About this mod
A True next generation ReShade that adds a new level of depth, color, and visual effects to the original graphics of The Outer Worlds. Travelers are welcome, the Frontier awaits!
- Permissions and credits
A True next generation ReShade that adds a new level of depth, color, and visual effects to the original graphics of The Outer Worlds. Travelers are welcome, the Frontier awaits!
Many hours of my time went into producing this ReShade, please consider clicking the Endorse button, it only takes a second.
INSTALLATION (Epic Games Store version)
Copy everything from the "Main files" folder to your game directory.
(e.g. ...TheOuterWorlds\Indiana\Binaries\Win64)
Disable the games Chromatic Aberration effect (optional)
Here are some instructions....Add this to your Engine.ini file.
(located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Indiana\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor)
Done! The image will not be as blurry.
Leave the in-game brightness at default, and use Fullscreen mode.
Play your game! :)
End key to toggle main effects
PageDown key to toggle Depth of Field
Home key to open GUI
Always remove ReShade files from a previous install before installing.
Rename "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11.dll" if your game crashes at startup.
Disable third-party programs, and seek help in the forums if all else.