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GuiriGuy and Unidarkshin

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About this mod

Adds new skills to the game and Overhauls others. All Configurable and can Disable one by one if wanted

Permissions and credits
MoreSkills 0.1.10 NEW!


New Fishing Skill and Custom Tamed Creatures Names:

1- Fishing Skill.

a. Fishes can vary in scale now. Making them some smaller and faster, others bigger and slower.
b. Fishing Skill will now Decrease the Stamina Usage, the fish scale will also be a factor in this.
c. Fish will drop more Raw Fish depending on it's scale and your Fishing Skill.
d. Fish will have a higher BaseHook Chance based on your Fishing Skill.
e. When your Fishing Skill is lower than 50 you will lose stamina while a fish is hooked, if it's higher you will gain stamina. When ever you are not Pulling the Line.

2- Custom Tamed Creature Names.

a. Now you can name your tame what ever name you like. This will be updated in the HoverName and so when ever you get far enough to reload it, or exiting and rentring the game.
b. To name a tame you will need to crouch and while looking at the tame push the button enter, open up chat, and type /name (the name you desire, without the ()). Example: /name Jordan Connor.
c. These names, for now, aren't changable. They will be. These names should show up to everyone the same. Once a tame is named it can't be changed.

3- Fixed Bugs

a. Fixed some Descriptions Typos.
b. Fixed the "You are now taming" spam.
c. Fixed the missing Trophy and Blob settings in hunting, so now if you dont want trophies to be affected by Hunting you can disable it.
d. Other minor fixes. 


(For any advice, tutorial, help, whatever I am more than glad to listen and chat with whomever just contact me at discord: Jordan Connor#6458)

The idea of this mod was made basically by making it more bareble with Higher Difficulty mods such as Trials of Odin or
Unidarkshin's Overhaul (Mod of which this was based on).

As I stated before please be patient. This is my ever attempt to ever make a mod at all and even with the 0 knowledge I had with the language of C#.
This mod is made posible by the Skill Injector by Pipakin.
Some ideas that I have I quickly gave up on due to the existence of beautifully made mods such as:

Mod not Compatible with:

- Valheim Plus
(WAS being looked at with them)

What this mod includes and what is yet to come:

(All of them mostly configurable and can be individually enabled or disabled)

New Skills:


  • Increases Max Carry Weight

You can increase this skill by making some exercise.


By carrying more of half of your max carry weight you gain the weight you carry 1/12000. (Configurable)
By running and carrying more of half of your max carry weight you gain the weight you carry 1/8000. (Configurable)
By being encumbered and moving you gain the weight you carry 1/4000. (Configurable)


  • Increases your Health

You can increase this skill by being a true viking, endure the pain or never see Valhalla.


Your skill gain is based on the recieved damage/100. So if you recieve 20 DamagePoints, you will increase your skill by 0,2. (Configurable)


  • Increase a few aspects in Sailing

As the Captain of the boat you will need your fellow crewmates, or not. But everyone will learn with the speed of the wind! The more Crewmates the faster you row!


The Captain gains the amount of speed of the boat in 1/4000. (Configurable)
A Crewmate Sitting, in a boat place, or at the Very front Searching for battle gains the amount of speed of the boat in 1/8000. (Configurable)
A Crewmate Standing in the boat gains the amount of speed of the boat in 1/16000. (Configurable)

·(BETA) Crafting 0.2 NEW!

  • Decrese or Increase the cost of crafting.

You can choose the middle point, if wanted:
Now you say the amount to be multiplied at the begging and the amount to be divided at the end with a configurable middle point.
You can also select this middle point to be either 0 or 100 if you dont want multiplier or divider.

Multiplier: Makes the objects cost more at the begging (Level 0), if the Middle Level is 0 then it jumps it.

Divider: Makes the objects cost less at the end (Level 100), if the Middle Level is 100 then it jumps it.

All these number are Configurable.

Many bugs will show up for sure, even incompatibilities. I have tried with Epic Loots and Simple Recycling and both work wonderful.
(Bronze is not affected as it reads it twice and becomes an infinite number, no idea how to fix it, tried many things these 3 days tho... haha)

·Hunting Skill

  • Increase the amount of drops and the chance of them

This skill changes all the drops and chances of all mobs or/and bosses if activated.
You gain the Max max amount Drops cap set at level 50
You gain the Max min amount Drop cap set al level 100
You gain 100% Chance of Drop if activated


You gain skill by killing a mob/boss. The amount of exp granted is base on: (Level of the Mob / 100) * Mob Level

·Taming Skill

  • Decrease the amount of needed time to tame a creature

1- If Activated get the ability to Unlock the Tame at certain level.

a. Can change eat mob needed level per each ability (Unlock, Tamer, Master)
b. Each ability gives you Reduced tame time, if activated.
c. If you are lower than Unlock's level you will take the default time to tame per missing level.
d. If you are Equal or Higher than Unlock's level you will get the default time to tame it and each level up will decrease it.
e. If you are Equal or Highet than Tamer's level you will get the half of the default time to tame and each level up will decrease it.
f. If you are Equal or Higher than Master's level... Well you are a Master, you will only need 2 min to tame the creature.

2- If Unlock Mod not activated.

a. You will take the default time to tame it and each level will decrease until reached Level 100 which it will be 2 minutes.

3- Compatible with AllTamable by buzz if Activated in config

a. You can do either to all Custom, vanilla, added creatures to be tamed.


You gain skill by taming the mob. The amount of time needed is granted in exp /200 so if it takes 1800 seconds you will gain 9 exp: (TimeToTame/200) * Mob Level



  • Sneak:

  • Increase your Crouch Speed

Uses Vanilla Sneak Skill to get higher Crouch Speed. (As a "fix" to incompability with Skillful Mod)

  • Swim:

  • Increase your Swim Speed

Uses Vanilla Swim Skill to get higher Swim Speed.

  • Mining:

  • Increase the max and min drop

Uses Vanilla Pickaxe Skill to increase the drops.

  • Stamina:

  • Gain stamina while encumbred and not moving, based on the amount of extra weight carried and strength skill
  • Gain stamina while swimming and not moving, based on the swim skill

Uses vanilla swim skill and custom strength skill to calculate the amount of stamina to give to the player. The higher the skills the higher this number is, multipliers in the config.

  • Wood Cutting

  • Increased drops of all drops from trees.

Uses vanilla WoodCutting Skill to give increased drops. 

  • Jumping
  • Created a Roll on Fall that will take all damage away (Optional)
  • Made more "Inmersive" Fall Damage.
  • Fall Damage Decrease with Jump Skill


As vanilla has the min fall altitude at 4 meters at from there till 20 meters it will do from 0 to 100 damage, being 100 damage the max damage the player will ever recieve, no matter the height, I decided to add an optional and more inmersive fall damage:

If you have activated Roll on Fall:
The min altitude to fall from to activate this feature is, as default, 4 meters (Configurable) and the max, which you reach at level 100, will be 8 meters (Configurable). Between these values you will recieve 0 Damage.
From 8 meter until 30 meters (Configurable) you will recieve up to 100 damage at Jump Skill at level 0, and 50 at level 100, with the default Fall Damage Divider.
Higher than 30 meters you will recieve a fall damage multiplied by the amount of exceed meters, so if you fall 32 meters you will recieve +4 more damage. The higher the bigger. For example at 118 exceed meters of fall it will deal 428 damage.

If you dont have Roll on Fall activated:
Al the before will also happen but without rolling (Optional)

You can Configure nearly all these aspects in the OverhaulConfig File.


Yet to come (if posible):

  • Strength:

  •  Increase the max stacks
  •  Better Wagon movement

(I yet have to find how the h*** get this to work, without loosing the stack or making it update such stacks acordingly your skill level. And to not interfere with your friends containers inventory, etc... If anyone got and idea for this and wants to share it contact me :D)

  • Vitality:

  • Add Base Resistance to all damage.

  • Crafting:

  • Speed of crafting
  • The base stats would be doubled as skill increases. 
  • If possible, make it work with Epic Loots so you have more chance of more buff or higher chance of better buffs (Separated from the original for people who want to add this or not)

  • Building:

  • Cost of building reduced with the skill.

  • Hunting/Fishing (If possible):

  • Tracking senses Perk

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