
Get a PPC management suite that plays ball with your other marketing data.

Like great campaigns, great PPC software can't exist by itself. With Optmyzr, you get the advantage of data connections that go both ways.

PPC Workflow Capabilities

Get account alerts delivered where you do your work.

When you build alerts in Optmyzr, you get the option to have them delivered to several places. Pick your email inbox, a Slack workspace (we’ll show up under the Apps section), Microsoft Teams, Trello, or another productivity tool.

Build efficient teams that run effective campaigns.

Deliver great results and top-notch service with Account Blueprints, our made-for-PPC project management tool. Build workflows with tasks and owners for projects, recurring tasks, client onboarding, new campaigns, and more.

Truly customize your PPC campaigns.

Optmyzr lets you connect first-party and business data using any format or source—customer lists exported from your CRM, margin data to optimize product grouping, offline conversions for value based bidding, and more.

Take back control of your PPC destiny.

Try Optmyzr for 14 days. No credit card required.

PPC Workflow FAQ

Do you have any affiliate programs?

Can I connect Optmyzr to my other marketing tools?

Can I use Optmyzr to automate workflows between my marketing tools?

Can I use Optmyzr to customize my PPC campaigns based on my other marketing data?
