Following Your Passion Puts You On A Clear Road To Success: Meit Kamdar Avlanii

Since graduating at the age of 21 with a business degree, Meit Kamdar Avlanii has followed his passion for intricate designs and beautiful aesthetics, all of which he now incorporates into his jewelry pieces.

Meit Kamdar Avlanii believes that many businesses never came to be because the young people who envisioned them were discouraged from following their passion. Meit advises that you should never let your age discourage you from believing in your passion and finding a way to build a career around it. He acknowledges that young people will often find themselves pressurized to pursue professions that promise a steady income. However, he believes that passion leads to success and taking the road less traveled can lead to greater riches. Expanding on the importance of following your own path, Meit says, “Each one of us has our strengths and when you are young, you need time and space to discover what you are so that you can find your path to success.”

Since graduating at the age of 21 with a business degree, Meit Kamdar Avlanii has followed his passion for intricate designs and beautiful aesthetics, all of which he now incorporates into his jewelry pieces. As a designer, he works with eye-catching combinations of emeralds, diamonds, and pearls which he deploys to create striking pieces of jewelry.

Today’s youth face a variety of challenges but Meit Kamdar Avlanii believes that if they follow their passion, they will be on a clear road to success.

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