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About this mod

All wood constructions become burnable. Late game fire weapons. Optimized performance. Works on dedicated servers.

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  • Russian
Let Valheim burn!

Makes all wood constructions and vegetation burnable. The fire will spread along connected burnables. Fire will cause damage to nearby not burnables.

Save your world beforehand!

Target (min) fps can be configured (default 30) to keep it still playable with larger buildings/bases burning. The fire quality will be adopted dynamically to meet the target fps (+-5).

Deactivate "Bloom" in your graphics settings (otherwise fire will be too bright).

Do not activate the FireHazard world modifier, except you wan't to starve.

How does fire start?
  • each burnable has a basic fire health of 50 (configurable).
  • lightning and fire damage will reduce the fire health until reaching 0 to ignite.
  • trees cannot be ignited with normal weapons (though fire may spread to trees)
  • increased fire spread likelihood during events
  • the new eternal fire weapons will immediately set burnables on fire (also trees)

Fire extinguishes when
  • piece is repaired with the hammer 
  • piece is hit by a craftable water bomb (item_bomb_water: 1 leather scraps).
  • vegetation is hit the craftable water bomb
  • hit by water (waves of the sea)
  • heavy rain extinguishes fire
  • piece and vegetation is hit by frost damage
  • best option to stop a burning forest is to chop all surrounding trees, so the fire can not spread further

3 late game fire weapons: item_sword_eternal_flame, item_bomb_eternal_flame, item_arrow_eternal_flame

Upgrading from older version
If you are updating from a version prior 3.1.0 or adding this mod to an existing world, the locations won't be there as they are generated at world generation.
You can use the Upgrade World mod to generate the locations using the following console commands:
locations_add locFarmMeadows
locations_add locTrollBurnLog
locations_add locSwampShipBurn
locations_add locPlainsBurn
locations_add locMountainCultists
locations_add locAshlandsShip

Dedicated Server Settings

Strongly recommended to use mods being capable of completely making structures invulerable when players are offline.
  • MaxBurningPieces: set the maximum burning pieces per scene for players with no high end rig (~500)
  • BurningDropsCoal: set to false, so materials are dropped once the piece is destroyed
  • or set StopBurningHealthPercentage to somewhere around 0.15, to not frustrate your players with loosing everything
  • if you experience to heavy network load, deactivate WntSpawnVanillaFire and VegegationSpawnVanillaFire

High Performance Settings
  • TargetFPS: set to very high framerate (500) to have lowest fire quality, thus having max FPS (though the automatic adoption of the quality according to framerate works quite decently).
  • Enable PreLoadLocations to reduce jitter when moving from one zone to another (adds 20-60 seconds to startup time)
  • Disable EnvironmentalEffects

Cinematic Settings
  • TargetFPS: set to 0 to always have highest quality; be warned, this may result in a slide show
  • make sure you have active point lights and shadows active in your graphics settings
  • ClutterDistance: increase clutter render distance up to ~150
  • Enable EnvironmentalEffects

Event Settings (admin only mode)
Only want fire spreading for some events?
  • set FireDamageCausesBurning to false, so only the eternal flame weapons cause burning
  • set EternalFlameWeaponsCraftable to false, so only admins can spawn them
  • set FireDamageCausesBurning to false
  • set LightningDamageCausesBurning to false
  • set SpreadFromFireplaces to false
  • disable the events by adding any non-existing globkey to "Required GlobKey"
  • empty EventImmediateFire

Client Configuration
  • TargetFPS: fire quality will be reducued to reach at least target FPS (+-5)
  • VisualDebug: visualize where the fire is going to spread to; for debugging only. Changing parameter during runtime will case artifacts
  • ClutterDistance: by default clutter is only generated up to a distance of 45m. You can see the grass appear and disappear when you move. Increasing the clutter render distance may cause FPS drops.

Server Configuration
  • FejdStartupFire: fire on menu/startup screen
  • AdoptVanillaFire: adopts the vanilla fire to better fit with this mod (disabling is not adviced)
  • KeepAshlandFireVanilla: Ashlands fire stays vanilla to get the original experience in Ashlands
  • WntBurnable: building pieces become burnable
  • VegegationSpawnVanillaFire: destroyed burning vegetation spawn a fireball (vanilla fire with reduced damaged) on the ground
  • VegetationBurnable: vegetation becomes burnable 
  • FireSpreads: should fire spread to connected pieces
  • MaxFireHealth: amount of fire damage the piece may consume before starting to burn
  • FireDamageCausesBurning: pieces catch fire when hit by fire damage
  • LightningDamageCausesBurning: pieces catch fire when hit by ligthning damage
  • FireDamage: amount of fire damage per second
  • FireSpreadDamage: amount of fire spread damage against MaxFireHealth per second
  • ConnectedNonBurnableDamage: burning pieces apply this amount of damage per second to connected non burning pieces
  • ReducedWetFactor: percentage fire damage is reduced to when wet (rain or snow)
  • IncreasedWindFactor: faster spreading under windy conditions
  • BurningDropsCoal: burning pieces only drop coal when destroyed
  • StopBurningHealthPercentage: stop burning if health is below this percentage
  • SpreadFromFireplaces: if true, fire may spread from fireplaces
  • UpwardSpreadMultiplier: increased fire spread upwards
  • EternalFlameWeaponsCraftable: shall the eternal fire weapons be craftable
  • CraftableWaterBomb: if true, waterbombs can be crafted
  • MaxBurningPieces: limit the number of burning pieces per scene
  • NonBurnablePrefabs: comma separated list of prefab names that shall not be burnable
  • NonBurnableLocations: comma separated list of non burnable locations (skip certain locations from loading on startup)
  • CalculationBatchSize: internal parameter; how many pieces to process per frame
  • FireSpreadDistance: distance to other pieces the fire may spread to
  • RainExtinguishesProbability: probability rain extinguishes fire
  • RainExtinguishesCovered: probability rain extinguishes fire on pieces under cover: probability rainy weather extinguish fire (per piece per state update)
  • TreeBurnRadius: factor for the distance player starts to burn near trees (needs restart)
  • EnvironmentalEffects: add environmental effects
  • EventImmediateFire: fire/ligthning hit damage immediately ignites fire during these events
  • Event parameters for events Thunderstruck, Thundersnow, Thunderstormdry
- Biome: in which biome the event may happen
- Duration: duration of the event
- Required GlobKey: this global key must be set for the event to happen
- Required NonGlobKey: this global key must not be present for the event to happen
- Spawn internval: interval between lightning strokes
- MinSpawnRadius: within which the lightning spawns
- MaxSpawnRadius: within which the lightning spawns
  • PreloadLocations: Since patch 0.217.46 locations need to be loaded to add fire. Preloading locations will add 20-60 seconds to session startup time. Otherwise fire will be added to locations at runtime, this may cause jitter when moving between zones.
  • LocationFarmMeadowsAmount: How many burning meadows farms to generate during world generation.
  • LocationTrollBurnLogAmount: How many Trolls with a burning log to generate during world generation.
  • LocationSwampShipBurnAmount: How many karves with greylings to generate during world generation in the swamps.
  • LocationPlainsBurnAmount: How many burning Plains fields to generate during world generation.
  • LocationMountainCultistsAmount: How many cultist locations to generate during world generation in the Mountains.
  • LocationAshlandsShipAmount: How many burning ships to generate during world generation in Ashlands.