CSR Information

Putting Smiles on the Faces of Everyone Nintendo Touches


Striving to reduce environmental impact in
a variety of ways.

In response to society’s expectations and to pass on a better environment to future generations, Nintendo exercises care with the environmental footprint of our offices and embarks on various initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of our products.
These initiatives span the design stage to post-sales repair and support and continue through to recycling.

Environmental Management System

Companies have an important responsibility to conduct their business activities in ways that take the environment into consideration. Nintendo engages in various initiatives that help reduce our environmental impact, both in the many aspects of creating high-quality products that all consumers can enjoy with peace of mind and in our offices.

We have put in place internal structures to promote environmental initiatives in each country and region. In particular, as the company responsible for the design and manufacture of Nintendo gaming systems and accessories, Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) has established an Environment Committee, with the company President serving as the committee chair, and has acquired the ISO 14001*1 certification. To promote environmental activities across the organization as a whole, we have also introduced systems based on this ISO standard.

*1 ISO 14001
An international standard for environmental management systems that requires environmental protection activities to be conducted while achieving a balance between social and economic needs.

Environment Policy

The Environment Policy is approved by the company President and put in place as a means of guiding our environmental initiatives. We raise employee awareness about the environmental policy through posters and the company’s internal network.

Environment Policy
Environment Principle

Nintendo is committed to preserving a healthy planet to bring smiles to future generations.

Action Guidelines
  • Pursue a better environment
    We endeavor to offer environmentally conscious products and services, and to prevent environmental pollution while maintaining balance in social and economic development.
  • Comply with the rules
    We carefully comply with a wide variety of laws and regulations that are related to production and office activities around the world, so that we can create a better environment.
  • Make continuous improvements
    We work together to identify where we can improve and where we are not doing enough to act in environmentally conscious ways. We have mechanisms for sharing feedback, and we are all involved in continuous improvement.

Promotional Structure

Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) advances our environmental management system based on ISO 14001 under the following structure.

Promotional Structure
*2 Internal Environmental Audit Structure
  • Internal environmental auditors appoint competent employees from among Environment Committee members and in-scope business offices.
  • Audits are conducted from the perspectives of: (1) Is it in compliance with ISO 14001? (2) Are the rules, laws and regulations followed? (3) Is there an increasing environmental impact? (4) Is there effective implementation and maintenance?
ISO 14001 Certification Scope
  • Nintendo Co., Ltd. Corporate Headquarters
  • Nintendo Co., Ltd. Development Center
  • Uji Plant

PDCA Cycle

Each department sets environmental goals based on the Environmental Policy by implementing a plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle as described below to foster continuous improvement.

PDCA Cycle

Management of Business Activities

Environmental Considerations in Design

At Nintendo, we strive to implement environmentally conscious design in our gaming systems and accessories as part of our environmental management system. The departments in charge of development have formulated an Environmental Design Consideration Checklist that identifies items that can be adopted for products from the perspectives of energy savings, management and reduction of chemical substances and efficient use of resources. In product development, we use this checklist to set environmental goals and proceed with development after obtaining the approval of the person responsible for those goals. The departments in charge of development report on the environmental considerations of our products by submitting a checklist for each product to the Environment Committee.

Environmental Considerations in Manufacturing

At Nintendo, the departments in charge of manufacturing work to carry out a variety of initiatives, including quality management, activities to improve the on-time delivery rate and considerations about recycling during disposal, while communicating with production partners on a daily basis. All of these efforts contribute directly to the reduction of our environmental impact.

For example, our activities to improve the on-time delivery rate manage processes from production through transportation according to plans to mitigate the energy and materials used if any delays do occur. As another initiative to conserve energy and materials, we work to enhance productivity through the automation of production lines.

Moreover, the department in charge of manufacturing has adopted a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001 in an ongoing effort to provide high-quality products. We believe the creation of high-quality products is also vital from the perspective of reducing our environmental footprint.

For specific initiatives for environmental considerations in our business activities, please also refer to:

Climate Change
Efficient Use of Resources
Chemical Substance Initiatives

Internal Environmental Audits and External Assessments

Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) conducts annual internal environmental audits based on ISO 14001, and also undergoes assessments by third-party auditing firms.

