“Keep fighting the good fight” – Foster The People apologise for dissing Imagine Dragons

"It takes a lot of courage to stand for something…nobody has ever erected a statue of a critic"

Foster The People‘s Mark Foster has taken online to issue a heartfelt apology over previous comments he made about Imagine Dragons.

Last year, Foster took aim at Dan Reynolds’ band when he told a joke to iHeartRadio about how the band give their rejected tracks to Imagine Dragons. Back in February, Reynolds then responded to the accumulation of criticism.

“For a decade now I’ve dealt with critics and other bands saying extremely harsh things about my band,” wrote Reynolds wrote on Twitter. “Not what I would call ‘fair criticism’ (which I always try my best to receive and learn from) but actual click-bait horse s–t. Words filled with vile and hate meant to feed humanities need to laugh at each other’s imperfections and fails.”

He continued: “I’ve stood silently and taken it for years. It has added to the depression I’ve dealt with since youth. I don’t say this in search of sympathy, but just as a fact. It’s not the person that causes me the feelings of stress and depression, but what it does to the world we as a band have created.”


Reynolds added: “I’ve gotten over the fact that guys in other bands (The 1975, Foster The People, Smashing Pumpkins, Slipknot etc.) feel a need to talk badly about my band for whatever reason. I don’t feel anger towards them actually, just more of a sadness that this industry embraces, even celebrates this mentality.”

Now, Foster has taken to Twitter to issue an apology and praise the band for their humanitarian work outside of music.


“I have been burdened by something I feel I need to amend,” he wrote. “I would like to apologize to Dan Reynolds and his band Imagine Dragons. In a passing moment last year, I let some words come out of my mouth that don’t reflect who I am, or what I stand for.

“Everything that I have read about what Dan is doing as a humanitarian is moving. I believe he’s one of the good guys. It takes a lot of courage to stand for something…nobody has ever erected a statue of a critic.”

He added: “Anybody who is trying to make the world more beautiful opens themselves up to criticism. Keep fighting the good fight, Dan. You have my pledge to work alongside you if you ever need a hand. Much respect to you and continued success in your music.”


Reynolds then replied to thank Foster and speak of how moved he was by his statement.

“This means quite a lot to me,” wrote Reynolds. “I was probably being overly sensitive to begin with to be honest. I have always loved FTP’s music and will continue to jam it and try to have less hurt feelings over people’s opinions. Nothing but love and support to you and the guys.

“You didn’t have to put together something classy like this but it’s rad you did. Come over here and sit next to me (doo doo doo!).”

Reynolds’ original statement followed comments made by Slipknot’s Corey Taylor that Imagine Dragons had replaced Nickelback as the world’s most hated band.

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