
Number of Players
Release Date


  • US 4th Jan 2010, 500 points
  • EU 22nd Jan 2010, 500 points
Also Available On


  • Review Fast Draw Showdown (WiiWare)

    “Keep it in your holster!”

    Fast Draw Showdown is a game set in the distant past…the year 1994, to be precise. In those days, arcades were lit up with light gun games; even as other genres drifted into console-only territory, there was still a ready supply of them. But where most of these games were frantic on-rails, shoot-everything-that-moves...

Screenshots 4

Fast Draw Showdown Screenshot
Fast Draw Showdown Screenshot
Fast Draw Showdown Screenshot
Fast Draw Showdown Screenshot

Fast Draw Showdown News

About The Game

This is a first-person shooter featuring live-action scenes and actors instead of traditional animation. Set in the Old West, the game allows players to engage in quick-draw showdowns with gunslingers.

Players must out-draw their opponents by "holstering," drawing, and using a crosshair target to place aim on the human targets. All gunfighters can be shot and killed in the game; they react to getting hit by crying out in pain and collapsing to the ground. One opponent, nicknamed "Slurring Spence," is shown staggering around while holding a bottle filled with liquid; it is strongly implied that he is drunk.