An audit team made up of employees qualified as internal environmental auditors examines conformity to ISO 14001 requirements and the effectiveness of the activities in each department. The third-party assessments verify conformity of our internal environment management system to ISO 14001 through interviews with each department and the administrative team to maintain our ISO 14001 certification. This system of checks helps us avoid environmental risks before they manifest and also facilitates improvements.


At Nintendo Co, Ltd. (Japan), we have built a system that enables us to stay informed about environmental laws and regulations and to regularly check that we are in full compliance with each. The evaluation items of both internal environmental audits and third-party assessments include this system in addition to the state of legal and regulatory compliance. We share environmental information relating to office buildings and equipment among the various business sites and remain up to date on the latest information regarding legislative bills, legal enforcement and revisions to laws and regulations.

Environmental Education

Nintendo believes that raising employee awareness of the environment is essential for carrying out activities that contribute to environmental preservation.

Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) is working to raise awareness by conducting environmental education for all employees, and disseminating environment-related information and Environment Committee activity information via the company’s internal network.

We are also working to raise employee awareness at our subsidiaries outside Japan by holding events that illustrate environmental issues for consideration.

For our initiatives at overseas subsidiaries, please refer to “Engaging With Our Stakeholders.”

Climate Change

To reduce the CO2 emissions that contribute to climate change, Nintendo carries out both product and office initiatives such as product design that takes into account energy efficiency, utilization of efficient transportation and the purchase of renewable energy at our offices outside of Japan.

Product Design

Nintendo utilizes environmentally conscious design in the development of our gaming systems and accessories, of which one aspect is energy conservation. Specific efforts in the development of energy-efficient products include the adoption of components with low power consumption and energy-saving functions, such as standby and sleep modes. For example, with Nintendo Switch, since launching the first model in 2017, Nintendo has continued to improve its SoC*1 which enabled power consumption reduction by adopting new semiconductor technologies. As a result, we released a model with longer battery life in 2019. Nintendo Switch – OLED Model, which we launched in 2021, is also equipped with improved SoC technology and uses approximately 6W (in TV mode) while playing games.

*1 SoC
Abbreviation for “system on a chip,” which refers to embedding the many functions necessary for system operation on a single semiconductor chip. Here, “SoC” refers to a semiconductor chip equipped with the CPU and GPU that serve as the core of Nintendo Switch, as well as peripheral functions of the system.
Power consumption during game play
Nintendo Switch (2017 model) Approximately 12W
Nintendo Switch (2019 model) Approximately 7W
Nintendo Switch – OLED Model (2021 model) Approximately 6W
Figures represent use in TV mode. Power consumption differs depending on the software application and usage conditions.

In addition, at the product design stage, we consider not only energy efficiency during use but also the reduction of energy consumption in production processes and during transport. We strive to streamline production steps and improve the loading efficiency of cargo containers and trucks.

For example, in addition to size reduction for the packaging of Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch – OLED Model, we have switched the cardboard used to transport Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch – OLED Model and Nintendo Switch Lite to a thinner material with equal durability in order to increase the number of products that fit into a single container, which improves our transportation efficiency.

For information about our energy-efficient product design, please also refer to:

Environmental Considerations in Design
Games Consoles Voluntary Agreements in Europe

Transportation of Products

Nintendo implements a variety of initiatives to reduce environmental impact when transporting our products. We review shipping routes, select modes of transportation with low environmental impact, and try to achieve high loading rates and a lower number of shipments.

Nintendo of Europe
Environmentally Conscious Transportation

Nintendo of Europe strives to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport of its products.

As an example, we mainly use rail for inbound containers from European ports to our distribution centers. Due to the lower CO2 footprint compared to trucks, we are able to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 85% for this inbound transportation of our products.

For outbound shipments from our European distribution centers to retail partners, our aim is always to load trucks to their full capacity to keep the number of shipments as low as possible. This is also supported by our IT system, which consolidates orders into a single outbound shipment when possible, taking into consideration the delivery dates requested by our retail partners. We contract partners with modern distribution fleets (including full electric vehicles or electric bicycles) and offer carbon-neutral delivery in certain countries.

