
Also Known As
Wimmelbild Creator (German retail version)
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date


  • US 16th Jun 2011, 500 points
Feature Support


  • Review Hidden Photo (DSiWare)

    Shutterbug fun, or shudder and run?

    Two of today's most cherished timewasters are fun with photographs and hidden object puzzles, so it's a wonder that it's taken so long for someone to combine the two. Continuing on their recent trend of porting retail DS titles to downloadable DSiWare, Most Wanted and Subdued Games bring us Hidden Photo – but is...

Screenshots 2

Hidden Photo Screenshot
Hidden Photo Screenshot

Hidden Photo News

About The Game

Snap - Create - Play!

Hidden Photo tests your powers of observation with fun brain-twisting challenges. Locate hidden objects, words and faces in a variety of photos, or spot the difference between two photos. Use your Nintendo DSi system’s built-in camera to make your world the centerpiece of unique challenges.

Unleash your creative talents by snapping photos of yourself, friends, objects, pets or anything in your environment. Hidden Photo will create new puzzles for you to solve and share with your friends. The clock is ticking, so don’t admire your photographic genius for too long.
