JK Rowling criticised for supporting woman who posted controversial trans rights tweets

Maya Forstater lost her job after questioning a government policy to allow people to self-identify as any gender

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has been criticised after supporting a woman who lost her job after posting what have been branded as transphobic tweets.

Maya Forstater lost her job at poverty think tank Centre for Global Development after questioning a new government policy that will allow people to self-identify as any gender.

“Judgement received. Bad news (for now) Stonewall law won this round,” Forstater tweeted, before embarking on a thread of tweets transmitting her “shock and disbelief”. See the thread below.


“My belief as i set out in my witness statement is that sex is a biological fact & is immutable,” she continued. “There are two sexes. Men are male. Women are female. It is impossible to change sex. These were until very recently understood as basic facts of life.”

Rowling then tweeted supporting Forstater after she lost an employment tribunal, posting the popular hashtag #IStandWithMaya.

“Dress however you please,” she tweeted. “Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?”


Many Twitter users in the replies to Rowling’s tweet have supported her, thanking her for “speaking out” on the issue — though she is also being heavily criticised for the support she’s given Forstater.

“The saddest thing is that the woman who inspired millions of kids to be good to each other, include each other despite our differences and stand up against those who would oppress us – is now a bigot herself,” one user wrote.


Another tweeter said that “Maya seems very anti-trans and that is not okay” in reply to Rowling’s tweet.

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