For details on our other initiatives, please also refer to our Q&A About Nintendo’s CSR: Environmental Initiatives.

Our Offices

Whenever a new office is designed and built for Nintendo, we take into account environmental considerations to the greatest possible extent, such as incorporating eco-friendly air conditioning and lighting into our facilities.

For example, Nintendo Co., Ltd.’s Development Center incorporates eco-friendly technology such as a high-efficiency air conditioning system, solar and wind power generation, and a system to reuse rainwater. It achieved the S Rank, the highest rank awarded under CASBEE Kyoto*2.

Our subsidiaries outside Japan also engage in activities to conserve energy. The Nintendo of America headquarters was awarded the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED*3 Gold certification. Nintendo of America uses 100% renewable energy purchased for its offices and suburban shipping facility. It also participates in a carbon-balance program that contributes to local reforestation projects to offset its CO2 emissions from natural gas use in cafeterias and other areas.

Environmental data, including CO2 emissions and energy consumption, are disclosed in our Data Sheet.

*2 CASBEE Kyoto
CASBEE Kyoto is a system of original standards defined by Kyoto City to embody its goals for environmental considerations in construction. It is based on the Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE), a common standard throughout Japan for prioritizing and reviewing items which enable proper evaluation and guidance of environmentally friendly construction.
*3 LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LEED is a system that comprehensively evaluates the environmental quality of a building’s design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.
Nintendo of Europe
Reducing CO2 Emissions

One way Nintendo of Europe (Germany) reduces its CO2 emissions is by using 100% renewable energy for its headquarters. The energy is supplied by solar, wind or hydroelectric generated power.

Nintendo of Europe also focuses on raising employee awareness concerning energy by providing information via the company’s internal network and has equipped each employee’s desk with a motion sensor that automatically turns off the lighting when unoccupied.

In addition, Nintendo of Europe has been working continuously to reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by selecting energy-efficient cars when changing vehicle leases. The headquarters building in Germany is equipped with charging stations for electric cars and bicycles, which are also available for employees’ personal use when commuting. Transportation initiatives also include promoting rail as an alternative to flying for domestic business trips.

Nintendo of Europe (Germany) headquarters
Nintendo of Europe (Germany)
IT Energy Committee

In April 2022, Nintendo of Europe (Germany) founded the IT Energy Committee to further improve its efficiency in energy consumption.

The committee is formed of members from the IT, Facilities and Purchasing departments, as well as the CSR team. The goal of the committee is to monitor and reduce energy consumption in all business areas, including the workplace, cloud and server software applications, and server facility management.

For example, in the Committee’s first year, Nintendo of Europe (Germany) saw approximately a 30% reduction in energy consumption year on year, improved its server infrastructure, streamlined data center operations and also optimized application runtimes by aligning them with business hours. Moreover, Nintendo of Europe (Germany) continues to provide energy-saving office equipment, along with advice for employees on how to use those devices efficiently.

Information Disclosure in Accordance With the TCFD Recommendations

Nintendo evaluates climate-related risks and opportunities and publishes Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics and Targets information in accordance with recommendations developed by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), an organization established to examine climate disclosure.

Please see here for details.

Efficient Use of Resources

To make efficient use of limited resources and reduce our impact on the environment as much as possible, Nintendo considers resource savings in designs, selects easy-to-recycle packaging materials, encourages the reuse of shipping materials for transportation, and carries out other initiatives related to our products, including repairs and support, to ensure they can be used for many years. We also strive to efficiently use resources by reducing waste and promoting recycling at our offices.

Our Products

Product Design

Nintendo utilizes environmentally conscious design in the development of our gaming systems and accessories, of which one aspect is energy conservation. To reduce the amount of resources used in each product, we conserve materials by miniaturizing and reducing the number of parts and packaging materials as well as reducing printed documentation and included items. In consideration of the recycling process in our designs, we also think about factors such as ease of disassembly, reduction of composite materials*1 and appropriate labelling of materials.

