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Created by

Jolly Gang Networks

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About this mod

This is a nice little starter base for anyone has wants an easy start to things. Perfect seed with all the bosses and trader within very reasonable distance to spawn.

Permissions and credits
Nice starter base with everything you should need to get start. Can also be used for your servers as well if you'd like.

All the Bosses and Trader are located really close to the spawning area.

There are six beds located inside the base for you and your friends with some decent starting gear.(Picture included)

Left certain things undone so there would be at least things for people to this is just meant to be a good start for anyone although all workbench and forge upgrades are included in the base. 

3 Long ships are included in the docking area
All wood type stacks are in the storage area including stone stacks as well as coal stacks outside of the blacksmithing area

Hope yall enjoy let me know what you think.

This World is used on my server. If you'd like to join in and join my community here is the link to our discord server - JollyGangNetworks