Sequencer Device (GSD)    (Unlocked by labequipment3)
1 Fluid analizer + 1 glass + 2 quartz + 1 wiring kit + 1 battery = 1 Fluid Mixing Device        (Unlocked by labequipment2)
1 Microscope + 2 glass + 1 quartz + 1 silicone + 1 battery = 1 Electron Microscope   (Unlocked by labequipment1)
1 glass + 1 titanium = 3 cylindrical sample flasks    (Unlocked by glass)
1 glass + 1 titanium = 1 small sample flask      (Unlocked by glass)
2 glass + 1 titanium = 1 large sample flask       (Unlocked by glass)
1 advanced wiring kit + 2 glass + 6 rutile + 3 large filtered water = 1 Botanical Analysis Machine             (Unlocked by scanner)

1 Fluid analizer + 1 disinfected water + 1 cylindrical sample flask + 1 blood oil + 1 brain coral sample + 2 fungal samples = 1 PCR Cocktail + 1 Fluid analizer  (Unlocked by bloodoil)
1 Fluid analizer + 1 disinfected water + 1 cylindrical sample flask + 1 acid mushroom + 1 Speckled Rattler + 1 gel sack = 1 Amniotic Fluid + 1 Fluid analizer                (Unlocked by FluidAnalizer)
1 Fluid analizer + 1 disinfected water + 1 cylindrical sample flask + 1 Coral tube sample + 1 salt deposit + 1 stalker tooth = 1 Shell Solution + 1 Fluid analizer (Unlocked by FluidAnalizer)
1 Fluid analizer + 1 disinfected water + 1 cylindrical sample flask + 1 peeper + 1 bladderfish + 1 lantern fruit = 1 Vitellus Solution + 1 Fluid analizer       (Unlocked by FluidAnalizer)

To be discovered in game ;)

To be discovered in game ;)

To be discovered in game ;)


-Organism Manipulation-
1 Genomic Sequencer Device + 1 terrestrial flora gene +  2 shallow sea flora genes + 1 creepvine sample = 1 green bacterium + 1 GSD   (Unlocked by seamoth)
1 Genomic Sequencer Device + 2 shallow sea flora genes +  1 deep sea flora gene + 1 salt deposit = 1 cyan bacterium + 1 GSD (Unlocked by ultraglidefins)
1 Genomic Sequencer Device + 1 shallow sea flora gene +  2 deep sea flora genes + 1 membrane = 1 blue bacterium + 1 GSD   (Unlocked by doubletank)
1 Genomic Sequencer Device + 2 herbivorous fauna genes + 1 shallow sea flora gene + 1blood oil = 1 orange bacterium + 1 GSD    (Unlocked by reinforcedsuit)
1 Genomic Sequencer Device + 1 herbivorous fauna gene + 2 deep sea flora genes + 1gas pod = 1 purple bacterium + 1 GSD     (Unlocked by cyclops)

To be discovered in game ;)

3 green bacteria = 1 spirulina powder   (Unlocked by green bacteria)
1  melon + 1 fungal sample = 1ethanol (Unlocked by melon)
1 ethanol + 1amniotic fluid + 1 table coral sample = 2 ethylene        (Unlocked by jeweleddiskpiece)
1 ethanol + 1fiber mesh = 3 first aid kits      (Unlocked by ethanol)
1 ethylene = 3 flares       (Unlocked by ethylene)
1 ethylene + 1 gel sack = 1 aerogel       (Unlocked by ethylene)


1 ion cube + 2 rubies = 1 red tablet       (Unlocked by orange tablet)
1 ion cube + 2 lithium = 1 white tablet  (Unlocked by orange tablet)
5 ion cubes = 1 ion cube matrix     (Unlocked by ion cube)
1 ion cube + 1 metal salvage = 5 alien building blocks (ABB)     (Unlocked by orange tablet)
1 ABB + 1 ruby + 1 magnetite + 1 advanced wiring kit = 1 translation device   (Unlocked by orange tablet)
2 ABB + 2 uranium + 1 magnesium + 1 gel sack = 1 organic matter manipulator    (Unlocked by orange tablet)
1 organic matter manipulator + 1 translation device + 1 ion cube matrix = 1 activated inorganic matter manipulator(Unlocked by orange tablet)

-Mineral Synthesis-
To be discovered in game ;)

1 glass + 1 lead + 1 diamond = 1 enameled glass       (Unlocked by stalkertooth)
1 depleted reactor rod + 3 uranite crystals + 1 lead = 1 reactor rod   (Unlocked by reactorrod)
1 depleted reactor rod + 2 uranium + 1 lead = 1 reactor rod       (Unlocked by reactorrod)
2 uranium + 1 lead + 1 titanium + 1 glass = 1 reactor rod   (Unlocked by reactorrod)
1 battery + 1 lithium = 1 lithium ion battery  (Unlocked by lithium)
1 titanium + 3 rutile + 1 quartz + 1 tablet coral sample = Microscope       (Unlocked by labequipment1)
1 titanium + 3 rutile + 1 quartz + 1 cave sulfur = Fluid Analyzer         (Unlocked by labequipment2)
1 titanium + 3 rutile + 1 quartz + 1 acid mushroom = Sample Analizer     (Unlocked by labequipment3)

2 rutile + 1 fiber mesh = 1 poster (same recipe for all the posters)   (Unlocked by whatever poster you pick up)
2 fiber mesh + 1 silicone rubber = 1 Carry-all       (Unlocked by luggagebag, cap1, cap2)
1 fibermesh = 1 Grey/Blue cap      (Unlocked by luggagebag, cap1, cap2)
2 fibermesh = 1 Arcade Gorge Toy(Unlocked by luggagebag, arcadegorgetoy, toycar)
3 rutile + 1 quartz = 1 Toy car(Unlocked by luggagebag, arcadegorgetoy, toycar)
4 rutile + 1 silicone rubber = 1 Aurora miniature  (Unlocked by starshipsouvenir)

Some new items have the following informations in their in-game description :
(Restored item) :    this item was supposed to be in the game but was later abandonned;
-worth xxxϟ- :   this item will produce xxx units of energy once put into a bioreactor;

Installation :
1. Dowload and install all the "requirements" mods (QModManager, SMLHelperCustomcraft2 and Radial Tabs);
2. Dowload this mod and unzip the folder;
3. Put the CustomCraft2SML folder into your QMods folder;
4. Enjoy ;)
(5. you may find a "PatchNote" texte in the file, its only purpose if to give you some information about what has been recently added in this mod if your curious, it is not to be put in the QMods folder of course)