For example, in the case of Nintendo Switch – OLED Model, by reviewing the placement of the product in its packaging, we were able to reduce the use of paper packaging materials by about 15% compared to previous models. The transition of Nintendo Switch to the same size packaging as Nintendo Switch – OLED Model has led to the same level of resource savings.

For information on the efficient use of resources in our products, please also refer to:

Environmental Considerations in Design

*1 Composite materials
Composite materials combine different materials such as paper + aluminum, paper + plastic, and metal + resin into a single material. These are generally considered difficult to recycle.
Nintendo Switch packaging before change
Nintendo Switch – OLED Model packaging
Nintendo Switch packaging after change
The use of paper materials has been reduced by about 15% compared to the previous packaging.
Country-Specific Packaging Initiatives

Our subsidiaries outside Japan promote environmental initiatives based on local circumstances, including the use of recycled paper in printed material such as shipping boxes, and discontinuing the use of polystyrene foam in shipping.

For example, since January 2020, Nintendo of Europe has been using recyclable plastic which contains 50% sugarcane-based biomass plastic for the shrink foil of packaging materials for certain software packaged with exclusive items.

Transportation of Products

Nintendo also works to use resources efficiently in the transportation of our products.

For example, Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) reuses some of the plastic trays that transport Nintendo Switch game cards, as well as the wooden pallets used when transporting our products.

In 2022, Nintendo of Europe changed the European sourcing of all cardboard used for shipping boxes to more sustainable cardboard, which is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). This ensures that the resources used in the cardboard are maintained in a responsible way. All shipping boxes carry the FSC label and a recycling label to advise about appropriate disposal.

Nintendo of Europe also works with logistics service providers to reuse cardboard cartons for shipments whenever possible, which contributes to a reduction in our related purchases of new cardboard since implementation.

Repairs and Support

Nintendo believes it is important for consumers to form an attachment to our products and keep using them for a long time. We believe this is also significant for protecting the global environment, and we have set up a framework to appropriately respond to consumer repair requests. In addition, we are working on improving our support sites and proactively providing support-related information to our consumers.

For example, Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) has established the Nintendo Service Center as a point of contact for product repairs in Japan.

As a way to make improvements and conserve resources in our repair services, the Nintendo Service Center has reduced the number of printed circuit boards used for product repairs, including for Nintendo Switch, through methods such as replacing only the necessary board-mounted components in some cases which would previously have involved replacing the entire original board. Through efforts like this, our repair departments continue to work daily to make improvements and conserve resources.

We also collect and analyze a wide range of information related to repairs and provide feedback to our design teams and mass production sites in an effort to improve and enhance our products.

In addition, so that users can keep their gaming systems in good condition and continue to use them for a long time, Nintendo Co., Ltd. (Japan) used Nintendo Switch repair data to create a reference page of actions that may damage the system (Japanese) and publish it on our support site. Our subsidiaries outside Japan also publish similar information on the webpages below.


Nintendo considers it important to promote recycling of products and packaging material after their use. We provide information to our consumers regarding collection and recycling of products, and handle recycling in a way suitable to the circumstances of each country.

Nintendo of America
Recycling in the U.S. and Canada

Nintendo of America offers consumers, both in the U.S. and Canada, recycling for any of their electronics (not just Nintendo products) through our Take Back Program.

Under this program, Nintendo of America will supply postage, along with instructions on how to send their video game products to us for R2*2 certified recycling. Upon request, we will also provide fully recyclable packaging for the consumer. Our recycling partners are all contractually required to have R2 certification to ensure that the materials are handled properly and securely.

During 2023, we received over 3,400 items for recycling from our consumers. The combined weight was nearly 1 metric ton, and these materials will not end up in landfill.

*2 R2
Responsible Recycling is a standard for recycling electronics that has spread throughout North and South America. The official name is Responsible Recycling (“R2”) Practices for Use in Accredited Certification Programs for Electronics Recyclers.
Nintendo of Europe
Recycling in Europe

Nintendo of Europe closely monitors and complies with all applicable recycling and collection regulations in the European region, such as the WEEE Directive and the Battery Regulation, to ensure that the electronics products we offer are properly disposed of upon reaching end-of-life. For this reason, we contract with certified third-party vendors which take back electronics and guarantee that they are recycled appropriately.

In addition, to promote understanding of electronics recycling among employees, Nintendo of Europe (Germany) holds an annual Recycling Day event for employees to bring in their personal electronics for disposal. During the 2024 event, we took in approximately 50 kg of old electronics and disposed of them through a certified waste and recycling company.

Nintendo Australia
Recycling in Australia

Nintendo Australia encourages all of its consumers to use local council E-waste (electronic waste) collections for safe, appropriate disposal of Nintendo products.

Nintendo Australia’s Repair and Service Centre offers a free recycling collection point for all Nintendo products. Whether sent in to our Repair and Service Centre for repair or exchanged at one of our retail partners, we ensure that all Nintendo products are a part of our recovery, reuse and recycling programs to minimize waste and the impact on the environment.

Promoting Waste Reduction and Recycling

We recognize the importance of resources and work hard both to minimize the production of waste and to effectively use resources by thoroughly separating all waste products. We also strive for effective utilization of resources.

At each of its offices in Japan, Nintendo Co., Ltd. has established a framework for proper waste management and disposal, including recycling, and has appointed a supervisor to oversee the organizational program at each location.

In addition to the implementation of similar systems for proper waste management and disposal, our subsidiaries outside Japan are also promoting waste reduction by conserving paper and other resources through efforts such as digitization of certain workflows.

For details on other initiatives at our overseas subsidiary offices, please also refer to our “Q&A About Nintendo’s CSR: Environmental Initiatives.”

Reducing Water Use

Nintendo recognizes that water shortages are a serious issue in various regions around the world, and that water will become an even more precious resource in the years to come. With this in mind, we have taken steps to reduce our water usage, including installing water-conserving equipment and reusing stored rainwater for toilets or landscape irrigation.

Chemical Substance Initiatives

To deliver safe and environmentally conscious products to our consumers, Nintendo, with the cooperation of our production partners, works to ensure that we use parts that do not contain harmful chemical substances.

Management of Chemical Substances in Our Supply Chain

Nintendo has established its own chemical substance management standards and certifies production partners and parts that meet these standards as “Green Suppliers” and “Green Parts,” respectively. In principle, we only use Green Parts procured from Green Suppliers for our gaming systems and accessories.

Green Supplier Certification

Nintendo confirms and certifies that our production partners have put in place a chemical substance management system as we require at each manufacturing location. We review documents related to management standards of manufacturing locations and risk management procedures for regulated substances, and also conduct on-site inspections as necessary.

Green Parts Certification

We ask each production partner (Green Supplier) to submit a “Prohibited Substance Non-Use Guarantee” on a per-part basis to certify that each meet Nintendo's regulated substance management standards. In addition, our dedicated internal department also verifies the validity to certify these guarantees. Chemical analyses are regularly performed as necessary to test whether the delivered parts meet our standards.

Substances Subject to Control and Regulation

Nintendo has categorized hazardous chemical substances into three classifications: “Banned Substances,” “Restricted-use Substances” and “Substances Under Application Control.” We then manage and control the chemical substances contained in gaming systems and accessories according to these three classifications.

  • Banned Substances
    Substances that are controlled by relevant laws and regulations or deemed inappropriate for use by Nintendo.
  • Restricted-Use Substances
    Substances only used in limited quantities for specific products with due consideration for safety and product characteristics.
  • Substances Under Application Control
    Substances determined to require continuous monitoring of the content levels, such as those under consideration for regulation under relevant laws and regulations.

Engaging With Our Stakeholders

To accomplish our goal of “putting smiles on the faces of everyone Nintendo touches,” it is essential that we work together with all of our stakeholders. In addition to raising employee awareness and carrying out internal initiatives, we work to build trusted relationships through communication with our production partners, related national and regional authorities, NGOs and other entities. We also strive to reduce our environmental impact across the entire supply chain and to be conscious of the environment in our gaming systems.

