
Number of Players
Release Date


  • US 19th Nov 2006
  • EU 8th Dec 2006
  • JP 2nd Dec 2006
Official Site


  • Review Red Steel (Wii)

    Allow me to pose you with a question. You are armed with a Katana blade and a shotgun. Your enemy is armed with just a sword. Would you have a sword fight with him or would you blow his brains out with your shotgun? Exactly.

    I guess Ubisoft thought that sword fighting might be something a bit different – particularly in a first person shooter game...

Screenshots 46

Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot
Red Steel Screenshot

Red Steel News

  • News Red Steel 3 Teased in Official French Nintendo Magazine

    Updated: Ubisoft makes a statement

    There's a curious little teaser in the back of France's official Nintendo magazine (appropriately titled Nintendo Magazine) that was brought to our attention by French website LiveGen. And that is that Ubisoft Montreal is already hard at work on le tiers in the Red Steel series. The Red Steel series has so far been...

  • News Red Steel 2 Rumoured

    Watch out - Internet forums are in a frenzy because someone translated Ubisoft's website. Oh god.

    According to a loose translation from Ubisoft France's website the following has been revealed: "Game Designer Senior Production/Development; The Studio of Production of Paris seeks Game Designer for the continuation of the Red Steel project. You...

  • News Red Steel Progress

    Ubisoft seem to be making good progress with the Wii launch title, few new details emerge.

    4cr have done an excellent job of rounding up the latest chucks of info surrounding the Ubisoft first person shooter, Red Steel. First of all, there will be 4 player multiplayer action, but no online gaming this time around. SL: “It’s tough to discuss...

  • News Australian Magazine Interviews The Red Steel Developers

    The Australian Magazine Hyper Magazine Australia have interviewed the developers of the upcoming Red Steel for the Wii, and thanks to a poster at the Nintendo forums, we can give those of you who don't live in Australia an oppurtunity to read the interview.

    The following are the most important parts of the interview, if you want it all, Here you...

  • News Red Steel Development Costs

    Ubisoft have announced the development costs for the anticipated Wii game, Red Steel.

    According to the The french publisher and developer, the development costs for the highly anticipated first person shooter will be approximately $12.75 million. Now that might sound like a lot of money for most of you, and it sure is, but if you compare it to the...

  • News Red Steel Character Details

    UbiSoft release further information about its slasher/shooter Wii launch title.

    According to those UbiSoft people Red Steel will be released in November, 2006. Although this is the first real date we've heard from a publisher, it's no definite release date for Wii. However, if you were a betting man, it's probably pretty safe to put a large chunk of...

  • News Red Steel To Use Wiimote Speaker

    In a recent interview with Ubisoft, developers explain they will try and use the Wiimote speaker in Red Steel

    Ubisoft's Marie-Sol Beaudry was recently interviewed for the Nintendo Europe website about her work on the upcoming Wii slasher/shooter, Red Steel. During the interview, Marie-Sol was asked how current development was going, she replied with...

  • News Red Steel Blog Updated

    UbiSoft post some more information on their official Red Steel developer blog over at IGN

    Most Wii fans will probably be pretty excited by Red Steel, it could be really good, but we're just gonna have to wait and find out what UbiSoft manage to come up with. Frenchie Marie-Sol is back with another blog post, this time telling us about the different...

  • News Red Steel Interview

    Producer/Blogger Marie-Sol Beaudry talks to Firing Squad about Red Steel, including the initial development.

    GoNintendo.com pointed us in the right direction of the latest Red Steel interview. This time it was FiringSquad.com putting the questions to the Ubisoft games producer, Marie-Sol Beaudry. "The first contact between Ubisoft and Nintendo...

  • News Red Steel Developer Blog

    Red Steel developers Ubisoft have setup a blog on IGN.com set to follow the development progress of the Wii launch title.

    The French developer/publisher has post its first blog entry on Club IGN, the post comes from Marie-Sol Beaudry, Producer of Red Steel. "We were really excited by everyone’s response to the Nintendo Wii at E3 and were...

About The Game

Red Steel is an exclusive Revolution launch title that takes full advantage of the console’s innovative controller and puts players directly into the action-packed first-person experience with the weapon in their hand – literally.

An engaging storyline unfolds as you learn that your fiancée has been kidnapped and her father – a Japanese mafia kingpin – murdered by a rival gang. The only way to save your loved one and defend your honor is to journey from Los Angeles to Japan and confront the Tokyo underworld.

By learning the ancient art of Japanese fighting with your katana and the focused precision of modern firearms, you will progress and adapt yourself to this foreign environment, where skills alone may not guarantee you victory.

Key Features

  • Exclusively for the Revolution

Red Steel is the only original first-person action game built from the ground up for the Revolution.

  • Player Takes Complete Control

Take full advantage of the Revolution controller, and control the action like never before. You’ll replicate sword-fighting movements and eliminate enemies quickly by directly targeting and shooting them.

  • Master the Deadly Steel

Execute deadly combo moves using multiple swords or choose from a variety of firearms for longer-range attacks.

  • Focus Is Key

Learn to harness your mental power to unleash powerful attacks in dire situations, and use the “focus system” to freeze time and effectively target several enemies at once.

  • Become a Modern Samurai

Learn the art of Japanese fighting, and then use these skills to take out your enemies or gain their respect and loyalty by sparing them.

  • Multiplayer Modes

Challenge friends with various split-screen multiplayer modes to see who the real master is.
