Art & Entertainment

Arushi Nishank On International Day Of Happiness: Until You Are Happy Being Who You Are, You Will Never Be Happy With What You Have

On International Day Of Happiness today, actor-director-producer Arushi Nishank who will be next seen in the film Tarini begins by saying that happiness varies from person to person.

Arushi Nishank

Happiness is an internal phenomenon. It not only makes our life better but also keeps us internally and externally fit. There is a saying, laughter is the best medicine. On International Day Of Happiness today, actor-director-producer Arushi Nishank who will be next seen in the film Tarini begins by saying that happiness varies from person to person.

“In fact, it even changes over time. What made me happy as a kid probably won't make me happy as I get older. Happiness is when you can recognise and appreciate the good things in your life without letting the bad things overshadow them. Also I believe happiness comes from within. When we can’t change the situation, it’s better to change your attitude and that is my go to mantra,” she says.

Being happy is more important than being successful. “Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Until you are happy being who you are, you will never be happy with what you have. Your success and happiness lies in you,” she adds.

Happiness is just as important to our overall health. “Our happiness levels could offer a number of benefits. Both happiness and health are tied together very closely, and it affects each other. Success is not a destination but a journey and this journey is more fulfilled when we indulge into happiness,” she says.

The top five things she cherishes in her life include her loved ones. Arushi adds, “The most important aspect of my life is my family because they are the closest to me. They know all my shortcomings but still, they are there for me. After family, friends are people we choose over others, they accept us for who we are and we accept them with their faults. We stick around each other regardless of the situation. When you are surrounded by many people then you’ll definitely get opinions, the most important thing for me is to pick only positive feedback and opinions to boost my inner goal. For me, health and fitness are very important, it’s a part of my life and I really cherish it. This is what I always suggest and also implement on myself ‘Change’, which is an essential part of life. The best bit of life is that nothing is constant no matter how bad the situation today as it is bound to change tomorrow,” she adds.

Talking about her greatest strength and what motivates her to be happy, she replies, “My greatest strength is to accept every challenge because I feel this will create a new neuro path for my brain and this really excites me to learn something new. And, I love challenges (smiles).”
