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About this mod

A chat improvement mod that adds custom server-hosted channels that do not ping, configurable colours per channel, chat history, removes auto character casing, and various other quality-of-life changes.

Permissions and credits
This mod is no longer maintained and it may no longer work depending on the updates Valheim added.

VChat is a chat improvement mod for Valheim that aims to add quality-of-life features to Valheim, this mod has features for both servers and clients and is packed in a single .dll file.

With 2.0.0 introduced, VChat now has the ability to host custom server-wide channels, these channels can be customised by the players, this feature adds a varieity of uses, examples would be clans, factions, parties, temporary one-on-one chats, and probably more! Please note that for now these channels are only supported for dedicated servers. The server-sided binary data is stored next to the .db world file, as 'worldName.vchat.bin'.

  • Adds custom server-hosted channels that are accessible from both vanilla clients and clients with VChat installed, these channels can be created
    by players and are fully customizable, these channels are private by default and players will have to invite others into them.
  • Adds a new global chat channel that doesn't ping players.
  • Colours! colours for every chat channel (whisper, local, shout and global), and also changes the colour of the input field.
    even when typing channel commands like "/shout [text]".
  • Sent message history that can be called using arrow up and down when the chat is focused.
  • Easily configurable using ingame commands that can be also be adjusted in the configuration file.
  • Removes the annoying auto caps and lowercases for the shout and whisper channels.
  • Able to modify the opacity, width and height of the chat window.
  • Various other settings to improve the ingame chat.

For Developers:
To use the custom channels in your own mod, the simplest way is to add VChat as a dependency to your mod and use the class "ServerChannelManager" to add, read and manage the channels. Please visit the GitHub repository for more details.

  • /s /l /say /local
  • /y /sh /yell /shout
  • /w /whisper
  • /g /global [text]
  • /[customChannelName] [text]
    • Switches to the provided chat channel, and if text is entered, also send a message to that channel.
    • Examples
      • "/g Hello VChat" will send a message to the global chat channel and set it as the active channel for your next message
      • "/sh" will switch the currently active chat channel to shout.
      • "/test [text]" will send a message to the server-hosted custom channel named "Test", if it exists.
  • /addchannel [name]
    • Adds a channel to the server with the provided name, channel names must be unique.
  • /disband [channel]
    • Disbands a channel with the name, provided you have the permission to do so - either being the owner of the channel or an administrator in-game.
  • /invite [channel] [player]
    • Invites an online player to the channel, if you have the permission - having access to the channel means you can invite.
  • /accept
  • /accept [channel]
    • Accepts a received channel invite, if no argument is specified, it will accept the first found invite.
  • /decline
  • /decline [channel]
    • Declines a received channel invite, if no argument is specified, it will accept the first found invite.
  • /remove [channel] [player]
    • Remove a player from a channel.
    • The owner of the channel can also be removed by an administrator.
  • /setcolor [customChannelName] [value]
    • Changes the color of a custom channel with the provided color, this accepts either a html string like #ff0000 or a name, like 'red'.

  • /setlocalcolor /setshoutcolor /setwhispercolor /setglobalcolor [color]
    • Changes the chat colour for the chat channel visible in the command name, this accepts either a html string like #ff0000 or a name, like 'red'.
  • /showchat
    • Toggles the chat to always show or hide.
  • /showchatonmessage
    • Toggles the chat to show when a message is sent, this has no effect if /showchat is enabled.
  • /chatclickthrough
    • Toggles if the chat should be click-through, for example when the map is in front of the chat window.
  • /maxplayerchathistory [number]
    • Sets the amount of messages that should be recorded so that the history can be called up with the up and down arrow.
      This is disabled if it's set to 0. Note that these are not saved to a file, restarting Valheim will clear this list.
  • /setdefaultchannel [name]
    • Changes the default channel that's set when logging in, accepted values are: whisper, normal, shout and global.
  • /sethidetime /sethidedelay /setht [seconds]
    • Changes the amount of time in seconds that the chat window will stay active.
  • /setfadetime /setft [seconds]
    • Changes the amount of time in seconds it should take to transition the chat window's opactiy from active to inactive (or hidden), this occurs after the hide timer.
  • /setopacity /set% [0-100]
    • Changes the opacity of the active chat, when pressing enter the opactiy will always be 100.
      This value ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 means completely transparent and 100 is fully opaque.
  • /setinactiveopacity /setiopacity /seti% [0-100]
    • Changes the opacity of the inactive chat, this is only relevant when always displaying the chat window.
      This value ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 means completely transparent and 100 is fully opaque.
  • /setwidth [value]
    • Changes the width of the chat window, this is based of 1920x1080 values regardless of the screen resolution. The default width is 500.
  • /setheight [value]
    • Changes the height of the chat window, this is based of 1920x1080 values regardless of the screen resolution. The default height is 400.
  • /setbuffersize [value]
    • Changes the maximum amount of visible messages in the chat window, if this is set to 15 the function will resume as normal.

Installation (manual):
  • Download [BepInEx Package]( and follow it's installation procedure.
  • Download the latest version of VChat from [here](
  • Navigate to the Valheim installation folder.
    • For Windows:
      • Open Steam and right-click on Valheim - Manage - Browse local files. This will open the directory where Valheim is installed.
  • Extract the contents (or just VChat.dll) of the archive into Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/
  • Launch valheim and VChat should load.
  • You can now modify the configuration file located in "Valheim/BepInEx/config/org.itskaa.vchat.cfg" or use the ingame commands.
  • Note that for the global chat to work, this mod has to be installed on the server as well, if you are the owner, please repeat this process for the server.
Alternatively, you can use r2modman to install this plugin.

Github Repository: