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About this mod

A custom Longhall build for the AdvancedBuilding Mod by CRDev.

Install here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Valheim\AdvancedBuilder\Builds

Permissions and credits
A 12 meter tall, 36 meters long, two story Viking Longhall. The Hall includes two entrances, dining/drinking/cooking area, crafting area, portal hub, master bedroom and upper/lower porch. I hope you guys enjoy it, this was my first build in Valheim and an entire forest had to die to make it happen! 

Now works with BepinEx!

NOTE: Use the "Build Y Offset button" to raise or lower the build without dirt coming through the floor.

To use this build:

1. Download and install BuildShare (AdvancedBuilding) - Valheim by CRDev and the supporting modloader InSlimVML found on the same page.
2. Open Valheim and verify AdvancedBuilding is installed correctly by verifying the BuildShare v1.4 button is in the upper right corner.
3. If the button is there, you're ready to start building!

To start building:

1. Press Escape and click the BuildShare v1.4 button.
2. Select the "Build-List" button to see your available vbuilds.
3. Select the "Build" button.
4. Fill in the "Build Name" field.
5. Click "~Build~" to build!
6. Don't like the Result? Click "Undo".
7. Click "Toggle" to see a preview of the build.
8. Click "Update POS" to update the preview position.

For more advanced building using xyz axis modifiers and rotation:

1. From the "Build" menu, enter your desired XYZ offsets into the "Build X/Y/Z Offset" fields.
2. Enter the desired rotation in degrees into the "Build Y Orbit" field.
3. Fill in the "Build Name" field.
4. Click "Toggle" to preview or "~Build~" to build!

For easier terrain flattening
Check out TerrainMaster by CRDev as wellto auto flatten an area for building!

NOTE: TerrainMaster works well for small areas or test worlds. However, due to how Valheim saves the heightmap and rebuilds every instance of modification to terrain, use it sparingly!