
Number of Players
Release Date


  • US 4th Jan 2010, 500 points
  • EU 7th May 2010, 500 points


  • Review Pub Darts (WiiWare)

    Downloadable darts — just as pointless as it sounds

    Pub Darts is puzzling. Not that it’s a truly horrid game, but it’s just so basic that you have to wonder why you’d want to spend a lot of time with it. People like to play darts in bars and pubs because it’s a great excuse to get tipsy with your friends and throw sharp objects really fast...

Screenshots 4

Pub Darts Screenshot
Pub Darts Screenshot
Pub Darts Screenshot
Pub Darts Screenshot

Pub Darts News

About The Game

Pub Darts is a simple darts simulation which uses the Wii Remote™ controller's unique controls to mimic dart-throwing motion.

The game is set in a local pub where the players will settle in to play some of their favorite dart games, including 501, Cricket, Around the Clock, Killers and Baseball. Controls function just like throwing a real dart. Players are able to create their own personal profiles, including selecting their avatar image from a collection of creative characters and the design they would like displayed on the dart flights.