Working With Our Supply Chain

Nintendo has incorporated compliance with laws, regulations, and social standards, along with an emphasis on human rights and global environmental considerations, into our basic procurement policy. When choosing a supplier, we also consider their focus on those factors as one of our selection criteria.

Our Nintendo CSR Procurement Guidelines are designed to ensure our suppliers’ understanding of and cooperation with our policies. In the section of the Guidelines on conservation of the global environment, we ask our suppliers to build and operate an environmental management system, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and measure the amount of reduction, make disclosures regarding their environmental conservation efforts, and comply with green procurement requirements.

As part of our CSR procurement system for production partners, we also send the Business Status Survey to our first-tier suppliers to confirm their CO2 emission reduction targets, as well as specific measures to reduce CO2 emissions and their environmental impact. For our major suppliers, we also confirm the amount of CO2 they emit related to the assembly of Nintendo products.

Games Consoles Voluntary Agreements in Europe

In the E.U. and the United Kingdom, respectively, Nintendo has signed separate Games Consoles Voluntary Agreements together with Microsoft and Sony Interactive Entertainment. Each agreement aims to reduce the environmental impact of gaming consoles over their life cycle, from design to disposal, and to achieve energy and resource savings through better design without compromising the gaming experience. To that end, both agreements stipulate requirements for gaming consoles regarding their power consumption, automatic power down, repairs, recyclability and other factors. These requirements are subject to periodic review, and if necessary, revised through a process of continuous dialogue between the three signatory companies and stakeholders such as national authorities and non-governmental organizations. The Games Consoles Voluntary Agreements are officially recognized by the European Commission and the British government as an alternative to mandatory regulation. For more details, please visit the website, Efficient Gaming.

Internal Activities and Building Awareness

Nintendo engages in various activities and awareness-building efforts in each country and region so that our employees can have a high degree of environmental awareness and independently participate in activities to reduce environmental impact.

Please refer to our “Environmental Management System” for initiatives in Japan.

Nintendo of America
Sustainability Committee Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact

The Sustainability Committee at Nintendo of America was established with the goal of exploring new opportunities to advance sustainability efforts and is comprised of members selected from various departments across the organization. In addition to focusing on identifying Nintendo of America’s carbon footprint (overall and by business area) and mitigating CO2 emissions, the Sustainability Committee has been considering ways to reduce the use of single-use and virgin plastics in our business activities.

As a result of the Sustainability Committee's efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from operations, Nintendo of America purchases 100% renewable energy for its Redmond offices and suburban shipping facility. It also participates in a carbon-balance program to contribute to local reforestation projects to offset CO2 generated by its natural gas usage in cafeterias and other areas.

Nintendo of America
Involvement in the Environment and Community Through the Green Team

The Nintendo of America Green Team consists of volunteers from all areas of the company who support our mission to be an environmentally conscious organization and workplace. The Green Team's objective is to build a strong community to share ideas and inspiration with employees to help them choose environmentally friendly options at work and at home.

In 2023, the Green Team promoted environmental awareness by sponsoring environmental-themed events and volunteer opportunities, hosting virtual learning sessions, and providing an open forum for employees to share their environmental thoughts, questions, and earth-friendly tips and suggestions. Examples of Green Team sponsored activities include:

  • Onsite Employee Electronics Recycling Event – 4.45 total metric tons of e-waste from employee homes recovered for recycling in 2023
  • Local tree planting and invasive species abatement volunteering
  • NPO-led volunteer event to alleviate hunger and promote reduction of food waste
  • Earth Day Celebration (Earth Day Run, Environmental Protection Agency Carbon Footprint Calculator Contest, employee pledges to encourage more sustainable habits)
Nintendo Australia
Joining in a National Tree Day Planting Event

In July 2023, Nintendo Australia joined 200 members of local businesses and community groups to take part in a National Tree Day planting event arranged by our local city council. After participants were greeted by members of the council including the mayor, the event began with traditional Aboriginal ceremonies to welcome visitors and cleanse the land.

The tree planting event encourages local businesses, community groups and schools to inspire, educate and recruit people to actively care for nature and create future generations of committed environmental custodians. This year, we planted around 3,000 trees and other greenery together.

Nintendo Australia employees participating in the event