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About this mod

A lightweight CustomCraft preset that extends recipes just enough for your base to be meaningful.

Permissions and credits
Utilizing alien resources is a proven escape strategy. Alien organisms may contain compounds suitable for ignition and fuel catalyzation. Please remember to pack food and water for long journeys.

This preset may not be suitable for vegetarians.

What is this?

This is a lightweight CustomCraft preset that extends the game just enough to make your amazing base feel meaningful, and your escape suitably climactic. All recipes are achievable with existing resources and no recipes need to be manually unlocked.

Early-game recipes remain mostly unaltered, with only a few sensible changes included.

Later recipes are more expensive, though not to the point where the search becomes a grind. Escaping now requires more complex alien resources, some creative alternatives for unavailable terrestrial technology, and a few supplies for the journey.

Don't forget to say farewell to your Cuddlefish!

How to install:

Install QModManager and CustomCraft (including starting the game to generate the default folder).

Download the zip, extract the content file, and place it in your "QMods/CustomCraft/user" folder.

That's it!

Compatibility with other mods

You can make this compatible with HabitatControlPanel, Base Light Switch and ExteriorPlantPots.

Make CustomCraft load last by  adding this line to mod.json, before the closing bracket (add a comma to the end of the line above, too)

  "Priority": "Last"

I also added these lines to the end of CustomCraft.techData.json (the file which this preset overrides):

  11011: { // Light switch
"ingredients": [ 
  "techType": "titanium",
  "amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
  11120: { // Habitat control panel
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 1
"techType": "WiringKit",
"amount": 1
  "techType": "CopperWire",
"amount": 1
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
  11130: { // Exterior plant pot 1
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
  11015: { // Exterior plant pot 2
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1
  11016: { // Exterior plant pot 3
"ingredients": [
"techType": "titanium",
"amount": 2
"linkedItems": [],
"craftAmount": 1

Choose sections as appropriate. (I found the IDs by looking in the default CraftData.groups.json, under "InteriorModules"; if you get an error, check there.)